Anthropology concepts discussion Content evidence statements

Anthropology concepts discussion Content evidence statements

This essay entails a research paper on the Anthropology concepts discussion and the formulating of Content evidence statements. Anthropology concepts discussion will give a project proposal on the study of humans and give a recommendation.

Anthropology concepts discussion Content evidence statements

Firstly, each discussion centers on a topic we will be covering during a module. The discussions is an exercise in express the student’s understands of major anthropological concepts introduced in the course, as well as enhance critical thinking, analytical writing, and collaboration skills.

Also, each student must post an original response in academic essay format (intro, body, closing, and proper citations in MLA or APA) to the discussion question and sincerely reply (at least one paragraph) to at least one other student’s post by the due date listed with each discussion assignment. A total of 100 points  earnes full point for each discussion.

Secondly, there is a definite introduction and conclusion. Ideas are well organizes, clearly communicates, and connect tightly to central purpose. Audience leaves with a full understands of the presenter’s position. Personal experience is integrates where relevant and appropriate.

Thirdly, subject Knowledge. Full knowledge is demonstrates by answering with explanations and elaboration. Ideas are supports with data, evidence, examples, and facts and from the course content. An understanding of the Topic is demonstrated by using the course content when drawing conclusions.

Also, completion of Task. Content evidence, statements, and graphics is accurately interpretes. Relevant arguments (reasons and claims), pro and con, are identifies.

Furthermore, analyses and evaluations of obvious alternative points of view are offers. Other students and instructors are engages for follow-up communication. Posts are completes by due dates.

Lastly, Mechanics and Grammar. Response has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Paragraph(s) is well organize and uses complete sentences. Use peer reviewed sources

Ecotourism why is it becoming more popular

Ecotourism why is it becoming more populare

Dfine and provide examples of ecotourism. Why is ecotourism becoming more popular?  What are the potential drawbacks of this rising popularity?

provide examples of ecotourism-becoming more popular?

Firstly, Define and provide examples of ecotourism.

Secondly, Why is ecotourism becoming more popular?

Thirdly, What are the potential drawbacks of this rising popularity?

Further, What role does PR play in ecotourism?

More on ecotourism

Firstly, Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism.

What are the goals of ecotourism?
Secondly, One of the main goals of ecotourism is to increase the awareness tourists have about the social conditions surrounding a travel destination. Such conditions as poverty are often hidden from tourists.
Furthermore, Ecotourism aims to expose tourists to the realities of social and economic climates in an area.
What is an example of ecotourism?
The term “ecotourism” in the travel industry can carry problems. Popular international destinations for ecotourism include Kenya, Palau and Costa Rica. States that foster ecotourism include California, Louisiana and Alaska.
What is ecotourism and why is it important?
As defined by the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism refers to “responsible travel that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people”. The idea is to focus on uniting conservation, communities and sustainable development through the means of travel.
What are the main characteristics of ecotourism?
Some of the key features of ecotourism include; Minimizes impact- Ecotourism is centered on low impact behavior towards both the environment and the culture of the local community. The ecotourism activities should have minimal to no degradation on the part of the environment or the culture of the locals.
Role of Public Relations in travel and tourism industry
PR is important promotional tool for Travel and Tourism. It has multiple purposes, such as promoting an event or destination, building reputation of a company as “green” and responsible citizen, detracting attention of public from negative events (accidents, natural disasters)


Weapons of mass destruction strategies and responses

Weapons of mass destruction strategies and responses

This is an assignment that discusses the weapons of mass destruction strategies and responses. The paper also discusses the effects brought about by these weapons.

The weapons of mass destruction strategies and responses

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Strategy and Response
F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍inal Assessment. Your task is to devise a fictional WMD strategy and response, beginning with the attacker, and ending with the response.

1) Firstly, describe your attacker’s background, motivation, and strategy in detail. Are they a state or faction within a state, a non-state group, or an individual? What are their motivations for their attack, and why have they elected to use a WMD to execute their attack over some other form (conventional or nonconventional)?

2) Secondly, describe the attack plan in detail from conception to execution. What kinds of materials are needed? Also,what economic or technical barriers does the attacker need to overcome to achieve its construction? Lastly, what risks, if any, are attendant on the attacker in pursuing that construction (i.e. if they are discovered), and can they mitigate those risks?

3) Thirdly, what are the effects of the attack, if successful? How might others respond a. To try and prevent the attack; b. In the aftermath of the attack should it be successful? This shoul‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍d also integrate all of your knowledge to date, plus any additional resources required to complete your description.

Lastly, here are a range of websites that are highly reputable that focus on WMD security issues: Nuclear Threat Initiative Center for Nonproliferation Studies The Counter terrorism Blog The CTC Sentinel The Belfer Center, Harvard University Global Threat Reduction Initiative Proliferation Security Initiative Federation of American Scientists https://www.fas.orgCarnegie Endowment for International Peace Defense Threat Reduction Agency RAND Corporation Center for International Security & Cooperation APA style citat‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ion

Music appreciation Choose a 20th or 21st century piece of music

Music appreciation Choose a 20th or 21st century piece of music

This assignment paper is on music appreciation. Choose a 20th or 21st century piece of music that you like and explain how this music conveys and reflects the political/cultural turmoil taking place in its era.

music appreciation-Choose a 20th or 21st century piece of music

Choose a 20th or 21st century piece of music that you like and explain how this music conveys and reflects the political/cultural turmoil taking place in its era.
Key words to keep in mind:
Firstly, musical language.

Secondly, style.

Thirdly, tone colour.

Fourthly, harmony.

Further, melody.

Moreover, rhythm.

Lastly, non-musical influences.

More details on the assignment:

What is 20th and 21st century music?

Composition in the 21st century. Like the term 20th-century classical music, “21st-century classical music” is defined entirely by the calendar and does not refer to a historical style period in music—in the sense that Baroque and Romantic do—but rather to all art music produced since the year 2000.
What are the style of music in the 20th century?
Jazz has evolved into many sometimes contrasting sub-genres including smooth jazz, Bebop, Swing, Fusion, Dixieland and free jazz. Jazz originated in the early 20th century out of a combination of the Blues, Ragtime, Brass Band Music, Hymns and Spirituals, Minstrel music and work songs.
What is the most played song of the 20th century?
BMI today announced the Top 100 Songs of the Century, listing the most played songs on American radio and television. Leading the list is the anthemic “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’,” written by Barry Mann, Phil Spector and Cynthia Weil, which recently passed the historic 8 million performance plateau.
What is the characteristics of 20th century music?
MELODY: Melodies are often fragmented, dissonant and experimental. Depending on the form or style used, melodies could be based on scales from non-Western countries, chromatic scales, twelve-tone rows, or microtonal scales. HARMONY: Harmony is often experimental and dissonant.
What are the characteristics of 21st century music?
Single melody with accompaniment: one voice carries the primary melody while another voice plays a simpler line that supports the melody. Larger variety of keys, melodies, rhythms, and dynamics. More contrast in a piece. Shorter, clearer melodies than in Baroque music.

Story of Ivan and Marichka shadows of forgotten ancestors

Story of Ivan and Marichka shadows of forgotten ancestors

This essay entails a paper on the Story of Ivan and Marichka which describes the events from shadows of forgotten ancestors. Story of Ivan and Marichka explains the relationship between the dead and the living. The book also explains the relationship between the living and the spirits.

Story of Ivan and Marichka shadows of forgotten ancestors

The below text is also attached with better formatting. You can watch this film online Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors abounds with impressive cinematographic techniques: collagelike visual narration, incorporation of sound effects and natural landscapes, representation of symbolic imagery, an intricate combination of costumes and character developments.

Although the film has a central theme. A love story of Ivan and Marichka. There is some sense of inevitable disintegration which is delivered through a mosaic/collage arrangement of scenes and episodes.  It is not by chance that Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors inspired anti-Soviet movements and later on this film became one of the symbols of the independence movement in Soviet Ukraine.

As you reflect on the film, what episodes and narrative lines seem to be theme-organizing? Is there any central theme in this film? Or would you rather say that the film emphasizes openendedness while appealing to the freedom of imagination? You may use these questions as a starting point for your reflection. You may choose to respond in full to one (or more) of the proposed questions. Your response can also be a speculation that will connect the film developments with ideological, philosophical, or aesthetic layers.

When writing a response, please make sure to refer to some specific scenes, episodes, details. Grading: 50%: a reflection which is primarily based on summarizing events that take place in the film.

What to look for and listen to in Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: Hutsul market scene: traditional crafts, a “Holy” mad man (aka Holy Fool) Church interior: icons, banners, crosses, the music, ceremonial activity Musical instruments played in the film: trembita (very long horn), sopilka (flute), duda (bagpipe), tsymbaly (dulcimer), lira (hurdy-gurdy), mouth-harp.

Forensic investigation techniques from traditional methods

Forensic investigation techniques from the traditional method

This is an assignment that discusses the use of forensic investigation techniques from traditional methods. The paper discusses the differences that are visible from the two methods.

Use of forensic investigation techniques from traditional methods

The essay should be typed, written in APA format to include in-text source citations. Use a minimum of four sources of material from outside the class.
Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system. There is no question that it compliments and aids in traditional investigations. However, as it has become more advanced and technical, has it come to have more importance than the traditional methods of investigating. Such as questioning eyewitnesses, interrogating suspects and determining information from street informants? In your answer, specifically address the following issues:

Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence. This should be in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
Discuss how forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
Discuss whether courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

These are the learning outcomes that are at to be at the end of this assignment:

Usage of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.
Forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.
Courts and juries place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.
Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager

Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager

Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager. He has just started to receive various managerial reports, including the production cost report you prepared. It showed his department had 2,000 equivalent units in ending inventory.

Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager

Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager. He has just started to receive various managerial reports, including the production cost report you prepared. It showed his department had 2,000 equivalent units in ending inventory. His department has had a history of not keeping enough inventory on hand to meet demand. He has come to you, very angry, and wants to know why you credited him with only 2,000 units when he knows he had at least twice that many on hand.

Firstly,Prepare a maximum 700-word informal memo and explain to Mr. Skaros why his production cost report showed only 2,000 equivalent units in ending inventory.

Secondly, Using a professional tone, explain to him clearly why your report is accurate.
Purpose of Assignment
Furthermore, The materials covered this week distinguish between the different costing methods and provides needed tools for decision making.

Moreover, This case study focuses on determining equivalent units in a production business setting.

Production Costs Grading Guide
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), U.S. Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC)
There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products.
Assignment Steps

More details:

What do you mean by production cost?
Production or product costs refer to the costs incurred by a business from manufacturing a product or providing a service. Production costs can include a variety of expenses, such as labor, raw materials, consumable manufacturing supplies, and general overhead.
What are the types of cost of production?
 There are a number of different types of costs of production;
Firstly, fixed costs.
Secondly, variable costs.
Thirdly, total cost, average cost.
Fourthly, marginal cost.


Sherpa relation to a G20 country and climate discussion

Sherpa relation to a G20 country and climate discussion

This is an assignment that discusses the Sherpa relation to a G20 country and climate discussion. The assignment also discusses the cost benefits of a chosen overhaul.

The Sherpa relation to a G20 country and climate discussion

You are asked to write a memorandum for the Sherpa of your chosen G20 country and to also present your arguments why the country should take a fresh look at a specific climate change challenge which cuts across a number of important domestic and international environmental challenges. The objective of the memorandum is to:

(a) persuade the Sherpa[2] to take your memo to the leader of your chosen G20 country,
(b) win the leader’s support of your proposal,
(c) announce the country’s new climate change policy at the upcoming G20 meeting in Washington, D.C. in the autumn 2020!

As you approach this assignment, you must first thoroughly familiarize yourself with and include in your memorandum:

The major components of your chosen country’s climate change policy,
Firstly, identify the climate change area you feel needs a dramatic overhaul (e.g. energy policy because of its critical impact on the environment, economy, employment, public health, social equity, etc.),
Secondly, identify the costs-benefits of your proposed overhaul (in terms of the sectors directly impacted, but also in view of possible spin-off effects elsewhere),
Thirdly, present your arguments where the overhaul could have positive and negative impacts in terms of domestic politics, and how those could be addressed,
Finally, present persuasive arguments how the climate change overhaul would generally position the country more favorably (e.g. as a ‘leader’) in the international community’s efforts to meet the aspirational IPCC global warming target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Suggested Assignment Structure:

1. Executive Summary (write this part last, and include any recommendations here)
2. Background. What is the issue? Why is it pressing? Why is action needed?
3. Analysis. Analyze the alternatives without bias. Also, what options are available?
4. Recommendation. Why are you recommending the option that you choose?

[1] A Sherpa is a personal representative of the leader of a member country (such as the G8, G20). The term is from the Nepalese Sherpa people, who serve as guides for mountaineers in the Himalayas. The Sherpa also engages in planning, negotiation and implementation tasks in the lead-up and through the G8/G20 Summits. Additionally, they coordinate the agenda, seek consensus at the highest political levels, and participate in a series of pre-Summit consultations to help negotiate their leaders’ positions. Sherpas are career diplomats or senior government officials appointed by the leaders of their countries. However, there is only one Sherpa per Summit for each member country; he/she is assisted by several sous Sherpas.


Electrotech Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized

Electrotech Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized

The Electrotech Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the     assembly process.

Electrotech Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices

1.         The Electrotech Corporation Problem
The Electrotech Corporation manufactures two industrial-sized electrical devices: generators and alternators. Both of these products require wiring and testing during the  assembly process. Each generator requires 2 hours of wiring and 1 hour of testing and can be sold for a $250 profit. Each alternator requires 3 hours of wiring time and 2 hours of  testing and can be sold for a $150 profit. There are 260 hours of wiring time and 140    hours of testing time available in the next production period. Also, management has  decided that they need to make at least 20 generators but no more than 50 alternators.  Electrotech wants to maximize profit. Also, Formulate as a linear programming problem.

The Innis Investments Problem 2


2.         The Innis Investments Problem 2
Innis Investments manages funds for a number of companies and wealthy clients. The investment strategy is tailored to each client’s needs. For a new client, Innis has been   authorized to invest up to $1.2 million in two investment funds: a stock fund and a money market fund. Further, Each unit of the stock fund costs $50 and provides an annual rate of return of 10%; each unit of the money market fund costs $100 and provides an annual rate of  return of 4%. The client wants to minimize risk subject to the requirement that the  annual income from investment be at least $60,000.

According to Innis’s risk  measurement system, each unit invested in the stock fund has a risk index of 8, and each unit invested in the money market fund has a risk index of 3; the higher risk index   associated with the stock fund simply indicates that it is the riskier investment. Inning’s client also specified that at least $300,000 be invested in the money market fund.  Finally, Formulate as a linear programming problem.


The Friends Savings Bank Problem

3.         The Friends Savings Bank Problem
The Friends Savings Bank has $1 million in new funds that must be allocated to home loans, personal loans, and automobile loans. The annual rates of return for the three types  of loans are 7% for home loans, 12% for personal loans, and 9% for automobile loans.  The bank’s planning committee has decided that at least 40% of the new funds must be allocated to home loans. In addition, the planning committee has specified that the  amount allocated to personal loans cannot exceed 60% of the amount allocated to    automobile loans. Lastly,  Formulate a LP problem to determine the optimal allocation to maximize annual rate of     return.


Bountiful Boats Problem

4.         Bountiful Boats Problem
Bountiful Boats has to produce at least 5000 cabin cruisers and 12,000 pontoons each       year; they can produce at most 30,000 jet skis in a year. The company has two factories:  one in Michigan, and one in Wisconsin; each factory is open for a maximum of 240 days per year.  Additionally, The Michigan factory makes 20 cabin cruisers, 40 pontoons, and 60 jet skis per day. The Wisconsin factory makes 10 cruisers, 30 pontoons, and 50 jet skipper day. The cost to run the Michigan factory per day is $960,000; the cost to run the Wisconsin factory per day is $750,000. How many days of the year should each factory  run in order to meet the boat production, yet do so at a minimum cost?


The Brooklyn Cabinets Problem

5.         The Brooklyn Cabinets Problem
Brooklyn Cabinets Co. is a manufacturer of kitchen cabinets. Both cabinet styles manufactured by Brooklyn are contemporary and farmhouse. Contemporary style cabinets sell for $85 and farmhouse style cabinets sell for $78. Each cabinet produced  must go through carpentry, painting, and finishing processes. The following table  summarizes the number of hours in each process to be devote to each style of cabinet.


6. Carpentry costs $15 per hour, painting costs $12 per hour, and finishing costs $18 per hour, and the weekly number of hours available in the processes is 3000 in carpentry, 1500 in painting, and 1500 in finishing. Brooklyn also has a contract that requires the company to supply one of its        customers with 500 contemporary cabinets and 650  farmhouse style cabinets each week. Lastly, Brooklyn Cabinets Co. wants to determine the number of cabinets of each style to be manufacture with the goal of maximizing profit. [Hint. Calculate the costs in order to estimate the profits.]

George receives an apartment complex as a gift from his father

George receives an apartment complex as a gift from his father

Part 1: George receives an apartment complex as a gift from his father. The father’s basis for the apartment complex and land is $95,000. At the time of the gift, the land and building have FMVs of $45,000 and $85,000, respectively. No gift tax is paid by George’s father at the time of the gift.

Part 1: George receives an apartment complex as a gift from his father

Part 1: George receives an apartment complex as a gift from his father. The father’s basis for the apartment complex and land is $95,000. At the time of the gift, the land and building have FMVs of $45,000 and $85,000, respectively. No gift tax is paid by George’s father at the time of the gift.

Firstly, To determine gain, what is George’s basis for the land?

Secondly,  To determine gain, what is George’s basis for the building?

Thirdly, Will the basis of the land and building be the same as in Parts 1 and 2 for purposes of determining a loss?

Part 2:

Fred received 200 shares of Georgia Corporation stock from his brother as a gift on July 20, 2017, when the stock had a $44,000 FMV. His brother paid $30,000 for the stock on April 12, 2002. The taxable gift was $44,000, because his brother made another gift to Fred for $20,000 in January and used the annual exclusion. The brother paid a gift tax of $1,500. Without considering the transactions below, Fred’s AGI is $43,000 in 2018. No other transactions involving capital assets occur during the year. Analyze each transaction below, independent of the others, and determine Fred’s AGI in each case.

Firstly, He sells the stock on October 12, 2018, for $48,000.

Secondly,  He sells the stock on October 12, 2018, for $28,000.

Thirdly, He sells the stock on December 16, 2018, for $42,000.


Part 3:

John receives 400 shares of A&M Corporation stock from his aunt on May 20, 2018, as a gift when the stock has a $66,000 FMV. His aunt purchased the stock in 2008 for $46,000. The taxable gift is $61,000 because she made earlier gifts to John during 2018 and used the annual exclusion. She paid a gift tax of $9,300 on the gift of A&M stock to John. John also inherited 300 shares of Longhorn Corporation preferred stock when his uncle died on November 12, 2017, when the stock’s FMV was $31,000. His uncle purchased the stock in 1996 for $27,600. Determine the gain or loss on the sale of A&M and Longhorn stock on December 15, 2018, under each alternative situation below.

Firstly,  A&M stock was sold for $62,600, and Longhorn stock was sold for $30,750.
Secondly, A&M stock was sold for $58,200, and Longhorn stock was sold for $28,650.

Laslty,  Assume the same as in Part 1 except his aunt purchased A&M stock for $71,000 and his uncle purchased Longhorn stock for $31,200.