Getting 8 hours sleep per night or quitting smoking

Description PERSONAL FITNESS AND WELLNESS Fitness/Wellness Project Written Assignment: Part One Set a personal fitness component goal OR a wellness dimension goal for this semester. • Personal fitness goals should include some sort of physical activity-oriented goal (ie. Being able to run 10km without stopping, doing 50 pushups, bench pressing 225 lbs). Wellness dimension goals may include non-fitness related objectives (i.e. Getting 8 hours sleep per night, quitting smoking, reducing sedentary time) but not a nutrition- related goal. Addressing the multidimensional components of fitness and wellness explain: • What stage are you on the Transtheoretical Model when you choose your goal? • Why did you choose your goal? • What are the personal benefits of your goal? • What are, at minimum, three (3) potential barriers in achieving your goal? • What is/are your proposed strategy(s) for successfully meeting each of the identified potential barriers? • How do you plan to reach your goal? What types of interventions will you use to help you achieve your goal? o The strategy should be a generalized outline of how you propose to meet your goal. o Do not include any workout plans (sets, reps, exercises, etc.) in your strategy. Keep it to a very general overview. • Any other information you feel is relevant to your goal. Part Two Implement the fitness or wellness plan for at least four weeks. Assess your progress and provide supporting data of any activities you completed in relation to your proposed goals. • The specifics of each component need to be clearly outlined in this section. Submit all supporting data (logs, journals, workout programs, contracts, etc.) in print/written form in an Appendix.  Assess your progress towards your goals at the end of the four weeks.  Identify any revisions of a plan element that might be in order following the four-week time frame.  Provide a detailed rationale/explanation for any change, or non-change, of each plan element. Written Assignment is due: August 7th, 2019 @ 11:55 P.M. Documentation: A 4 – 6 page double spaced written report of your personal fitness plan is to be completed. Information provided in the Appendix (logs, journals, workout programs, etc.) are extra and not to be considered as part of the required page limit. The written report must include the information listed above. All written information and any referenced material are expected to be presented in APA 6th edition format. Marks will be deducted for assignments not conforming to these expectations. Evaluation: The wellness project is worth 20% of your final grade. 15% of the grade is allotted to the written assignment and 5% is allotted to the presentation. Assignment grading will include but not limited to the following aspects: • Rationale for goal choices. • Development of SMART goals. • Ability to recognize the benefits and barriers to your goals. • Ability to outline a standard proposed strategy for overcoming any barriers. • Provision of acceptable supporting data • APA formatting. • Writing. • Use of at least 2-3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Ability to disseminate information to audience will be graded on the following aspects: • Introduction. • Content. • Clarity of presentation. • Body language. • Length of presentation. • Ability to answer questions from audience. • Grammar. • Conclusion.

Nonprofit organization

Description Answer the questions included in this scenario: This week you will use the nonprofit that you created for DB 8.1 to further evaluate if the organization is ready to Incorporate and become a tax exempt agency. Using APA format including an abstract, introduction, research, and conclusion submit the analysis of your readiness to incorporate and apply for tax exemption. You will need to follow the categories and subcategories in Part I of the PDF provided to complete this assignment: (Grantspace, 2008). (MHS General Assignment Rubric) I. Is your organization ready to incorporate and become tax exempt? a. What type of nonprofit is your agency? i. Religious ii. Charitable iii. Scientific iv. Literary v. Educational vi. Prevention of cruelty to children or animals vii. Testing for public safety viii. Fostering national or international sports competition b. Well-designed mission that qualifies as “charitable” under Section 501(c)(3) c. Detailed description of agency activities that carry out the mission d. Staff and Board of Directors e. Budget f. Fundraising plan g. Legal Counsel h. Bookkeeper or accountant Provide detailed information about each category and justify through research how you meet the requirements for tax exempt status.

Are Vapes Better than Cigarettes

Description It must have a title page, following by an abstract and 6 chapters. Chapter 1(Introduction….thesis statement, research question, problem statement and purpose statement); Chapter 2(Literature review with 3 references from last 5 years); Chapter 3(Methodology, must be qualitative); Chapter 4(Results… findings); Chapter 5(Discussion… explain hypothesis); Chapter 6(Conclusions). The data bases required are: LIRN; EBSCOhost and ERIC.



ASSIGNMENT: PERSUASIVE RESEARCH ESSAY Plan, research, and write a Persuasive Research Essay on a topic chosen from a list below. The essay will be seven to ten pages long (absolute maximum 2500 words) and based on Course material. Follow the criteria and guidelines below. You MUST complete the following two steps (specific due dates as posted) as part of this assignment: Obtain instructor’s approval for topic (via Dropbox). Submit the final version of the essay to your Instructor (via Dropbox). Guidelines for Persuasive Research Paper Length: seven to ten pages (double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font). Consider 2000 words as the average length, 2500 words as the absolute maximum. The topic must be one chosen from the following list. [Note that the list of topics is changed for each iteration of the Course.] Virtue Signalling Trans Mountain Pipeline Fake News Thesis that you build from your choice of topic must be related directly to the Canadian context. Essay must demonstrate full understanding that the social or political topic has critical and direct significance for both individual career advancement and the economic well-being of Industry and Business. Thesis must be sufficiently narrowed so you can adequately discuss it in seven to ten pages. Essay must have a persuasive focus (must convince reader to do or believe something). Argument must be arranged with forty percent your own thesis position and sixty percent refutatio. Your refutatio must acknowledge and refute (or concede) three of the most powerful, credible, and relevant arguments against your own thesis.

Each of your three points of refutatio are approximately twenty percent of the content of your argument, creating the total of sixty percent of the essay content for refutatio, Essay must cite at least six credible, authoritative sources within the body of the paper. Wikipedia is the absolute antithesis of a credible and authoritative source. The proportion of the sources cited (and used) in the essay must be one third in positive support of your own thesis and two thirds in support of the contrary position which is the subject of your refutatio. For example, if only the bare minimum of six sources were used, two would be in direct defense of your thesis and four in defense of the opposing position.Assume an audience of your peers and your instructor in this class–that is, write for a general educated audience (define specialized terms). Essay must use a fair, unpolemical tone (must build credibility through an objective tone). Essay must assemble strong, specific, and credible evidence to support your persuasive thesis. Essay must draw on current, authoritative sources. Essays that use evidence ONLY from the media will not be accepted. For example, six newspaper or journal articles from the Vancouver Sun or Province are not acceptable, nor is a combination of three current newspaper articles, two articles from and one article from Essay must provide correct & complete bibliographic entries and citations (see notes below on plagiarism). Essay must use a recognised system of citation and formatting (MLA or APA). Be certain to follow proper and full MLA or APA citation for any online sources that you might resort to: merely listing the URL is insufficient. Essay must incorporate all rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) proper to the topic and argument. Essay must avoid fallacies (errors in logic and argumentation). Essay must be written mainly in your own words. A rule of thumb is that 60%+ of the paper must be your own words. Use direct quotations richly but judiciously to hold up your argument. Essay must follow the general essay guidelines.

Master Family Plan

Master Family Plan


Paper details:

This is a paper that must follow the Final Project instructions provided. Please cover each section using the class text as the main reference. I will provide the link to the text and an example of what this paper should be. MAKE SURE TO COVER ALL OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL PROJECT – Please ensure each of the subsections includes at least one reference to a source used see item 7 under Guidelines – I have also attached a file Chapter Reflections for final project it contains the reflection paper for each chapter in the text




Paper details:

Blumenfeld lists a number of ways that pervasive homophobia in our society hurts all of us, regardless of our sexual orientation. From Blumenfeld’s list, select one effect of homophobia and explain how you have experienced or closely witnessed this effect. Be specific in your response.

Is it un/necessary to be an indidivudal in order to be part of and improve a community

 Is it un/necessary to be an indidivudal in order to be part of and improve a community?


Paper details:

instructions are attched in a file along with articles(sources) that MUST be included in the paper.

Mass Shooting in America


Developing a research plan and executing it in its entirety is a long and comprehensive process, but you have learned all of the necessary fundamentals for this during this term. Last week, your assignment was to produce a number of elements plus an outline in preparation for delivering a research plan. You were to locate and review at least 3 external sources, craft research question(s), create one or more hypotheses, determine what research approach and methods you would employ, and forecast what form your research and findings would be in at the end of your study. You submitted this last week and should have received a critiqued version from the instructor. Assignment Guidelines Revise your Week 4 Key Assignment according to instructor and peer feedback. Next, address the following for your final Key Assignment draft: Final Key Assignment Draft For your final assignment, you will use the research plan outline you developed last week. Assemble all of the components, and using the tenets you learned this week for writing a refined and integrated paper, write your complete research plan in narrative style. This final product should be at least 1,500–1,750 words. In your narrative at a minimum, you should do the following: Seamlessly integrate all elements of the research plan. Extensively review the external resources you selected, and identify their relevance for studying your topic. Explain in detail the quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods you plan to employ and what findings you expect these to produce (the type not the specific results)

Early Modern and Contemporary Philosophy

Description Module5- Early Modern & Modern Philosophy- Idealism & Feminism; Model6- Early Modern & Modern PhilosophyIII- Deontology, Utilitarianism & Transcendentalism Model7- Modern Philosophy- Pessimism, Positivism & Socialism Models 5,6 and 7 compare with Model 8 Model 8- Contemporary Philosophy – Universal Human Rights & Modal Realism. Follow Attached assignments.


Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session for children and adolescents. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session. If you select the same group you selected for the Week 8 or Week 9 Journal Entries, you must select different clients. Then, address in your Practicum Journal the following: Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the group session. Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications. Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client. Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.