English Language and Linguistics – English Syntax


Important notes on your trees: . You are not allowed to abbreviate structure, so make sure you draw all the bar levels as well as the head of each phrase. . You should assume the CP Hypothesis, TP Hypothesis, DP Hypothesis, and VP-Internal Subject Hypothesis. . All your trees should be drawn in accordance with X-bar rules. 1 A. Selection (20pts) 1. Pick five of the underlined words in (1a–b). Draw a selectional grid for each one. Remember that a selectional grid includes all the arguments of a head (not adjuncts) and lists the following information: . category . position (1) a. That elephant will devour the cookies very quickly. b. The monkey’s friend fears bananas.

B. Tree drawing and movement (30pts) 2. Provide a sentence with wh-movement, T-to-C movement, and a prepositional phrase. 3. Draw a D-Structure and S-Structure tree for your example. Your tree should adhere to the X-bar rules, the CP Hypothesis, the TP Hypothesis, and the DP Hypothesis. C. Tree drawing and movement (30pts) 4. Provide a sentence with an adverb, an adjective, and movement, but with no T-to-C movement. 5. Draw a D-Structure and S-Structure tree for your example. Your tree should adhere to the X-bar rules, the CP Hypothesis, the TP Hypothesis, and the DP Hypothesis. D. Wh-movement and the Principle of Modification (20pts) 6. The example in (2) is ambiguous. What are the two possible meanings? Explain why two meanings are possible, making reference to the Principle of Modification. (2) In which city did Fatima say that a popular elephant plays the xylophone? 7. Draw a D-Structure and S-Structure tree for one of the meanings (indicate which one). Your tree should adhere to the X-bar rules, the CP Hypothesis, the TP Hypothesis, and the DP Hypothesis. Some websites allow you to generate syntax trees. Such websites include: . http://ironcreek.net/phpsyntaxtree/ . http://mshang.ca/syntree/ You may also find it easy to draw trees in Word or Paint

Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis Addiction

*I also need Paper outline* Please describe your paper topic. If you have questions regarding refining and development your topic, this is a space to ask. You may also post a preliminary outline. Please post no later than Wednesday July 24th. The Paper outline will be Due August 7th at 11:59pm. Please upload the outline in this drop box. The paper parameters are below: Assignment: Pick an addictive substance or behavior of your choice. This can be a substance or behavioral addiction, i.e. shopping, compulsive gambling, steroid use, etc. Please read the parameters carefully and entirely to guide your paper writing. As this is a research paper, you can explore an area of interest. Be wary of covering a topic that is too wide or too narrow. Below are some topic ideas to get you started: Required Elements: Introduction of the substance/behavior of choice Chemical composition/origin- where does it come from, i.e. plant, chemicals, when did the phenomenon first come about? -Each substance has three names, what are these names? Historical aspect of your chosen addiction -How has use of this evolved over time? (i.e. Cocoa leaves to cocaine) -Populations, geographical locations, etc. -How have technological advances affected your substance (i.e. distillation and alcohol) Political: How have politics, laws, legislation, wars, etc., impacted your substance of choice? Biological implications of your selected addiction (How does it affect the body?) -Include brain scan research and biological information -Which neurotransmitters and systems of the body are affected? Societal implications of your selected addiction -What are the statistics on this substance/behavior? -How many people use it worldwide?/How many people are affected by this addiction? -Who uses it and why?/ Is there a certain population vulnerable or prone to this behavior? -In what settings is this used, i.e. is it a club drug, a “poor man’s drug”, etc./Body builders -What damage does this cause-financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, societally?

Humanities Analyzing

Humanities Analyzing


Paper details:

I have attached three documents for writing the paper. Choose one of the works from docurment (1). Document (2) is the rubric/guideline for writing the paper. Document (3) is a template for the paper. Document (4) is the reference material. Please pay attention to the template guidelines in document (3) as they reference the material in document (4)

Research methods used in child and adolescent development literature.

Research Methods


Paper details:

This Assignment measures your ability to locate scholarly sources and outline research methods used in child and adolescent development literature. There are many research designs that are used in developmental research. As discussed in your textbook, longitudinal, cross-sectional, and sequential designs are used to assess developmental change and to explore developmental topics and changes over time. Empirical research (research based on actual observation or experimentation) that uses such designs is usually found in scholarly or peer-reviewed journals. The articles in a peer-reviewed journal have been sent to a panel of experts in the field for review and assessment.



First : My thesis has 13 hypotheses (on page 110-111), I have to remove them and exchange them with the 3 following hypothesis: H1: There is significant interaction between technology and HR practices application. H2 : There is significant interaction between employees behavior and usage of e-portal H3: There is a supported predictive relationship between e-portal usage and perceived usefulness when mediated by education, gender, and occupation. Second : I need to cancel the hypothesis testing (4.14) on the pages (highlighted in yellow 191-211) (for H1-H13) and retest the new 4 hypotheses mentioned above (in first) using the suitable tools.

Richard Branson’s Leadership and Management Philosophy

1.Analyse Richard Branson’s leadership style and his Business philosophy supporting your answer with organisational and leadership theories. 2. Discuss some of the behaviours and personality traits you observe in Richard Branson supporting your argument with behavioural and trait theories. 3. Discuss how Branson’s leadership style would impact on Virgin‘s performance and employees’ motivation. Support your answer with the relevant theories. 4. In a fast changing environment and a globalised economy, should Richard Branson consider a more post-modern organisation? Justify your answer. ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION 1. who is Richard Branson?(beriefly explain) ANALYTICAL DISCUSSION 2.discuss what leadship is and how would you describe Branson’s leadership style. Discuss his business philosophy with reference to organisational theory( Classical, Huaman relations schools etc.) 3.What behavious do you observe in Richard Branson? (refer to Behavioural theory) 4.what do you think the impact of Branson’s leadership style is likely to be on the organisation performance (VIrgin) and employee’ motivation? You should provide a perspective on organisational structure as well in the section (eg: mechanistic v organic, and contingency approach) discuss how Globalisation would affect Vrigin and whether Richard Bransin should consider a more post-modern organisation? CONCLUSION 5.Draw togerther your principle duscussion point to conslude how leadership styles influence and impact on organisational behaviour.

Reading Reaction Paper to the book:Slave Narratives of the Underground Railroad by Christine Rudisel and Bob Blaisdell

The required reading source for this essay is titled “Slave Narratives of the Underground Railroad” by Christine Rudisel and Bob Blaisdell.Below are the Essay Instructions: You will complete a short (2.5-3 page) paper in which you will think about the list of questions below and construct a written response that answers those questions in an essay-type format. In other words, DO NOT simply write the numbers and give a short answer to each. You should answer the questions within the essay itself. This means that you do not have to answer each question in order, but can incorporate your reactions to the questions however you wish in the paper. The paper should conform to the guidelines below to earn full credit. You may use information from other course materials if relevant, but the book should be the PRINCIPAL source of information. You MUST specifically use a MINIMUM of FOUR (4) different readings from the book in your paper Questions to Answer: 1. What common experiences did the creators of the narratives in this book have, and how did these commonalities shape their stories? What do their stories tell us about their time and place? 2. What were some of the differences in the experiences of the creators of these slave narratives? What do their stories tell us about them as individuals? 3. Select any two (2) of the following themes and explore how the sources in the book explain the importance of these themes in their personal experiences: gender, family, religion, economics, geography, or freedom. 4. Finally, how did this book further your understanding of American History? What did you learn about the history of slaves/slavery from this reading that you did not know before? CITATIONS: The ONLY source you should use for the paper is the book itself. If you cite from the book, you can simply use parenthetical citation, which would look like: “… argued and afterward they agreed to stop fighting” (33).

Professional ethics and responsibilities

Instructions Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that explores professional ethics and responsibilities. Use reliable sources. (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia are not acceptable academic sources.) You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary. In your presentation, address the following topics: professional ethics and responsibilities of intermediaries; professional ethics, responsibilities, and loyalty of managers; and professional ethics and responsibilities of employees to the community. In addition to the information on professional ethics and responsibilities, provide at least one example of each topic above. Cite your sources, and create a reference slide using proper APA formatting. The title and reference slides are not included in the slide count.

Team Bldg Unit

Since violated expectations often lead to conflict for individual and team relationships, explain some of the most common expectations that leaders and subordinates often violate. Share personal work-related or community-based examples to solidify your understanding of the concept. In addition, discuss how these types of problems were handled in your workplace or team-building scenario. Were the methods used correct or incorrect? Explain your answer.

International Terrorism-Terror Group Assignment


A) From the attached list select a terrorist organization. B) Complete a profile/assessment of your selected group which focuses on points including: Their origins (how did they come to be?) Their history (did they emerge from a legitimate movement/were they always a terror organization?) Their structure (leaders? Hierarchal vs. Network?) Their activities (location, attacks, fundraising, links with other groups?) Their current status (defeated, active, splinte