Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

This assignment focuses on Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her and wants her to stop following him. Some people might say this is cruel of him, while others think his directness is actually a form of kindness.

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her

Demetrius tells Helena flatly that he does not love her and wants her to stop following him. Some people might say this is cruel of him, while others think his directness is actually a form of kindness.

What do you think? If you were Demetrius and you had to tell Helena you did not love her, how would you choose to do it?

More details;

How does Demetrius explain his love for Helena?
It gets overuled by Theseus, so now Hermia is allowed to marry anyone she wants too. How does he explain the return of his love to Helena? His love for Hermia melted and now loves Helena. He compares it to sickness when he was in love with Hermia, and now he return to health and loves Helena.

How does Demetrius feel about Helena?

Demetrius is in love with Helena, who is thrilled at the turn of events and doesn’t really question why his regard has changed. He says only that his love for Hermia has faded and he now loves Helena. So the pair are marry in a triple wedding with Hermia and Lysander and the Duke of Athens and his bride.
How does Helena react when Lysander and Demetrius both claim to love her?
How does Helena react to Demetrius and Lysander when they say they love her? She thinks they’re making fun of her. Helena says, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” about Hermia.
What does Helena mean by it is not night when I do see your face?
What does Helena mean by “It is not night when I do see your face”? A- You are such a good person; your face shines like a light. B- I know you’ll protect me from scary things in the night. C- I love you so much; you make the night seem bright.

Importance of criminalistics and forensic science in criminal justice

Importance of criminalistics and forensic science in criminal justice

This is an assignment that discusses the Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice. The paper also focuses on its scope and importance to the system.

The Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice

Criminalistics and forensic science
This is an assignment that focuses on the criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice.
The essay should be typed, written in APA format to include in-text source citations and use a minimum of four sources of material from outside the class.

Assignment overview
Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system. There is no question that it compliments and aids in traditional investigations. However, as it has become more advanced and technical, has it come to have more importance than the traditional methods of investigating such as questioning eyewitnesses, interrogating suspects and determining information from street informants?

The Criminalistics and forensic science importance to criminal justice

In your answer, specifically address the following issues:

Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
Discuss how forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
Discuss whether courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

These are the outcomes that are expected in this assignment
The usage of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence. This is in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
The forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
The courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

Juvenile delinquency in the United States criminal justice system


For your analytical term paper please choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States. You must define and describe the issue in detail and comment on your perspective on the issue and how the issue (problem) can be solved.

Choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States

For your analytical term paper please choose an issue concerning juvenile delinquency in the United States. You must define and describe the issue in detail and comment on your perspective on the issue and how the issue (problem) can be solved.

The term paper should be at least 10 pages long and should include the following sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.

Ensure that your work conforms to proper use of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Your paper should read like a very well written journal article.
The following are suggested outlines for your term paper:
A). Introduction (Problem statement. What? Why? How?)
B). Literature Review (Review of the extant literature on the subject, Why? How? Find a Hole; Look for Debates).
c). Research Design (Methods applied to obtain materials for your paper, How? Research Procedures, kind of data.)
d). Research Findings –evidence of the importance

More details;

Firstly, What are the biggest challenges facing the juvenile justice system right now?
The Problem:

These are commonly called “status offenses,” and they include truancy, running away, curfew violations, and underage liquor law violations. these cases, 82,400 (or nearly 60 percent) resulted in young people being adjudicated, or found guilty, of committing a status offense.

Secondly, What factors contribute to juvenile delinquency?
Leading Contributing Factors To Juvenile Delinquency

Firstly, Poor School Attendance. Poor school attendance is one of the top factors contributing to delinquency. …

Secondly, Poor Educational Standards. …

Thirdly, Violence In The Home. …

Fourthly, Violence In Their Social Circles. …

Further, Peer Pressure. …

Moreover, Socioeconomic Factors. …

Also, Substance Abuse. …

Additionally, Lack Of Moral Guidance

Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

This is an assignment that focuses on the comparison of the Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard. The paper also requires reading of previous responses.

The comparison of the Everyday Use Characters with Louise Mallard

Using the outline you created last week, write your comparison essay.

“compare/contrast essay comparing one of the characters in ‘Everyday Use’ with Louise Mallard in Chopin’s “Story of an Hour.”

Firstly, make sure you have read any comments I have returned to you about your outline before writing this essay. This essay will be a minimum of 1500 words.  Your commentary should also be the largest part of your essay, and the concrete detail should be minimal.  A rule to remember is that for every ONE piece of concrete detail, you need THREE sentences MINIMUM of explication.
If you only need part of a sentence as concrete detail, then do not use the whole quote.  Choosing long quotes may add to the word count of an essay, but will result in a lower grade because the essay should be mostly your original thoughts.  Make sure you follow the MLA format.

1. Firstly, review information on MLA format (Links to an external site.), In-text citations (Links to an external site.), Works Cited entries (Links to an external site.).

2. Secondly, view sample essay (Links to an external site.) and sample works cited list.

Comments on Previous work:

1.     For Reader’s Response: Everyday Use: I like that you were able to incorporate quotes from the story in your essay. This will be an important skill as you begin writing your essays in the course. Just check the format for internal citations:

2.     For Reader’s Response: Chrysanthemums: You have incorporated some of the information but are missing many of the required characterizations. Additionally, Remember the Citations issues, as this affects the grade. Refer to the links above and in the previous point and link them in word directly. Remember it is MLA

3.     Comparative Essay Outline: This is really a rough draft rather than an outline. The purpose of an outline is to provide a concise overview of the main ideas of your essay. Also remember you’ll need to use MLA citation to provide internal citations for all quotes/paraphrases and a works cited list at the end of your essay. Your citation is inaccurate and affected your grade.
4.     Don’t forget to refer to the PowerPoints and use the terms in the literary Analysis terms as well as the elements of fiction when doing the comparative essays. Also identify and explain why you consider a character – meaning antagonists and pantagosnist. etc.

5.     Once done, check your paper for syntax errors and grammar mistakes.

6.     Points on Thesis Statements:

Thesis Statement


Lastly, here are some rules for constructing a thesis statement:

1.  The thesis statement is a complete sentence that lets the reader know what the paper will be about.
2. The thesis statement cannot be a question.
3. The thesis statement must be an opinion or an attitude and not just state a fact.
4.  The thesis statement should be the last sentence in the introductory paragraph
5. Lastly, do not state the obvious in the thesis statement. This means DO NOT WRITE:
I am going to write about my reasons for not wanting to move from Florida.

Developing a fundraising activity for your current high school basketball program

Developing a fundraising activity for your current high school basketball program

Assignment is to develop a fundraising activity for your current high school basketball program. If you are not in a program currently, it is ok to approach the assignment as if you will be in a position of leadership (head coach/athletic director) in the future. You are to choose a fundraising activity that you have implemented or would want to implement into your program in the future. At the minimum, you should include the following: Projections of startup costs that you would have prior to holding the event. Overall budget spreadsheet – Make projections of expenses and revenues and provide a detailed income statement that supports your projections. It should include all revenue, expenses, donations, entry fees, concessions, and other money generated for the event. Donor follow up – Include in your report how you would follow up with donors for your event. Tracking money – Develop a strategy for keeping track of the money that you would use for this fundraising event. Sponsorship – Let us know how you would attract sponsors for the event and the reasons why you feel a local sponsor would want to support your event. Logistics – How would the event run? Also, include outside organizations that you would need to use to help run the event. For example if you were running a 5 k, 1/2 marathon, or full marathon you would most likely need an outside company to perform your timing system. Be creative and include other activities that could generate money in conjunction with your main fundraising activity. Sample docs – Include graphic sample flyers, organizers, charts, and graphs to enhance you project. In a closing section (conclusion), you should include: Clear, accurate description and summary of experience and/or what you learned. A thoughtful analysis and assessment in relation to Coaching/Athletics profession. Personal significance for your future coaching or athletic administration experience


Evaluattion will be on the following:

Paper must include a title page and page numbers. Follow APA guidelines. Paper MUST include specified titles for each section of the paper References must be included at the end of this assignment. Please use this book as the main reference for citations for the project: SPORTS FUNDRAISING, Dynamic Methods for schools, universities, and youth sport organizations; Kelley, D.J., Routledge, 2012.

Construction IT from 1975 to 2019 artificial intelligence additive manufacturing

Construction IT from 1975 to 2019 artificial intelligence additive manufacturing

In the construction industry, there are four major key performance indicators: safety, time, costs and quality. The application of information and computational technologies allow the construction practitioners to select the economically viaable solutions that can reduce time, improve safety performance or quality. For example, an additive manufacturing system which utilises many mobile robots print a large building structure. Wavelet neural network-based approach compresses data into low- and high-resolution surfaces to detect concrete cracks and other damages. That successfully overcomes the problems of labour inspection such as labour intensive, personal judgment and experience that’s prone to error. Convolution Neural Network performs feature extraction and predicts crack in a fully automated manner. In this research, we aim to compare and contrast the innovative construction informatics that achieve at least one of the four KPI in the construction industry and academic research:


1) artificial intelligence and natural intelligence

2) additive manufacturing,

3), knowledge and information sharing,

4) automated tools outside categories 1-3. We apply the abovementioned keyword search to study all the publications published academic databases Web of Science and Scopus from 1975 to 2019’s abstract. We then utilise the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method to study the major research that is studied in the construction industry research in all year long and evolution overtime. This approach not only allows us to see the major types of the research that the universities and research institutions have done, but also provide a research agenda to the latest research. After that, we also study the innovation that received patent according to those indexed in the Google database. A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention and those who awarded patent must show new innovative idea exists in the invention. Apart from that, we use the abovementioned keywords in Google database to search for the 1) artificial intelligence and natural intelligence 2) additive manufacturing, 3), knowledge and information sharing, 4) automated tools to identify the construction companies’ research and development (R&D) in recent three decades. Evolution of the changes in R&D is also studied. Comparison between academic research, patent and general website information provided by the search engine Google allow us to understand the differences in the development of the informatics. Our research results show that many of the academic research sheds light on modelling, data, decision making and construction operation. On the other hand, many of the patents’ products are developed by using artificial neural network to predict the performance or construction device for building process. Keywords : artificial intelligence, patent, construction industry 

Recycled material in civil construction

Recycled material in civil construction

The progress report must contain but not limited to the following sections:

– Introduction: containing brief background, need for the research, research objectives and outline of the report.. – Literature review: This should critically examine the previous research on the research topic and justify the need for the proposed research. – Research question/hypotheses: This contains the research questions/hypotheses to be investigated in the thesis. – Research Methodology: which contains the proposed research methodology/experimental design, data requirement, data collection and analysis methods. the main focus show be on recycled concrete and asphalt. 

Social Media Crowdsourcing and Citizen Sensing

Social Media Crowdsourcing and Citizen Sensing


Carry out an investigation of a story or issue of your choice, using more than one of the methods covered in the course and/or any related methods you have discovered. – Write up your investigation, and include a discussion of what you have learned. -You don’t need to produce a completed investigation; the process is as important as the result. Analysing the merits of the methods is as important as what you can find with them.

-This assessment is expected to include a level of technical implementation or modification, or an application of methods that shows substantive technical insight. Below are some methods covered in the course material:

Project Reflective Report

Project Reflective Report

The reflective essay, approximately 5000 words in length, will consider both the group’s development of the solution proposed and the process by which this was achieved, and a personal reflection ( diary) upon your own performance and development within this process. This is an reflective essay about the process of group work on Atradius company’s challenges. The 10 diary could use as evidence.

Explorative case study – industry 40 implementation challenges

Explorative case study – industry 40 implementation challenges

In attachment there is a word document where you can find detailed informations on how the paper should be. more precisely: – an index, the purpose of the research and the interviews answers. always in the attachment you find two kind of papers, the fisrt one “considering aspect of industry 4.0″ could be useful for the first part of the research paper, and the second one ” benefit and challenges of industry 4.0″ could be useful too ( if you read them you understand what I mean). PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH PAPER: the fundamental objective of this study is to provide a better, more integrative, systematic, and comprehensive understanding of the most prevalent benefit as well as challenges yielded by industry 4.0. in particular: 1) to assess the case companys current approach towards Industry 4.0 2) illustrate a practical example of the Industry 4.0 challenges in a small apparel manufacturing company. RESEARH QUESTION: RQ1 : what are the most critica issues/challenges when implementing industry 4.0 in the supply chain? METHOD exploratory case study within ITALIAN FASHION MANUFACTORING FIRM. being the research paper qualitative, you can add all or some part of the interviews in the research paper. you will note a lot of links with the attached papers, so try to follow that line while changing some part and evoiding plagiarism.