What are some of the success and failure in AR and VR so far?

This is a paper that is focusing on the what are some of the success and failure in AR and VR so far?. The paper is also provides additional information and questions to use in writing this assignment paper well.

What are some of the success and failure in AR and VR so far

The following questions will help you frame your on-line discussion and individual research. This assignment is NOT meant to be a Q&A. You do not need to dive into the technical details (keep it as non-technical as you can), but your coverage should at least clearly explain what AR & VR are and what they can do. I am more interested in what you think of this new technology and how, why, and in what way you think it may or may not catch on. Do not focus solely on gaming but instead provide practical examples of businesses/consumers using this technology and explain how it benefits them or society in general.

1. What is AR technology? Describe how it works.
2. What is VR technology? Describe how it works.
3. What are the differences between AR and VR?
4. Who are the pioneers in AR & VR?
5. What are some of the success and failure in AR & VR so far?

6. In which industries is AR mostly applied?
7. In which industries is VR mostly applied?
8. Is one of these technologies likely to make a larger impact than the other? Why?
9. What are some of the top use cases for AR & VR in business?
10. What are the determining factors to make AR & VR mainstream?
11. How can these 2 technologies benefit businesses, consumers, and society as a whole?
This assignment is both a collective and individual learning experience. Please read and follow the instruction carefully.

Write a short essay (1,500 to 2,000 words). As this is an MIS course, keep organizational goals and systems in mind as you compose your essay.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and also how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Understand and interpret the works of architecture in this course

This is a paper that is requiring the student to understand and interpret the works of architecture in this course. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well and concisely.

Understand and interpret the works of architecture in this course

Works of architecture can be understood and interpreted as historical, cultural, and aesthetic products. They are directly related to the time and place in which they were produced and who designed and built them. For Paper 1, each student will select one work of architecture, covered in the course, to focus on. In the study of this work of architecture, students should carefully investigate the specifics of the architecture itself, as well as historical movements, contemporary styles / trends, creative works (literature, art, dance, etc), client requests and needs, local resources, site specifics, and other factors in efforts to understand how a work of architecture came into being. To understand and interpret these works, students should utilize a range of sources and materials, such as: photographs; written history; interviews; design and construction documents; material sources and also selections; and more.


Choose one work of architecture covered in the course, either in lectures or the textbook. Write a 3,000-word paper that studies and interprets the work of architecture as a historical, cultural, and also aesthetic product.

The paper should be a holistic interpretation of the work of architecture, investigating a range of internal and also external factors. The paper SHOULD NOT be a research report or book report, which is focusing on the recounting of facts or is solely describing the work of architecture. This paper SHOULD BE an interpretation of the information students discover about the work of architecture and take a unique position. Analysis and synthesis of research is to produce a paper that satisfies this assignment.

The paper must include a thesis statement, which states this unique position and guides the organization of the paper. This thesis statement communicates the ‘big idea’ for the paper to the reader and is backing up by evidence / research. This assignment challenges you to interpret the work of architecture for yourself. What are your ideas about the work of architecture as a historical, cultural, and also aesthetic product? Additional guidance about formulating this thesis statement is offering in the “Paper 1 Outline” assignment.

Write a paper that proves the influence a worldview has on another text

1. Write a paper that proves the influence a worldview has on another text. In this case, you would reference Radical Ecology or Earth’s Insights worldviews and make connections to other texts you’ve read for the class.

Write a paper that proves the influence a worldview has on another text

The Monkey Wrench Gang
Formal Essay
Overview: Recall that in the course thus far we have explored the underpinnings of not only the modern environmentalism movement (including the radical spectrum), but also more traditional worldviews that find their way into mainstream conversations on the environment. To deepen your own understanding of the impact you have on the environment, you have been asked to catalogue your usage, explore your own beliefs, and think about the human cost related to the actions and decisions of others.

Finally, you have been reading The Monkey Wrench Gang which stands as both a respected piece of American literature, but also a catalyst to a modern interpretation of environmentalism. This assignment will have you putting the pieces together in a way that makes the most sense to you. Please reflect on the assignments you have done, and the reading and analysis you have completed as you choose one prompt below to respond to.

Prompts (choose one):

1. Write a paper that proves the influence a worldview has on another text. In this case, you would reference Radical Ecology or Earth’s Insights worldviews and make connections to other texts you’ve read for the class. Consider the “Earth First I.1” reading and The Monkey Wrench Gang. It behooves you to be specific and concise as you explain your connections, particularly if you reference the book.

2. Write a paper that explores either the merits or demerits of characters in the Monkey Wrench Gang, by considering both their actions and their words. You can choose several of the characters from the book, or focus on one. Consider the following questions as you write: is their cause just? Do the ends justify the means? How do the characters depicted in the novel symbolize or inspire the environmental movement? What, if any, redeeming qualities do the Gang have? (These questions are just to guide your thinking, so can be answered more overtly or ambiguously.)

3. Write a detailed letter, or series of letters, to one or several government officials and/or interested parties that make the case for an environmental purpose. (Note: this can be to advocate for regulation or deregulation; activism or legislation; preservation or utility, etc. You do not need to adopt a view that you think I’d agree with.) In your letter(s), explain the issue clearly (a dam removal project, for example), and what action you want to see taken. You do not need to actually send the letters! A most authentic letter would be one which adopts the conventions of a letter (how it looks/ reads), and which addresses real people who have a stake in the issue you’ve identified. Outside research strongly recommended if you choose this prompt.

Grading Criteria:

Length: minimum three pages, double-spaced. No more than four pages, please!

Formatting: unless you’re writing letters, MLA formatted (to the best of your ability) →

Google “MLA formatting” if you’re unsure! Did I mention double-spaced? Ok, good.

Features: A clear thesis (including letter prompt); logical organization; text evidence; standard conventions and grammar (some exception permitted if you choose the letter prompt).

Final Thought: I understand that some writing techniques will be rusty. My promise is not to overly penalize you for things that would otherwise be addressed in person or through workshop. However, rudimentary things like capitalization and end-of-sentence punctuation are a must. Above all, I want to be able to see effort and completion of thought. If you capture the spirit of the prompt, and follow the criteria, your grade will likely reflect it.
Points: 50

Do you believe the benefits of comic books and superheroes

This is a paper that is focusing on the writing on do you believe the benefits of comic books and superheroes. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper.

Do you believe the benefits of comic books and superheroes

Comics & Superheroes

The first essay in our class is a position essay in which you are taking a stance on a subject and supporting your position with research and evidence. In a synthesis, your goal is to strengthen points by connecting resources together throughout the essay. Throughout this unit, you will conduct research and find sources that link well together in support of your claim.

For this essay, you will be examining the following question/idea:

Do you believe the benefits of comic books and superheroes, in terms of education, cultural/historical value, and/or entertainment, outweigh the detriments?

In your essay, you have room to focus on whichever area you choose. (i.e. on the educational value/harm, on issues of cultural bias, etc…). However, the primary focus must be on Comics/Superheroes (you can also use manga/anime – video games can be used as a tangential resource but should not be the focus of your essay). This is an open topic, so if you would like to focus on some familiarity with this from a different country (For example, I have had students discuss the cultural influence of comics/superheroes from their home countries), you are welcome to do so.

Make sure you are only incorporating key evidence in support of your claim and eliminate unrelated pieces of information. Be sure to include an introduction that covers the general topic of Comics/Superheroes and have a thesis statement that highlights your central claim. The rest of your paper should focus on reasons supporting your choice. Supporting details should come from both the LIB Guides and your own research. Remember, do not just summarize your sources; you must synthesize!S

Poverty in Canada         

Title: Poverty in Canada. Value: 30% of your overall grade. Length: Maximum words permitted is shown in parentheses beside each heading. Font: Type your paper in Times New Roman 12pt double spaced

Poverty in Canada  


Introduction: Although an academic analysis is helpful towards our understanding of social problems, the best way is to experience, first hand, how such issues affect real people in real-life situations. Your final exam in CAN275 will give you such an experiential opportunity.

Title: Poverty in Canada             Value: 30% of your overall grade
Length: Maximum words permitted is shown in parentheses beside each heading.
Font: Type your paper in Times New Roman 12pt double spaced


Display each heading in your written submission

Answer all sections A to E

Write in sentences under each heading – no point form answers

Do not rely solely on the Lesson Material for your answers. (Do additional research on each topic)
This is not just your ‘opinion’. You must include supportive information from outside sources for your answers

Each section is worth the percentage indicated

Each section indicates the maximum words permitted


References: See the attached sheet on how to do MLA in-text citations. You must follow these guidelines.

SECTION A: Causes of Poverty: (20%) (Maximum 400 words)

In this section, identify and discuss in detail, the circumstances that can lead to poverty in such a rich country as Canada. Provide statistics and facts to support your contention that these are the causes of poverty in Canada.

SECTION B: Consequences of Poverty (20%) (Maximum 400 words)

In this section, discuss, in detail, the consequences of poverty for those Canadians who are poor and for Canadian society as a whole. Provide facts and statistics to support your contention that these are actual consequences and to demonstrate how much of our Canadian population is affected.

SECTION C: Agency Overview: (20%) (No limit on the number of words) In this section, you are required to do research via the internet on an agency operating in Ontario which works with people experiencing poverty.

(Example: Homeless, Unemployed, Welfare Recipients, street kids, New Immigrants, etc.)
Start by providing 1. the name of the agency, address, and phone number. 2. a brief history of the agency from its inception

From the agency website, get detailed answers to the following questions.

Firstly, how many clients does the agency serve?
Secondly, who does this agency help?
Thirdly, what problems does the agency try to solve?
Fourthly, what is the mission statement of this agency?
Further, how is the agency fund ed and what is their annual operating budget?

SECTION D: Solutions to Poverty in Canada:

Municipal Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the City of Toronto which provide assistance to those living in poverty. In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty, who the program serves, when the program was started, how many people it serves, the cost and its effectiveness.

Provincial Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the Province of Ontario which provide assistance to those living in poverty. In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty, who the program serves, when the program was started, how many people it serves, the cost and its effectiveness.

Federal Government Programs: (10%) (Maximum 300 words)
In this section, identify and discuss in detail two major programs operated and funded directly by the Federal Government of Canada which provide assistance to those living in poverty.

In your answer, include such information as how the program addresses the issue of poverty,

Firstly, who the program serves,

Secondly, when the program was start ed,

Thirdly, how many people it serves,

Further, the cost and its effectiveness.

SECTION E: Effectiveness in Reducing Poverty (10%) (Maximum 300 words)

In this section, discuss how effective Canada has been in reducing poverty? (Present current statistics and related data from your research.

Guidelines for citing references

Basic in-text citation rules

The simplest way to do MLA in-text citation is to put all the sourced information in parentheses at the end of the sentence (i.e. just before the period).

Any source information that you provide in-text must correspond to the source information on the Works Cited page.The author’s last name must appear either in the sentence or in parentheses immediately following the quotation or paraphrase.

Example 1 (for citing print sources):
Wordsworth state that Romantic poetry was mark by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263)
Romantic poetry is characterize by the ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth, 263)
Both citations above, (263) and (Wordsworth 263) tell readers that the information in the sentence can be located on page 263 of a work by an author named Wordsworth.

Your Works Cited page, would indicate detail about the author Wordworth, as follows:
Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads. Oxford UP, 1967
Citing internet sources:
When using an internet source, you must include the author’s name and name of the internet source in parentheses at the end of the sentence. For example:
“Wordsworth said romantic poetry is characterize by the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Taylor. Slant magazine)
On your Works Cited page, you must include a link to the article. For example:
www.Taylor/slantmagazine.com/wordworthpoetry/. 29 Sept.2019
Citing material from the Lessons of the CAN275 Course Site
“Inequality is the distinction between the haves and the have-nots” (Gregory, Lesson 5.)

On the work cited page you would include the following: Gregory, Bob. CAN275. Lesson #5, plus the page heading.

Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2 assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to focus on analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper well and concisely.

Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience step 2

Step 1: Defining the Situation and Potential Benefits

1.       Firstly, identify and explain the health issue on which you will focus (e.g. social distancing during covid19)   Define important terms.

2.       Secondly, address the significance/costs:  What are the health consequences?   What are the costs to individuals?   What are the costs to others?

3.       Thirdly, address the scope: How prevalent is this health concern?   Is the prevalence greater for some groups than others?

4.       Fourthly, address factors influencing people’s behavior regarding this health issue.

This section must include accurate citations and references for at least 3 academic articles. Use APA format for citations (within the text) and references (list at end of paper). Use library databases (Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, Medline), to find articles on your topic that address the four points listed above.

Step 2: Analyzing and selecting a Target Audience

You are selecting and describing whom your campaign will target and why, and thoughts and behaviors of this targeted group of people that could be addressed by your campaign:

1.       Based on articles addressing your health issue, think carefully about the people affected by the issue (target population).  Describe the people/groups affected by your health issue.

2.       Choose a target audience that your campaign could significantly impact (i.e. your family/friends).  Describe this group and why it is particularly important that they be the focus of a campaign on your health issue (i.e., why is it important to change their behavior?)   Your writing needs to explain why you chose this target population.   Why should a campaign be focused on their behavior?

3.       Find out everything you can about your “target audience.”  Why are they particularly vulnerable on your health issues?  What thoughts/behaviors offer information about how to persuade this group?

Imagine a very sophisticated android – let’s call it Droid

Imagine a very sophisticated android – let’s call it Droid

Imagine a very sophisticated android (let’s call it Droid) that has achieved self-consciousness. Droid has far greater cognitive capacities than any human being-it has more memory, greater processing speed and perfect logic.

Imagine a very sophisticated android (let’s call it Droid)

Imagine a very sophisticated android (let’s call it Droid) that has achieved self-consciousness. Droid has far greater cognitive capacities than any human being-it has more memory, greater processing speed and perfect logic. Droid can think about itself; it has goals and can make plans to achieve them. Droid also has a morality program that constrains its behavior in accordance with certain rules, such as “do not kill innocent sentient beings without indisputable justification.”

What Droid does not have is emotions. Droid doesn’t feel guilty or ashamed, angry or impatient, joyful or sad. Is Droid a moral being? Now imagine that Droid is in a situation in which a madman has taken an innocent hostage and threatened to shut down all internet shopping if Droid does not kill the hostage.

The importance of internet shopping to human beings activates Droid’s “justification” routine, and it asks itself whether this counts as a justification for killing an innocent person. Droid does think and reflect on its actions. Its moral programming isn’t automatic; rather, in the case of the rule against killing innocents without justification, it has to think about whether there is a justification for killing (as there might be if this were a case in which killing an innocent is the only way to save millions of lives).

But when Droid engages in this thinking, it does not feel sympathy with the person who might die, and it does not feel anger at the madman. Droid cannot feel guilty if it makes the wrong choice. Is Droid capable of morally evaluating its plans? Can Droid really make a moral judgement? Can Droid act morally?

List the three types of differential stress and changes

This is a paper that is requiring the student to list the three types of differential stress and changes. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing and submitting of the assignment paper.

How do women converts to Orthodox Judaism feel about the mikva

Earth/Space Science
Answer the following questions:
1. List the three types of differential stress and briefly describe the changes they can impart to rock bodies.
2. What type of plate boundary is most commonly associated with compressional stress?
3. Distinguish between anticlines and synclines, between domes and basins, and between anticlines and domes.
4. Contrast the movements that occur along normal and reverse faults.  What type of stress is responsible for each kind of fault?
5. What is an accretionary wedge?  Briefly describe its formation.

6. Differentiate between terrane and terrain.
7. Define isostasy.
8. Describe the relative movement along a strike-slip fault.
9. List the primary examples of Earth’s external and internal processes.
10. Contrast mechanical and chemical weathering?

11. List three or more factors that influence the type and rate of weathering.
12. Explain why soil is considered an interface in the Earth system.
13. List the five basic controls of soil formation.
14. What force is responsible for mass movement/mass wasting?
15. Both slumps and rockslides move by sliding.  How do these processes differ from one another?

16. Briefly describe three methods of controlling soil erosion.
17. Describe the movement of water through the hydrologic cycle.  When precipitation has fallen on land, what paths might it take?
18. What are the three main zones of a river system?
19. Distinguish between laminar flow and turbulent flow.
20. In what three ways does a stream transport its load?  Which part of the load moves most slowly?
21. Describe the development of a meander, including how an oxbow lake is formed.
22. Define base level and distinguish between ultimate base level and temporary base level.
23. What are two geologic roles for groundwater?
24. How do stalactites and stalagmites form?

Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in the writing of the assignment paper well.

Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children

Solution-Focused Analysis Paper: Select a trend or issue in Child Welfare that most interests you and discuss the nature of the trend, population(s) at risk, community and state legal and supportive responses, and any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.  What do you envision as the ideal response?  How would you begin to implement your proposed solution or build upon one that is currently in place?

Selecting a topic:

Select a trend in Child Welfare covered in this course that most interests you.   You may use the topic covered in your child welfare image project as the issue considered in this paper or you may choose another topic.  If you want to select a topic that we have not yet covered, please discuss that with me first.

Research the topic:

Research the nature of the trend, population(s) at risk, community and state legal and supportive responses and also any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.  Include in that research and in the paper at least two peer-reviewed references to analyze and propose a solution to the trend you selected.  If you use the topic you covered in your child welfare image project. You should include at least two additional peer-reviewed references in that analysis and solution development.  In addition to peer-reviewed references, you should also use your textbook and one additional source of your choosing (i.e. newspaper article, blog entry, interview, etc).

Writing the paper

Based on your research, write 4 – 6 pages in APA format (ie., style and headings) which covers the following:

.  The results of your research, including an introduction of the trend including a brief background and present state of the trend, which includes the following:

.  The nature of the trend

.  The population(s) at risk

.  Community and state legal and supportive responses, and also

.  Any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.

.  Propose a solution

.  State what you envision as the ideal response?

.  How would you begin to implement this solution?

.  Who would you involve in this implementation?

.  Be sure to justify your solution or build upon one that is currently in place

Assess a clinical issue of your Quality Improvement Project

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to assess a clinical issue  of your Quality Improvement Project. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper well.

Assess a clinical issue of your Quality Improvement Project


To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of your Quality Improvement Project.
Create a description of the clinical issue to be addressed in the project.

Content Requirements:

Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project.
Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo.
Identify best practices from the literature related to the issues.

Submission Instructions:

The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be 2 – 3 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

Note: this is first part of your Quality Improvement Project. You should revise/improve your work based on your professor’s feedback. In module 7, you will be putting all the parts together to complete and submit your final project

Remember, ensure  that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.