Monomyth tribulations and obstacles that a character

Monomyth tribulations and obstacles that a character

The Monomyth is a popular formula used in many modern movies, like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter. It outlines a series of trials, tribulations, and obstacles that a character must endure on their journey or quest. The following articles outline The 17 Stages of the Monomyth For your assignment, you will choose / create / imagine a character and run them through various stages of the monomyth. You may use yourself as the lead character; i.e. you may use your real life as the monomyth, or make it up, creatively. You may also make it based on a person in history, whether a family member OR a celebrity. You may NOT use a movie or book or television show.

Consumer Genetic Testing

Consumer Genetic Testing

Description My project consists of 3 parts – a leaflet, questionnaire and an essay. I need help writing the essay component of my project. I had to create a leaflet regarding direct-to-consumer genetic testing, focusing on 23&me and I also had to create a questionnaire about people’s attitudes towards these services/publicly available genetic information. I asked for individuals to complete a questionnaire before and after reading the leaflet provided and collected the resultant data. I then had to write a 3000 word essay on ‘Publicly available genetic information: health’ incorporating analysis of the data I have collected. A rough plan I have followed: – Start by explaining what DTC genetic tests are – What do they tell you about in terms of health – Talk through pros then cons of genetic testing relating to health including those that are in the leaflet – Conclusion about whether the information provided by these tests should be publicly available/whether DTC tests are beneficial – I need you to refer back to relevant parts of the data in essay/comment on/analyse the data —> some examples: could mention how people mainly reported that they would not consent to their data being used in research, perhaps limiting the benefit of DTC genetic testing in contributing to research; most responders would be more willing to know if they were at increased risk of developing a certain condition if it was curable – this emphasises how an important motivation for individuals purchasing DTC genetic tests is the potential improvement in outcome of diseases; most people would go to a genetic counsellor to have their results explained which is important in terms of confirmation of results and support for the patient. I think the leaflet and questionnaire should be included in the appendix (not included in word count). I need help with analysing the data from my questionnaires and adding this into the essay where appropriate (data is in a folder on my google drive – link below). I will also need help with the conclusion. I would be happy for any changes to be made to my work so far that you think would benefit the essay. ask support for a link to access the data Our essay was originally described as a ‘3000 word academic essay (word count excludes figure legends and references), which should normally include sections of background, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. This structure is suggestive.’ Thank you so much in advance.

Battle for Post-War Identity Lessons Learned

Battle for Post-War Identity Lessons Learned

Japanese Legacy: A Battle for Post-War Identity This paper asks you to reflect upon the complex legacies of the Japanese empire in Japan after the end of World War II. You should begin by summarizing popular representations of historical memory in Japan as portrayed in three seminal films that we have watched and discussed in this course: Godzilla, Rashomon, and The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On. Having established the subjective parameters of interpretation and degree of willful ignorance exhibited by many parties toward Japan’s former empire after 1945, you should now draw upon the readings and lectures of the final one-third of our course to analyze key contingencies, themes, and alternative paths of development made possible by the fifty years of empire. Ultimately, your goal is to bring your knowledge of the Japanese empire—in all its complexities and ambiguities—to both challenge and test the central premises of the three cinematic representations under consideration. Who is singled out for blame or praise, and why? What has been completely ignored or forgotten? Whose agendas are being served, and how selectively are they being served?

Norton Anthology of African American Literature Book

Norton Anthology of African American Literature Book

For your second formal essay, please chose and respond to one of the following prompts: 1. Write an essay that analyzes the represented strain of characters’ obligation to the (African American) race and obligation to their own personal fulfillment in literature from weeks 8-13 of class, from Passing through A Raisin in the Sun (though you could draw upon Wells’, Washington’s, and/or Du Bois’ work—from Weeks 6 & 7—for historical information and context). Your essay should be guided by a clearly identifiable thesis that organizes and blueprints your argument for your reader(s). In formulating your argument, you may wish to focus on one of the longer prose works, like Passing or “Sonny’s Blues”; or, you could draw upon a number of texts in a comparative analysis. In any event, the essay should incorporate the structure for sound academic writing we have discussed as a class. 2. Write an essay that analyzes the representation of the effect of housing discrimination (against African Americans) on characters’ behavior and viewpoints in literature from weeks 8-13 of class, from Passing through A Raisin in the Sun (though you could draw upon Wells’, Washington’s, and/or Du Bois’ work—from Weeks 6 & 7—for historical information and context). Your essay should be guided by a clearly identifiable thesis that organizes and blueprints your argument for your reader(s). In formulating your argument, you may wish to focus on one of the longer prose works, like “Sonny’s Blues” or A Raisin in the Sun; or, you could draw upon a number of texts in a comparative analysis. In any event, the essay should incorporate the structure for sound academic writing we have discussed in class. Format Requirements Your essay should be 3-4 pages in length (at least 3 full pages, but no more than 4), typed, double-spaced, contain standard 1-inch margins, appear in 12-point font, and adhere to the current requirements for the MLA form of citation. A Note about Research and Incorporating Outside Sources This essay requires no outside research. Instead, you are to craft a text-based essay relating to any of the literature we have read and discussed as a class in weeks 8-13.

Exchange of letters between you and Aristotle

Exchange of letters between you and Aristotle

Write an exchange of letters between you and aristotle. In one letter aristotle will defend his view of virtue as a means which is taught by the law and property as limited and as means to the good life. Then write a response in which you agree or disagree and discuss his views of hierarchies. Both letters should include at least 2 quotes from the reading (listed below) (no footnotes needed) Book Needed ————- Aristotles Politics: Second Edition

Principles of MIS Design an information system using MS ACCESS

Principles of MIS Design an information system using MS ACCESS

Design an information system using MS ACCESS  Principles of MIS (0506200) Semester I, 2019-2020 Case Study Guidelines 1. Students are to from a group of 3 -5 students and has to work collaboratively on one the following two options A. Case study Students will write a case that illustrate the use of Information systems in an organization. The three main elements of a case that should be covered are: o Reality: choose an organization that actually uses information systems that you want to highlight where you have a decision maker, a set of problem they faced and how they arrive to the solution. You will also look at the real data and the way it has been used to make a decisions. o Originality: Concept or a context that make the case original worth to be highlighted o Theory: what theory is being used to build the decision making process Please refer to this link for more information on how to write a case B. Information System Design Design an information system using MS ACCESS (More details with the instructor) 2. Date, and Requirements for Submitting Your Case Description The final submission of your complete case must be by the 5th Dec. 2019. A hard copy and a soft copy to be submitted The number of students involved in a case should not exceed 5 and no less than 3. 3. Submission Guidelines

• Cases are written in the past tense. Reports for the Access IS can be written in the present or past tense.

• Files should be thoroughly proofread before submission in order to ensure grammatical and syntactical integrity.

• The total length, including exhibits, should not exceed 15 pages. The text should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt.

• Submit the case as word document. For the Access IS, two separate files, report as word documents and the Access IS another document

• All tables, figures, appendices, etc., should be referred to as exhibits in the body of the case or teaching note and inserted at the end of the document.

• Include a citation below each exhibit. State whether the exhibit is an original document extraction or a creation of the author using data from the original document (e.g., “Created by author using. ”).

• All submitted written cases and reports will be subject to review by plagiarism detection software. A successful case study analyses a real life situation where existing problems need to be solved.

It should:

• Relate the theory to a practical situation;

• Identify the problems

• Select the major problems in the case

• Suggest solutions to these major problems

• Recommend the best solution to be implemented

• Detail how this solution should be implemented The organization of your paper will depend somewhat on the case you select. However, the organization of a typical case might look like this:

• Cover page, with title, your name and course and instructor

• Refer to Ivey cases guidelines on the organization of a case and teaching notes 4. Warnings and Reminders

• Start early. Students are advised to start as early as possible so they can find enough material on their chosen case. As a general rule, DO NOT leave the group work until the last minute.

• Write an outline. One of the most common problems with papers is poor organization. Organize your thoughts. You may want to use section headings to indicate the topic or purpose of sections of the paper.

• Pay attention to the quality of your sources. If you use articles from the Web as sources, give the URL and the organization sponsoring the site. There is a lot of junk and unsupported opinion on the Web. 5. Managing the group work

• You can choose students you want to work with to form one group. Please refer to me as early as possible if you can’t put yourself in a group.

• You may experience difficulties in getting adequate contribution from individuals in your group, but it is expected that team members will be sympathetic towards anyone who is failing due to problems of personal nature and try to resolve any problems facing within the team. However, if there is consensus amongst the rest of the group that reasonable efforts have been made to ensure contribution and one member still does not contribute, then you can bring the case to my attention, I will investigate and make final decision.

• It is difficult to think of circumstances in which the late submission of group work would be deemed reasonable. One of the perceived strengths of group work is that it allows groups to cope with setbacks that sometimes affect individual students.

• Excuses like “the person supposed to be doing that part has gone off sick” are unlikely to be accepted. You should prepare far enough in advance and have planned things well enough to allow other group members to cover omissions by individuals. 6. Grading Criteria Grading criteria include:

• discussion of background or history of the topic

• presentation of issues related to the case

• quality of argument and analysis

• structure and organization

• clarity of writing

• sufficient references

• originality

• Meeting deadlines.

• Team Work

Web Design Principles

Web Design Principles

Week 5 Short Paper – Web Design Principles

After reading Webpage Typography Issues.pdf in this week reading assignments. Write a brief answer to each question in APA research paper format. 1. Describe the characteristics that define type. How do web designers use typography? 2. Compare the terms type style and font as used in web design. 3. Describe the five generic typeface or font families and when to use each. 4. Discuss the role of font stacks when specifying website fonts. 5. Discuss responsive web design guidelines for determining website font sizes. 6. What should you consider when selecting images for webpages? 7. Describe tools you can use to create your own webpage images. 8. Identify methods for transferring image files from a digital camera to a computer or the Internet. 9. Compare and contrast lossless and lossy compression methods for image files. Which image file types provide lossless compression and which provide lossy compression? 10. Describe how to optimize your selected website images to create web-ready images. Note: QUESTION 7 AND 10 is independent from the Webpage Typography Issues.pdf file. They are relevant my website that I will sent you as file. Pls when you answer those question , think for those two questiion seperate.

Concussion Movie Pop Culture Social Class Race Ethnicity Politics and Protest Gender Sexuality Intersectionality

Concussion Movie Pop Culture Social Class Race Ethnicity Politics and Protest Gender Sexuality Intersectionality

Sociological issues are often addressed in pop culture, particularly in television, music, and film.

For this paper, you will choose a movie that relates to issues covered from the second section of this course on (Social Class, Race/Ethnicity, Politics and Protest, Gender, Sexuality, and/or Intersectionality), watch it, and answer some questions about it. Below is a list of pre-approved movies, some of which are accessible through various streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.).

In all portions of the paper as described below, you should support your arguments with direct references to both the movie and the readings and/or lecture material you reference.

1. How are the concepts of social structure and agency present in the film you watched? Does the movie acknowledge the influence of social structures or is it largely a tale of a person or people experiencing success “because they wanted it more”? You should review your readings and lecture notes related to structure and agency before watching your chosen film, as it is important that you fully understand these concepts before writing your paper. Inaccurately applying these concepts to the film you watched will have a substantial negative impact on your paper grade.

2. What are some (at least 3) course concepts from lectures on these topics that were addressed in the film you chose? Define each concept and explain how it was represented in the movie you watched, including specific references to content in the film that demonstrates this concept.

3. Finally, discuss in a paragraph or so whether you think the filmmakers have taken a functionalist, conflict, or other theoretical approach in producing the film they have. (See the Sage and Eitzen reading you did at the start of the course for more detail on this issue). Often, filmmakers aren’t just telling stories for the purpose of entertainment. They commonly take a stance on an issue, and try to communicate that perspective through the films that they make. The movies below were chosen because their filmmakers have incorporated ideas that are consistent with different strains of sociological metatheory. In this section, try to put yourself in the mindset of the filmmaker, describe the “message” of the movie as you see it, and then explain how you believe that it aligns with a specific theoretical perspective, using specific examples from the film to support your claims.

Significance of New Testament

Significance of New Testament

Significance of New Testament  Read Jesus is Lord, Author Kenneth Schenck, Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5. As you read through this material, keep the questions for the essay in mind. This essay will ask you to address all three of the following questions: What is the New Testament? (Select some key descriptors of the New Testament and explain them.) How did we get the New Testament that we have? (Briefly explain the process and criteria that were employed.) Why should we study the New Testament? (Explain the purposes and benefits of studying the New Testament.) The essay should be 700-800 words long (approximately 3 pages) and should be evenly divided to address each of the three questions. It should include appropriate interaction with the reading from the textbook with citations. The paper should follow APA formatting guidelines as set forth in the syllabus.

Indonesia Macroeconomic Factors and Analysis

Indonesia Macroeconomic Factors and Analysis

Description Review first 4 pages only. ( not the appendix)

Please review Part 1 and Part 3 for any improve the below (there is no Part 2 to be edited)

a. Grammar and spelling

b. Questions and Content: Ensure that the question is answer with the content provided. Feel free to change order of sentences if needed.

c. Feel free to add or update any Economics relevant information that can help fulfill the questions d. Please review that I used quotations properly as indicated above. If needed, please feel free to update the quotations. —

4. The basic text of your answers should be in 8.5-point Times New Roman font, with single-spaced lines, and with an extra line space between different paragraphs and between different answers. You may attach or insert tables, charts, or other similar items that are referenced from your text ifthese enhance your answers.

5. There is a mandatory length limit. The submission should be no more than 5 pages of text.