Compare and contrast two terrorist groups

Compare and contrast two terrorist groups – one that was active primarily before the year 2000 and one that has been active primarily after the year 2000. Identify at least 3 similarities and 3 differences between the two groups. Additionally, compare the counterterrorism measures employed against each group, identifying at least one similarity and one difference. Explain why these counterterrorism measures may have been chosen and why they were effective or ineffective. Ensure you properly cite your sources.

Ethics Program Implementation

Ethics Program Implementation

Please address the following questions: On p. 83 Terris discusses the company’s ethics code. Why is the code considered important to the company’s ethics program? Discuss the importance of ethics training and employee involvement. What are some of the things Lockheed does to make the training process interesting and worthwhile? How does Lockheed measure success with respect to ethics in the workplace? What are some of the things Lockheed does at the operational level to make their ethics program work?



Based on the study results, write a conclusion (several paragraphs) for the thesis, especially the next moves and new direction for the ministry of Education to take and for the government of Oman to implement as a policy requirement. For example: 1) Reform of administrative processes 2) Strong leadership 3) Infrastructure development 4) Clear vision and strategy 5) Legal framework 6) Training and employees’ competency 7) Public-private cooperation

Racism Prejudice and Discrimination

Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination


Paper details:

nstructions: Step 1: Watch the following video: Race, Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination – What are they? (Links to an external site.) Step 2: Reflect on the video. You may also want to review the week’s assigned reading. Consider the following prompts: What are racism, prejudice, and discrimination? What factors contribute to racism, prejudice, and discrimination? Identify some techniques for reducing the development of prejudice and discrimination. Is discrimination and prejudice increasing or decreasing? Support your answer. Summarize your thoughts about the video and answer the questions from Step 2

Variables of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba Group


Assignment Instructions Analytical Framework. As we have been discussing in the course, terrorist groups have specific identities that can be seen through variables. Please, discuss in detail five most distinctive characteristics of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba terrorist group. These variables (characteristics) are not limited to ideology, strategy, tactics, financing, recruiting, targets, specific areas of operations, etc… Discuss why these five characteristics distinguish the group from other terrorist groups. This essay should be in APA style four pages at least 275 words per page with an introduction, analysis, a summary, and a minimum of 12 references. You may also use any additional academic references related to the subject. Write four pages, 1-inch margins, 12 pt. font.

Why is US voter turnout typically so low What, if anything, can be done to increase turnout?

Paper details:

Each question to be answered in a paragraph 1. Which do you consider yourself—a Democrat, Republican, or Independent? Explain your answer by discussing political socialization, which people vote for the parties, and party platforms. 2. Do Presidents have too much power? Why, or why not? 3. Why do we only have two major parties? Explain the things that have perpetuated the two-party system. — Why is US voter turnout typically so low? What, if anything, can be done to increase turnout? 5. Evaluate the role of the media in setting the public agenda and argue whether you think it is good or bad for them to have this power. 6. Compare and contrast the trustee and instructed-delegate theories of representation. 7. Which three functions of Congress do you believe are the most important? Explain your answer. 8. Explain how and where a bill can be stopped in the legislative process.

Hurricanes modeling in continental of United States


Paper is about hurricanes modeling in continental of United States. We are focusing only in the 50 costliest hurricanes that made landfall. The dissertation required some data analysis in R which i already completed. I will provide you with all the outputs and i will also provide you with each chapter i am finishing. i would like from you end to create a proper structure in my dissertation, add all the required references and to add insightful comments in each chapter. Also, i would like from your end to explain some of my outputs in R programming, since some of them are quite complicate.

Government and Policy – LP2 Seminar & Assessment

Description, answer the following questions in detail. Use APA format, reference work in APA format and use proper grammar and spelling. 1. In what ways does the white house Fellows and interns participate in policymaking? 2. In at least 5-6 sentences, describe the differences between the democratic and republican parties. 3. Name the 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, their appointed date and the name of the United States President that nominated them. (Hint: 4. In 2-3 paragraphs and in your own words, explain the process of policy development. 5. Using the Aspen Institute from Chapter 12, describe the focus area of interest of the Aspen Institute and discuss which activities (policymaking, policy analysis, policy evaluation, and policy research) are used by this institute

Industrialization Imperialism and America’s Entry Into WWI

Pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groups during 1880-1914: answer all questions Women’s rights activists African Americans Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Child workers Great Plain Indians Then, address the following for your selections: Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups at the turn of the century. How did the Industrial Revolution affect your chosen minority groups? Analyze how the Progressives brought reform to your selected minority groups. Do you find that the Progressives were successful in making government responsive and improve the conditions of your chosen minority group? Resources: Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 17 (section 17.4), 18 (section 18.3), 19 (sections 19.1, 19.2), 21 (sections 21.2, 21.4) :gMXC1GEM@7/Introduction Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

John a arthur African diaspora identies negotiating cultrue in transnational migration

1. Explain the author’s thesis–the main point or points that he/she is trying to make in the book. This is not a description or summary of the book; it is an explanation of the author’s purpose, the central idea or ideas around which the book is organized. Next 3-4 paragraphs. Give a broad, general summary of the book. You cannot in 3-4 paragraphs summarize the entire book, but you can give an example of the author’s arguments that capture the flavor of the book. Next paragraph. Discuss the sources upon which the author bases his/her book. What research materials did he or she use? Last paragraph. Assess the book. DO NOT tell me whether or not you like it or found it interesting, but tell me how successful the author was in achieving his/her objective.