Business driven information systems

Business driven information systems

Description Please read and carefully do case study 3 and please don’t use any external sources but the book I mentioned in topic. I attached a file called data that is my company so case study 3 requires I use the same company from case study 2 which I attached under Case study 3 file. Please make sure no sources are used but the book and make sure the company on the data file is applied in case study 3 and carefully read case study 3 please and only use the book fkr guidance please and thank you

Problem analysis and needs assessment

Problem analysis and needs assessment

PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT  I. Defining the Programs Answer the following questions to determine the extent to which agency services are organized into discrete programs: 1. Does the program provide the clients a number of clearly-defined and distinct services (as opposed to providing undifferentiated casework services for all clients)? 2. If your agency does not have separate programs, can you identify agency staff and resources that are allocated to each of your programs? If the answer to both questions is “no,” you must select another agency for use in this course. II. Problem Analysis Answer the following questions to determine the foundation of the program: 1. Thinking of one particular program or service, can you identify the problem(s) this program is intended to address, first in general terms and then in specific terms? If so, state them. 2. Can you define the target population(s) this program is intended to serve, first in general terms and then in specific terms? If so, define them. 3. Can you identify geographic boundaries for the population served in your program? If so, state them. 4. If necessary, could you provide a reasonably accurate estimate (based on empirical or reliable and valid documentation) of the number of people within these boundaries who fit the description given in questions number 1 and 2 for the problem(s) and target population(s) in both general and specific terms? If so, identify the populations and list the estimates. 5. Can you identify data sources for the statistics you used in the above question? If so, state them. 6. Can you define the commonly agreed-upon understanding among the staff who work in the program about the primary or most common causes of this problem and about the cause-and-effect relationship that exists? If so, list them. Do you think you could get at least a 75% agreement upon the issue of causality from the staff? 19 III. Needs Assessment Accuracy and skill in matching needs to services come from solid, thorough work on problem analysis. You will need to examine identified needs from four perspectives: (a.) normative needs (defined by “experts” in the field) (b.) perceived needs (defined by those actually experiencing the needs) (c.) expressed needs (defined by those who seek out the services) (d.) relative needs (needs and resources in one geographic area as compared with needs and resources in another Using the five methodologies described in Chapter 4 (existing studies, resource inventories, service statistics, social surveys, and public forums), analyze the extent to which your program has taken these perspectives into account by answering the following questions: 1. Given the problem you identified in Question 1 of the Problem Analysis section, is there agreement among the direct service staff about the major, predominant categories of needs of clients who come to you with the identified problem(s)? If so, list the categories of need(s). 2. Are there any standards that are used to establish normative need (that point or level defined by experts below which one is defined as being “in need” with this particular problem? If so, identify that standard. 3. Can you define what consumers of your services perceive their needs to be? If so, list the major categories of need they identify. 4. Of those people who seek services from this program, do you know what percentage are actually served? If so, state that percentage. 5. Do you know how the volume of services provided in the community compares with the volume of these same services provided in other communities in terms of percentage of needy population served? If so, cite some comparative data showing whether the agency is serving a larger or smaller percentage than other communities are. 6. In relation to the need(s) identified in Questions 1 and 3, do you know approximately how many people within the geographical boundaries of the agency have these needs? If so, identify the numbers for each need identified. 7. Do you know in what census tracts or zip codes the highest levels of need(s) are located? If so, list them APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Environmental problem climate change and global warming

Environmental problem climate change and global warming

With the Rise of the environmental problem known as climate change, we see how canadas laws don’t require the government to act, there fore we the people have to rely on the principle of duty to motivate the government to act in the environmental problem of climate change and we should be working on laws that require the government to act.  I will attach the details for this assignment in a document. Just keep in mind that the paper is for an environmental law course so to stay on that path.

Educational Theory – Constructivism

Educational Theory – Constructivism

Assignment Question – Adopting one learning theory, develop a lesson plan and justify its design. You should justify the lesson plan by considering both theory and methods of instruction in relation to the instructional context where the lesson will be given. The lesson plan itself should be included as an appendix. Guidance: Your lesson plan should include the following: Title of the lesson, Aims and Objectives or Learning Outcomes of the lesson, Outline of the lesson indicating Teaching methods and resources that will be used. You SHOULD aim to justify your lesson plan by demonstrating how the theoretical approach(es) which underpin the lesson plan design have been selected in relation to the overall purpose of the lesson. You SHOULD NOT try to explain the entire design of a single lesson from a range of different theoretical viewpoints (e.g. a behaviourist would explain this plan by… a cognitivist would say…; a humanist…. etc.). Whilst it is important to acknowledge that some theories overlap, we still expect you to present the essay from ONE theoretical perspective. A justification should make clear why you have chosen to use a particular method and which theory you had in mind when you designed the lesson. Think of yourself as a designer, or architect of a lesson. Don’t put a lesson together and then try to fit it to a theory. Harvard referencing.

With the advent of super PACs do you think that this is a good development in American politics

The role of PACs is controversial. With the advent of super PACs, do you think that this is a good development in American politics? Reading the articles and looking at the general trends in American politics, …

With the advent of super PACs, do you think that this is a good development in American politics?

After reading the articles, discuss the following questions.

Give arguments to support your views, respond to others, and expand the discussion in interesting new directions.

The role of PACs is controversial. With the advent of super PACs, do you think that this is a good development in American politics?

Reading the articles and looking at the general trends in American politics, one could say it seems that whoever has the most money wins. Do you think this is true or not? Give arguments.

Do you think it is ethical that corporations have almost no cap on political contributions? If so, why? If not, then why not?

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What Is a Super PAC? A Short History

A look at how “Super PACs” were born and how they work as Election Day nears.

SSH 102: Thriving In Action-Learning and development strategies

This paper is on SSH 102: Thriving In Action-Learning and development strategies. In a 1250 word (max.) capstone paper, connect the practices and strategies you have tried and integrated with at least 3 theories…

SSH 102: Thriving In Action-Learning and development strategies

Living an intentional life
In a 1250 word (max.) capstone paper, connect the practices and strategies you have tried and integrated with at least 3 theories/thinkers from the course (for example, readings, lectures, Thriving in Action Online, guest speakers, etc.).

You may wish to consider:
What have you put into action, and what research supports it?
·        Firstly, how are you now coping with stress or setbacks, and what evidence-based interventions have you been trying?
·         Secondly, what approaches will you carry forward into future semesters and professional pursuits, as based upon the data and material explored in this course?
The final paper will be marked out of 100; please carefully refer to the rubric provided.

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For incoming and returning students alike, this upcoming semester and year will be like no other. Never before have the skills to learn and to thrive been more crucial.

Starting in August, the Faculty of Arts is offering an innovative credit course SSH102 Learning and Development Strategies: Thriving in Action.

This elective course will help you prepare to succeed in a fully virtual semester.  Starting on August 19th with a 3-day intensive online class, and continuing into the fall semester with weekly meet-ups, you will learn tools and strategies to study in a virtual setting, while learning about the importance of well-being for academic success.

In this integrative course, you will learn Positive Psychology fundamentals, like gratitude, mindfulness, and self-compassion, woven together with holistic learning strategies, from time management to note-taking, studying to essay-writing. Throughout the course, you will also explore career pathways and key Ryerson services. This course will form a mind-body-heart-spirit bridge into a sustainable, healthful, and hopeful academic journey. You will walk away with an introduction to resilience. An expanded toolbox of academic strategies, and a felt sense of belonging and community. Key components to flourish as a student, especially at this time.

Describe your perception of the purpose of schools

This is a paper that is focusing on students to describe your perception of the purpose of schools. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.

Describe your perception of the purpose of schools

EDF 2005 – Philosophy of Education Assignment
The goal of this assignment is to allow you to synthesize and establish your initial philosophy of education based upon the readings, our discussions, and your experiences with education. It will be a project where you are to express your philosophy of education in manner that you choose. This could be a paper, a video, a song, a blog, a presentation (i.e. Prezi or PowerPoint), a booklet, etc.

This project is a living project, as your philosophy of education will hopefully change as you move through your teaching career; it may become more sophisticated, more profound, or it may change completely. In this sense, your philosophy assignment will provide another opportunity to see how you develop throughout your career.


You will find it helpful in developing your philosophy of education project if you think of it in nine (9) parts. In your project, you should indicate your thinking/beliefs about each section:
1. Purpose of Schools
– Firstly, clearly and thoroughly describe your perception of the purpose of schools. Be sure to align your own ideas of the purpose of schools with the purposes discussed in the textbook.

2. Alignment with Existing Philosophies
– This is where you should discuss and also analyze the philosophies you have studied (e.g. essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social reconstructionism , and existentialism) and align your belief with one or more of these. Articulate your own stance clearly.

3. Nature of Learners
– For example, are all students capable of learning? Thirdly, do all learners have something to contribute, or is this purely the role of the teacher? Are learners passive and also expected to be filled with knowledge by the teachers, or from a textbook? What are some
important dimensions of learning that you will closely consider?

4. Role of Teachers and Others
– For example, should teachers be “the sage on the stage” or “the guide by their side”? Fourthly, should parents participate in the schools or should education be left to professional teachers? Should teachers actively involve parents and the community in their
classrooms? What role should administrators and/or other stakeholders have in schools?

Describe your perception of the purpose of schools

5. Curriculum: Content, Knowledge, Skills, and Values
– For example, do students need to be educated to be critical thinkers/problem solvers? Firstly, do students need to be trained, socialized, shaped, and/or controlled? Secondly, what sort of conduct do you expect from students? Thirdly, do they need to learn a trade, a skill, how to follow rules, obey the law or perform a job? Do they need to learn the content of various disciplines, facts, how to solve problems or how to cooperate in groups, make decisions, and interpret the world around them? Also, do they need to learn how to engage
2 in social action? Is life-long learning involved? You may want to consider putting something in this part about standards.

6. Instructional Methods
– For example, will you always use one method? Or a mix? How will this help accomplish your goals? Have you read or experienced something that supports your belief? Give reasons. Instructional methods may include some or all of the following: lectures and direct instruction; cooperative groups; problem-based instruction; discussions; worksheets; ability grouping; etc.

7. Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability
– Discuss the impact of accountability (e.g. FCAT and other high-stakes testing and their associated issues) on the implementation of your philosophy. You should address the realities of the situation but also show your commitment to teaching beyond the test. How will you assess and evaluate your students in addition to the required testing?

8. Classroom Environment
– Describe the classroom environment that you think would be most conducive to learning. Address both the physical environment as well as the social/community environment.

9. Working with Diversity
– Lastly, explain what you believe is the significance of diversity in teaching and learning. For example, do you embrace the assimilationist perspective or the pluralistic perspective? Describe specific strategies you would use for meeting individual needs.

Discuss the HSS 353 Research Synthesis assignment Paper

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss the HSS 353 Research Synthesis assignment Paper. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing this assignment paper well and concisely.

Discuss the HSS 353 Research Synthesis assignment Paper

The questions for your HSS 353 Research Synthesis Paper are the following:

What kind of problems do women encounter who challenge the gender expectations of their societies, either through their everyday behavior, or through their feminist attitudes and activism? And why is it often other women who oppose such efforts to struggle for a better life for women?

For your answers, please try to compare and synthesize information from the three articles on this subject that I gave you under the title “Gendered Identities” on Blackboard. These are the texts by Deniz Kandiyoti, Amalia Sa’ar, and Uma Narayan. You can of course also include other sources that you are familiar with and that help you find answers to these questions.

Your paper should be about 4-5 pages long. It must have in-text-citation and a bibliography with all the sources you have used.


You will be graded according to the following criteria:

How well do you answer the main questions?
How well do you synthesize information from these three articles? (for example: Do you point out similarities and/or differences between the authors’ main arguments? Are you able to summarize shared views? Are you able to use ethnographic data from different sources to provide evidence for an argument? Do you highlight additional insights by one author that the others might not have included in their texts?)
How well is your paper organized? Does it have introduction, main body and conclusion? Is there a logical structure to your essay, a certain “flow” that makes it easy to understand your arguments?
Language usage and correctness

Over the past 9 months, the US population that is poor has changed dramatically

Over the past 9 months, the US population that is poor has changed dramatically. Discuss the effect of this health crisis on this population. What’s happening?

Over the past 9 months, the US population that is poor has changed dramatically

Over the past 9 months, the US population that is poor has changed dramatically. Discuss the effect of this health crisis on this population. What’s happening?

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5 The consequences of rapid population growth

Firstly, this chapter shows that rapid population grow that rates above 2 percent, common in most
developing countries todayacts as a brake on
development. Up to a point, population growth
can be accommodated: in the past three decades
many countries have managed to raise average
income even as their populations grew rapidly. In
that strict sense, population growth has been
accommodated. But the goal of development extends beyond accommodation of an ever larger population; it is to improve people’s lives. Rapid population growth in developing countries has resulted in less progress than might have been lost opportunities for raising living standards, particularly among the large numbers of the world’s poor.

The conclusion that rapid population growth has slowed development is by no means straightforward or clearcut (see Box 5.1).

Under certain conditions moderate population growth can be beneficial. As Chapter 4 showed, in Europe, Japan, and North America economic growth has been accompanied by moderate population growth, which may have stimulated demand, encouraged technological innovation, and also reduced investment risks.

Moderate labor force growth, combined with extra spending on education, can also mean continuous upgrading of the labor force with better educated workers. In sparsely populated countries, faster
population growth shortens the time required to
reach the population size that provides economies
of scale in transport, communications, social ser- vices, and production. Some developing countries could benefit from such economies of scale, especially in rural areas.

And a big population can increase a country’s economic as well as political and military power; in a world of economic and
political uncertainty, countries such as India and China can seem to benefit from the sheer size of their domestic markets.

You must type in your solutions and submit them to the blackboard

Instructions: you must type in your solutions and submit them to the blackboard. The assignment is to be completed by a group of two. Name the solutions file as Assign1_FirstName1_FirstName2. You only need to submit both the problem set & programming exercises.

You must type in your solutions and submit them to the blackboard

Instructions: you must type in your solutions and submit them to the blackboard. Only PDF format is accept ed. The assignment is to be complete d by a group of two. Name the solutions file as Assign1_FirstName1_FirstName2. You only need to submit both the problem set & programming exercises.

Problem Set:

I-                   Curve fitting problem
PS-I-1: Assume the curve fitting problem is solved using the polynomial function

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curve-fitting problem


The problem of finding the curve that best fits a number of data points. The philosophical interest lies in justifying any particular trade-off of simplicity, accuracy, and boldness, that may commend itself. The problem of induction can be represent graphically as a curve-fitting problem.


Much of scientific inference involves fitting numerical data with a curve, or functional relation. The receive view is that the fittest curve is the curve which best balances the conflicting demands of simplicity and accuracy, where simplicity is measurement by the number of parameters in the curve. The problem with this view is that there is no commonly accept justification for desiring simplicity. This paper presents a measure of the stability of equations. It is that the fittest curve is the curve which best balances stability and accuracy. The received view is defend with a proof that simplicity corresponds to stability, for linear regression equations.

Journal Information

Tables of contents for recent issues of The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science are available at Authorized users may be able to access the full text articles at this site. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science encourages the application of philosophical techniques to issues raised by the natural and human sciences. These include general questions of scientific knowledge and objectivity, as well as more particular problems arising within specific disciplines. Topics currently being discussed in the journal include: scientific realism, causation, the logic of natural selection, the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the direction of time, probability and confirmation.