Analyze essential skills to lead within the context of complex systems

This is a paper is focusing on the student to Analyze essential skills to lead within the context of complex systems. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Analyze essential skills to lead within the context of complex systems

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Firstly, examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (CO1)
Secondly, analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems. (CO3)
Thirdly, explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings. (CO4)


The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
The length of the paper should be 5-8 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).

Support ideas with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 3 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
You may use first person voice when discussing information specific to your personal practice or skills.
Current edition APA format is with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
APN Professional Development Plan (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
APN Scope of Practice
Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies
Leadership Skills

 Why is quality important to our projects?  

Why is quality important to our projects?  When we bid the cost to do a project we often put a percent on top of the total bid for Quality Assurance.  As you’re aware, every piece we into the bid drives up our cost and causes us to run the risk of being…

 Why is quality important to our projects

The major drawbacks of this technique include the insufficiency of information where some employees apply six-sigma before understanding the rules. Also, the method requires more resources and expensive to implement. Some people may also be resistant to change.

Importance of Measuring Quality to the Overall Success of a Project
An effective quality management plan is design to identify the project requirements. Monitor the deliverables to ensure that they are effectively implement. The continual monitoring of the project activities should help in successful quality management throughout the project lifecycle. Quality control also aims to satisfy the needs of consumers effectively. Once the requirements are fulfill, a manager is sure of consumer loyalty in the long run. As a result, a firm gets to secure long-term profitability through consistent revenues (Goetsch & Davis, 2013).

Through exemplary quality, there is a possibility of charging and maintaining a high price for your products since you are assure of consistent demand. Through effective quality management, defects are easily identified in the project lifecycle to ascertain that the final product will be of the best quality. The application of techniques like total quality management and six sigma allows for the identity of defects and making necessary changes to ascertain eventual quality.

Question 1

Why is quality important to our projects?  When we bid the cost to do a project we often put a percent on top of the total bid for Quality Assurance.  As you’re aware, every piece we into the bid drives up our cost and causes us to run the risk of being overprice.  Do you think quality is an area we could skimp on?  If so…how?

How familiar are you with Six Sigma?  Have you actually conducted or participated on a Six Sigma project before?

Question 2
What are the five steps of six sigma and can you briefly describe each?

What methods did Diaz use to stay in power for nearly 35 years?

What methods did Diaz use to stay in power for nearly 35 years? What improvements did Mexico experience under Diaz? Who benefitted? What were the negative aspects of the Diaz dictatorship? Who suffered?

What methods did Diaz use to stay in power for nearly 35 years

“Mexico: Revolution and Rebirth” – 25 points
Directions:  Watch the film, “Mexico: Revolution and Rebirth” and answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Answer in complete sentences. Your responses will be handed in and graded.

1)      Firstly, What were the conditions in Mexico before Porfirio Diaz took power?

2)      Secondly, What methods did Diaz use to stay in power for nearly 35 years?

3)      Thirdly, What improvements did Mexico experience under Diaz? Who benefitted?

4)      Fourthly, What were the negative aspects of the Diaz dictatorship? Who suffered?

5)      Further, Who were the 3 leaders who started the Mexican Revolution? What do you know about each one? What was the cause each was fighting for?

6)      Moreover, Why did the Mexican Revolution continue after Diaz went into exile?

7)      Additionally, What happened to the leaders of the Mexican Revolution?

8)      Also, How was the United States involved in the Mexican Revolution?

9)      Furthermore, What became the basis of the Mexican economy after 1938? Further, What problems did this cause?

10)   Besides, Why were there protests at the 1968 Summer Olympics? What happened?

11)   Also, What were the successes of the Mexican Revolution?

12)   Finally, What problems remain in Mexico after the Revolution?

Directions:  Firstly, Explain each of the following terms. Also, Include the date and historical significance of the term. You can also look up terms online to get additional information.

The Porfiriato
Cinco de Mayo
Social Darwinism
Francisco Madero
Pancho Villa
Emiliano Zapata
Venustiano Carranza
Alvaro Obregon
Pershing Expedition
Columbus Raid
Tlatelolco Massacre


Impacts of technology and social media have on our physical

This paper is on the impacts of technology and social media have on our physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Impacts of technology and social media have on our physical

First part of paper should include the impacts of technology and social media have on our physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Should include if technology/ social media have a more positive or negative effects for certain age groups or might the effects be equally distributed across the lifespan.

second part of paper should include own observations. in ways that tech and social media has contributed to oneself to our progression and development

More details;

The impact of media and digital technology on children and adolescents


This position statement seeks to identify the many positive benefits of media. Also, digital technology for children and adolescents, but also recognises areas of concern.

Key messages

  • There are many positive benefits of exposure to, and appropriate use of, media in children and young people.
  • A number of issues concerning the problematic impact of media have been identified including Problem Internet Use and cyberbullying.
  • Clinicians should be aware that problematic use of media, where it leads to significant social isolation and also withdrawal, can impact adversely on normal development.
  • Psychiatrists are particularly well placed to help work with children and young people with mental health problems where negative media experiences play a role.
  • Further research is need on the impact of excessive exposure to digital technology on development.

Media is generally define as the means of mass communication, and includes broadcasting, publishing and the internet. The scope of media continues to increase dramatically as digital technology becomes more readily available. Social media has become a common method of communication and online gaming provides a further avenue for interaction. Rapid access to instant communication is increasingly the norm. Also, access from highly portable sources has created a climate where there is constant access to the digital world.


Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing MN502-2

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing MN502-2. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper.  Below is the description of the assignment:

Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing MN502-2

MN502-2: Apply a model of practice to the advanced nurse roles.

Models of Practice

What is a model?

A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how concepts are related to one another and are developed based on qualitative research. Models often are precursors to theory development.

Three of the most prominent nursing models categorized as focusing on goals and functions include Nightingale’s environmental model of nursing, Johnson’s behavioral system model, and Pender’s health promotion model.


In this assignment, you will locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing. It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and also technology. You will explain why you have chosen the model and apply the model to your advanced practice role in the template provided.

In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your chosen model. Please remove the examples when entering your information
In the first column of the template table, list the characteristics of the model you have chosen with a source/s of support. In the second column, list an application to your advanced nursing practice role upon graduation with a source of support/s.

Assignment Details

For this Assignment, your paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support.

Submit your Assignment to the Competency Assessment Dropbox.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Firstly, this Assessment should be a Microsoft Word document.
Secondly, respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions.
Thirdly, your paper must be in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Fourthly, your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Lastly, a separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.

Analyze the rhetorical appeals of a PSA situation scenario

This is a paper that is requiring the student to Analyze the rhetorical appeals of a PSA situation scenario. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper. Below is the description of the assessment:

Analyze the rhetorical appeals of a PSA situation scenario

Rhetorical Analysis of  Public Service Announcement (PSA)

Write a rhetorical analysis essay in which you closely analyze the rhetorical situation of a PSA. You will use the three, rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, and pathos)  to explain your analysis.
The rhetorical situation consists of the:

Author- who is the author of the PSA?, how do you know that? Did you do research? Was it obvious or not?

Audience- who is the intended audience? Why do you think this?

Message- what is the message of the PSA?

Purpose- what is the purpose of the PSA? Is it a call to action? What is that action?

You will use the rhetorical appeals to support the claim you made about the PSA.

For example if a PSA is showing pictures of animals without homes and playing sad music at the same time. You can discuss how the music is using ethos to appeal to the emotions of the audience.

You may find that one rhetorical device is used more than others that is fine that section will be bulkier but you should mention all three

To find a PSA, I suggest entering “Public Service Announcement” in the search bar in YouTube or Google.
Your thesis should clearly explain which appeal is the most clearly presented by the non-profit or profit company which produced the commercial.
In other words, you are analyzing the company’s use of the three appeals and making a judgment concerning which appeal is the most successful and why. You are also analyzing the other two appeals as well – even though their presentation is weaker.
You should discuss whether or not you think the PSA is successful and also craft a short paragraph noting how you would improve it.
Lastly, your evidence is illustrate through your specific analysis of the three appeals in the commercial. You will quote, summarize, and paraphrase (with attribution through in-text citations and also a Works Cited page) the PSA as needed throughout the essay.

Implementation of gaming in educational environments

This is a paper that is requiring the student to research Implementation of gaming in educational environments. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Implementation of gaming in educational environments

Instructional technology leadership happens at every level of education. Technology leadership requires setting direction, providing professional learning, and making the organization technologically ready.

In a table, you will categorize instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles to make research-based, best-practice recommendations.

Step 1. Research
Research instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles. *For example, implementation of gaming in educational environments has been shown to increase interest in learning as well as a method of formative assessment. Gaming has been shown to increase learning for kinesthetic learners.  ***** would like to research specifically video discussion, ie: Flipgrid***

Step 2. Categorize
Secondly, in a table, categorize instructional technology by type and function based on learning affordances and styles.

Step 3. Match
Thirdly, match technology tools or applications with instructional-technology-specific learning styles.

Step 4. Determine
Fourthly, determine which instructional technology-specific learning styles relate to affordances such as distributed cognition and pattern recognition.

Step 5. Recommend
In an APA-formatted paper, provide recommendations for technology according to type and also function based on learning affordances and styles.

This website may be helpful:

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English

Describe the problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English, and also explain/justify any grammatical changes that made.

Problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English

Describe the problems that encountered in translating the poem from French to English, and also explain/justify any grammatical changes that made.

I want to tell the reader why the changes are made:
Sacrés coteaux, et vous saintes ruines, Qui le seul nom de Rome retenez, Vieux monuments, qui encor soutenez L’honneur poudreux de tant d’âmes divines : Arcs triomphaux, pointes du ciel voisines, Qui de vous voir le ciel même étonnez, Las, peu à peu cendre vous devenez, Fable du peuple et publiques rapines ! Et bien qu’au temps pour un temps fassent guerre Les bâtiments, si est-ce que le temps Oeuvres et noms finablement atterre.

Tristes désirs, vivez doncques contents: Car si le temps finit chose si dure, Il finira la peine que j’endure. Sacred hillsides, and you holy ruins, Who the only name of Rome retain, Old monuments, which encore support The powdery honor of so many divine souls: Triumphal arches, nearby sky points, Who to see you the same sky amaze, Weed, little by little ash you become, Fable of the people and public rapines! And although at the time for a time war Buildings, if time Works and names finally atterre. Sad desires, live so happy: Because if time ends so hard, He will end the pain I endure. Du Bellay

This is a paper on Casual Game Concept

This is a paper on Casual Game Concept. Demonstrate your ability to apply ideas from the course readings and lectures in your paper. The paper should be with a minimum of 750 words (approximately 3-4 Pages)

This is a paper on Casual Game Concept

(Here’s a copy-paste on the module dealing with this paper): Respond to all parts of the prompt.

Demonstrate your ability to apply ideas from the course readings and lectures in your paper. The paper should be  with a minimum of 750 words (approximately 3-4 Pages)

Adhere to academic writing standards: A common 12 point font such as Calibri or Times New Roman, proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Facts and sources are appropriately cite using APA, MLA, or any other citation format

Firstly, to practice developing a casual game based on an existing non-casual popular game.

Secondly, to practice developing a game pitch with media elements.


In this module, we have explored the evolution of casual games and some of their distinguishing features.
Underberg-Goode notes that “by casual games, in general, most people mean games with shorter playing times, greater accessibility, and high replayability” (Chapter 9, section 2). For this paper, you will reimagine a popular game (preferably one with a long playthrough) as a casual game for a smartphone, tablet, also web browser. I want you to pitch an idea for a casual game based on an existing (not casual) game that includes the following:

Also, briefly describe the original game.

Finally, explain clearly how it could be re imagine (in whole or in part) as a casual game, referring to design ideas glean from the chapter.

Submit your response as a game pitch

The Fire Emblem series has many lengthy 40+ hour strategy games across a few consoles. Recently, Fire Emblem Heroes was release as a mobile game. Heroes is a casual variant of the traditional Fire Emblem games, with simplified mechanics that can be played in short bursts, positive feedback (or “juiciness”), and good usability (it can be played without previous knowledge of the franchise or video game conventions).

This article goes over a few differences with Fire Emblem Heroes if you are interested in learning more:

The causes and effects relating to a specific fear situation in real world

This is a paper that is focusing on the causes and effects relating to a specific fear situation in real world. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

The causes and effects relating to a specific fear situation in real world

Fear is scientifically as a response to a threat, real or perceive. One assumption is that many of our reactions to the threats of fear are overreactions to far less serious threats than we perceive. Some are not. You have explored fear in the world of horror and fiction, the monsters and demons that Hollywood has created which strike your mind and heart. You have looked internally at things that frighten you, and externally at the way fear manifests in the world.

This essay assignment, in general, asks you to explore real and specific fears through causal or critical analysis. In other words, either you are exploring the causes and effects related to a specific fear situation of your own or existing in the world. Or adopting a critical lens for analyzing a fear situation expressed or inspired by a text of your choice. All of these options ultimately are means to a similar end. To be able argue and draw meaningful conclusions about fear in our world. Your analysis application might be in any of a range of contexts including education, family, personal relationships, politics, media, and so on.

The ultimate objective is not necessarily to overcome your own fears here—you are not in therapy. But to understand how fear operates to impact our lives in particular ways, and to see what happens, and what could happen, as a result of our choice of response, or lack of choice. The essay may seek to alter a typical outcome by offering a specific solution. Or to project what might be a particular outcome given what research tells you about how the mind and/or body work with respect to fear.

The causes and effects relating to a specific fear situation in real world

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.