Principles of MIS Design an information system using MS ACCESS
Design an information system using MS ACCESS Principles of MIS (0506200) Semester I, 2019-2020 Case Study Guidelines 1. Students are to from a group of 3 -5 students and has to work collaboratively on one the following two options A. Case study Students will write a case that illustrate the use of Information systems in an organization. The three main elements of a case that should be covered are: o Reality: choose an organization that actually uses information systems that you want to highlight where you have a decision maker, a set of problem they faced and how they arrive to the solution. You will also look at the real data and the way it has been used to make a decisions. o Originality: Concept or a context that make the case original worth to be highlighted o Theory: what theory is being used to build the decision making process Please refer to this link for more information on how to write a case B. Information System Design Design an information system using MS ACCESS (More details with the instructor) 2. Date, and Requirements for Submitting Your Case Description The final submission of your complete case must be by the 5th Dec. 2019. A hard copy and a soft copy to be submitted The number of students involved in a case should not exceed 5 and no less than 3. 3. Submission Guidelines
• Cases are written in the past tense. Reports for the Access IS can be written in the present or past tense.
• Files should be thoroughly proofread before submission in order to ensure grammatical and syntactical integrity.
• The total length, including exhibits, should not exceed 15 pages. The text should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt.
• Submit the case as word document. For the Access IS, two separate files, report as word documents and the Access IS another document
• All tables, figures, appendices, etc., should be referred to as exhibits in the body of the case or teaching note and inserted at the end of the document.
• Include a citation below each exhibit. State whether the exhibit is an original document extraction or a creation of the author using data from the original document (e.g., “Created by author using. ”).
• All submitted written cases and reports will be subject to review by plagiarism detection software. A successful case study analyses a real life situation where existing problems need to be solved.
It should:
• Relate the theory to a practical situation;
• Identify the problems
• Select the major problems in the case
• Suggest solutions to these major problems
• Recommend the best solution to be implemented
• Detail how this solution should be implemented The organization of your paper will depend somewhat on the case you select. However, the organization of a typical case might look like this:
• Cover page, with title, your name and course and instructor
• Refer to Ivey cases guidelines on the organization of a case and teaching notes 4. Warnings and Reminders
• Start early. Students are advised to start as early as possible so they can find enough material on their chosen case. As a general rule, DO NOT leave the group work until the last minute.
• Write an outline. One of the most common problems with papers is poor organization. Organize your thoughts. You may want to use section headings to indicate the topic or purpose of sections of the paper.
• Pay attention to the quality of your sources. If you use articles from the Web as sources, give the URL and the organization sponsoring the site. There is a lot of junk and unsupported opinion on the Web. 5. Managing the group work
• You can choose students you want to work with to form one group. Please refer to me as early as possible if you can’t put yourself in a group.
• You may experience difficulties in getting adequate contribution from individuals in your group, but it is expected that team members will be sympathetic towards anyone who is failing due to problems of personal nature and try to resolve any problems facing within the team. However, if there is consensus amongst the rest of the group that reasonable efforts have been made to ensure contribution and one member still does not contribute, then you can bring the case to my attention, I will investigate and make final decision.
• It is difficult to think of circumstances in which the late submission of group work would be deemed reasonable. One of the perceived strengths of group work is that it allows groups to cope with setbacks that sometimes affect individual students.
• Excuses like “the person supposed to be doing that part has gone off sick” are unlikely to be accepted. You should prepare far enough in advance and have planned things well enough to allow other group members to cover omissions by individuals. 6. Grading Criteria Grading criteria include:
• discussion of background or history of the topic
• presentation of issues related to the case
• quality of argument and analysis
• structure and organization
• clarity of writing
• sufficient references
• originality
• Meeting deadlines.
• Team Work