Analyze Sport in Capitalist Society by Tony Collins assignment

This is a paper that is requires students to analyze Sport in Capitalist Society by Tony Collins. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precise.

Analyze Sport in Capitalist Society by Tony Collins

Answer one question/prompt.  Write between 500 and 1,000 words.  The course readings and lectures are sufficient to answer the questions.  Use the essay to demonstrate you have done the readings.  To cite the readings, put the author’s name and the page number in parentheses.

Tony Collins – Sport in Capitalist Society,  Allen Guttmann – From Ritual to Record, ch. 1 electronic,

Johan Huizinga – Homo Ludens, ch. 1   electronic ,

Edelman and W. Wilson – The Oxford Handbook of Sports History, chs. 1, 3 and 4 online, Richard Holt, Sport and also the British, chs. 2-4,

David Goldblatt – The Ball is Round, pp. 19-260

Firstly, do you agree with the master narrative of sports history that modern sports were invented by the British and also passed on to the rest of the world? Elaborate on this theme.

Secondly, what was the relationship of the industrial revolution to the rise of modern sport?

Thirdly, what role did empire play in the history of sports and the history of sports play in the history of empire? Were race and ethnicity part of empire?
Fourthly, how and why was the “male bastion” of sport created? Was this part of human nature or was it socially constructed?  Why were women excluded?
Also, which is the preferable form for organizing sport – entertainment-professionalism or Olympian amateurism?
Lastly, how did soccer evolve? Where did it emerge? How did it change over the course of the 19th century?  Who played?  Was it a big-time entertainment?

Do you think the Olympic Games were a force for world peace? Did it foster internationalism?  Who started and controlled the Olympic movement?  What was the model for the Games? Ancient Greece or someplace else?
What are the differences between play and sports?
What factors made modern sport modern as opposed to folk games?
Which group made better political use of sport – socialists or nationalists?

Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism

Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism

Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism? This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism?

This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

Think about the relationship between the theories studied and the wider media environment.

The essay should, therefore, cover both an outline of the theory. (This demonstrates your understanding of contrasting positions in relation to it.) As well as the application of that theory to the media.

You can relate these concepts to specific media texts. (I. e a single television programme, a film or an app.) To a policy debate (eg media ownership.) To a technology, or to a broader activity that affects the media (branding, advertising, public relations).

Question: Use a contemporary specific media example to show Karl Marx’s theory of commodity fetishism?
This is a 1,000-word piece of work that uses the conceptual framework of one of the theorists studied in the course to assess a contemporary media issue.

The theorist= Karl Marx, (This session focuses on the contribution of Marx as an Enlightenment thinker who identified key characteristics and dynamics of capitalist society. We look at Marx’s ideas on alienation, commodity fetishism, competition and class)

Conceptual framework= commodity fetishism
–       Are Marx’s theories of consumer capitalism and commodity fetishism relevant in a modern-day context and in relation to American Apparel advertising?

–       To what extent has the fair-trade Divine Chocolate brand become an example of modern commodity-fetishism?

The work of historians is profoundly shaped by their social and cultural origins

The work of historians is profoundly shaped by their social and cultural origins. This reflective piece of writing is an opinion piece; so there will need to own thoughts but a use of books to back up opinions.

The work of historians is profoundly shaped by their social and cultural origins

Firstly, the work of historians is profoundly shape d by their social and cultural origins.

This reflective piece of writing is an opinion piece; so there will need to own thoughts but a use of books to back up opinions.

Very short piece, only 500 words (not incl. footnotes)
Moreover, a firm and clear contention and support that contention with appropriate and relevant examples.

Further, provide a clear argument in response to the statement, and develop that argument in a logical and coherent way.

Also, identify and utilise appropriate examples in support of your main argument

Additionally, reflect carefully on possible alternatives and/or reasons why a different argument or set of conclusions might be put forward

Claus, P. and Marriott, J. (eds), History: An Introduction to Theory, Method and Practice (London, 2nd edition, 2017).
Green, A. and Troup, K. (eds), The Houses of History: A Critical Reader in Twentieth-century History and Theory (Manchester, 1999).
Lambert, P. and Schofield, P. (eds), Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Discipline (London, 2004).
Tosh, J., The Pursuit of History (London, 5th ed., 2010).

Apply major sociological approaches in cultural awareness

This is a paper that requires the student to apply major sociological approaches in cultural awareness. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well.

Apply major sociological approaches in cultural awareness

The purpose of this assignment is to apply one of the major sociological approaches to a topic that involves cultural awareness.
Please choose one of the below subjects for your paper and answer all of the questions for the topic that you choose.

Format : Your paper must be written using APA style formatting.  This means that you must have a “thesis statement” or a beginning paragraph that states the purpose of your paper. It also means that you must use “in text” citations (evidence to support your statements).

The paper must have at least THREE references, one can be your text book.  You need a  cover page and a reference list.  The body of the paper must be double spaced and also contain a minimum of three pages.  This means that with your cover page and reference list, your paper will be a minimum of (5) pages.

Proof read your work; check for sentence structure and also spelling errors and fix them.  Make sure your paper has a beginning (thesis statement), middle (body of your paper connects to the thesis statement), and an end (your closing argument).

A grading rubric will be completed on all papers; it is on the last page of this document.

Please see the below topics and choose ONE as the subject of your paper:

Apply major sociological approaches in cultural awareness

Topic 1 – Immigration:

Firstly, apply the Symbolic Interaction Perspective to Immigration

Define the symbolic interaction perspective
How do symbols through words contribute to the perception of immigrants in a negative way?
What do some Americans fear when it comes to immigration or immigrants?
Topic 2 – Thomas Theorem

Secondly, apply the Thomas Theorem to the case of Trevon Martin; and African American teen killed in 2012 at the hands of George Zimmerman in a Florida town.

Explain the Thomas Theorem
How might the Thomas Theorem apply to the actions of George Zimmerman when it comes to the killing of Trayvon Martin
Topic 3 – Poverty:

Apply the Conflict Perspective to the working poor.

Explain the conflict perspective. Who are today’s “bourgeoisie’s and “proletariats”?
What would a modern day Karl Marx, for instance democratic socialist Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say about why people who work hard everyday remain poor.
Do you agree, yes or no and why?

Anthropology as Science/Anthropology of Science

Anthropology as Science/Anthropology of Science: The Egg and the Sperm, by Emily Martin. Gender and Gendering: Knights We Know, by Ellen Snortland Give a summary of how the authors discuss these topics and…

Anthropology as ScienceAnthropology of Science

Anthropology as Science/Anthropology of Science: The Egg and the Sperm, by Emily Martin

Gender and Gendering: Knights We Know, by Ellen Snortland Give a summary of how the authors discuss these topics and then explain how these topics inform and influence each other. Make sure to cite at least 2 authors.

Make your argument, think about:

What are the major questions and conclusions of each reading, and how would they change when put in conversation with one another?

What is the authors’ idea of culture, and how does it serve their arguments?

Why is it important to look at these themes in dialogue?

What are some of the issues that you see lacking in the readings, that could be brought up when taking both issues together? -the objective of the essay is to put both topics in conversation, not to just do a comparison of the readings.

-Have a creative title! -Make sure to cite ALL quotes or paraphrases with a reference list at the end of your paper.

General format: (Author Year: Page Number) -3 pages in 12 point, Times New Roman, single-spaced – No spaces between paragraphs,

The Consequence of the fall today part 2 assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss the consequence of the fall today part 2 assignment . The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

The consequence of the fall today part 2 assignment

Use and cite at least two of the following topic study materials: textbook chapter 4, Topic 3 overview, “The Mystery of Original Sin” article, and Bible passages. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. These should be on reference page at the end of this document

1: Firstly, what is revealed abut human nature ( from Genesis 1-2)? Cite and reference the textbook.
Your answer in 100-150 words

2:Secondly, what are the consequences of the fall for human nature(from Genesis 3)?
Your answer in 100-150 words:

3: Thirdly, what is revealed about human purpose? what does it mean for humans to flourish, other words, to achieve spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being? Cite and reference “ The Mystery of Original Sin” article.
Your answer in 100-150 words.

4:Fourthly, how would pantheism or atheism ( choose one) view human nature, human purpose, and human flourishing?
Your answer In 100-150 words:

5:The question,” How can an all-powerful, all knowing, and all God allow suffering? is called the problem of evil and suffering. Cite and also reference the topic overview and/or the textbook
Your answer in 100-150 words

Consequence of the fall today part 2 assignment

PART TWO: Consequence of the fall today
select a Christian organization from the “Christian Organization that address a Consequence of the fall” list provided in the topic study materials.

1: Firstly, based on the research addressing the following: highlight how the consequences of the fall are evident in the issue(s) that the Organization addresses; include statistics, causes and also impact on people ( victim, perpetrators, others as appropriate).
Your answer in 75-100 words.

2: Secondly, describe how this issue creates dehumanization and diminish human dignity. Include statistics, causes, and impact on people ( victim, perpetrators, others as appropriate).
Your answer in 75-100 words.

Write how Christian worldview ministry that you select is combatting the consequence of the fall.

1:Firstly, what organizational statement reveals that this organization is operating from a Christian worldview?
Your answer in 250-300 words:

2: Secondly, explain how the organization uses a God-centered worldview (as defined in the “The Mystery of Original Sin”article) to address dehumanization and restore human dignity.
Your answer in 250-300 words

Analysis on food security and its effects in global warming

This is a paper that is focusing on the student performing an analysis on food security and its effects in global warming. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in the writing of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Analysis on food security and its effects in global warming


The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to consider:

The member states of the United Nations seek to build food systems that can provide global food security which will feed everyone, everywhere, every day by improving food quality though the promotion of effective and nutritional agricultural practices. The crucial issue is not the lack of food in the world but the access to that food. In many developing countries, food shortages are due to governmental control over food distribution. These governments maintain control of the population and their power by limiting access to nutritious food to certain groups. In this practice, they thereby “weaponize” food.

Your second project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop an analysis that addresses three issues related to global food insecurity caused by global population growth and poverty, and also to explore these issues in a developing country of your choosing.


The U.N. has given you the following guidelines:


The U.N. has asked that your paper contain three sections. Each section should be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.


Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points 1–5 below:

Firstly, explain the problem the U.N. has asked you to address in your own words.
Secondly, identify the three sections your paper will cover.
Thirdly, identify the developing country you will consider.
Fourthly, tell the U.N. the causes of food insecurity.
Additionally, provide a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.

Section I. Background

What is food insecurity?
What role does population growth play in food security?

Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security
What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security?
How would these technological solutions work?
What causes of food insecurity do these technologies address?

Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country
Considering the causes of food insecurity, what factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected?
Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.

What was the intention of Manville’s Chapter 11 declaration?

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss what was the intention of Manville’s Chapter 11 declaration. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper. Below are the questions to answer:

What was the intention of Manville Chapter 11 declaration

Case Questions:

1.      What was the intention of Manville’s Chapter 11 declaration? Why was it important for the company to declare Chapter 11? (Analyze the purpose of the Manville’s BK declaration and the reason behind it.)

2.      Was it ethical for Manville to initiate the BK proceedings?

3.      How does this case demonstrate the fundamental purpose of Chapter 11 as opposed to Chapter 7 BK filings?

4.      The historical background here is that Manville knew from at least 1930 that asbestos—used in many industrial applications—was a deadly carcinogen, and for decades, it worked diligently to conceal and obfuscate the fact. What “good faith” argument was raised by the movants in this case?

Case Study Directions:

Submit a 4 page paper analyzing the Case above. Give background information describing BK, types of bankruptcies, and the purpose of BK filings.

Provide a scholarly argument on the issue: Can JM preemptively declare bankruptcy and discharge future cases? Why? or Why Not? You also need to provide analytical and critical responses to the three (3) Case Questions listed above.

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Supermax a prison within a prison assignment discussion

Supermax a prison within a prison assignment discussion

This is a paper that intents the student to analyze Supermax a prison within a prison assignment discussion. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper.

Supermax a prison within a prison assignment discussion

Supermax prisons are a relatively new and expensive trend whose overall constitutionality is unclear. Are these institutions a fad or a wise investment?

For your second writing assignment, you will watch three videos. The first, “Solitary,” will give you a firsthand account of life in solitary confinement in Red Onion State Prison in Virginia. Please do not skip this video. The second, “Supermax: A Prison Within a Prison,” ABC News anchor, Ted Koppel, introduces you to life in a supermax prison in Texas. In the third, “Supermax: Prison Gangs and Racism Behind Bars,” Ted Koppel talks with prisoners doomed to solitary confinement due to their gang affiliations.

They discuss the dangers that drove them to join—and that keep them looking over their shoulders even in the so-called protective environment of a supermax prison. Mr. Koppel spends a night in solitary confinement to observe firsthand the effects of supermax on inmates. Also, to document the type of ex-convict who will one day be returned to society: racially intolerant, unrehabilitated, and psychologically and emotionally broken.

Here are some questions to think about as you watch the two videos:

Firstly, what is a supermax prison?
Secondly, what is the purpose of a supermax prison?
Thirdly, who should be sent to a supermax prison?
Fourthly, what effect do you think a supermax prison would have on the staff who work there?  What’s a “correctional cocktail“?
Lastly, would you want to work as a corrections officer in a supermax institution?

With what you now know about supermax prisons. Answer EACH of the following questions: Do you think supermax facilities are a fad or a wise investment? It is worthwhile to pay the price for supermax confinement, no matter what it cost? Why or why not? What are the consequences of a supermax prison? Is there evidence to suggest that supermax prisons get inmates to modify their behavior so that they feel they do not need to resort to violence? Lastly, can we change offending behavior by locking people up in cages?

Assess the career of Themistocles of Athenian democracy

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to assess the career of Themistocles of Athenian democracy. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submission of the assignment paper well and precisely.

Assess the career of Themistocles of Athenian democracy

Choose one (1) of the following questions to answer with a short essay as detailed in the Primary Source Analysis General Guidelines found on the course Canvas site.

Assess the career of Themistocles in the context of Athenian democracy. Who has a more positive view of Themistocles—Plutarch or Herodotus? Why? Be sure to show an awareness of course themes in your answer.
How does Herodotus use the Persians to establish a Greek cultural identity in Book 8 of his Histories? Be sure to show an awareness of course themes in your answer.
Discuss Plutarch’s overall assessment of Pericles. According to Plutarch, what was Pericles’s greatest contribution to Athenian cultural identity and why? Be sure to show an awareness of course themes in your answer.

This assignment will be graded with the following rubric:

Did you identify the text (s), the author (s), date of composition, and intended audience of the primary source in question? 20 points

Did you have a thesis statement that states your main argument in a concise, cogent, and coherent manner? 10 points

Did you have at least four specific examples from the text (s) to support your argument? 20 points

Did you link the book to the broader context of the course and identify specific course themes? 20 points

Did your essay adhere to the organization as laid out in the “Primary Source Analysis General Guidelines” document posted to Canvas in the Getting Started Module? 10 points

Was your essay free of grammatical errors and well-written stylistically? 10 points

Did the essay contain proper citations and keep to required page length specifications? 10 points