Assessing the Impact of Suspected Unapproved or Counterfeit 

Assessing the Impact of Suspected Unapproved or Counterfeit Parts within the Aviation Supply Chain and the Aviation Industry Response. This is a capstone project to satisfy the requirements.

Assessing the Impact of Suspected Unapproved or Counterfeit

Assessing the Impact of Suspected Unapproved or Counterfeit Parts within the Aviation Supply Chain and the Aviation Industry Response.

This is a capstone project to satisfy the requirements. The topic I have chosen is an in-depth assessment of Suspected Unapproved Parts within the aviation supply chain. Also, the industry response (Court cases, fines imprisonment, tactics to minimize the use, etc). Below I have provided the abstract.

I request that the tutor analyze the background of this problem, notable aviation incidents that have occurred because of this, and the regulatory authorities’ investigation, What Airlines and the OEMs are doing to stop parts being introduced to the supply chain, and also a review of the implications for airlines and the vendors who are using or selling these parts. This needs to complete with a conclusion on whether the current schemes by the industry and also authorities are working to stem the flow.


The cost of maintaining an aircraft to an operational and airworthy condition is increasing with every passing year. One area which requires a high-financial investment for an airline is holding adequate stock of replacement parts, either new or overhauled. The price, commanded by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), of replacement parts or consumables, can account for $1.5-2 billion of a legacy airlines’ inventory (Valeika, 2018).

This high cost has led airlines and MROs to seek out opportunities for cost reductions. Which has resulted in the emergence of the trade of unapproved or counterfeit parts. It has been definitively prove that “suspect unapprove” or “counterfeit” parts have been the root cause of multiple disasters and also fatalities within the aviation industry.

As a consequence of this, the Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) Program was establish in 1993 by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to coordinate efforts and address issues posed by the entry of “unapproved” or “counterfeit” parts into the U.S. aviation system (FAA, 2011). Since the creation of this program, the FAA has initiated over 2,500 SUP investigations. This project will also outline current policies in the aviation community. The risks associated with the sale and use of unapproved or counterfeit parts. Also, investigate the need for updated policies and enforcement.

Keywords: Aviation, Aircraft Maintenance, Unapproved Parts, Counterfeit Parts, Airworthiness, Accidebiknt investigation, regulations, aviation law

Evaluate the primary leadership style of your chosen leader

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to evaluate the primary leadership style of your chosen leader. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Evaluate the primary leadership style of your chosen leader

Assessment 1 Instructions: Interview and Leadership Analysis

Write a 3-4-page summary of an interview with a health care leader who could serve as your preceptor for your doctoral project. Also, determine and define a gap, a need, or an opportunity that will serve as the basis for the remaining assessments in this course


Ask interview questions that allow you to do the following:

Firstly, evaluate the primary leadership style of your chosen leader.
Secondly, what are the leader’s credentials and what is his or her formal position in the organization?
Thirdly, what role does the leader play in the organization, system, or public health arena?
Fourthly, is he or she a mentor to others?
How visible is the leader within the organization or system?
How would you characterize his or her leadership style;(that is; transformational, transactional, et cetera)?
What is his or her role in communication?

Evaluate the primary leadership style of your chosen leader

Assess the leader’s organizational role as it relates to quality, safety, and evidence-based standards.
How is the leader’s role interdisciplinary?
What is one example of how this leader facilitates, participates, or fosters interprofessional or interdisciplinary collaboration?
What is an example of how this leader champions quality and also safety in the organization or public health system?
Evaluate the leader’s qualifications to be a doctoral preceptor.
Is this person trusted and respected in the organization and community?
Identify the connections he or she has to formal and informal power; and how these might be leveraged to assist you in a quality improvement project or evidence-based practice change.

For example, could you get help with; navigating policy, recruiting team members, or enlisting buy-in?
Describe a gap, a problem, or an opportunity for a doctoral project.
Can this be connected to an organizational, systemic, or public health strategic priority?
What are the implications for patient outcomes and also safety?
Assess the; leader’s approach to data management.

The Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s involvement in the religion

This is a paper that requires the student to examine the Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s involvement in the religion. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description to follow:

The Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s involvement in the religion

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

At least one peer-reviewed source about the Nation of Islam religion (Black Muslims)

At last two peer-reviewed sources about Western religions (i.e., Christianity, Judaism, Orthodox Islam)


This section of The Autobiography of Malcolm X examines the Nation of Islam and Malcolm’s involvement in the religion.  Consider the following prompt:

How did Malcolm X use his involvement in the Nation of Islam as a platform to advance change?  In order to discuss what those changes were, you must first briefly describe the three main Western religions, compare them to the Nation of Islam, then discuss Malcolm’s induction into the religion, and how he was able to use it to advance his message to African American people during the Civil Rights Movement.

Be sure to support your thesis with multiple references to the required sources throughout your paper.

Essay Guidelines: (please read carefully!)

1. Essays must be at least six (6) pages typed, double-spaced, and with one-inch margins.

2. Use proper MLA formatting (see MLA Tutorial #1 Basic Paper Formatting on

3. Make sure to include in-text citations where appropriate and a works cited page (see MLA Tutorials #3 Works Cited page and MLA Tutorial #5 In-text Citations on The Works Cited page does not count towards the six page minimum requirement.

4. Do not use 1st or 2nd person pronouns. For each use of a 1st or 2nd person pronoun I will deduct 10 points off of the final grade.

5. Exception:  Avoid use of 1st or 2nd person pronouns (I, we, me, us, my, our, you, your) unless you are providing a personal example as evidence, and it is prefaced by “For example, I…” or “For instance, we…”

6, No contractions in a formal essay (i.e., don’t, won’t, it’s, couldn’t, shouldn’t, etc.).

Compose a post-mortem email to address Strategic Communications

This is a paper that is requiring the student to Compose a post-mortem email to address Strategic Communications. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description for the assignment:

Compose a post-mortem email to address Strategic Communications

Oral communications


You work at Strategic Communications, a three-year-old global public-relations start-up based in Atlanta, Georgia. In order to support local entrepreneurs and start-ups, Strategic Communication will soon be hosting COM-CON, a conference developed to assist local businesses with their communications and public relations needs. As someone who is passionate about the value of good communication, you have volunteered to host a session. Your supervisor, Margaret Aoyama, has provided you with a variety of topics and session types. COM-CON will take place during three days, with different audience profiles for each day. Your task is to select one of the topics, one session type, and one audience profile and create an oral communication presentation that addresses the topic, has appropriate media for your session type, and meets the needs of your selected audience profile.

After you have crafted your oral communication presentation, Margaret has asked you to compose a post-mortem email that details and justifies the decisions you made in the construction of your presentation. This email should also include suggested modifications that you would make to your presentation, were you to give it again to a different audience using a different presentation type at COM-CON.


Your supervisor has asked you to create an oral communication presentation and a presentational aid for a presentation at an upcoming conference. As you create this presentation, address the following elements:
* Oral Communication Presentation: As you will be submitting your presentation to internal stakeholders before presenting at a conference, your supervisor has asked that you include detailed speakers notes in your presentation. The speaker notes should represent an outline of what you would say when giving the presentation. After choosing your presentation topic, audience, and presentation type, make sure to do the following:

* Select and develop main ideas for inclusion in targeted communication. After you have identified your topic, audience, and presentation type, select and provide support for main ideas that are consistent with your choices. In developing these main ideas, consider the following:
Is the information you included within the presentation based on the needs of your specific audience?
How does the information you have chosen address the needs of your specific audience?
Use language appropriate to the identified topic, target audience, occasion, and purpose. In your language use, consider the following:
* How does the language used in your presentation enhance your credibility as a presenter? Is your vocabulary consistent with the needs of your topic, audience, occasion, and purpose?
* Does it use complex/simple language based on the needs and characteristics of the audience?

Louis Vuitton Case Study alternatives and recommendations Analysis

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to analyze Louis Vuitton Case Study alternatives and recommendations Analysis. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper. Below is the description for the assessment:

Louis Vuitton Case Study alternatives and recommendations Analysis

Case Study #1 – Louis Vuitton, page 296. The assignment needs to be at least 3-4 pages in length. Be sure to follow the APA formatting for this assignment.

What are the critical issues or problems? What are the alternatives? Also, what recommendations can be made? How can you justify your strategy? At least 3-5 journal articles required.

What is a Case Study?

There is no universally accepted definition for a case study, and the case method means different things to different people. Consequently, all case studies are not structured similarly, and variations abound in terms of style, structure and approach. Case material ranges from small caselets (a few paragraphs to one-two pages) to short cases (four to six pages) and from 10 to 18 page case studies to the longer versions (25 pages and above).

A case is usually a “description of an actual situation, commonly involving a decision, a challenge, an opportunity, a problem or an issue faced by a person or persons in an organization.” In learning with case studies, the student must deal with the situation described in the case, in the role of the manager or decision maker facing the situation.

Louis Vuitton Case Study alternatives and recommendations Analysis

An important point to be emphasize here is that a case is not a problem. A problem usually has a unique, correct solution. On the other hand, a decision-maker faced with the situation described in a case can choose between several alternative courses of action, and each of these alternatives may plausibly be supported by logical argument. To put it simply, there is no unique, correct answer in the case study method.

Please use the following guidelines:

Case Study Analysis

Case study analysis gives students an opportunity to apply theory learned in the classroom to real world situations.  Also, case studies do not have discrete answers.  Rather, they challenge students to exercise their own business judgment in a supportive, educational environment.  Students test their knowledge by analyzing situations; defining problems or issues; evaluating alternatives and/or forming conclusions to resolve the problem or issue; and making recommendations.

Gender in Media and Culture marketing sexuality paper

Gender in Media and Culture marketing sexuality paper

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explore Gender in Media and Culture marketing sexuality paper. The paper also provides additional information to use in the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Gender in Media and Culture marketing sexuality paper

Marketing Sexuality/Gender in Media and Culture:

We live in a world where ‘sexuality’ is marketed to us as a product and in various media forms. sexuality is something that we both buy and sell, and consequently reproduce through its purchase and sale. Sexuality is also something that is a construction, production and representation in various media forms for this assignment. You are to explore how sexuality is market to us as a consumerist product or construction, representation and depiction in a media form.

Gender in Media and Culture marketing sexuality paper

You have options two for this assignment:

1) The marketing of toys for boys and girls. (2. Representations of male/female sexuality/gender in media.

• For this option you can either visit a department store toy section or look a media form and write your assignment about the ways that sexuality is market or representation through socially produce differences between boys and girls/ men/women. How are toys for boys and girls marketed to us? You must discuss toys for boys and toys for girls.
• If you chose the second option, you must discuss how sexuality/gender is a construct and representation in the media form that you choose.
• This assignment must include: a) How sexuality/gender is as a marketing tool, or how it is representation in media, b) Potential effects these strategies have on consumers or in the second option, on boys/men and girls/women, and c) What does all of this tell you/us about sexuality?

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Select a topic under childhood development perspective

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to select a topic under childhood development perspective. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Select a topic under childhood development perspective

Note: Child development occurs in a specific sequence. Therefore, the assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.

From the perspective of a professional who has knowledge and expertise in child development, you have been invited to address an audience that includes parents as well as other professionals on a specific issue.


Select one topic under early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescence as the focus of your paper and written presentation. You may use the suggested textbook or other secondary literature to view various issues linked to biology and the environment, health, education, and cultural influences. Start exploring the material that is relevant to your selected issue and then expand your research to include current secondary literature.

Your assessment is into two parts:

Part 1

Firstly, develop a 5–7-page paper on the selected topic supporting ideas with current research from the scholarly literature that fully explores the topic. The paper will provide the basis for you to explain the impact of the issue facing the child you selected from the Adolescent Topics Scenarios media piece. The paper should have APA structure, formatting, and referencing.

Part 2

Secondly, prepare a 2-page presentation for the intended audience based on the research you conducted on the topic. Write out the presentation on two double-spaced pages. This does not need APA in-text referencing, but you can refer to important scholarly sources that support your ideas. Remember to consider the level of understanding the audience may have on the topic so that you avoid jargon or provide clarification. This presentation needs to have objective support, but, as a presentation, it can be in more informal first-person language.

Additional Requirements

Written communication:

Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition and expression.
References: Include a minimum of six academic, peer-reviewed resources.
APA style and formatting: Format the references and in-text citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages.
Length of presentation paper: Two typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Discussing and assessing the definition of politics

Assigned topic: discussing and assessing the definition of politics as seen in the last slide of the lecture notes for Week 1 (posted on the Blackboard); this is the definition by Rand Dyck, one of the editors of our textbook,

Discussing and assessing the definition of politics

Assigned topic: discussing and assessing the definition of politics as seen in the last slide of the lecture notes for Week 1 (posted on the Blackboard); this is the definition by Rand Dyck, one of the editors of our textbook, that appeared in the 4th edition of the book, but not in the 5th edition—the edition we are using for this term. For information about how to cite the source of this definition, see below.  Your discussions and assessments of the definition should be combine with discussions of the recent politics regarding the Trans-mountain (Kinder Morgan) Pipeline.

Assigned material:

Chapter 1 of the text (the 5th edition, the one we are using for this fall term). Key points to be aware: many perspectives on what politics is or definition of politics.  Dyck’s definition in the last slide of the Week 1 lecture notes is one of the many perspectives on what politics is. In the term essay, it is your job to illustrate and analyze the perspectives taken by Dyck’s definition, and assess the merits and problems of the definition in comparison to one or more other perspectives or definitions on politics as discussed in Chapter 1.

Though not assign for the term essay, you may refer to the lecture and text information assign for other weeks that may be relevant and helpful to the discussions in your term essay.


Your own research: A minimum of three research sources are required (the assigned materials/information listed above, i.e., the text materials and the lecture information, should not be seen as part of these research materials).  At least one of these research materials should be academic (an academic book or a chapter from an academic book, or an article from an academic journal). The rest of the research materials can be of quality publications on the internet (such as those available on the CBC website), reputable magazines or newspapers (such as the Globe and Mail, the MacLean’s, or the Edmonton Journal).

Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

This is a paper that is requiring the focus on Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

Using the case study below create a 12 to 16 slide PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software which includes the following:

1. Create a slide(s) that identifies effectiveness issues that affect decision making in HOC’s management. Provide your reasoning for the selection.
2. Create a slide(s) that identifies efficiency issues that affect decision making in HOC’s management. Provide your reasoning for the selection.
3. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s management promotes diversity in its organizational behavior in an effective way or does not. You must take a position and support it with course material, case study facts, and research.
4. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s manager’s promote culture in its organizational behavior in an effective way or does not. You must take a position and support it with course material, case study facts, and research.

5. Create a slide(s) that either defends the idea that HOC’s managers promote culture in its organizational behavior in an efficient way or does not. You must take a position and also support it with course material, case study facts, and research.
6. Create a slide(s) that analyzes and explains the key components of relationship building for managers.
7. Create a slide(s) that analyzes and explains the key components of relationship building that could be improved in HOC management.
8. Create a slide(s) that identify what future management decisions that might await top management if change does not take place. Be sure to consider the age, gender, and stress levels of the junior associates in your discussion.
9. Create a slide(s) that suggest at least four recommendations that Areama might make to RLI and HOC that would improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Ralph Lorean International PowerPoint creation case study

Include a minimum of 7 scholarly sources and other relevant sources to support your work.
The presentation should be professional in appearance; include visuals such as tables, graphs, clipart
Provide notes for every slide of the entire presentation.
Be sure to use in-text citations in the slides and notes themselves, and also a reference list in the presentation.
Slides should flow in terms of organized ideas
Follow APA style guidelines for the title page, citations and reference cited page.
Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder


Ralph Lorean International (RLI) owner of several house décor and furniture manufacturers recently purchased a controlling interest in a medium-size firm, House of Cloth (HOC), which employs 6,644 people worldwide. HOC has been considered a premier manufacturer of cloth since 1964. Revenues over the last four years have been flat and costs are rising steadily. RLI purchases an interest in the company despite the flat sales because of its reputation and loyal customer base. RLI has a history of turning troubled companies around and they think they can do the same with HOC.

Additionally, RLI has to date allowed HOC to operate independently while they examine closely the causes of the recent poor performance of the company. Areama Cantros, was recently promoted to senior management analyst because of her superb work with Izzy’s Bed Emporium. RLI has decided to send Areama to HOC on a fact-finding mission. She is to discover the challenges facing the management at HOC and make recommendations that will improve and grow significantly HOC’s financial performance.

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve?

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve? How did you discover the need for this project, and how did it fit into the organization’s philosophy and mission?

What was the focus of your leadership project the goals you set for yourself and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve

Throughout your practicum experience, you have been designing and implementing a project. You will now assess that experience. Prior to beginning this paper, discuss the topics below with your preceptor. Include their feedback as well as your own. In a 1,250-1,500 word document, discuss the following topics:

What was the focus of your leadership project, the goals you set for yourself, and the AONE competencies you hoped to achieve?

How did you discover the need for this project, and how did it fit into the organization’s philosophy and mission?

Did you encounter any real or potential barriers during your practicum experience related to your project?

Discuss how the outcomes of your project will be measured? Is your project one that is sustainable or is it designed to be a single occurrence?

Evaluate the success of your project. If you were not able to implement your project, discuss why. What are the next steps for the project?

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources (published within the last 5 years) as evidence to support your views.