Urban Theories and Issues

Urban Theories and Issues

Urban Theories & Issues Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Urban Theories & Issues Assignment is an academic paper assignment of a chosen urban case study. This case study paper is a comprehensive research project that is designed to help reinforce the understanding of urban theories contents by requiring students to apply knowledge, principles, theories, concepts, and methods in tandem with the course learning. The case city selection must meet specified criteria including city with a minimum of population of 100,000 and access to an adequate number of resources beyond Wikipedia. The final project should be presented in the form of a comprehensive research paper that is based on findings from both regular assignments and additional outside research. The course schedule should serve as a guide for topics about which you should research, prepare written summaries, and create interpretive graphics on a regular and on-going basis. There will be one in-progress reviews to check for quality and completeness. Expectations: This project has rigorous expectations and constitutes. This studies should be well researched, carefully cited and effectively supported with relevant, interpretative graphics. Written argument / discussion should be reflective and creative in its analysis and interpretation (i.e. it should not be a bunch of factoids cut and pasted from Wikipedia and other sources). The writing should be informed by multiple sources including , assigned readings which will be sent to you after, outside research and original analysis. Narrative should be populated with pervasive citations and footnotes where appropriate. Images /Illustrations must also be properly cited unless they are original photos or graphics created by the author. Scope should include discussion and interpretative analysis of the case of selected city’s contemporary state, history, urbanization processes, urban form, urban transportation, urban renewal/renovation, “imageability” and legibility using Lynch methodology, and quality /feature of urban spaces, etc. The writing content should also include a section of featuring research and reflective discussion about at least two significant contemporary urban issues (such as urban sprawl, poverty, water shortage, urban transportation, land use, public space quality, street front, urban landmark, etc.), confronting the selected city. Reflections about appropriate design and planning strategies that could be/are being used to address it, as well as informed projections about the city’s future should also be included. . . It is up to you to choose one of the three academic citation styles (Chicago, APA, & MLA) for the paper’s citations and footnotes. It is very important to provide appropriate citation information for any content that is not originally from the author. The paper has no restriction of word’s number and it can exceed 3000 words long.

Battle of shiloh

Battle of shiloh

Write a 7 page papers over the battle of shiloh and analyze it based on the 9 principles of war. The principles of war are objective, simplicity, unity of command, the offensive, maneuver, mass, economy of force, surprise, and security. Two sources must be from books or major works over the battles and two sources must be from scholarly articles. include footnotes or end notes where needed.

Engineering system design sustainable social economic ecological systems

Engineering system design sustainable social economic ecological systems


Module synopsis This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering. Students will be introduced in the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions in particular: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations. Students will learn the principles behind a number of systematic and systemic design approaches. These principles will be discovered, explored and applied typically through a series of paradoxes and metaphors, such as: the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’, the ‘Impossibility Theorem’ and ‘Sustainable Social/Economic/Ecological Systems  Marketing Module Synopsis This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering. Students are introduced to the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions, directing operations and designing operations. Outline Syllabus Areas to explore by students will typically include: a. Systematic approaches for: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations b. System approaches for: (a) achieving coordinated actions (e.g. impossibility theorem), (b) avoid abuses inside the system (e.g. tragedy of the commons) and (c) fostering collaboration (e.g. sustainable systems)

Sport Marketing Book Review

Sport Marketing Book Review

HHPS 7334 Sport Marketing Book Review Assignment You may have written a book report before that was a simple summary of a book. OK, so that ensured (more or less) that you read the book, but was pretty mindless and boring. That is NOT what this book review assignment is about. The idea of a professional book review is to briefly summarize the ideas of the book, but mainly to give your opinion about the book’s merits… it is a critical analysis of the book. “Critical” means that you are going to evaluate objectively whether the author has fulfilled their objectives in the book, and whether they have used persuasive evidence to support their claims. Did you find the book engaging? Persuasive? Did you agree with it? Did you enjoy it? Would you recommend it to others? What is the intended audience of the book? Does it succeed in reaching this audience? Your book review should be readable to a general audience that may not have read the book… it should flow well and be explanatory. You should have an introduction, discussion of the book, and clear conclusion (although these don’t have to be broken into explicit sections, you can write this like an essay). Include: • The title and author of the book you are reviewing • The author’s objective(s) and audience • The author’s main arguments • Your evaluation of the author’s support of his/her arguments (provide examples) • Comparison with material presented on at least one major theme presented in the course (provide examples) and cite your textbook • Your conclusions about the book Use no less than 3, but no more than 4 pages to address the above issues. Use APA formatting for text. A cover page isn’t necessary, but a reference page is. Utilize in-text citations whenever you use material from your reviewed book or your textbook. I have chosen 3 marketing books that provide some interesting ideas regarding modern-day marketing. Choose one to review. You can order a book, but you can also use library resources. The Ottenheimer library does not have these books, but can get them for you through Interlibrary Loan. The Central Arkansas Library has copies available. I recommend utilizing these resources early in the semester… Interlibrary Loan sometimes takes a few weeks. Your choices are: • Jon Spoelstra (2009). Ice to Eskimos: How to Market a Product Nobody Wants. Harper Collins Publishers..

Healthy meals on a budget

Healthy meals on a budget

For the midterm, you’ll be planning three days of healthy meals on a budget, shopping for these foods, and then writing about your experience. INSTRUCTIONS: download the document, and then complete it by filling in the areas that have are highlighted between brackets < >. Once you have completed your exam, SAVE the document – then upload your completed exam by clicking on the Midterm Exam link, and adding your completed exam as a file attachment. Good luck! REMEMBER: YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO CANVAS . YOU MUST ALSO BRING A PRINTED COPY (STAPLED) TO CLASS ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD. NO EXCEPTIONS. MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW THE FINAL EXAM GUIDANCE DOCUMENT! This assignment is designed to support the following learning outcomes: Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions. Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. Develop healthy relationships through effective communication with self and classmates Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition and personal eating habits Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition choices Explore the impact of processed food, fast food and junk food on personal nutrition Review nutritional ingredients on food bought for self and family identifying chemicals, sugars and additives. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. TO COMPLETE YOUR EXAM, download a copy of the document. Type your responses into the Highlighted fields, and save your work. Turn off “Track Changes”. If you use photos, SHRINK the file size. It is recommended that you SAVE your exam as a PDF file type, in order to make uploading more efficient. If your file size is too large, it may not upload to Canvas. SAVE your exam, and then UPLOAD it to Canvas dropbox. Good Luck!! for the map please try to google a grocery store called Safeway located in Tempe AZ, on Broadway st.

Biological Basis of Behavior – How Drugs Affect the Brain

Biological Basis of Behavior – How Drugs Affect the Brain

Discuss the effects of specific hallucinogenic drugs on the brain, how it reacts, how/why people get addicted, and what happens during withdrawals. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2013-08784-000 https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/hallucinogens-dissociative-drugs/how-do-hallucinogens-lsd-psilocybin-peyote-dmt-ayahuasca-affect-brainbody https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181663/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747247/ https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/hallucinogens-dissociative-drugs/what-are-facts-about-dissociative-drugs https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/hallucinogens

Entrepreneurship Reflective Journal

Entrepreneurship Reflective Journal

Description Entrepreneurship Reflective Journal Students will develop and submit a reflective journal focusing on entrepreneurship and small business management. Reflections can come from current events, course readings, and personal experiences. Successful journals will be 15 pages. Double space the journal and keep each entry separate. Include links where appropriate. Separate by date and title. This should be a balanced assignment and there should be entries from each week in your final product. You do not need a reference sheet. Topical Outline

Do athletic programs help students perform better academically?

Do athletic programs help students perform better academically?

Do athletic programs help students perform better academically?

This research project invites you to better understand how racial/ethnic identity might affect educational achievement. Your assignment is to prepare a RESEARCH PROSPECTUS as if you were to engage in a year-long, ethnographic research project at Oakland Technical High School (you will not do the actual research). Prompt: your research proposal will explore how “Do athletic programs help students perform better academically?” relating to race/ethnicity (with the option of including gender or class) facilitates or impedes academic achievement in high school. The four categories you must meet are: 1) to help you understand how larger social forces may constrain or expand the life chances of individuals (think about C. Wright Mills’ “sociological imagination” as well as his distinction between “private troubles” and “public issues”); 2) to help you understand the complex role of schools in perpetuating or countering social inequality; 3) to learn library research skills by exploring electronic databases; 4) to learn how to write a literature review as a component of research papers; 5) to exercise critical thinking when applying scholarly explanations to real-life problems.

Importance of science in innovation

Importance of science in innovation

1.Innovation is not just invention 2.Innovation is not a linear-flow process 3.The importance of science in innovation is increasing 4.Innovation involves interaction between many factors •‘Complementary assets’ and ‘appropriability’ 5.Cultures of innovation combine different functions 6.Innovation is usually incremental 7.Many innovations occur through learning by doing and learning by using The module has identified seven key factors that influence and shape the product innovation process. Critically assess the relevance of these factors for the 3M post-it notes case study (Rangananth and Ketteringham 2004). (1500 maximum wordcount ) 3M CASE STUDY: Empirically detailed – emperoval data matches theory What was the big idea – mechanised theory – knowledge based Obscure case – financial benefits on long term studies – generic lesson of the innovation process Temporarily rich Chain of ’innovation’: Research – development – Prototype – Production = Market (Development – Funding Was Withdrawn) No Market for this Product Market pull + technology push Innovation within Finland, two different societies. Senior Management is? – cooperate culture tolerates failure — Rhodes and Wield on Innovation theory and management 7 Key aspects Innovation is not just invention – The discovery of new ideas and artefacts does not drive innovation, nor is it carried out by isolated mad-scientists. The needs of companies often drives even basic-research (eg, military (computer and internet), nuclear power, genetics, biotech, pharmaceuticals etc). The way in which these ideas and artefacts are used depends on their application and implementation which in turn can lead to new innovation and invention processes. This is captured by point 2: Innovation cannot be understood as a linear flow from invention to application – highlighting the importance of implementation as a moment of creativity and innovation – eg, Pirelli case – need to understand what TQM is – basically a contested concept, subject to different interpretations both by academic theorists, managers, consultants and workers – indeed, these interpretations change so it certainly can’t be ‘read-off’ from the basic technology. Of course, this doesn’t mean that science is not important… The importance of science in innovation is increasing as firms require a deeper and broader science base to stay ahead of innovation and to utilize new scientific expertise. For example, new biotech innovations require knowledge of chemistry, physics and engineering, as well as a deeper knowledge of biology itself. EXAMPLE – brachytherapy treatments for prostate cancer. Innovation involves interactions between a number of factors, eg, users. Within the innovating firm, factors critical to successful innovation include areas of expertise not directly connected to innovation, such as distribution, marketing and after-sales support. David Teece refers to these as ‘complementary assets’. EXAMPLE – GE and the electric fridge – marketing, sales, supplier networks, finances to fund mass production etc. These ‘complementary assents’ can also explain why first to market firms do not always capitalize on their inventions – ie. ‘appropriability’ – firms’ ability to appropriate profits from technological advance. Copyright and IPR are often not enough as other firms can emulate technological advance (eg, reverse engineering in high-tech and pharmaceuticals) cf JVC and sharing the knowledge base for VHS, vs, Sony and Betamax – example 2 – 3M post-its and marketing Given the diversity of issues and functions involved in innovation, an innovating firm must combine these together in what Axel Johne calls a ‘culture of innovation’ which is attentive to changes in the marketplace and provides a complete consumer package, combining crucial ‘complementary assets’ such as marketing, distribution and after-sales service, all focused on innovation. Innovation is usually incremental – it rarely involves large step-changes or technological leaps. Even completely new technologies usually involve a series of incremental developments before they appear as a completely new product or process – eg, the fridge again – solved by a series of issues around cooling (water to gas), basic technology (gas or electric), integral motors, more reliable, quieter motors, freezer boxes, auto-defrost etc. Importantly, this means that innovation often follows technological trajectories which are determined both by previous innovation and also by the knowledge accrued in communities of practice or specific firms at the forefront of development. Many innovations occur through learning by doing and learning by using. ie, much innovation occurs as a result of implementation and use. In trying to make an innovation practicable and useful, users will overcome ‘bottlenecks’ (eg, in specific production technologies and interfaces with existing systems) or by finding new applications for technologies ‘on the ground’ (eg, Henry Ford reversing the ‘disassembly line’). Much of this innovating practice involves tacit knowledge – knowledge which is embodied and implicit rather than codified or explicit, such as riding a bike or an engineer’s knowledge of tools and materials. This has led to increasing strategic partnerships between suppliers and customers, as customers innovate and suppliers incorporate those innovations – eg, SAP – front-line interface developed by user is often incorporated into the next roll-out. We may look at this a little more later in the course in relation to end-user innovation. —

Sugar plantation in Barbados

Sugar plantation in Barbados

Sugar plantation in Barbados  10 page paper. first couple of pages write a summary review about Sugar Barrons By Matthew parker Thesis: Why was Barbados a strategic location for cotton and sugar cultivation and why did planters construct a system of slave labor instead of a free labor? make the paper revolve around the thesis and only use provided resources. YOU MAY USE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES BUT USE MY RESOURCES ASWELL Bibliography: http://jeromehandler.org/wp-content/uploads/IJHA_Handler_Wallman.pdf 2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3772996?seq=13#metadata_info_tab_contents 3. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01440399808575231 4. http://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl?sid=google&auinit=C&aulast=Levy&atitle=Slavery+and+the+Emancipation+Movement+in+Barbados%3a+1650-1833&id=doi%3a10.2307%2f2716540&title=Journal+of+Negro+History&volume=55&issue=1&date=1970&spage=1&site=ftf-live 5. https://www.jstor.org/stable/30094620?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents 6. https://search.proquest.com/docview/733968618/fulltextPDF/842822B3D0B844E1PQ/1?accountid=14865 7. https://www.jstor.org/stable/204282?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents 8.https://www.jstor.org/stable/27851027?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents