Homelessness in Los Angeles

Homelessness in Los Angeles


1. You will be writing on homelessness either discussing the causes OR possible solutions. USE FILES GIVEN to ascertain which sources will cover a cause or reasons for homelessness or a solution t homelessness.

2. Briefly introduce the issue and include a thesis in the last sentence of the introduction. The thesis should have at least 3 main points that are parallel in structure and discuss 3-4 causes OR 3-4 solutions.

3. Back up your thesis with your own ideas AND ideas from the essays. You may agree with the ideas from the sources and use them to back your point of view or refute the ideas from some sources.

4. Cite the author(s) in the sentence or in parentheses at the end of the sentence when quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing the source. If there is no author to the article, use the article title which should be in quotation marks. Your paper should include about 8-10 in-text citations varying between quotes and paraphrases.

Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation

Length: The basic minimum length of your final draft (not including your name/section/assignment/date, bibliography and endnotes) is 1000 words. There is no maximum wordcount. I’ve found that the best papers are as long as they need to be to say what they have to say about a focused thesis statement or research question. Basic instructions Write an original research paper that utilizes the English composition techniques we have practiced this semester. Choose your own topic. It should have an orientation that could be considered, at the most general level, “Humanities” or “Sciences.” Use MLA style for Humanities, APA for Sciences. Thesis statements and research questions

Your paper should address a thesis statement or research question focused on an original idea that has been discussed by professional academics in scholarly (peer reviewed) publications, rather than something that is simply definitional or informative; as an academic paper, therefore, it is not expected to have an obvious “practical application” to a general audience in “the real world.” Also, your research paper is not simply a written version of a speech to persuade or a speech to inform an audience of your college peers. If you liked Plank-Blasko’s Tetris article or Due et al.’s ASD article, you may derive a thesis statement or research question from either of those articles and use it as the basis of your research paper. Sources Your final draft should be based primarily on at least three scholarly (peer reviewed) journal articles published within the last ten years, each of which is at least six pages long.

All three of these sources should be available in PDF full- text format in the Academic Search Complete database, and at least two of the three sources must not also be available for free on the Internet. In addition to the scholarly sources, you are free to use up to three other sources, such as books, magazines, videos (TED Talks, etc.), and websites, provided that these sources originated with a credible authority and have a unique relevance to the focus of your paper. Additional instructions:

• Your final draft should contain between 10% and 15% direct quotation from your sources, using either APA- or MLA-style in-text citations; the rest of your paper should be written entirely in your own words, using summary and paraphrase to support your ideas. Quote single words and phrases, not longer than ten (10) words in a row. Use a variety of quotation styles.

• Your final draft should contain at least two explanatory “endnotes” that provide additional ideas not central to your paper’s main discussion. One note must be at least 10 words long, and the other(s) must be at least 25 words long.

• Depending on your thesis statement or research question, you may include the article you used for assignment #3a as one of your three required scholarly (peer reviewed) journal articles, provided that it meets the criteria explained above, under “Sources.”

• Your final draft should contain a References or Works Cited section, prepared according to the APA or MLA style using the forms provided by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Do not rely on EasyBib to do this for you. If you use Academic Search Complete’s citation link, it is your responsibility to proofread it for accuracy and to make any necessary adjustments (e.g., upper- and lower-case letters, italics, author’s names, etc.).

Position and Compensation Classifications

Position and Compensation Classifications

Identifying the proper classification for each position is an important responsibility of the HR department. Depending on the size of the organization, there are various ways that a classification is decided and put into practice. Larger organizations require specific levels of approval of the classification before implementation, whereas with smaller organizations, the determination is often made by the HR director.

For this discussion, take the role of the HR director in a small organization. The organization is adding two new positions to the workforce, and it is your responsibility to determine the classification and compensation categories for each position. Carefully determine the role of each position and the responsibilities of the position within the organization. Determine the logical classifications for each position. Define and defend each category selected for the position and your reasoning for selecting the options. Support your decisions with resources that defend your choices.

Position 1:

This position is responsible for customer service and responding to the complaints of the consumer. The employee will work a 6-hour day, three days a week, with a rotating shift. This position will report to a supervisor and will have no direct reports.

Position 2:

This position is responsible for all accounts payable and accounts receivable. The employee enters all information into a data system and develops monthly reports for the CFO of the organization. This position has four direct reports that perform a variety of accounting duties. This position works an eight-plus-hour-a-day schedule, five-plus days a week, depending on need.

Program Evaluation Proposal

Program Evaluation Proposal

My field of study is Social Work

You will propose an evaluation of a program using a qualitative or quantitative methodology or both (mixed methods). You will develop objectives and hypotheses for the evaluation and choose methods best suited to fulfill the objectives. You will also discuss operational challenges and validity concerns, along with any ethical issues. Be realistic and remember to consider the cost of your design. Please use at least eight research articles to back up your claims in this paper. Program Evaluation Proposal: Assignment Guide: Provide a description of the program/agency you wish to evaluate. Make sure you address the history, mission, goals, and type of clientele served by this program/agency (1-1/2 pages). Conduct a literature review of previous program evaluation studies performed with similar programs/agencies (2-3 pages). Outline the objectives of your program evaluation, research questions/hypotheses (1/2 to 1 page) Propose a methodology for conducting your proposed program evaluation study (make sure to discuss chosen research design, sampling/respondent recruitment, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis, and ethical considerations) (2-3 pages) Provide mock results using SPSS analysis with dummy data. Consult your Text 2 to determine how your results should be reported based on the data analysis method you selected (1-2 pages). Discuss expected strengths and methodological/practical challenges/limitations of your proposed study (including cost) associated with your proposed needs assessment (1 page). What do you anticipate to be the practice, policy, and future research implications of your study? (1 page) In Appendices, provide questionnaire and interview protocol that you will use to collect data. The length of the paper should be approximately 8-12 double-spaced pages excluding title page, references, and appendices. The whole paper must be written following APA style and include the title page, abstract, and headings. I would recommend that you use the instructions in this guide to develop the headings in your paper. Please use at least 8 research articles to back up your claims in this paper. You should try to back up your claims where possible with sources/evidence. Throughout the paper Lastly, please head all sections of this paper.

Auteur Theory Christopher Nolan Films

Auteur Theory Christopher Nolan Films

Director: Christopher Nolan Films: Insomnia, Inception, Memento ESSAY (2000-2500 words) The auteur approach to criticism is concerned with extracting the style of a single director through the consideration of formal aesthetic elements and recurring themes and motifs expressed throughout his/her body of work. Auteur critics are also interested in describing and interpreting the forces, both personal and public, that surround the production of the films under consideration. CHOOSE FIVE COLLEGE-LEVEL SOURCES Your paper should properly integrate at least five, primary, college-level sources. Successful papers will reference at least one critical essay on each film and one interview with your filmmaker. The following are approved websites and databases where you can look for college-level sources on the director and the films: • JSTOR/EBSCO (via AVC) The number one reference index for scholarly film journals. • Senses of Cinema Academic website with an entire section devoted to filmmakers. • Bright Lights A scholarly journal with a good reference index. • Reverse Shot • MFJ • Movie Journal

United States involvement in Climate Change

United States involvement in Climate Change

United States involvement in Climate Change

For this paper you will need to go to the United States of America’s Environmental Protection Agency’s website under Climate Change (https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators) to choose one climate change indicator. The issue should be specific enough to describe and address it in the following ways: Describe the issue in “lay-person” terms and provide definitions for any technical terminology being used. This should be written as if it were to be published in a venue being read by practitioners in the field but also the interested public. Define the issue in terms of its significance to the field (for example, has it always been an issue or is it of greater significance now and why? Is it an issue in the U.S. or developed countries, or western society, or is it universal?) Are there potential ramifications if the issue is not addressed or is left unresolved? Describe various factual and normative arguments surrounding the issue from differing “sides”. You will need at least 4 outside sources to aid in your research. Apply at least 3 ethical theories. This means thoroughly defining each theory with at least 2 separate, credible sources by step explaining how the issue applies or rejects the ethical theory. Identify the prominent representatives of each of the perspectives involved, i.e. who is voicing the argument? What do they represent? What do they base their views upon? What is your position? Support your views with appropriate arguments from those presented. THE MAIN POINT OF THE PAPER IS TO APPLY ETHICAL THEORIES (at least 3) and a total of 5 refences. FOLLOW THE RUBRIC, SYLLABUS GUIDELINES and APA BOOK FOR MAX POINTS. Very important to apply 3 ethical theories and have a separate paragraph for each one. Also very important at least 3 sources need to come from “Fundamentals of Ethics” By Russ-Shafer Landau and “Agricultures Ethical Horizon” By Robert. L Zimdahl

Happiness philosophies about happiness

Happiness philosophies about happiness

Purpose and AudienceThroughout the course, you have been focusing on one of the philosophies about happiness as represented in one or more of our classical texts (Boethius, Aristotle, Aquinas) and as represented in another work of art(novel, poem, play, movie, album, painting, etc) of your own choosing. Your current goal is to argue for a particular insight about the work of art’s representation of the philosophy as compared with its representation in the classical text, to support your argument with analysis of textual evidence from both of these primary texts, and to engage in conversation with scholarly articles or books (secondary texts).This project is a thoroughly researched, thesis-driven, argumentative essay that demonstrates competence in both research and composition. The audience is our class —a diverse group of people who may be neutral or slightly skeptical regarding your position. In other words, you will need to persuade your readers. TopicAt this point, you are committed to the topic you discussed during your individual conferences. You must be able to conduct research about your topic in scholarly books and peer-reviewed journals. The topic should also be limited to a manageable focus so that the paper can adequately discuss every major aspect of the issue in detail and fairly consider the major opinions on the topic within a coherent essay. Finally, your topic must be approved by your instructor. ContentThis essay must be a thesis-driven argument. The essay should have an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion. Include an interesting and informative title. The Introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide necessary background information on the topic, provide a focus for the paper, and state a clear and precise thesis. The Body of the essay should offer a clear argument driven by textual proof and your own argumentation as well as clear engagement with the critical sources. Your essay should employ sound reasoning as it defends the thesis through logical argumentation and presentation of sound evidence. It should contain no material that is not directly relevant to the thesis.Explanations should be detailed and coherent and should avoid vague or generalized assertions. Examples, illustrations, and supporting detail should be used frequently and appropriately to demonstrate the validity of the thesis. The essay should also present criticisms of the thesis (i.e., counterarguments) fairly, and it should address such criticisms rationally and appropriately. You may integrate any relevant portion of your previous essays and/or parts of your annotated bibliography into this essay if you revise them for this new rhetorical purpose. The Conclusion should bring adequate closure to the paper. While it should reemphasize the thesis, it should also avoid excessive repetition of previous points. It should also address the reasons the overarching implications of the topic on the reading audience. Why does this issue matter?OrganizationThis essay can be organized in a number of ways, but it should be organized in a manner that best fits the essay’s content. Regardless of the particular organizational pattern chosen, the essay should employ logical organization and progression of thought, clear and smooth transitions, and coherent and developed paragraphs. At some point, the essay must address possible objections to its thesis, but the exact place of such rebuttal in the essay will depend on the organizational pattern chosen. SourcesThis essay must use and cite a minimum of eight sources. It must use at least six scholarly sources (books, peer-reviewed journal articles, etc.) and two primary sources (your work of art and your classical text). In addition, the essay may cite sources from other credible media such as newspaper articles, popular periodicals, government documents, published interviews and speeches, studies, surveys, etc. However, you should avoid on dictionaries or encyclopedias unless they provide information not available elsewhere, which is a highly unlikely situation. Do not rely on only one or two sources for the majority of your information. All quotations must be quoted exactly and attributed to the proper source. Quotations should be smoothly integrated into the paper and should also be explained adequately. The essay may not use more than four block quotations (quotations four lines or longer) and may not use more than 750 total words (about two and a half, double-spaced pages) of quoted material. DocumentationMLA citation must be used correctly and consistently throughout the essay and the works cited page. In-text citations should be used whenever you are using a quotation, a paraphrase, or even a summary of an idea from a source. You can find the guidelines for the MLA 8 format in the course textbook or at www.purdue.edu/owl. The works cited page must be arranged alphabetically by the authors’ last names and must give full, accurate bibliographic information for each source. The works cited page should list only those works that are actually cited in the text, and every citation in the text must clearly refer to a citation on the works cited page. Lastly, remember to evenly double-space your works cited page and indent every line after the first by ½”.TechnicalitiesThis essay must be at least eight full pages long, but should not exceed 12 pages. Papers shorter than eight full pages will receive grade deductions. The paper should be double-spaced in 12-pt. Times New Roman font with 1” margins. Do not use a title page. Further Directions and WarningsMainly, this paper should combine your own thinking and argumentation with that of outside sources. The thesis should be your own, and sources should be used to support the thesis. You should use sources primarily to provide factual information or to offer a unique viewpoints and profound statements from specific authors. In no case should you use sources as “padding” to make the essay longer. If the essay demonstrates noticeable ignorance of important aspects of the topic, this will substantially lower the grade. Therefore, you should not procrastinate in doing research for this project, as you will need to be familiar with all important aspects of the topic. Finally, please note, I will not accept your research paper if I have not approved your topic and seen your work in progress (i.e., an annotated bibliography, an outline, and rough drafts in process). You must produce an acceptable research paper in order to pass this course.A Final ReminderI cannot stress this enough: SAVE everything that you do on at least two different storage devices (flash drive, Box, etc.) and at the end of every work session, email what you have completed to yourself. An excuse such as “my computer won’t read my flash drive” is not acceptable when it comes to your research essay. Must use the prince and nicomachean ethics

Art of Modern China

Art of Modern China

Art of Modern China (studies of a single artist, Li Hua)  Typical topics include studies of a single artist or a group of artists, a single art work or a type of art work, a specific art media, or a specific period of art, or a carefully delimited discussion about the development of a particular type of subject matter, within the time frame of 1840-2000. Format of references, and format of citations are really important.

US Government and Immigration Issues Directions

US Government and Immigration Issues Directions

Term Paper Immigration Issues Directions: Please write a 4-page policy brief paper, incorporating specific elements as described below. Draw on appropriate course readings to substantiate your argument, as well as the additional materials that you are requested to explore. Essays should be well-organized and well-written. They should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point type, and have 1-inch margins. Papers are due end of the day on Sunday. December 1. Submit papers through Turnitin. Missing the paper deadline will result in a grading reduction. A. Guidelines: The term paper will use the issue of immigration reform as a way to display the course concepts. The paper’s structure must include the following elements below. Each item reflects a paragraph in a roughly 4-page paper. 1. Introductory paragraph, including a topic sentence and a “roadmap” or description of what will follow. The introduction should indicate and describe the issue(s) you chose to focus on in sections 5-7 (“Issues to Consider”). Points will be awarded for each of these elements. 2. Discuss public opinion on immigration, the public’ fears, and the perceived desirability of reform. (a) Describe survey results of the public on immigration and (b) how reliable the survey is. (c) How do the results differ for Republicans and Democrats? Points assigned for each element. 3. Concept. As described by the readings and lecture, how do public preferences affect outcomes? Indicate 2 ways in which public opinion is important in creating policy changes. 4. Concepts. Based on the class discussion and readings, what is an “institution”? How might they affect a policy debate? What role they play in producing policy outcomes? 5-7. In specific, choose from the issues below to explain your points (see column 1 in the table below, “Issues to Consider”). Choose one or more item. Describe the role that each of the following institutions (see column2 in the table below, (Governmental Institutions”). Answer for each of the institutions separately. (1) (2) Issues to potentially include Governmental Institutions Choose one or more Answer for all Sanctuary cities Congress (House and/or Senate) The regular appropriation process and the use of emergency authority to build a wall Presidents Executive action (e.g., Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Executive Order 13769 — Immigration bans on certain countries’ residents Judiciary Legislative actions, such as the DREAM Act bill, prior House (e.g., H.R. 4437) or Senate (e.g., S 744) legislation 5-7. Comment on how each of the institutions (Congress, Judiciary, and Presidency) have taken in advancing or undermining immigration legal reforms, border security, or other changes to the status quo. (a) Describe the roles of the relevant political institutions in leading to policy outcomes. (b) Explain in particular how these cases illustrate the separation of powers/checks and balances. How do the branches of government interact? For example, describe how the Presidents have attempted to get around the separation of powers. 8. Describe federalism. First, what is the basis for it in the US Government; i.e., where is it described? And, second, what does it do? 9. Describe the role of the states in implementing immigration policy. What does the Constitution say for the roles of the federal government and state governments with respect to immigration and enforcement? 10. How have the immigration discussions influenced political campaigns? Describe the impact of the immigration debate on one Democratic and one Republican candidate in recent elections, including the 2016 or 2020 Presidential elections. Describe the specifics of the cases you cite, such as citing campaign advertisements, and reference your sources.

Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen

Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen

Corporate performance evaluation – Volkswagen Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details The completed report should include: An introduction to the company, including background information. A financial statement review. Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years. A ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories: Liquidity Financial leverage Asset management Profitability Market value Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system. Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA). Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies (e.g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class. A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company. This report should be 15 to 20 pages long, excluding title page and reference page(s), using APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly sources in addition to the annual report, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles