Business driven information systems

Business driven information systems

Description Please read and carefully do case study 3 and please don’t use any external sources but the book I mentioned in topic. I attached a file called data that is my company so case study 3 requires I use the same company from case study 2 which I attached under Case study 3 file. Please make sure no sources are used but the book and make sure the company on the data file is applied in case study 3 and carefully read case study 3 please and only use the book fkr guidance please and thank you

Problem analysis and needs assessment

Problem analysis and needs assessment

PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT  I. Defining the Programs Answer the following questions to determine the extent to which agency services are organized into discrete programs: 1. Does the program provide the clients a number of clearly-defined and distinct services (as opposed to providing undifferentiated casework services for all clients)? 2. If your agency does not have separate programs, can you identify agency staff and resources that are allocated to each of your programs? If the answer to both questions is “no,” you must select another agency for use in this course. II. Problem Analysis Answer the following questions to determine the foundation of the program: 1. Thinking of one particular program or service, can you identify the problem(s) this program is intended to address, first in general terms and then in specific terms? If so, state them. 2. Can you define the target population(s) this program is intended to serve, first in general terms and then in specific terms? If so, define them. 3. Can you identify geographic boundaries for the population served in your program? If so, state them. 4. If necessary, could you provide a reasonably accurate estimate (based on empirical or reliable and valid documentation) of the number of people within these boundaries who fit the description given in questions number 1 and 2 for the problem(s) and target population(s) in both general and specific terms? If so, identify the populations and list the estimates. 5. Can you identify data sources for the statistics you used in the above question? If so, state them. 6. Can you define the commonly agreed-upon understanding among the staff who work in the program about the primary or most common causes of this problem and about the cause-and-effect relationship that exists? If so, list them. Do you think you could get at least a 75% agreement upon the issue of causality from the staff? 19 III. Needs Assessment Accuracy and skill in matching needs to services come from solid, thorough work on problem analysis. You will need to examine identified needs from four perspectives: (a.) normative needs (defined by “experts” in the field) (b.) perceived needs (defined by those actually experiencing the needs) (c.) expressed needs (defined by those who seek out the services) (d.) relative needs (needs and resources in one geographic area as compared with needs and resources in another Using the five methodologies described in Chapter 4 (existing studies, resource inventories, service statistics, social surveys, and public forums), analyze the extent to which your program has taken these perspectives into account by answering the following questions: 1. Given the problem you identified in Question 1 of the Problem Analysis section, is there agreement among the direct service staff about the major, predominant categories of needs of clients who come to you with the identified problem(s)? If so, list the categories of need(s). 2. Are there any standards that are used to establish normative need (that point or level defined by experts below which one is defined as being “in need” with this particular problem? If so, identify that standard. 3. Can you define what consumers of your services perceive their needs to be? If so, list the major categories of need they identify. 4. Of those people who seek services from this program, do you know what percentage are actually served? If so, state that percentage. 5. Do you know how the volume of services provided in the community compares with the volume of these same services provided in other communities in terms of percentage of needy population served? If so, cite some comparative data showing whether the agency is serving a larger or smaller percentage than other communities are. 6. In relation to the need(s) identified in Questions 1 and 3, do you know approximately how many people within the geographical boundaries of the agency have these needs? If so, identify the numbers for each need identified. 7. Do you know in what census tracts or zip codes the highest levels of need(s) are located? If so, list them APPLY FOR THIS CASE

Environmental problem climate change and global warming

Environmental problem climate change and global warming

With the Rise of the environmental problem known as climate change, we see how canadas laws don’t require the government to act, there fore we the people have to rely on the principle of duty to motivate the government to act in the environmental problem of climate change and we should be working on laws that require the government to act.  I will attach the details for this assignment in a document. Just keep in mind that the paper is for an environmental law course so to stay on that path.

Educational Theory – Constructivism

Educational Theory – Constructivism

Assignment Question – Adopting one learning theory, develop a lesson plan and justify its design. You should justify the lesson plan by considering both theory and methods of instruction in relation to the instructional context where the lesson will be given. The lesson plan itself should be included as an appendix. Guidance: Your lesson plan should include the following: Title of the lesson, Aims and Objectives or Learning Outcomes of the lesson, Outline of the lesson indicating Teaching methods and resources that will be used. You SHOULD aim to justify your lesson plan by demonstrating how the theoretical approach(es) which underpin the lesson plan design have been selected in relation to the overall purpose of the lesson. You SHOULD NOT try to explain the entire design of a single lesson from a range of different theoretical viewpoints (e.g. a behaviourist would explain this plan by… a cognitivist would say…; a humanist…. etc.). Whilst it is important to acknowledge that some theories overlap, we still expect you to present the essay from ONE theoretical perspective. A justification should make clear why you have chosen to use a particular method and which theory you had in mind when you designed the lesson. Think of yourself as a designer, or architect of a lesson. Don’t put a lesson together and then try to fit it to a theory. Harvard referencing.

Compare Contrast poem by Stein A Completed Portrait of Picasso” and Picasso’s painting Seated Nude 1909

Compare Contrast poem by Stein A Completed Portrait of Picasso” and Picasso’s painting Seated Nude 1909

Cubism: compare/contrast poem by Stein “If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso” and Picasso’s painting Seated Nude 1909  Write an essay that close reads the literary text “If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso” alongside a close viewing of Picasso’s painting Seated Nude 1909 and in the process of comparing the two works, consider the following questions: How does such a comparison enhance our understanding of what cubism/modernism was trying to accomplish? How do the terms that are well suited for visual material actually enhance our approach to writtern material and vice versa? What does the written work demand of the reader? The visual work of the viewer? How does each work rely on its form to express its content (i.e. what are its radical stylistc departures)? Standard attributes of a good paper: introduction, conclusion, strong arguments, textual evidence, originality, and style.

Urban Theories and Issues

Urban Theories and Issues

Urban Theories & Issues Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Urban Theories & Issues Assignment is an academic paper assignment of a chosen urban case study. This case study paper is a comprehensive research project that is designed to help reinforce the understanding of urban theories contents by requiring students to apply knowledge, principles, theories, concepts, and methods in tandem with the course learning. The case city selection must meet specified criteria including city with a minimum of population of 100,000 and access to an adequate number of resources beyond Wikipedia. The final project should be presented in the form of a comprehensive research paper that is based on findings from both regular assignments and additional outside research. The course schedule should serve as a guide for topics about which you should research, prepare written summaries, and create interpretive graphics on a regular and on-going basis. There will be one in-progress reviews to check for quality and completeness. Expectations: This project has rigorous expectations and constitutes. This studies should be well researched, carefully cited and effectively supported with relevant, interpretative graphics. Written argument / discussion should be reflective and creative in its analysis and interpretation (i.e. it should not be a bunch of factoids cut and pasted from Wikipedia and other sources). The writing should be informed by multiple sources including , assigned readings which will be sent to you after, outside research and original analysis. Narrative should be populated with pervasive citations and footnotes where appropriate. Images /Illustrations must also be properly cited unless they are original photos or graphics created by the author. Scope should include discussion and interpretative analysis of the case of selected city’s contemporary state, history, urbanization processes, urban form, urban transportation, urban renewal/renovation, “imageability” and legibility using Lynch methodology, and quality /feature of urban spaces, etc. The writing content should also include a section of featuring research and reflective discussion about at least two significant contemporary urban issues (such as urban sprawl, poverty, water shortage, urban transportation, land use, public space quality, street front, urban landmark, etc.), confronting the selected city. Reflections about appropriate design and planning strategies that could be/are being used to address it, as well as informed projections about the city’s future should also be included. . . It is up to you to choose one of the three academic citation styles (Chicago, APA, & MLA) for the paper’s citations and footnotes. It is very important to provide appropriate citation information for any content that is not originally from the author. The paper has no restriction of word’s number and it can exceed 3000 words long.

Battle of shiloh

Battle of shiloh

Write a 7 page papers over the battle of shiloh and analyze it based on the 9 principles of war. The principles of war are objective, simplicity, unity of command, the offensive, maneuver, mass, economy of force, surprise, and security. Two sources must be from books or major works over the battles and two sources must be from scholarly articles. include footnotes or end notes where needed.

Engineering system design sustainable social economic ecological systems

Engineering system design sustainable social economic ecological systems


Module synopsis This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering. Students will be introduced in the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions in particular: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations. Students will learn the principles behind a number of systematic and systemic design approaches. These principles will be discovered, explored and applied typically through a series of paradoxes and metaphors, such as: the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’, the ‘Impossibility Theorem’ and ‘Sustainable Social/Economic/Ecological Systems  Marketing Module Synopsis This module introduces students to system design concepts and tools, and challenges students to think critically about their potential and actual application in Engineering. Students are introduced to the engineering of systems design from an operations perspective, which will focus on two functions, directing operations and designing operations. Outline Syllabus Areas to explore by students will typically include: a. Systematic approaches for: (a) directing operations and (b) designing operations b. System approaches for: (a) achieving coordinated actions (e.g. impossibility theorem), (b) avoid abuses inside the system (e.g. tragedy of the commons) and (c) fostering collaboration (e.g. sustainable systems)

Sport Marketing Book Review

Sport Marketing Book Review

HHPS 7334 Sport Marketing Book Review Assignment You may have written a book report before that was a simple summary of a book. OK, so that ensured (more or less) that you read the book, but was pretty mindless and boring. That is NOT what this book review assignment is about. The idea of a professional book review is to briefly summarize the ideas of the book, but mainly to give your opinion about the book’s merits… it is a critical analysis of the book. “Critical” means that you are going to evaluate objectively whether the author has fulfilled their objectives in the book, and whether they have used persuasive evidence to support their claims. Did you find the book engaging? Persuasive? Did you agree with it? Did you enjoy it? Would you recommend it to others? What is the intended audience of the book? Does it succeed in reaching this audience? Your book review should be readable to a general audience that may not have read the book… it should flow well and be explanatory. You should have an introduction, discussion of the book, and clear conclusion (although these don’t have to be broken into explicit sections, you can write this like an essay). Include: • The title and author of the book you are reviewing • The author’s objective(s) and audience • The author’s main arguments • Your evaluation of the author’s support of his/her arguments (provide examples) • Comparison with material presented on at least one major theme presented in the course (provide examples) and cite your textbook • Your conclusions about the book Use no less than 3, but no more than 4 pages to address the above issues. Use APA formatting for text. A cover page isn’t necessary, but a reference page is. Utilize in-text citations whenever you use material from your reviewed book or your textbook. I have chosen 3 marketing books that provide some interesting ideas regarding modern-day marketing. Choose one to review. You can order a book, but you can also use library resources. The Ottenheimer library does not have these books, but can get them for you through Interlibrary Loan. The Central Arkansas Library has copies available. I recommend utilizing these resources early in the semester… Interlibrary Loan sometimes takes a few weeks. Your choices are: • Jon Spoelstra (2009). Ice to Eskimos: How to Market a Product Nobody Wants. Harper Collins Publishers..

Healthy meals on a budget

Healthy meals on a budget

For the midterm, you’ll be planning three days of healthy meals on a budget, shopping for these foods, and then writing about your experience. INSTRUCTIONS: download the document, and then complete it by filling in the areas that have are highlighted between brackets < >. Once you have completed your exam, SAVE the document – then upload your completed exam by clicking on the Midterm Exam link, and adding your completed exam as a file attachment. Good luck! REMEMBER: YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO CANVAS . YOU MUST ALSO BRING A PRINTED COPY (STAPLED) TO CLASS ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD. NO EXCEPTIONS. MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW THE FINAL EXAM GUIDANCE DOCUMENT! This assignment is designed to support the following learning outcomes: Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions. Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. Develop healthy relationships through effective communication with self and classmates Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition and personal eating habits Explore environmental factors that impact nutrition choices Explore the impact of processed food, fast food and junk food on personal nutrition Review nutritional ingredients on food bought for self and family identifying chemicals, sugars and additives. Create change through the scientific knowledge of nutrition and practicing new habits. TO COMPLETE YOUR EXAM, download a copy of the document. Type your responses into the Highlighted fields, and save your work. Turn off “Track Changes”. If you use photos, SHRINK the file size. It is recommended that you SAVE your exam as a PDF file type, in order to make uploading more efficient. If your file size is too large, it may not upload to Canvas. SAVE your exam, and then UPLOAD it to Canvas dropbox. Good Luck!! for the map please try to google a grocery store called Safeway located in Tempe AZ, on Broadway st.