Design a Parent Conference Plan
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Instructions: For this assignment, you have read Chapters 6-9 in your textbook and reflected on methods for effective communication with parents, strategies for working with parents, effective parent-school programs, and home-based education, homeschooling, and homework. Now reflect on what you have learned about parents and communication. Using the content of your reading, create a parent conference plan. You are the elementary supervisor for your district. Parent conferences are in two weeks and new teachers have come to you for help. Design a conference guide that they can follow during parent conferences. • Be sure to address common scenarios and difficulties that can be part of such conferences. • Include plans for conferencing with the parent of a mainstreamed special needs child as well as the parents of an English language learner. • Develop activities that parents can use with their children at home. • Include an Appendix to your plan that contains: o A letter/note/flyer of invitation for the conference. o A home activity calendar for one month focusing on a particular grade level. Activities should reflect different developmental areas. • Include a reference page (5 resources minimum). Length: 5-7 pages Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Reading material for this week: Berger, E. H. (2011). Parents as partners in education: Families and schools working together. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. This is the book for chapters 1-12 used for Weeks 1-8.
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write a 6-page research paper (title page and references do not count). Use APA format. Your sources must be journal articles from the online library. A minimum of 6 articles must be used. Cite them correctly. Absolutely no plagiarism
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Read this article on TCP/IP and the OSI model, and then watch this video. Research the origins of the internet – how it started, developed, and is developing now. Write a short paper summarizing the evolution of the network protocols used today. The link to the article is: The link to the video is:
REVIEW: The Family Systems Assessment and Treatment/Intervention Final Paper Template Family System Assessment & Intervention Template Revised.docxPreview the document **DO NOT deviate from the Template format in writing your 12 content page [12 minimum/maximum content pages, which DOES NOT include the cover page or reference pages] WORD document and its’ 10 references, including your two textbooks) Family Systems Assessment and Treatment/Intervention Final Paper, based on your selected family oriented movie, which will be due on Thursday, August 8, 2019. Please see pages 5-7 in your syllabus for more info about your Family Systems Assessment and Treatment/Intervention Final Paper. ** DO NOT “free style” your Family Systems Assessment and Treatment/Intervention Final Paper. DO stick with the Template, or points off for not following instructions.
Many variables in medicine follow a normal distribution where there are approximately an equal number of values below the mean as above the mean. Describe two variables that you work with that would probably follow a normal distribution. Also note which of the two variables would be likely to have a larger standard deviation and why. Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: OpenStax Textbook: Chapter 2, 6, 7 Minimum of 1 scholarly source
Assignment Instructions: · Choose a topic of interest for a needed change in practice (e.g., nosocomial infections, hospital readmissions, skin breakdown, falls, patient satisfaction, nurse-to-patient ratios) · Formulate a PICOT questions (Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcomes-Time).
· Choose five research studies on the topic, which may be quantitative or qualitative or a combination of both. Write a paper 10-15 page paper (excluding cover page and references) in APA format with the four parts, as described below: Introduction · Describe the practice problem that you believe needs to be changed. · Explain your rationale for choosing this problem. · Write a PICOT question on the problem. ·
Describe the literature search process including: inclusion and exclusion criteria, key words, and databases searched. Body · Write a summary of the literature review in narrative form (five articles chosen) and include the following: o Analyze the credibility of the articles by describing their strengths and limitations.
o Summarize the findings by comparing and contrasting the conclusions. o Identify any gaps in the literature taken from these studies indicating the need for further research. Conclusion · Propose a change in practice based on the evidence from the research studies. · Propose an interprofessional team—include nurses and other health care professionals who would be included in planning, implementing, and evaluating the proposed change. · Describe the plan, implementation, and evaluation of the proposed change.
· Describe the costs of the planning, implementation, and evaluation. · Describe the cost savings, if appropriate. · Explain any barriers that may prevent the implementation of the recommended changes. · Describe how these barriers can be addressed/overcame. · Explain your suggestions for further research. References · Provide a reference list in APA format including all references cited in the paper.
Concept Analysis Guidelines and Grading (75 pts) 1. Introduction (5 pts) a. Choose a concept that represents an area/problem of interest to you. Choice of a concept that is related to your research interests is helpful, but not required. Describe the concept clearly and use a scenario, brief narrative, or even a poem or fictional narrative to aid the reader in understanding your concept. (1pt) b. Follow with brief summary which speaks to the significance of the concept for nursing, health care, or the health or well-being of specific groups of people. In other words, state clearly why it is important for you to look at this concept in depth (1pt). c. Identify your purpose in carrying out this concept analysis and relate to your research interests or clinical practice. (1pt) d. What are the underlying assumptions for this analysis? It is important to identify your beliefs about this phenomenon prior to conducting the analysis. If your assumptions are also reflected in the literature, reference the sources. (1 pt) e. Preview the paper sections and identify the concept analysis method (1pt) 2. Review of the literature (25 pts) All literature reviews should begin with a paragraph that tells the reader (5pts): a. What databases were searched b. Lists ALL search terms used c. Specifies the years that were searched d. Identifies any additional methods or sources used The literature review should consist of a minimum of 10 references, at least 3 of which are research articles. Sources from 3 disciplines should be represented. Use of classic and primary sources on the concept is encouraged (e.g. the concept self-efficacy–use literature by Albert Bandura; stress–Selye). The literature you review should provide a foundation for the identification of concept attributes in the next section (20 pts). a. Definitions: provide at least one definition of the concept found in each of the three disciplines you are examining. Include a variety of sources including standard dictionaries, medical-nursing dictionaries, theoretical narratives, and research/measurement sources. Compare (differences and similarities) the definitions either as you present them or provide a summary. If there are related concepts in the literature describe/define them in this section of the paper. (15 points) b. Concept Maturity and Current Use within Nursing: Make an estimate of how welldeveloped the concept is: A mature concept has been studied both theoretically and in empirical research and has clear, well-developed definitions, though there may not be total agreement within Nursing. A less mature concept may be defined in a number of different ways, or perhaps in very few ways, or with few clear, non-conflicting definitions and may not have been used much in empirical research. This is important information for determining how a concept can be used effectively. (5pts) 3. Analysis (20 pts) Include a brief definition of each step of the concept analysis process at the beginning of each section. a. Defining Attributes: List and discuss all of the defining characteristics found in the literature. Identify those that are most important to your analysis, usually between 2 and 4 attributes are needed for effective definition (5 points). b. Antecedents: List and discuss all of the antecedents found in the literature. These are identified circumstances, factors, and forces necessary for the concept to occur (3 pts). c. Consequences: List and discuss all of the consequences found in the literature. These are identified circumstances, factors, and forces present when an instance of the concept occurs. What is the significance of these consequences? (2 points). d. Empirical Referents: Discuss how the attributes can be identified, validated or measured in either practice or research. What methods have been used? What tools have been developed to measure the phenomena? Are they reliable and valid measures? Identify a minimum of 2 methods or instruments (10 pts) 4. Application to Nursing (10 points) a. Develop model and contrary cases. These can be developed by you or excerpted or adapted from another source. When presenting the model case, underline or bold the defining characteristics (5pts). b. Provide a short summary of how each case exemplifies the presence or absence of the attributes. (5pts). 5. Discussion/Conclusion (15 pts) a. Summarize the findings of your analysis in terms of the stated purpose for analysis (3pts) b. Briefly discuss the implications of your findings as they relate to your community service experience (2 paragraphs minimum) (10 pts) c. Conclude with a suggestion for further research that comes from the above discussion (2pts) Length of paper, APA Format, and Grammar Page length varies by complexity of concept. Generally papers should be from 8 to 14 pages in length, not including title page or reference list. Consistently use APA format and submit in error-free, typewritten form. Significant deviations from APA format, multiple spelling errors, and incorrect grammar will be evaluated negatively by deduction of points from total score. Evaluation of each part of the paper will be made according to the designated points and the following criteria: Full credit–discussed item in an in-depth and creative way Reduced credit–discussed item, but lacked depth, or clarity Zero credit–omitted item
Low profit margins and R&D investment in UK main contractors (construction industry)
Final topic sentence not yet confirmed. I will provide with many details in order to conclude in the most appropriate. You will find attached. a. Draft Literature review b Draft Methodology c Introduction draft which includes the story and will give you better undestanding but also include directions at the END about the dissertation d. Interviewee responses. A,B,C, separate as they were transcripted and 4 telephone- questionnaire e. methodology form another student f. dissertation ortega – part highlighted can be included in my intro or literature. Same format to follow as guide. last’s year g. dissertation stefanopoulos . analysis and intro as guide please let me know for any clarification needed to provide.
Learning Theory Application
You will write a scholarly paper based on best instructional practices. Frame your paper focused on middle school science to generate ideas for application as you write your 5 to 7-page paper. Write from the middle school science perspective and examples should be based on best practices for that age group. Within this paper you will address the following areas (please remember to stay focused on your chosen context): • Describe your context (e.g., grade/subject taught, description of the student population) o How learning occurs • Explain how learning occurs in the context you described • Include a concise description that addresses the relevance of the learning theories discussed in this course to your beliefs about effective learning for your context. Based on the tenants of their theories, identify those theorists that best align with your beliefs about learning and explain the alignment(s). • Best practices for achieving the learning process in the context you described. o Address: • Teaching and learning strategies • Cognitive science • Include other ideas as relevant • Individual needs of students and families. o Identify and illustrate three examples from your practice where student and family backgrounds have enhanced or challenged your beliefs about how learning occurs (If you need clarity for this portion, please feel free to send me a message). Throughout your paper, please use examples from your teaching context as well as citations from your course readings and research. You must include at least three scholarly sources cited in-text and included as part of a reference list according to APA formatting guidelines (use direct quotes sparingly in order to prevent plagiarism). Also, please refer to the rubric below to maximize the most points possible to pass this course. Final Assignment: Learning Theory Application Teaching Context Described 15 points • The teaching context is described with attention towards grade/content, student population features, and relevant school/district statistics • Analysis of particular aspects of the student population is provided that foreshadows the choices made later in the paper Analyzes and Explains Learning Theory 25 points • Describes how learning occurs at a developmentally appropriate level. • Analyzes how learning theories are aligned to the candidate’s beliefs about learning practices • Multiple trends in the research on learning theories are identified • Develops explicit connections to classroom practice through rich examples Evaluates and Recommends Supports Related to Best Practices 25 points • Recommendations for best practices are provided specific to context of focus that demonstrates teacher commitment. • Linkages to learning theories described in previous section are evident • Ideas reflect understanding of learner differences, addressing learner strengths and needs Incorporates Student/Family Learning Examples 20 points • Examples of student/family learning needs are incorporated • Connections are made between the examples shared and the learning theories that frame the paper • Reflective analysis of the linkages between examples and theories is provided that evidences impact on candidate learning beliefs Analyzes Cognitive Processes and Student Learning 20 points
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Please only assign the project to a native U.S. English speaker. Please see the word document for personal statement outline and ideas.
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