This is a paper that is focusing on students to describe your perception of the purpose of schools. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.
Describe your perception of the purpose of schools
EDF 2005 – Philosophy of Education Assignment
The goal of this assignment is to allow you to synthesize and establish your initial philosophy of education based upon the readings, our discussions, and your experiences with education. It will be a project where you are to express your philosophy of education in manner that you choose. This could be a paper, a video, a song, a blog, a presentation (i.e. Prezi or PowerPoint), a booklet, etc.
This project is a living project, as your philosophy of education will hopefully change as you move through your teaching career; it may become more sophisticated, more profound, or it may change completely. In this sense, your philosophy assignment will provide another opportunity to see how you develop throughout your career.
You will find it helpful in developing your philosophy of education project if you think of it in nine (9) parts. In your project, you should indicate your thinking/beliefs about each section:
1. Purpose of Schools
– Firstly, clearly and thoroughly describe your perception of the purpose of schools. Be sure to align your own ideas of the purpose of schools with the purposes discussed in the textbook.
2. Alignment with Existing Philosophies
– This is where you should discuss and also analyze the philosophies you have studied (e.g. essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social reconstructionism , and existentialism) and align your belief with one or more of these. Articulate your own stance clearly.
3. Nature of Learners
– For example, are all students capable of learning? Thirdly, do all learners have something to contribute, or is this purely the role of the teacher? Are learners passive and also expected to be filled with knowledge by the teachers, or from a textbook? What are some
important dimensions of learning that you will closely consider?
4. Role of Teachers and Others
– For example, should teachers be “the sage on the stage” or “the guide by their side”? Fourthly, should parents participate in the schools or should education be left to professional teachers? Should teachers actively involve parents and the community in their
classrooms? What role should administrators and/or other stakeholders have in schools?
Describe your perception of the purpose of schools
5. Curriculum: Content, Knowledge, Skills, and Values
– For example, do students need to be educated to be critical thinkers/problem solvers? Firstly, do students need to be trained, socialized, shaped, and/or controlled? Secondly, what sort of conduct do you expect from students? Thirdly, do they need to learn a trade, a skill, how to follow rules, obey the law or perform a job? Do they need to learn the content of various disciplines, facts, how to solve problems or how to cooperate in groups, make decisions, and interpret the world around them? Also, do they need to learn how to engage
2 in social action? Is life-long learning involved? You may want to consider putting something in this part about standards.
6. Instructional Methods
– For example, will you always use one method? Or a mix? How will this help accomplish your goals? Have you read or experienced something that supports your belief? Give reasons. Instructional methods may include some or all of the following: lectures and direct instruction; cooperative groups; problem-based instruction; discussions; worksheets; ability grouping; etc.
7. Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability
– Discuss the impact of accountability (e.g. FCAT and other high-stakes testing and their associated issues) on the implementation of your philosophy. You should address the realities of the situation but also show your commitment to teaching beyond the test. How will you assess and evaluate your students in addition to the required testing?
8. Classroom Environment
– Describe the classroom environment that you think would be most conducive to learning. Address both the physical environment as well as the social/community environment.
9. Working with Diversity
– Lastly, explain what you believe is the significance of diversity in teaching and learning. For example, do you embrace the assimilationist perspective or the pluralistic perspective? Describe specific strategies you would use for meeting individual needs.