How do we restore and heal instead of enforce and be punitive in our approach?

How do we restore and heal instead of enforce and be punitive in our approach? Read the article below, and answer critically.

How do we restore and heal instead of enforce and be punitive in our approach

Week 10 Discussion 3
Read the article below, and answer critically

How do we restore and heal instead of enforce and be punitive in our approach?

More details;

Return of the native: how not to deal with home-grown enemies

Many IS supporters want to return to the UK, sparking controversy. There may be lessons in our wartime treatment of British fascists

Over the past 20 years, the democracies of Western Europe have faced a major dilemma. Amid the constant threat of terrorist action by individuals or groups who have infiltrated our society, to what extent would we be justified in suspending or adapting some of the normal judicial safeguards which protect the freedom of the individual? To what extent is preventive detention a possibility? Before detaining someone, should one need to prove in the courts that that person is already guilty of a crime, as opposed to relying on secret service reports as to that person’s potentiality for committing a terrorist outrage?

In this situation, some people have pointed to a previous occasion when this country was faced by an internal enemy: the Second World War, when normal judicial procedures were suspended, and many people incarcerated without trial. They make the point that ours is just as much a wartime situation, with a powerful external enemy having allies within our society, who constitute an ever-present danger.

Another apparent parallel to wartime Britain has now emerged.

When the external enemy appears to have been materially defeated, what do you do with those British nationals who, having gone abroad to support that enemy, now wish to return to this country? The case of Shamima Begum has brought this problem dramatically before us; but she is merely one among many IS supporters who will now be wishing to return. In 1945-6, our courts had to deal with a number of cases of returning collaborators with the enemy; and, though the question of potential continuing danger did not on the whole arise at that time, there were various factors which led to serious inconsistencies

in the sentencing of individual cases.

Discuss the life of Mao Zedong

Discuss the life of Mao Zedong. Discuss the political, social, and economic policies of Communist China from 1949 to 1993. Also, discuss the policies of Deng Xiaoping and how he attempted to solve the problems of China.

Discuss the life of Mao Zedong

China Policies

Firstly, discuss the life of Mao Zedong.

Secondly, discuss the political, social, and economic policies of Communist China from 1949 to 1993.

Thirdly, discuss the policies of Deng Xiaoping and how he attempted to solve the problems of China.

More details;

Mao was a Chinese communist leader and founder of the People’s Republic of China. He was responsible for the disastrous policies of the ‘Great Leap Forward’ and the ‘Cultural Revolution’.

Mao was born on 26 December 1893 into a peasant family in Shaoshan, in Hunan province, central China. After training as a teacher, he travelled to Beijing where he worked in the University Library. It was during this time that he began to read Marxist literature. In 1921, he became a founder member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and set up a branch in Hunan. In 1923, the Kuomintang (KMT) nationalist party had also allied with the CCP to defeat the warlords who controlled much of northern China. Then in 1927, the KMT leader Chiang Kai-shek launched an anti-communist purge.

Mao and other communists retreated to south east China. In 1934, after the KMT surrounded them, Mao led his followers on the ‘Long March’, a 6,000 mile journey to northwest China to establish a new base.

The Communists and KMT were again temporarily allied during eight years of war with Japan (1937-1945), but shortly after the end of World War Two, civil war broke out between them. The Communists were victorious, and also on 1 October 1949 Mao proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Chiang Kai-shek fled to the island of Taiwan.

Mao and other Communist leaders set out to reshape Chinese society. Industry came under state ownership and China’s farmers began to be organised into collectives. The Chinese initially received significant help from the Soviet Union, but relations soon began to cool.


Homegrown extremism vs international terrorism

Homegrown extremism vs international terrorism

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to write differences between homegrown extremism and terrorism. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper in detail.

Differences between homegrown extremism and terrorism

HLSS323 B001 Fall 2020
For this assignment, you will write a research paper addressing the following topics:

Describe the differences between homegrown extremism and terrorism and provide your own definition of each.
Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models. Highlight any key similarities and differences.
Choose either a purely domestic extremist group or an internationally focused terrorist organization and briefly describe the main inspiration (the grievance or cause). You can pick any extremist or terrorist group you like to describe the ideology or what drives them.
This Midterm Assignment addresses the following course objectives:

CO-1: Describe the psychological factors of terrorism as well as the ideologies that drive homegrown violent extremism.

CO-2: Compare and contrast the different models and framework for the radicalization process.

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 3-5 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. Utilize books, peer-review journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

What is this rhetorical situation concerned with?

What is this rhetorical situation concerned with? That is, what kind of subject matter do all of the examples deal with? What are the articles doing with this subject matter (introducing, explaining, analyzing, etc.)?

What is this rhetorical situation concerned with

Rhetorical essay on 3 different articles
Read the 3 sources and determine what rhetorical form and situation they represent, in one essay compare and contrast them. I will attach the articles and the assignment page. must be at least 750 words but no more than 1500

size 12 times new roman

Some questions to help pick what to compare and contrast them by.

Firstly, what is this rhetorical situation concerned with? That is, what kind of subject matter do all of the examples deal with?

Secondly, what are the articles doing with this subject matter (introducing, explaining, analyzing, etc.)?

Thirdly, how is the situation presented? What structural or organizational elements appear throughout the examples?

Fourthly, what are those features helping the writers accomplish?

Also, what do these observations tell you about the rhetorical situation?

Further, how are these articles written at the sentence level? Are the sentences complex or simple? Are they long or short?

What kind of specialized language do you see? What do these observations tell you about the rhetorical situation?
Who is the audience for these documents? What do they seem to know? What do they seem to expect? How have the answers to the previous prompts led you to these conclusions?

What do these observations tell you about the rhetorical situation?

MLA in-text citation, MLA work cited page

Development needs of the cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls

This is a paper that requires the student to discuss development needs of the cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and the submission of the essay.

Development needs of the cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls

Economic development is a multifaceted process involving growth in GDP per capita, improvement in standards of living, and reduction of poverty. Economic development must take into account the needs of agricultural development and food security, human and natural resource development, and the role of women/minorities and all residents of low-income counties, as well as the issues of population growth, healthcare, and rural–urban migration. Appropriate policies at the county and city level are vital to the development needs of the cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls.

Suppose you are the economic adviser to the Cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls, what suggestions would you recommend to effectively promote economic growth and reduce poverty? :

Development needs of the cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls

Be sure to address the following in your response:

Agricultural development
Education and the development of human capital (role of Vernon College and MSU)
Crime (Role of the Wichita Falls Police Department)
Healthcare (Role of United Regional Hospital)
Incentives to businesses (to bring jobs to the area).
Investment in physical capital (infrastructure) such as factories, machinery and roads
Format of answer (3 pages)

You must use the Web and other sources (like textbooks, journals, newspapers…) for information. You MUST use at least three sources and at least one MUST be a Web source. Also, you MUST use standard bibliographic form (use any style sheet you like)

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Discuss an issue to international trade affecting the country’s economy

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss an issue to international trade affecting the country’s economy. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well.

Discuss an issue to international trade affecting the country’s economy

For this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Describe and analyze an issue related to International Trade or Globalization which has positively or negatively impacted the economy of a country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

To address the questions, research must be done. It is important that factual information be provided so as to provide an accurate description.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate additional information so as to provide a more complete response:

Informational Introduction

Very briefly describe the country or region of your choice.
Focus on that country’s or on that region’s trade patterns with one or many of its important trade partner(s). You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
Theoretical Question

You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain how the country or the region that you chose was positively or negatively impacted by trade. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
Normative Question

You may address the following, but can decide to address more questions:

“What are the specific positive or negative impact(s) of international trade or of globalization on the country or region that you chose?”
“Which group is particularly affected by trade?”
Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the adverse impact(s) of trade or to enhance the positive impact(s) of trade or globalization on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Final Project grade)

General Instructions

Firstly, you must integrate economic theories learned in class and apply them to your analysis.
Secondly, you must state your interpretation of the information that you provided. Then justify your interpretation using several arguments that you will need to explain.
You should take a balanced position.
Special Instructions

You must write at least 1,500 words.
Also, you must also use graphs and/or equations to present your information.
You must appropriately reference all of your sources using the APA or the MLA guidelines.

Discuss President Roosevelt’s vision role in international environment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss President Roosevelt’s vision role in international environment. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper.

Discuss President Roosevelts vision role in international environment

In this assignment, students will understand the growth and development of executive leadership by looking at the dynamics between the President and Congress in the period since the Spanish American War. In writing this 6-8 pgs. paper you will:

1. Discuss President Roosevelt’s vision of America’s role in the international environment and how it changed the Presidential inclination to act.
2. Evaluate congressional responses to the more aggressive Executive Branch
3. Discuss how the growth in government—particularly in military forces—gave the President more options.
4. Provide new thoughts related to this topic.


This paper must include at least 8 references.
In-text citations are required to support your points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, and opinions.
The cover page needs to include this statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.

The cover page abstract and the reference pages are not included in the required assignment page length/word count, but are required as part of your paper. • The APA required introduction, conclusion sections and subject headings are expected.
The introduction and conclusion sections should not be longer than ½ page each unless the paper is at least 3000 words long not including cover page, abstract page, table pf contents page and reference page.
Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.
Citations should accompany each written assignment thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences, and supporting statements of fact and opinion.
Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from, or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
Similarity scores must not exceed 20%.
Main subject headings besides the abstract, introduction, conclusion, and reference headings should restate each assignment question as a short-paraphrased statement.
Avoid clichés, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and too subjective.
Biblical based topical analysis and biblical integration needs to be specific to the subject with a depth that is greater than a general Christian worldview.

Describe to your classmates the difference between confidence interval for μ1−μ2

Describe to your classmates the difference between confidence interval for μ1−μ2 and for the hypothesis test for μ1−μ2. How would you explain the differences?

Describe to your classmates the difference between confidence interval for μ1−μ2

Firstly, describe to your classmates the difference between confidence interval for μ1−μ2 and for the hypothesis test for μ1−μ2. How would you explain the differences?

More details;

Comparing Two Population Means

In this section, we are going to approach constructing the confidence interval and developing the hypothesis test similarly to how we approached those of the difference in two proportions.

There are a few extra steps we need to take, however. First, we need to consider whether the two populations are independent. When considering the sample mean, there were two parameters we had to consider. μ the population mean, and also σ the population standard deviation. The second step is to determine if we are in a situation where the population standard deviations are the same. Or if they are different.

Independent and Dependent Samples

It is important to be able to distinguish between an independent sample or a dependent sample.


Independent sample
The samples from two populations are independent if the samples selected from one of the populations. It has no relationship with the samples selected from the other population.


Dependent sample
The samples are dependent (also called paired data) if each measurement in one sample is matched. Or paired with a particular measurement in the other sample. Another way to consider this is how many measurements are taken off of each subject. If only one measurement, then independent. If two measurements, then paired. Exceptions are in familial situations such as in a study of spouses or twins. In such cases, the data is almost always treated as paired data.

The following are examples to illustrate the two types of samples.


When is it justified to use the word “proves”?

Q1. When is it justified to use the word “proves”? Q2. Moore et al (and others; researchers) study, could you use the word “proves” why or why not? Q3. Milgram’s study could you use the word “proves” why or why not?

When is it justified to use the word proves

Q1. When is it justified to use the word “proves”?
Q2. Secondly, Moore et al (and others; researchers) study, could you use the word “proves” why or why not?
Q3. Milgram’s study could you use the word “proves” why or why not?

Q4. What three tips would you give another student to help them to read and understand research?



Q5. When discussion and evaluating research what areas of the research can you focus on and why are these areas relevant?

Q6. What is your understanding of when to use “proves”?

More details;

Commentators on Milgram’s classic and controversial experiments agree that better integration of theories of “obedience to authority” with current archival research on participants’ viewpoints is essential in explaining compliance. Using conversation analysis, we examine an archived data source that is largely overlooked by the Milgram literature, yet crucial for understanding the interactional organization of participants’ displayed perspectives. In hundreds of interviews conducted immediately after each experiment, participants received one of two types of debriefing: deceptive or full. Analyzing 56 full debriefings from three experimental conditions, we find they featured interactional structuring as news delivery sequences and that debriefing news could transform initially ambivalent or negative assessments of the experiment into positive ones. Such findings reveal limitations of engaged followership, the currently dominant theory of “obedience.” Following discussion of improved assessments’ relevance to public attitudes toward science, we conclude that multiple social psychological processes were at work in producing Milgram’s results.

Briefly state the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV)

This paper focuses on Briefly state the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV). “Along the x-axis are sessions/days/etc., along the y-axis is _____________, the closed diamonds (or other marker as depicted in the graph)…

Briefly state the independent variable IV and dependent variable DV

Based off the case study linked below answer/ fill out the following questions

Briefly state the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV)
“Along the x-axis are sessions/days/etc., along the y-axis is _____________, the closed diamonds (or other marker as depicted in the graph) represent ______, the open squares (or other marker) represent ______________. In baseline ________ (discuss no or gradual/steep increasing/decreasing trend, level, and/or stability/variability of responding). In treatment, __________ (discuss changes in trend, level, and variability of responding).”

· You will share your screen and point out the portions of the graphs as you discuss them. You can also merely display the graph or create a PowerPoint presentation.

Does the design show experimental control? Explain why there is or is not experimental control. You will learn how to do this when we review “POVs” (prediction, observation, and verification which will be discuss in synchronous class on week 6 prior to the presentations)

More details;

Experimental design: What is it and when should it be used?

Experiments are an excellent data collection strategy for social workers wishing to observe the effects of a clinical intervention or social welfare program. Understanding what experiments are and how they are conduct is useful for all social scientists, whether they actually plan to use this methodology or simply aim to understand findings from experimental studies. An experiment is a method of data collection designed to test hypotheses under controlled conditions. Students in my research methods classes often use the term experiment to describe all kinds of research projects, but in social scientific research, the term has a unique meaning and should not be used to describe all research methodologies.