Gene expression analysis report


Produce a 3-page report on a data set consisting information on two yeast strains. This paper is related to Molecular Biology and requires some statistical analysis conducted in the statistical program R version 3.02. I will upload a document titles Gene expression report outlining the assignment requirement , the dataset that must downloaded and loaded onto R, a practice tutorial on how to use R , some notes and additionally a R script manual guide if that is needed.

Choose three stories from three different cultures for compare and contrast. Only one of those cultures may be modern Euro-American

Description The Final Cumulative Essay is due in Module 15. Considering a standard of 250 words per page, your essay should be approximately, 5 pages in length (or 1250 words). Choose three stories from three different cultures for compare and contrast. Only one of those cultures may be modern Euro-American. You will, therefore, need to explore other culture’s mythos: Native American, Australian Aborigine, African, Asian, etc. You can also travel far back in time to explore the mythic narratives of the ancient world. One way or another, get as far out as you can into the deep ocean of myth and legend! You can find your stories from various sources, your own personal library, a public library, or reputable online web sources: Wikipedia, blog entries, or popular websites are not considered authoritative. Your goal is to get as close to the origin source of your mythic material as possible. The stories should be concise, such as fairytales, legends, folk tales, ethnographic records, or religious texts, but they might be fragments of larger narratives as well. In your essay you will clearly analyze the plots, characters, and/or settings of these stories using the universal perspective, the cultural perspective, and the pedagogical/psychological perspective. You will also do independent research where you explore what scholars, mythologists, anthropologists, artists, psychologists, or other commentators have said about your topic and cite them in your essay, using MLA style. In the end, however, the essay is unique to you. The richness of this sort of comparison/contrast arises from developing a strong thesis or insight into the meaning of the tales and driving it home with cogent argument supported by solid research. What this requires is a nugget of insight. Before writing, you must utilize your synthesizing intelligence and get beneath the superficial features of your myths and penetrate towards their core. In that way, your discussion can significantly relate to what it means to be human––not merely a mechanical discussion of superficial elements. We will be developing your essay in stages throughout the semester, beginning with our first module where you find one mythic narrative from a particular culture in which you recognize a universal theme. Identify the theme, summarize the story and explain why you think it is interesting. Here is the skeleton key to your final essay, the three modes of analysis which, if effectively used, will guarantee a successful outcome to your discussion. These three modes, the cultural perspective, the universal perspective, and the pedagogical/psychological perspective, allow scholars to focus their analysis and interpretation in such a way as to unpack the meaning and function of myths across cultures worldwide. In comparing/contrasting your three mythic tales, you want to be certain to integrate all three perspectives into your discussion. Here is how they work: The cultural perspective compares myths to locate regional variations in the stories, variations that will almost always reflect the specific culture that produced the story. For example, a folktale from the rainforest of the Congo region of Africa will have motifs, characters, settings, and objects quite different from a folktale of the Plains Indians of North America due to the great differences in their geography and ecology, societal structures, spiritual beliefs, ancestry, etc. It is the job of anthropologists and ethnographers to research and collect data exploring these differences. The universal perspective compares myths to locate both a common deep structure and shared surface similarities. Because all stories reflect certain universal qualities of the human experience, it follows there will be archetypal forms, ideas, and concepts that are common among all tales. Psychologists and mythologists tend to explore these universal qualities. For example, the hero’s journey archetype of Joseph Campbell, a mythic form which he claims occurs among cultures worldwide. The pedagogical/psychological perspective looks at myths to determine what lessons they teach. Generally speaking, the stories passed down as an inheritance within cultures are created to teach certain lessons, such as how to conduct oneself towards the spiritual realm, dangers to be encountered, respect for the plants and animals that give life, and how to honor and nourish the structures and relationships of society that hold a culture together. Many mythic narratives also have a psychological message as well, which teach us about the nature of the human psyche and development. Jungian psychology, which explores the archetypes in human experience and the process of individuation (we will be covering this psychological approach during our course), is a particularly effective mode of analysis for mythic narrative as well as dreams. Note that these lessons can be both specific for the culture from which they emerged and universal in that they address themes common to all humanity. This explains how ancient Greek mythology, such as Odysseus’ adventures in The Odyssey, continues to be profoundly meaningful for us in the 21st century. So, think from all three perspectives as you analyze your tales: What makes them culturally unique? What makes them universal for all Humanity? What do they teach us about how to conduct our lives? Things to think about: The process of Jungian individuation The “initiatory” aspects of fairytale form and what do the stories initiate? Do the stories conform to the Campbellian monomythic form; the hero’s journey, and in what ways do they conform or veer from that pattern? Are Jungian archetypes present? What are they and how do they function in the mythic narrative. FINAL TIP: Choose one of your essays as the primary narrative (you have already done this in a previous assignment); then compare it to the other two, using these to examine psychological or pedagogical significances, as well as similarities and cultural particularities and differences in order to come up with a unique angle on the significance of the primary narrative or a specific motif found in all three.

Cochrane review

Make a decision which review you want to write about. There are a couple of ways to make this decision; some of them are: Read the three summaries available and get a sense which topic you like the best or which review you think it is easier for you. Create a draft document, e.g. a word document titled: Assessment1 Draft 3-Make sure you have the marking algorithm in front of you and create headings in your draft document. 4- To help with the flow of the document, I would recommend you use the same headings as the marking algorithm. For example: NMB RN Standards for Practice Background Objectives, etc…. 5- Now, read the description and questions in the Marking algorithm, and based on them write notes/key points you need to address (can be bullet point notes for yourself) under each heading. 6- You must answer ALL the questions in the Marking algorithm. As any other algorithm, you MUST start answering the questions from the top!

Topdog/Underdog Zone One The Crying of Lot 49 or A Mercy. (“Pastoralia” is not an option

Analyze the significance of a pair or sequence of details, passages, or moments in and for one (1) of the following: Topdog/Underdog, Zone One, The Crying of Lot 49, or A Mercy. (“Pastoralia” is not an option.) Analyze how the pairing or sequence illuminates what the author is saying or showing about a particular keyword or intersection of keywords. Essay Guidelines These are the same as the Essay 1 Guidelines. Argument and Analysis Your essay has three aims. It must: offer an original and discerning, and persuasive analysis of a textual echo, the importance of which may have escaped our notice on a first reading; show how the author, through the construction and use of this echo, develops an analysis of or argument about a particular keyword (i.e., topic, problem, or question) or intersection of keywords clarify how the author’s analysis or argument enables us to understand the keyword(s) in a new way. Your argument must elaborate and support a fresh thesis. See Echo Analysis 2 to review what a fresh thesis is and what a fresh thesis does, and review the handouts “Designing a Thesis” and “Successful Theses” for thesis models. Study the important handout “Crafting a Thesis.” It is required reading because it clarifies how to craft an original and rewarding thesis. Crafting a successful thesis is hard work and takes a long time. Your essay must offer a focused and flowing argument, supported by textual data, that coheres around your thesis. Each body paragraph must advance your argument in a clear and constructive way. See next. Each body paragraph must develop a single analytical claim and must signal this claim in its opening (or “topic”) sentence. Since each topic sentence makes a claim about what the author is doing, use the author’s last name in each topic sentence. The claim developed in each body paragraph must clearly and usefully advance (build on, refine, etc.) the claim developed in the previous body paragraph. The important handout “Creating a Staircase Argument” specifies how to do this. This is required reading/listening because it introduces two ways to organize an essay argument in this class. Your thesis and analysis must be original and rewarding. This means they must advance your classmates’ understanding of what the author is saying or showing about a particular keyword or intersection of keywords. Remember, in literary studies, the quality of a thesis and analysis is based on whether they have sufficient originality, subtlety, and complexity to be illuminating, persuasive, and consequential. Consequential means that they enable your classmates to think about moments, connections, or keywords in the book in a new way. Simply re-hashing what has been said in lecture is inadequate since your classmates have already heard those lectures and thus won’t learn anything new from your essay. Make sure your introductory paragraph is efficient and adequately sets up and previews your argument. Use the handout “Introductory Paragraphs” as a guide. Briefly recalling the context of a particular detail or scene is often helpful, but avoid summarizing the plot more than is absolutely necessary. Assume your reader is a classmate who has read the book and listened to the lectures on it. Read the “Essay Grading Rubric” and use it to guide your writing. Your ideas and words must be your own. You are not expected to do any research or read any criticism, but if you do, and if your argument is in any way indebted to other sources, you must cite this help in footnotes. Review the course policy on plagiarism.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Resource: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website Explore the EEOC website to learn more about the organization. Click the About the EEOC link and select Newsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last six months. Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: A description of the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and its ramifications for the organization A brief summary of the functions of the EEOC in one paragraph The EEOC’s role in this lawsuit Whether or not this lawsuit promotes social change; justify your reasoning A comparison of the EEOC press release to the news item. What accounts for the differences? Strategies you would implement, if you were a senior manager of this company, to ensure future compliance and inclusion in the multicultural workplace Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Address federal and state jurisdiction in criminal cases


Write an essay of 750-1,000 words in which you:

1. Address federal and state jurisdiction in criminal cases. 2. Explain why we have so many different court jurisdictions for criminal offenses. 3. Explain whether the plethora of jurisdictions enhance or detract from the imposition of justice throughout the country. Provide your reasoning. Use the GCU Library to locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. This guide is located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center


write a 4000-word critical analysis of the variables that contributed to a real-world eyewitness misidentification. the assignment will examine your understanding of system and estimator variables. the link below will explain these variables briefly but more detail will be needed. you should choose a case which has a lot of examples such as from the innocence project,exonerated-by-dna please do not pick ronald cotton as his case was used previously. steven avery might be a good choice as there is a lot of resources. however make sure you only speak about the first crime in which he was exonerated. not the current crime.

Define intersectionality


Biased treatment matters in health care. There are four required components to your reflection: 1. Define intersectionality and use this framework to reflect on your own cultural location. 2. Reflect on how your cultural location, and your attitudes, values and beliefs, might affect the assumptions and practices you bring to the care of patients. 3. Describe some culturally safe health care practices you can undertake to avoid biased treatment of patients. 4. Outline how you can be a health service provider who can advocate for the non-acceptance of biased treatment and contribute towards better circumstances for patients at a population level. Reflective writing should demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills. The use of ‘I’ is expected in this assessment task (‘I think, I do not agree, I agree’, etc). You are expected to undertake research beyond the unit materials and use a range of books and journal articles. A recommended list that provides a useful starting point can be found at the end of this unit outline. You are required to support your practice reflection with a minimum of 6 scholarly references. Word count 1200

What is the world soul for Plotinus

aper details:

There are 4 questions to be answered separately. Each reading should a specific source that I attach here. NO ONLINE SOURCES ARE TO BE USED. Question 1 (Source- Timaeus reading, which is the first file attached): Timaeus talks about human health and immortality as involving bringing the motions of body and soul into alignment with the motion of the body and soul of the universe. Explain the picture. Why does Timaeus think that the motions or revolutions are the key to well-being? Include a discussion about the extent to which you think the ‘motions’ are literal or figurative. Question 2(Source-Plotinus reading, which is the second and third files attached) : What is the world soul for Plotinus? What are some possible candidate interpretations? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of them. End by discussing whether you think Plotinus needs a world soul in his metaphysics. Question 3 (Source- Spinoza reading, which are the 4th and 5th files attached): What point is Spinoza making with his example of the worm in the blood? How is Spinoza able to claim that the universe as a whole remains unchanged? Relate the point to his distinction between substance and mode. Consider also the water example in 1p15s. Is he making the same point there? How so? Question 4(Source Matthews and Goff readings, which are the 6th and 7th files attached) : Compare and contrast Goff and Mathews’ versions of panpsychism. What do they mean by the term? Why do they think their position is plausible? Which, if any, do you find more plausible? Do you think their theories should be considered a version of the world soul? Explain by referencing other figured from the above questions.

APN Professional Development Plan Paper


APN Professional Development Plan Paper

Once you have submitted your second submission to the grade book dropbox, it will be considered final and subject for grading. Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) and develop an APN professional development plan. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: CO1: Analyze the historic development of advanced practice roles including the impact of advanced practice nursing on healthcare delivery from the perspective of selected current reports (i.e., LACE, IOM, etc.) (PO 3) CO3: Explore how leadership styles influence healthcare delivery and organizations. (PO 4) CO5: Reflect on personal and professional growth toward achieving competence as a family nurse practitioner. (PO 3) Requirements: 1. To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of Nursing Online Library. 2. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 225 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. 3. Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all documents. 4. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. 5. The length of the paper is to be no less than 6 excluding title page and reference pages. In some cases, students may need to exceed this page number. 6. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered): 1. Introduction to the APN professional development plan- Discuss the goals and purpose of an APN professional development plan 2. APN Scope of Practice – This pertains to NP practice in your state. 3. Personal Assessment using Benner’s Self-Assessment Tool 4. Networking and Marketing Strategies 5. Conclusion