Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

This is a paper that is requiring the focus on Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

Using the case study below create a 12 to 16 slide PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software which includes the following:

1. Create a slide(s) that identifies effectiveness issues that affect decision making in HOC’s management. Provide your reasoning for the selection.
2. Create a slide(s) that identifies efficiency issues that affect decision making in HOC’s management. Provide your reasoning for the selection.
3. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s management promotes diversity in its organizational behavior in an effective way or does not. You must take a position and support it with course material, case study facts, and research.
4. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s manager’s promote culture in its organizational behavior in an effective way or does not. You must take a position and support it with course material, case study facts, and research.

5. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s managers promote culture in its organizational behavior in an efficient way or does not. You must take a position and also support it with course material, case study facts, and research.
6. Create a slide(s) that analyzes and explains the key components of relationship building for managers.
7. Create a slide(s) that analyzes and explains the key components of relationship building that could be improved in HOC management.
8. Create a slide(s) that identify what future management decisions that might await top management if change does not take place. Be sure to consider the age, gender, and stress levels of the junior associates in your discussion.
9. Create a slide(s) that suggest at least four recommendations that Areama might make to RLI and HOC that would improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

Include a minimum of 7 scholarly sources and other relevant sources to support your work.
The presentation should be professional in appearance; include visuals such as tables, graphs, clipart
Provide notes for every slide of the entire presentation.
Be sure to use in-text citations in the slides and notes themselves, and also a reference list in the presentation.
Slides should flow in terms of organized ideas
Follow APA style guidelines for the title page, citations and reference cited page.
Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder


Ralph Lorean International (RLI) owner of several house décor and furniture manufacturers recently purchased a controlling interest in a medium-size firm, House of Cloth (HOC), which employs 6,644 people worldwide. HOC has been considered a premier manufacturer of cloth since 1964. Revenues over the last four years have been flat and costs are rising steadily. RLI purchases an interest in the company despite the flat sales because of its reputation and loyal customer base. RLI has a history of turning troubled companies around and they think they can do the same with HOC.

Additionally, RLI has to date allowed HOC to operate independently while they examine closely the causes of the recent poor performance of the company. Areama Cantros, was recently promoted to senior management analyst because of her superb work with Izzy’s Bed Emporium. RLI has decided to send Areama to HOC on a fact-finding mission. She is to discover the challenges facing the management at HOC and make recommendations that will improve and grow significantly HOC’s financial performance.

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve?

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve? How did you discover the need for this project, and how did it fit into the organization’s philosophy and mission?

What was the focus of your leadership project the goals you set for yourself and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve

Throughout your practicum experience, you have been designing and implementing a project. You will now assess that experience. Prior to beginning this paper, discuss the topics below with your preceptor. Include their feedback as well as your own. In a 1,250-1,500 word document, discuss the following topics:

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve?

How did you discover the need for this project, and how did it fit into the organization’s philosophy and mission?

Did you encounter any real or potential barriers during your practicum experience related to your project?

Discuss how the outcomes of your project will be measured? Is your project one that is sustainable or is it designed to be a single occurrence?

Evaluate the success of your project. If you were not able to implement your project, discuss why. What are the next steps for the project?

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.

Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP) Development

This is a paper that is focusing on Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP) Development. Your previous contributions addressing a variety of important topics outlined in all previous assignments for this course are deemed essential

Human Resource Business Partner HRBP Development

Your previous contributions addressing a variety of important topics outlined in all previous assignments for this course are deemed essential in supporting the business’ overall organizational structure and competitive advantage strategy. It is now time to consider developing your own HR department team to ensure they have the requisite skills and competencies necessary to perform at high levels over time. Effective and motivated HR business partners (HRBP) will be the key to translating HR and business strategy into action. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Body of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK) can be an invaluable resource to help develop and certify HR professionals. You must now explain to the management team the components of this model. Also, how it can be leverage to achieve operational success for the HR department. A one-hour meeting has been schedule, and the CEO will be in attendance.

Create a 20-slide minimum PowerPoint presentation with your script or discussion or commentary in the Notes section of each slide, in which you do the following:

Include cover, presentation agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.
Provide a slide with an overview on the importance of having a highly developed staff of HR business partners. Be clear with your position. Example: The Evolution of the HR Business Partner Role.

Provide 1–4 slides introducing the SHRM BoCK model and its components. Be sure to highlight each of the areas of the model. Note: insert an image of the actual SHRM BoCK model into the presentation.

Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information:

Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “Behavioral Competencies.”

Provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domains 1 & 2.”

Further, provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing the specifics on the SHRM BoCK’s “HR Expertise: Domain 3”

Finally, provide a minimum of three to four bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing specifics on certifying your HRBPs.

NOTE: Since there are no presentation notes require, bullet points and sentence requirements must be met.

5. Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the Course Guide and those that are specifically provided by the professor.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Select any one of three professional PowerPoint templates provided by the professor (required).

Have headings for each section with all bulleted information aligned properly and using the same font and size. Images may be use but must be professional and relevant to the topic.

The source or sources of all images must be credited with both citation and reference. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include citations and references for all information received from other sources.

All bullet point information in the Notes sections must be descriptive and have a minimum of 3–4 full sentences.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards, but students may choose to use APA 6 or APA 7 and must indicate their choice on the assignment cover page.

The specific course outcome associated with this assignment is:

Convince stakeholders of the value of using the SHRM BoCK model to develop effective and motivated HR business partners.

Adaptive leadership approaches that benefit your leadership style

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze Adaptive leadership approaches that benefit your leadership style. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Adaptive leadership approaches that benefit your leadership style

Assignment: Analyze Situational, Path-Goal, Transformational, and Adaptive Leadership Approaches

Analyzing the situational, path-goal, transformational, and adaptive leadership approaches can be helpful for understanding how to benefit your leadership style. Utilizing the assigned readings for the course, as well as additional applicable scholarly sources. Describe in sufficient detail with supportive reference citing: 1) Firstly, each of these four leadership approaches. 2) Secondly, the strengths or benefits and potential weaknesses or limitations of each of these four leadership approaches. 3) Thirdly, the characteristics of a successful transformational leader you have experienced. 4) Fourthly, how you could effectively apply these four leadership approaches within an educational setting of interest.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages.
References: Minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

Adaptive leadership approaches that benefit your leadership style

Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course. This is by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

(Additional Information)

Situational, Path-Goal, Transformational, and Adaptive Leadership Approaches

One of the more widely recognized approaches to leadership, the situational approach focuses on leadership in different situations, or the leadership style must be altered or adapted to the requirements of different workers and situations for the leaders to be effective. The path-goal approach focuses on enhancing worker performance and satisfaction by leaders choosing behaviors and providing information and rewards to increase worker motivation. One of the current and more popular leadership approaches, the transformational approach focuses on transforming workers and entire organizations through confident, charismatic, and visionary leadership by addressing worker motives, needs, and emotions while strengthening trust and confidence.

The adaptive approach focuses on leaders who prepare, support, motivate, and mobilize workers to effectively adapt to challenges and also changing circumstances. These leadership approaches are concerned with how the leader reacts to the workers. This week’s assignment will address the situational, path-goal, transformational, and adaptive leadership approaches and how you might utilize this information to benefit your leadership style.

Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a mean rate of 40 per hour

Q.1 Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a mean rate of 40 per hour (Poisson distributed). The processing time at the workstation averages 1.2 minutes per unit (exponentially distributed).

Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a mean rate of 40 per hour

Q.1 Partially completed products arrive at a workstation in a manufacturing operation at a mean
rate of 40 per hour (Poisson distributed). The processing time at the workstation averages 1.2
minutes per unit (exponentially distributed). The manufacturing company estimates that each
unit of in process inventory at the workstation costs $31 per day (on the average). However, the
company can add extra employees and reduce the processing time to 0.90 minute per unit at a
cost of $52 per day. Determine whether the company should continue the present operation or
add extra employees.

Q.2 The Universal Manufacturing Company produces a particular product in an assembly line
operation. One of the machines on the line is a drill press that has a single assembly line feeding
into it. A partially completed unit arrives at the press to be worked on every 8 minutes, on average,
according to an exponential distribution. The machine operator can process an average of 10 parts
per hour (Poisson distributed). Determine the average number of parts waiting to be worked on,
the percentage of time the operator is working, and the percentage of time the machine is idle.

Perth International company Australian dollar cash flow

This is a paper that is focusing on the Perth International company Australian dollar cash flow. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Perth International company Australian dollar cash flow

Follow the questions and solve the following problems with the given instructions. (Please post ALL 4 solutions with workings)

Q1. Firstly, Perth International  Co., an Australian multinational company, forecasts 68 million Australian dollars (A$) earnings next year (i.e., year-one).  It expects 58 million Chinese yuan (CNY), 42 million Indian rupees (INR) and 40 million Malaysian ringgit (MYR) proceeds of its three subsidiaries in year-one. It also forecasts the year-one exchange rates A$0.3568/CNY, A$0.0413/INR and A$0.6574/MYR.
Calculate the total Australian dollar (A$) cash flow for year-one. (enter the whole number with no sign or symbol)

Q2. Secondly, Perth International anticipates a 5.46 per cent increase in the year-one income of its subsidiaries in year-two. It has information that the current 5.44 per cent, 7.75 per cent, 13.08 per cent and 10.43 per cent nominal interest rate in Australia, China, India and Malaysia, respectively, will remain the same in the next three years. Due to foreign currency higher nominal interest rate, subsidiaries will invest 26 per cent, 51 per cent and 39 per cent of their year-two earnings in China, India and Malaysia, respectively, for next year. Subsidiaries will remit their remaining incomes (i.e., after investment) to the Australian parent.

Perth International believes in the Purchasing Power parity with considering a 2.11 per cent real interest in Australia, China, India and Malaysia to calculate the expected foreign currency value against the Australian dollar for year-two based on the year-one exchange rates A$/CNY, A$/INR, and A$/MYR.
What is the total Australian dollar (A$) cash flow for year-two? (enter the whole number with no sign or symbol)

Perth International company Australian dollar cash flow

Q3. Thirdly, In year-three, Perth International has a plan to expand the business in China, India and Malaysia.  Consequently, it forecasts an 8.32 per cent increase in year-one earnings of its subsidiaries in year-three. Perth International anticipates 3.08 per cent, 7.06 per cent, 11.36 per cent and 9.22 per cent inflation in Australia, China, Indian and also Malaysia, respectively, in year-three. It considers the Purchasing power parity to calculate the value of CNY, INR and MYR against the Australian dollar in year-three using the year-two exchange rates A$/CNY, A$/INR, and A$/MYR.

Note that investment of subsidiaries in year-two will be matured in this year and include these investment proceeds to the year-three cash flow. It means each subsidiary’s year-three cashflow is year-three earnings and year-two investment proceeds.
What is the total Australian dollar (A$) cash flow for year-three? (enter the whole number with no sign or symbol)

Q4. Fourthly, the subsidiaries of Perth International remit their earnings and investment proceeds to the Australian parent at the end of each year. The annual weighted average cost of capital or required rate of return of Perth International is 6.07 per cent.
Calculate the current value of the Perth International Co. using its expected cash flows in year-one, year-two and year-three. (enter the whole number with no sign or symbol).

Propose a New Historical Monument

Propose a New Historical Monument: This semester, we talked a lot about the removal of monuments. We studied the ways that localities around the globe removed monuments that enshrined histories of racism, colonization, and conquest

Propose a New Historical Monument

Assignment Ideas:
Propose a New Historical Monument
This semester, we talked a lot about the removal of monuments. We studied the ways that localities around the globe removed monuments that enshrined histories of racism, colonization, and conquest – histories that no longer reflected the priorities of the community. What should replace these toppled monuments? Think about the people and events that we discussed this semester: What or who embodies who you want to celebrate? Write a proposal for a new historical monument and explain your reasoning using historical evidence.

Be a Public Historian
You have been hired as the new Head Curator of the Early American History wing of the Smithsonian Museum.
Your first job is to design an exhibit for one of the three main areas we discussed in this course: 1) North
American Empires, 2) The Age of Revolution, or 3) Becoming and Unbecoming American. Focusing on one of these areas, pick THREE objects, images, or documents you will highlight in your exhibit. Describe why you picked them, what you want them to illustrate, and how you will present them.

Home for the Holidays

For many of us, winter break means spending time with family and friends. Sometimes, this means participating in conversations about history with people who don’t know much about history at all. Many well-meaning people who have never taken a history course, read a historical book, or studied primary sources think they understand the American past. Lucky for them, you’re here to help! What are some of the myths you might encounter in family conversations about early American history? Write a script outlining such a conversation, explaining how you might win an argument over some widely held misconceptions about North American history. Be sure to use primary sources, course readings, and evidence to support your claims.

Design a Lesson Plan
You be the teacher! Pick a week, a theme, or a reading from this semester and design a lesson plan to teach to an age level of your choosing. What core issues do you want your students to learn? Additionally, what kinds of questions will you ask of your students? What kinds of exercises, assignments, or sources will you have them do? Justify and explain your lesson plan in your paper.
Write the Final Lecture of This Course

You be the Professor! How do you want to wrap up this class? What are the big takeaway lessons from nearly 400 years of North American history? How might you emphasize to your students why history matters and what examples will you use to illustrate your main points? You can write this summation chronologically, thematically, geographically, or through individual characters. The choice is yours – it’s your class!

Social Media

So many of the individuals and events we discussed this semester would lend themselves to social media. What individuals do you think would use social media well and how? Do you have ideas about how to harness the power of social media to illustrate, inform, explore, and educate the public about an episode of American History?
If so, go forth and experiment. Use some form of social media to explore a particular theme, event, set of ideas, document, reading, or individual from this semester. Record a podcast, generate memes, and craft a Twitter thread, start a tumblr, make some gifs. Always ground your ideas in course material and evidence but go forth and surprise me.

Mixed media
Are you artistically, musically, poetically, cinematically, or otherwise creatively inclined? Are you going to write the next Broadway smash “Ona Judge: The Musical”? Additionally, do you want to create a movie trailer for your Pox Americana film pitch? Are you an animator with made skills? Also, a poet moved by history? Additionally, an actor who wants to do a dramatic reading of a historical text? Finally, work to your strengths and create an “unessay” project that brings together lessons, insights, evidence, or reflections on our course material in a meaningful creative project. You have a lot of free rein here. Dazzle me. Make me proud

What are the limitations of financial ratio analysis such as short-term?

This is a paper that is discussing what are the limitations of financial ratio analysis such as short-term? The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

What are the limitations of financial ratio analysis such as short-term

Topic: Discuss the purpose and importance of financial ratios and financial analysis. What are the limitations of financial ratio analysis? If we divided the users of financial ratios, such as short-term lenders, long-term lenders, and stockholders, which ratios would each prefer and why? Provide examples.

The writing assignment will demonstrate writing across the curriculum by responding to the following topic in a 750 – 1250 words (3 – 5 pages of content/body) paper. Your paper must integrate at least three external references. Your paper must be formatted according to APA 7th edition. Use the template and refer to APA Resources attached below.

Note that your attached paper will automatically be submitted to Turnitin, and an Originality Report should be sent back to the classroom within around 15 minutes. The Originality report does not actually recommend changes. It does point out where you may need to add a citation or quotation marks (if not already cited). Once you use it a few times, you will appreciate this tool, as it will assist you in improving quality and content, as well as avoid plagiarism. Your goal is to keep direct quotations to a minimum and to make sure that you do not just cut and paste material.  A report with a similarity index less than 25% is acceptable for undergraduate level work.

Paper evaluation will be according to the Writing Assignment Grading shown below. To maximize your grade, be sure to use the proper organization (intro, body, conclusion) and follow APA style. Your paper should have a title page and reference page, but you do not need an abstract for this assignment.

Analyze Abstract Art from the Arab World 1950s to 1980s

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze Abstract Art from the Arab World 1950s to 1980s. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Analyze Abstract Art from the Arab World 1950s to 1980s

ART 223 – FALL 2020 – List of Journal / Sketchbook Assignments

Assignment #1:
Taking Shape: Abstract Art from the Arab World, 1950s-1980s
A Century in Flux – Exhibition from the Barjeel Collection at the Sharjah Art Museum, view the exhibition virtually at:

ASSIGNMENT 1 – to be included in your Journal
Sultan Suood al-Qassimi, founder of the Barjeel Art Foundation in Sharjah, has organized multiple exhibitions from his collections of modern and contemporary Arab art which have quickly included some of the very best examples by leading artists from throughout the Arab world. The catalogs of these exhibitions, the accessibility to the entire collection through the Barjeel website (https://www.barjeelartfoundation.org/) as well as his continuing series of ‘Cultural Majlis’ meetings, now on Zoom, with presentations by leading artists, are tremendous resources that we will use throughout our course.  Please take the time to explore the site – and enjoy your journeys through it!

After watching the video discussion on the exhibition ‘Taking Shape: Abstract Art from the Arab World’ as well as virtually visiting the ‘A Century in Flux’ exhibition listed above while also searching for additional information on a specific modern Arab artist including on the Barjeel Foundation website (https://www.barjeelartfoundation.org/) answer the following questions and also create a drawing in your Journal.
1)      Firstly, what are some of the difficulties / problems when studying about modern art in the Arab world?
2)      Secondly, instead of studying Modern art as a mostly Western movement, how can we begin to construct the different histories of modernism in varying parts of the world?
Lastly, make a drawing in your Journal of a painting or object from either of these exhibitions. Or from other sources, by an artist from the Arab world that we can consider an example of ‘Modern


Did the account of Bartolome de Las Casas in Tears of the Indians

Did the account of Bartolome de Las Casas in Tears of the Indians (pp. 361-362) seem consistent with Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios’ justification (pp. 359-360) Spain’s seizure of Native American lands and peoples?

Did the account of Bartolome de Las Casas in Tears of the Indians

Prompt for assignment:
Did the account of Bartolome de Las Casas in Tears of the Indians (pp. 361-362) seem consistent with Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios’ justification (pp. 359-360) Spain’s seizure of Native American lands and peoples?

Structure requested,

5-6 paragraph paper.

Paragraph 1:
Introduction, introducing the reader to the subject, including a clear thesis making the point. Highlight thesis, please.

Paragraph 2:
Body paragraph 1 with a clear topic sentence that goes back to the thesis.

Paragraph 3:
Body paragraph 2 with a clear topic sentence that goes back to the thesis.

Paragraph 4:
Body paragraph 3 with a clear topic sentence that goes back to the thesis.

Paragraph 5: (optional paragraph, add if needed).
Body paragraph 4 with a clear topic sentence that goes back to the thesis.

Paragraph 6:
Conclusion, drawing together all the points and making a final closure of the paper.

MLA citing from the provided page only, don’t go outside of materials provided, please.
Example: “He said that, “and quote selected from the pages” (cite using MLA).

More details;


When Columbus landed in the New World in 1492, he found many “naked people”, and remarked in his journal that “they should be good and intelligent servants” and “would become Christians very easily”. He was mistaken, and the Spanish struggled for hundreds of years to subjugate and convert the indigenous people of the Americas. When they did not cooperate, they were often either slaughtered and maimed, or enslaved to work for the Spanish colonists. King Ferdinand, receiving firsthand accounts of the barbaric ways these people were treat, legitimize Spain’s actions in the eyes of the church and the Pope. The Requerimiento was one of these attempts.