Describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

Describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative. What partner do you feel is less essential to the initiative and why? (Note “None” is not an option.) What criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?]

Describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

Project 1: Case Study

You are working in the research unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address specific issues in criminal justice. There is a formal debate in the office as to whether a particular case of apparent cooperation/collaboration was actually effective. Your supervisor is championing one side of this discussion.  Additionally, you have been asked to provide a review of the case identified below. Specifically, your supervisor asked you to compose a paper that included responses to the four questions provided. (See Item #3 below.)

Firstly, read the following report from the National Institute of Justice:
“Baltimore’s Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study” 

Further, respond to the following questions:

Firstly, describe the positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

Secondly, what partner do you feel is less essential to the initiative and also why? (Note “None” is not an option.)

Also, what criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?]

Then, what NON-criminal justice entity do you feel could have enhanced the success of the initiative?

Note: While these four questions may be helpful in creating an outline, the paper itself must be presented as a formal narrative case study.

Description of positive aspects of the collaborative initiative

 Moreover, complete Project 1 (Case Study) in the following format:
Firstly, a minimum of four (4) full maximum five (5) full pages of narrative text

Secondly, respond to the four questions in item 2 above

Support your work with a MINIMUM of two (2) resources other than the class instructional material. Narrative and Resource page citations must be done in the American Psychological Association (APA) format

Lastly, a cover page (not included in the page count)

1.  Name of the student.
2.  Name and number of the course.
3.  Date of submission.
4.  All other pages will be double-space, 1 inch margin, 12 font.


You are to visit a museum of your choosing

You are to visit a museum of your choosing. It can be local, in your home town, or someplace else. During the current Pandemic, museums have been closed for a number of months.

You are to visit a museum of your choosing

Double spaced, font, 12. Final Project: 10-page written report and proposal. This is a two-part paper.

You are to visit a museum of your choosing. It can be local, in your home town, or someplace else. During the current Pandemic, museums have been closed for a number of months.

Some have recently reopened but others remain closed. If you are not able to physically get to a museum or you feel uncomfortable doing so, you can make a virtual trip. Students frequently take family or friends along on these museum visits. If you do bring other people, please be sure to include their responses to the visit as well. If you do a virtual visit and want to take
someone along that is great too.

Again, share their reactions in your paper.

For part one: write an evaluation of the museum’s exhibits, program offerings and

Consider what they have been doing to attract visitors while they are
closed and how well they are doing it.

What sort of advertising do they do to let?
people know about their special events and other programs? Critique what you
like and don’t like.

Explain what works well and what needs improvement. It can
be anything that you notice. Perhaps the exhibits are interesting but the label text
is too small to read.

Or if the exhibit is online how easy is it to navigate? Is it
visually interesting and is the font style appropriate? As museums have
reopened, most have changed the traffic patterns in their exhibits as well as in
the other public spaces. If you are able to physically go to the museum, how is
this working out?

Can you see what you want to in the exhibits or is it confusing?
– is there a clear pathway when you enter the exhibit space? If there are online
exhibits how easy are they to navigate and do they provide you a quality
experience? Include anything else that occurs to you.

This is an observational 3 and opinion paper. There are no right or wrong answers, only your thoughts on what you experience.
Part two: write a proposal with detailed recommendations on how the museum
could attract more visitors in your age group. If you are young and single you will
probably be looking for different think than if you are a parent with children.

Identification of three common themes to an article

This is a paper that is focusing on the identification of three common themes to an article. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the description for the assessment:

Identification of three common themes to an article

In Topic 3, you read three articles about the skills of the researcher. In this assignment, you will identify three themes common to the articles and also write a synthesis paper about research skills using evidence from the articles to support your themes. Use the skills you developed in RES-815 while completing the Emerging Writer Worksheet in which you identified themes, supported them with evidence from the articles, built a thesis claim, and outlined your paper.

General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Review the articles by Lindsay (2015); Lee, Chankg, and Bryan (2020); and Klocko, Marshal, and Davidson (2015) located in the Study Materials for this topic.

Topic 3 Article Readings will be used on the Topic 4 Synthesis Paper on Researcher Skills

Klocko, B. A., Marshal, S. M., & Davidson, J. F. (2015). Developing practioner-scholar doctoral candidates as critical writers. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 15(4). 21-31.

Lee, H., Chang, H., & Bryan, L. (2020). Doctoral students’ learning success in online-based leadership programs: Intersection with technological and also relational factors. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(1), 61-81.

Lindsay, S. (2015). What works for doctoral students in completing their thesis? Teaching in Higher Education, 20(2). 183-196.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. Subsequently, the APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral-level writing. Additionally, the manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.

Identification of three common themes to an article

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Also, refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Firstly, write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the Lindsay (2015); Lee, Chang, and Bryan (2020); and Klocko, Marshal, and Davidson (2015) articles. Your paper should include the following:

Secondly, an introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic. This includes presenting a clear thesis statement.

Thirdly, identification of and support for three themes with evidence from each article. Also, synthesize your discussion of the topic to support your thesis.

Lastly, a conclusion that demonstrates support of your thesis statement, briefly summarizes the main points from your three themes, and makes recommendations for future research on the topic.
Under attachments, you will see the APA template that you can use.

The role of the characters in light of pre- and post-colonialism

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss the role of the characters in light of pre- and post-colonialism. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the paper description to follow:

The role of the characters in light of pre- and post-colonialism

General Topics:

1. The role of women is played out in a similar fashion in Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, and Things Fall Apart.  However, there are distinctive differences as well.

2. The roles of the characters in the novel are very different before and after colonization. In Frankenstein, the  characters and not affected by colonization because they are European, and thus, the colonizers. In Heart of Darkness the Africans are fully colonized. Finally, in Things Fall Apart, we witness the effects of colonization as the white man moves in with their religion.

Specific Topics:

For this paper, you will develop an argument that addresses either the role of women in these novels through the lens of either feminism or post-colonialism. You will also want to examine what the role is like for women in Europe even though the country is not colonize. Do they have more or less freedom? What is their role?


You will examine the role of the characters in light of pre- and post-colonialism. What freedoms do they have before colonialism? What do they lose?

The questions above are very general. You must do more than just answer them. You must have a specific argumentative topic. In other words, your thesis will not be: “The role of women is similar and different in these novels.”  What is the specific point you will be arguing? You will decide this after completing your research on the novels and on feminism or post-colonialism.

You must use one of these approaches to in your paper. (If you use one of these articles from Purdue, it does count as one of your scholarly sources. What will you argue about feminism or post-colonialism? You will not know your specific argument until you do the research. Research, and read the material first, then once you see what information you have, and what the literary critics have to say, you can start developing your argument around the sources you have.


What extent does globalization affect your national identity

This is a paper that is requires the student to discuss what extent does globalization affect your national identity. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assignment description:

What extent does globalization affect your national identity

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different nations. It is a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. No matter where people live, individuals are always affected by globalization on a daily basis. Globalization is not only the transfer of goods, but the transfer of culture. Appearance, media and the opinions of others in society affect who we are. In that context students will write a reflective essay to analyze the concept identity as a construct through inquiring the changes in national identity within a globalized context.
Your Essay needs to be through a plan that shows an excellent understanding of globalization /identity concepts and assures a logic link between both. The main Identity concepts that were discuss during all the course themes are genuine parts of your plan.

Your essay should answer the following questions
Firstly, what is the national Identity (you need to connect with the course concepts )
Secondly, to what extent does globalization affect your national identity?
Thirdly, how national identity is changed by globalization?
Fourthly, globalization and national identity: blessing or curse?

What extent does globalization affect your national identity

The following elements may help you to write your proposal:
•Introduce the main concepts of your study.
•Formulate your research problem and related research questions in as much detail as possible.
•Formulate your research questions in such a way that you can answer them.
•References: The proposal should end with relevant references on the subject.
• It is your entirely responsibility to plan your paper

Course Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Firstly, interpret the meaning and importance of identity as a construct.
2. Secondly, differentiate and question identity in terms of self, group, society, and the state.
3. Thirdly, explain how identity relates to ethnicity, religion, race, gender, class, and culture.
4. Fourthly, analyze and synthesize relationships between politics and identity.
5. Illustrate and demonstrate the dynamics of minority movements and their impact on political agendas.
6. Lastly, develop research projects by interpreting and explaining data and employing appropriate research

Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite

01) Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite (including your own Asian fatherland/motherland).

Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite

01) Pick one Asian country in monsoon Asia that you consider being your favorite (including your own Asian fatherland/motherland).

02) List the five things of your favorite Asian country that you like the most and discuss the best one among them (what it is and the reasons for your choice).

Also, provide relevant pictures/artworks and relevant video/movie clips for their visual illustrations (15 points).

a.The five things can be the cultural practices (like martial arts) and ideas (philosophical/religious) of your favorite country.

03) List the five things of your favorite Asian country that you dislike the most and discuss the worst one among them (what it is and reasons for your disapproval). Also, provide relevant pictures/artworks and relevant video/movie clips for their visual illustrations (15 points).

04) Explain how you plan to apply the best thing you like the most for the existential purpose of making your life better and more successful like being free from your own emotions like anger against self and also the other (10 points).

05)Provide the links for all the cited pictures/artworks and video/movie clips.01)The text (written part) of your Project should be around 500 words (double spaced) and also the number of supporting and illustrating materials is up to you to decide (to be worth the 40 points if nothing else).Please provide the word count.

06) To make the grading process pleasant and speedy. Please organize your Report with the headlines as itemized above like the following:

The Favorite Asian Country, The List of Five Positive Things, The Best Thing of the Favorite Asian Country.

More details;

A brief history of the cultures of Asia

Historians divide history into large and small units in order to make characteristics and changes clear. It’s important to remember that any historical period is a construction and a simplification.

Data can be qualitative or quantitative

Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is helpful to generate a hypothesis and gather information if little is known about an expected association.

Data can be qualitative or quantitative

Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is helpful to generate a hypothesis and gather information if little is known about an expected association. Focus groups, key informant interviews, and case studies are types of qualitative data collection methods used to identify common themes from which to build a hypothesis.

Quantitative data collection and analysis is use d to test a hypothesis and make comparisons to determine the direction and strength of a potential association. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is cross-sectional panel survey use d to collect quantitative data on adult behaviors and risk factors. It is one of the largest U.S. health data collection efforts. The data can be use to analyze associations on a state or country level. Follow the steps to obtain a 2×2 contingency table (also known as a “cross tabulation”) crossing binge drinking with depression.

Firstly, retrieve the “BRFSS Web-Enabled Analysis Tool” resource provided in the Topic Materials.

Secondly, select “Cross Tabulation.”

Thirdly, select “2015” for the year.

Fourthly, select “Arizona” for the state.

Further, select “Alcohol Consumption: Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion)” for Step 2 Select Row.

Additionally, select “Chronic Health Conditions: Ever diagnosed with a depressive disorder, including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression” for Step 3 Select Column.

Also, skip Steps 4 and 5.

Finally, select “Sample Size” for Step 6 Select Statistics and run the report for the cross tabulation.

Part 1

Using the data from the cross tabulation results, calculate the odds ratio for depression among those exposed to binge drinking. Interpret the odds ratio and discuss if the odds ratio is a good estimate of the relative risk in this situation. Why or why not? Show your 2×2 table and all calculations. Present or describe the formula you used to arrive at your answer.

Part 2
Use the Topic Material, “BRFSS Web-Enabled Analysis Tool,” located on the CDC website, and run a report for two variables of interest to you. Create a 2×2 table and calculate the odds ratio for this association. Additionally, Interpret the odds ratio and discuss the public health importance of the association. Show your 2×2 table. Present or describe the formula you used to arrive at your answer.

Refer to the “Creating a 2×2 Contingency Table” resource for guidance in creating 2×2 contingency tables.

General Requirements
Use APA writing style. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

What are the common themes in Chimananda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss what are the common themes in Chimananda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

What are the common themes in Chimananda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk

Prompt: What are some of the common themes in Chimananda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk, “The danger of a single story,” and Binyavanga Wainana’s article “How to write about Africa”? Choose any 3 themes that appear in both these texts and write a 3-4-page-long comparative essay on it.


1. Firstly, your paper should have a title and be formatted in the prescribed MLA format

2. It should be 3-4 pages long (including a separate Works Cited page).

3. You need to provide citations for any external sources that inform your paper and/or the main texts that you quote/summarize/paraphrase from. If you decide to use Ngozi’s TED transcript for purposes of in-text citation, make sure you number the pages on the transcript and use these inserted page numbers while providing an in-text citation for Ngozi’s text. However, if you choose to use in-text citations from the video
(Links to an external site.)
/TED Talk itself, you need to provide the exact time (hour: minute: second) of the occurrence of your material in the video.

4. Make use of transition words
(Links to an external site.)
to indicate movement from the discussion of one text or theme to another. Refer to the list of transitions provided on Canvas for ideas.

5. You can choose any 1 method of organization for your comparative essay (either the Block Method of organization or the Point-by-Point Method). This document will give you a clear idea of what is expected from the essay.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and also how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Assessing the role of race in the court system

This is a paper that is focusing on Assessing the role of race in the court system. That is the disparity? What might be the cause of the disparity? Who benefits? Who loses?

Assessing the role of race in the court system

Assessing the role of race in the court system. That is the disparity? What might be the cause of the disparity? Who benefits? Who loses? Within this topic, you should focus your analysis somewhat narrowly on a case study, particular context, or example that highlights your topic inequality.

More details;

Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

Ethical Background
It is generally agreed that discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin is morally wrong and a
violation of the principle of equality. The equality principle requires that those who are equal be
treated equally based on similarities, and that race not be a relevant consideration in that assessment (May and Sharratt 1994: 317).

In other words, it is only possible to justify treating people
differently if there exists some factual difference between them that justifies such difference in
treatment (Rachels 1999: 94). Equality is a nonspecific term that means nothing until applied to
a particular context. Thus, in a political context, equality means equal access to public office and
equal treatment under the law, and equal treatment extends to equality in terms of job hiring,
promotion, and pay.

Race refers to groups of persons who are relatively alike in their biological inheritance
and are distinct from other groups (American Anthropological Association 1997: 2). Ethnicity
is a cultural phenomenon referring to a person’s identification with a particular cultural group
(Hinman 1998: 403). However, race is socially constructed, and the notion that persons “belong”
to a particular race was developed in the last century based on the belief that there was a
biological basis for categorizing groups of people.

Biologically, however, the term race has no meaning, yet society continues to give the notion meaning by using it as a social category.

The notion of race gradually took hold in U.S. society when the institution of slavery reinforced the
idea that one race could be inferior to another (Banks and Eberhardt 1998: 58). In the United
States, the law has had the effect of distributing benefits and burdens based on race, and the
assignment of a person to a racial category has often, in the past, determined his or her rights and
obligations (e.g., in the “Jim Crow” laws passed at the end of the Civil War).

Please come up with 3 stories about one of your family member

Please come up with 3 stories about one of your family member.  (My mother) First story will be about how my mother meet my dad, and how did they fell in love.

Please come up with 3 stories about one of your family member

Please come up with 3 stories about one of your family member.  (My mother)
First story will be about how my mother meet my dad, and how did they fell in love.
Second story will be about my mother had a dystocia when I gave birth.
Third story will be why she gave me a dog as a gift for my 18 birthday.

The story does not have to be true, just write some valuable history.

More details;

It was arranged marriage for them. She was 14 and he was 18. They both got married and then all it started. She belongs to a well educated family and he belongs to a Jamindar type family. Her family is well behaved to everyone including women and his family is well behaved to male members alone. Life was difficult for her but she was surviving somehow. He wanted to study further but no money. He couldn’t ask anyone because his family wanted him to do farming job.

That’s when she came for his support. She sold her jewellery which she got it from mother and supported her husband to study further. He studied and got job. He started falling for her and she started understanding him. Father got a small house in the city and fought with his family and took her along with him. She too fell for him now and after a while they had a small beautiful baby and it was none other than me.