Are video games harmfull for children

Description Research Essay It must include: •an APA title page; •a well-thought out thesis that is ONE sentence at the end of your first (introduction) paragraph; •Supporting pointslogically split into unified paragraphs •at least one direct quote or paraphrase for EACH supporting point. These must be from at least 3 from different sources AND use correct APA in-text citations; •a conclusion that summarizes your essay; and•an APA reference page.

Research Study on Divorce

Following up on the Divorce PowerPoint material, this assignment asks you to propose a simple research study on divorce. 1. Focus your study by proposing a specific, divorce-related research question. The best research studies DON’T try to cover everything- they pick a specific issue and cover it thoroughly. 2. Who will you need to participate in your study? This depends on your research question, and may include more participants than divorced or divorcing couples. Will you want a control group of some sort? 3. How long will your study follow participants? You can look at participants at a single point in time, or you can track them over years ( or even decades). The longer your study continues, the higher the cost and the longer you have to wait for results- but this may be worth it! 4. How will you control for bias or other variables distorting your results? What variables would you be most concerned about? ( For example, social class, distance from extended family, children, length of marriage….) 5. How do you anticipate your research question would be answered? Your propose research study should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Be sure you address all of the above question.

The Ethical Implications of Ordinary Men

Before beginning this discussion make sure you have read the Module Notes Presentation ( and chapters 1-2, 7-9, 14-18 of Christopher Browning’s Ordinary Men. Then, in 250-400 words, consider the following questions as jumping-off points for your post (you do not need to address each one individually). Your post should include specific examples and references from the assigned readings. What do you see as the ethical implications of Browning’s arguments in Ordinary Men? What does Browning’s work suggest about human nature, evil, and the underlying causes of violent atrocities like the Holocaust? What problems, if any, do you see with Browning’s approach and arguments? Do you think the criticisms of Browning’s work (summarized above and in the module notes) are justified? Graduate students should draw on the additional readings from Goldhagen and Browning when answering this question. How do you think historians and other scholars should approach a morally-charged subject like the Holocaust? To what extent should they engage in moral condemnation vs. “neutral” historical explanation? Is it possible to balance these two approaches?

What is the role of the Queen in the play Why does Shakespeare make her a woman instead of the girl, as the historical figure was?

Your purpose is to analyze one of Shakespeare’s Richard II. The objectives for this essay are: (1) to demonstrate the ability to narrow down a topic, (2) to effectively present a focused analysis in which summary of plot and unnecessary details are avoided, (3) to use the drama concepts studied in class such as plot, character, performance, setting, conflict, etc. effectively in the analysis, (4) to use critical and innovative thinking in the analysis, (5) to effectively use Reader-Response criticism as lens, (6) to prove points using the text, (7) to use grammar, mechanics, and punctuation conventions effectively, and (8) to use MLA conventions adequately. Length and Format 2-3 typed pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12-point standard font size. Task Write a focused critical interpretation of Richard II. The analysis must be both original and insightful. It must reflect the point of view of the Reader-Response school of criticism It must include a reflection statement about yourself (see Body section on p. 2) Due Date Submit on Canvas by 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 15 Criteria of Evaluation Essay has to include a creative title that reflects your interpretation of the play. Number the pages on the upper right corner of each page. Ex.: Jones 1. MLA format (parenthetical citations and works cited entries for each source) is required. Avoid using the second person Use the present tense to refer to events that happen during the timeframe of the play. Development of a strong introduction that includes a clear thesis statement, opening arguments, and writer-based techniques such as a forecast or a framing device. As you go through the evidence, include assertions, examples, and explanations to convey critical readings and interpretations of the texts with which you are working. Don’t over quote nor end your paragraphs with a quotation. Always explain the quote’s significance, especially in relation to the thesis statement. For quotes of four lines or longer use the “block format” and explain the details of this long quote and why it means. Prove points using the text. End with a concluding paragraph that presents more than a recapitulation of the thesis and main points, but a “Big Picture” of the importance of your analysis. Proper use of grammar and syntax will be important in conveying ideas lucidly. Structure Introduction “Hook” the reader by introducing its author, by briefly summarizing the plot, by concisely describing an interesting aspect from the play, by describing its main themes, and by providing relevant background information about the play, its author, and any other relevant information. Then ease into your thesis: 1-2 sentences that encapsulate your interpretation of the play. Thesis should be arguable and not solely based on personal opinion or constitute a statement of fact. Articulate the thesis in specific and effective. Underline this statement, please. Body Develop your analysis. Remember to make logical claims and prove them with ample and appropriate evidence from the play. Make analysis innovative. Include a statement about why you think you interpret the play this way. Reader-Response criticism stems from the life of the critics themselves. So, what do you think in your background, age, gender, educational level, etc., makes you see the play the way you, and only you can and do? Conclusion End your analysis by paraphrasing your thesis and leaving readers with a sense of closure avoiding both a mechanical repetition of previously mentioned points as well as bringing up a new topic.

Discuss some of the various ways in which an individual could participate in the English Legal System and whether opportunities are sufficiently transparent


Introduction Main body: how do magistrates participate in english legal system and what are the problems associated with magistrates and the issues present Main body : how does self representation work and the issues associated with it. Main body: selection of jury and the issue in jury such as jury nobbling. In the issues talk about which problems exist within each of them Conclusion Oscola Referencing

Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era

Topic: Criminal Justice: Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era


Paper details:

Please provide a five to seven page outline of the thesis including all of the required elements set forth in the Capstone Manual. The literature review section should contain just five to seven of the most important references in bibliographic format, no review required. The analysis and conclusion sections need present only what the results are expected to be. *This section contains only peer reviewed research that is related to your particular topic. I want to make it very clear, you should choose a topic that has many peer reviewed research articles for you to use. Do not choose something abstract where you cannot find anything. This is VERY important. It is very important that you check this out in advance using the online library. You have to make sure of this or you will struggle with the class. Peer reviewed research articles are those that appear in criminal justice or public policy related journal articles that have passed a rigorous review process to validate the research contained in the article. The review process for these journals involves forwarding the research study to several researchers associated with the journal and these researchers review the study for reliability and validity, bias, proper research policies and procedures, ethical treatment of research subjects, ethical practices of the researchers, etc. If all of these and other criteria are met, the study can then be published in that journal. This section is expected to be very thorough and substantial.


Evaluating Economic Patriotism in Poland and Hungary

Use ‘The Evolving Paradox…’ (model distinction essay) as the example of the structure for the paper (i.e. starting with old framework which failed to explain some current political economic phenomena, then introduce the alternative theoretical framework along with the facts and propose the new theoretical framework and conduct the relevant analysis); but please do not use the exact analysis/facts from this previous work for originality purposes.

Human Communication

Human Communication


Paper details:

This assignment has two parts. You will conduct a mock interview, and then prepare a lecture based on your analysis and critique of the session.  Part 1: Conduct a personal interview by videotaping or audiotaping the interview (video is preferred), and then analyze your interview. (Note: Maintain copies of the interviews you make; you will reuse some of these interviews during the course and will need to have them available.) Prepare a tape recorder or video camera for use. Find a friend, peer, or family member, and then ask that individual to role-play the scenario described below.  Scenario (Same as Week 1): You are interviewing a student at a local college. At the moment she/he is experiencing emotional stress with the required studies. The main concern is the time, pressure, and assignment overload, in addition to his/her other responsibilities. She/he fears not being able to cope and finish the degree in the expected timeframe, which may lead to quitting the program and being “stuck” in his/her current place in life. Your task is to effectively apply the skill of reflecting the content and feeling. Be sure to continue using appropriate attending skills learned earlier while adding reflection to your skill set. Remember, your intention in this interview is still not to develop any change strategies with an interviewee, it is simply to use basic attending skills and reflection of content and feelings to make an interviewee feel heard and understood. Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Describe the major sources of income and expenditures for households

Macroeconomics Homework Instructions:

Please answer the following questions.

Your completed Homework assignment should be three (3) FULL pages in length.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.


Chapter 3 Questions:

Describe the major sources of income and expenditures for households.

(Evolution of the Household) Determine whether each of the following would increase or decrease the opportunity costs for mothers who choose not to work outside the home. Explain your answers.


Higher levels of education for women.

Higher unemployment rates for women.

Higher average pay levels for women.

Lower demand for labor in industries that traditionally employ large numbers of women.

Summarize the seven roles of government in an economy.

(Tax Rates) Suppose taxes are related to income as follows:

Income                        Taxes

$1,000                         $200

$2,000                         $350

$3,000                         $450

What percentage of income is paid in taxes at each level?

Is the tax rate progressive, proportional, or regressive?

What is the marginal tax rate on the first $1,000 of income?  The second $1,000?  The third $1,000?







Chapter 4 Questions:

Explain why a demand curve slopes downward.

(Substitutes and Complements) For each of the following pair of goods, determine whether the goods are substitutes, complements, or unrelated:


Peanut butter and jelly.

Private and public transportation.

Coke and Pepsi.

Alarm clocks and automobiles.

Golf clubs and golf balls.

Identify five things which could shift a demand curve to the right or left.

(Demand Shifters) List five things that are held constant along a market demand curve, and identify the change in each that would shift that demand curve to the right – that is, that would increase demand.

Explain why a supply curve usually slopes upward.

(Supply) Why is a firm willing and able to increase the quantity supplied as the product price increases?

Predict the impact of a change in demand or supply on the equilibrium price and quantity.

(Equilibrium) Assume the market for corn is depicted as in the table that appears below.

Complete the table below.

What market pressure occurs when quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied? Explain.

What market pressure occurs when quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded? Explain.

What is the equilibrium price?

What could change the equilibrium price?

At each price in the first column of the table below, how much is sold?


Price               Quantity                                 Quantity                                

Per                  Demanded                              Supplied                     Surplus/          Will Price

Bushel             (millions of bushels)              (millions of bushels)  Shortage         Rise or Fall?

$1.80               320                                          200                              ————         —————

2.00                 300                                          230                              ————         —————

2.20                 270                                          270                              ————         —————

2.40                 230                                          300                              ————         —————

2.60                 200                                          330                              ————         —————

2.80                 180                                          350                              ————         —————


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Reflexes & Functional Changes in the Brain

Description Apply: Reflexes & Functional Changes in the Brain This written assignment will synthesize the information found in your assigned textbook reading for this unit in collaboration with your own research. You will need to cite at least three resources to defend or prove your statements. The assigned textbook readings will serve as one resource for this assignment; you will need to find at least two other resources on your own. This assignment should be written in APA formatting style and should not use first person language. Be sure to use correctly formatted in-text citations and quotations to give the author credit for your researched information. Assignment Overview Your assigned reading for this week covered autonomic or reflexive reactions to sexual stimuli as well as the structural/functional changes that occur in the brains of new parents. You will see in your reading, the amazing way that God wired our brains to instinctively care for one another and our offspring! God created hormonal changes that shift our perspective and priorities. As you complete this assignment, think about the miraculous way He created the nervous system to function and change in response to reproduction and selflessly caring for our children! Assignment Instructions In your written assignment for this fourth week, compare and contrast the male and female brain when looking at sexual interactions and parenthood. You will want to take specific note of the brain areas affected by sexual interactions and parenting, the hormonal changes that occur, the presence of parental instinct, and the emergence of parent-child synchrony or bonding. After completing your comparison, include a section in your assignment on the importance of knowing these similarities and differences when working with adults in a clinical setting. Your assignment should include an introduction, body and conclusion with a reference page listing the resources you cited. Include at least one paragraph for each of the following sections: Compare the male brain and the female brain in reference to sexual interactions and parenthood, listing their similarities. Contrast the male brain and the female brain in reference to sexual interactions and parenthood, listing differences found between the two. Explain the importance of knowing these similarities / differences in clinical practice when working with adults. Should you have any questions regarding this assignment, direct them to your course facilitator. Format Requirements Document Type MS Word