Shakespeare Argumentative Essay – Does Shakespeare Still Matter

Shakespeare Argumentative Essay – Does Shakespeare Still Matter

This is  a Shakespeare Argumentative Essay and answering the question – Does Shakespeare Still Matter? Is Shakespeare still relevant?

Shakespeare Argumentative Essay – Does Shakespeare Still Matter?

Firstly, convince your audience as to why Shakespeare still matters or does not matter. Is Shakespeare still relevant?  Does his writing reflect the human condition today? Then, explain your ideas clearly with two to three reasons why Shakespeare still is or is not important today.

Secondly, start with an introduction (first paragraph). Ensure the introduction starts with a hook that grabs your reader’s attention. present a claim that tells your audience your position— does Shakespeare still matter ? does his writing reflect the human condition today, and is his work still relatable? give your three reasons. (3-7 sentences)

Thirdly write a p‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍aragraph- explain your first reason with textual evidence from sources (3- 7 sentences) the third paragraph. Explain your second reason with textual evidence from sources (3- 7 sentences)

Fourthly, explain your third reason with textual evidence from sources (3- 7 sentences)

Lastly, write a conclusion. It should summarize your main points in different words, and put emphasis on what you really wanted your reader to learn from your argument. Ensure that your work is accompanied by appropriately documented sources within text, and in a reference list‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍

Evaluation of intelligence product through critical analysis

Evaluation of intelligence product through critical analysis

This is a paper that is discussing the Evaluation of intelligence product through critical analysis. The paper also discusses the role and position of the product.

Evaluation of intelligence product through critical analysis

Firstly, demonstrate the ability to critically analyze by evaluating an intelligence product or academic journal article. Identify a product that you think qualifies to be called an intelligent product. However, you are not to report or summarize on the intelligence product or journal article but instead to critically evaluate the author’s argument. Evaluate the author’s argument by analyzing the position, supporting evidence, reliability and credibility of the sources, and the logical reasoning. Description: Using a pre-approved unclassified intelligence product or an academic journal article, write a critical analysis of the author’s argument. Evaluate the evidence and sources.

Secondly, a successful paper will begin with an introduction that identifies the piece you are evaluating, a thesis statement (Your position about the work), and the steps you will use to prove your argument as to the evaluation of th‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e article. In your thesis statement indicate your position on the issue (whether or not you think the author’s argument is sound). The body of the paper will include a very short summary of the article or intelligence product. The rest of the body will be a logical presentation of your position supported by evidence.

Be sure to explain your reasoning with properly cited and referenced evidence. There should be a summary conclusion that reflects on your argument and the implication to the field. While the article is one source you are citing, you will also need to use materials presented in the class or found within the virtual library that help in understanding how to make logical arguments, think critically, present bias, evaluate sources etc.

Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” mural in terms of art analysis

Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” mural in terms of art analysis

This is an essay that analyzes the Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” mural in terms of art analysis. Additionally, the paper focuses on the details apart from the visible canvas.

Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” mural in terms of art analysis

Answer the following‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ six questions in your essay. Write in narrative essay style without repeating the questions. However, the focus of this essay is on what is on that canvas. The mural illuminates a tragic event. A very few sentences can set the context for your informed ideas and opinions on these six questions.

Firstly, what is the size of the mural? Explain how the mural displays cinematic impact as you view the overall scene.

Secondly, describe with specific references, how the painting is Surrealist as well as Cubist. 3. Describe and explain the effect of Picasso’s colorations in the mural. Then, identify and locate the symbols for Harlequin: five diamond shapes from his costume located around the mural, why they are there, and what might they represent to the artist?

Lastly, explain what you think are the emotions as well as the symbolism for the images: • Bull standing over the woman; the wounded horse • Female floating above and to the right of the horse holding a lantern. the woman below her; grieving woman • Bird image behind the horse • two obscured images formed by the horse; the person beneath the horse, the flower beneath the horse, • Light bulb, lantern, windows, doors. • the figure on the far right with arms raised • What else do you see hidden among the shapes?

Additionally, explain what you think Picasso tried so hard to express in this complex art work.

Research resources

Research resources for Picasso’s Guernica. You may use any of these or locate your own authoritative resources. List sources in your bibliography. However, bibliography of at least four sources referenced must be included at the end of your paper. Museo Reina Sofía Guernica image of the mural PBS. Guernica: Testimony of War Picasso’s Secret Guernica Picasso’s Secret Guernica The Times Report as Picasso would have seen in Paris https://www.spani‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍

The essay content is to be a minimum of 825 words and not much more than 950 words (not counting citations and bibliography).

Criminal procedure principles in relation to Officer Smith scenario

Criminal procedure principles in relation to Officer Smith scenario

This is an assignment that describes the criminal procedure principles in relation to Officer Smith scenario. Additionally, the paper identifies the legal basis that were for the action.

Criminal procedure principles in relation to Officer Smith scenario

Please write a 3 to 5 page (in total), double-spaced paper on the following two questions:
1.    Officer Smith is on routine patrol when he sees a car driving with a broken tail light.  Officer Smith activates his emergency equipment and pulls the car over.  As Officer Smith approaches the car, he realizes that the tail light is not broken.  However, he notices that the car is a four door blue Ford Focus with a dent on the rear driver’s side of the car and that the only occupant is the white male driver.  Officer Smith realizes that the car matches the description of a car used in an armed robbery that had occurred minutes earlier.  The officer had heard the description broadcast over his police radio.

Officer Smith orders the driver, Peter Parker, to step out of the car.  Officer Smith conducts a pat down of Parker, and feels what he believes to be a gun in Parker’s pants pocket.  Parker suddenly runs away from Officer Smith.  Officer Smith chases Parker and catches him.  Officer Smith handcuffs Parker and searches his pockets.  The officer finds a loaded 9 mm handgun in his pocket.  Subsequently, officer Smith returns to Parker’s car and searches it.  During the search, Officer Smith finds a diamond ring and a ruby necklace in the trunk.  Subsequent investigation reveals that these items were taken during the armed robbery.
Taking his actions, step by step, analyze whether Officer Smith’s actions were reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.  Start with the initial traffic stop and end with the arrest.

Was there a legal basis for each of his actions? Explain the legal principles involved.

Jan Carlzon-Communicating effectively to solve a crisis

Jan Carlzon-Communicating effectively to solve a crisis

This assignment focuses on Jan Carlzon. It involves communicating effectively to solve a crisis. How the lessons learned in the talk might be applied to the context of university students and career progression.

Jan Carlzon-Communicating effectively to solve a crisis

Jan Carlzon achieved an incredible business turn round in his time at SAS. How the lessons learned in the talk might be applied to the context of university students and career progression.

Jan Gösta Carlzon, né Karlsson (born 25 June 1941) is a Swedish businessman. He is most noted for being chief executive officer of SAS Group from 1981 to 1994.

Challenges at SAS

Firstly, At the time Jan Carlzon took over the helm of SAS, the company was facing large financial difficulties. It was losing $17 million per annum. Also, it had an international reputation for always being late. A 1981 ranking show that SAS is no. 14 of 17 airlines in Europe when it came to punctuality.

Furthermore, the company had a reputation for being a very centralized organization, where decisions were hard to come by to the detriment of customers, shareholders, and staff. He revolutionized the airline industry through an unrelenting focus on customer service quality.

Moreover, One of the first things Jan Carlzon did at SAS was to introduce the world’s first separate cabin for Business Class while at the same time doing away with First Class on its European routes.

Within one year of taking over, SAS had become the most punctual airline in Europe and had started an ongoing training program called Putting People First developed by Claus Møller of Time Manager International (‘TMI’).

Additionally, The program is on delegating responsibility away from management and allowing customer-facing staff to make decisions to resolve any issues on the spot.  No front-line employee has to wait for a supervisor’s permission.”  These changes soon impacted the bottom-line as well and the company made a profit of $54 million in 1982.


Write approximately 400 words.





According to human rights organizations, the government of the UAE violates a number of fundamental human rights. The UAE does not have democratically elected institutions. Also, citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties.

There are reports of forced disappearances in the UAE. Many foreign nationals and Emirate citizens have been abducted by the UAE government and illegally detained and tortured. In numerous instances, the UAE government has tortured people in custody (especially expats and political dissidents) and has denied their citizens the right to a speedy trial and access to counsel during official investigations.

Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts. The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The local media are to avoid criticizing the government, government officials or royal families. Freedom of association and freedom of religion are also curtailed.


Han rights in UAE

Despite being elect ed to the UN Council, the UAE has not signed most international human-rights and labour-rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) abuses many international human rights conventions and laws through a high intolerance of criticism leading to arbitrary arrests, its involvement in the war in Yemen and labour abuses towards migrant workers.

In fact, the Human Freedom Index 2017 ranked the UAE 116th out of 159 countries, behind Qatar and Lebanon. The UN also raised concerns about the human rights situation in the UAE in January 2018. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a report highlighting the suppression of freedom of expression and the undue influence of executive authorities and security services on the judiciary.

Exodus Golden Calf Adam Forbidden Fruit Ham’s Curse Israelites vs Canaanites

Exodus Golden Calf Adam Forbidden Fruit Ham’s Curse Israelites vs Canaanites

Cite and then summarize in your own words three scholarly articles from the library’s databases on any topic that interests you about Genesis or Exodus.

scholarly articles from the library’s databases on any topic that interests you

Cite and then summarize in your own words three scholarly articles from the library’s databases on any topic that interests you about Genesis or Exodus.
Firstly, The Fall of Man, Angels.

Secondly, the meaning of the Golden Calf.

Thirdly, Ham’s Curse.

Fourthly, Israelites vs. Canaanites.

Further,  Blood Atonement (use of blood to purify and eliminate sin) in ancient Hebrew thought, the scholarly quest for a Hebrew /Yahwistic Epic which preceded the prose version we have today–whatever you like.

What is the story of the fall of man?

The Fall of Man (also called “The Story of the Fall” or “The Fall”) is the story in the book of Genesis in the Torah (Old Testament) of when Adam and Eve, in God’s eyes, lost their innocence. Genesis says that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge even after God had disallowed them.

Why did God forbid Adam from eating the fruit?

It was disobedience of Adam and Eve. God told them  not to eat of the tree (Gen 2:17), that caused disorder in the creation. This led to humanity inheriting sin and guilt from Adam and Eve’s sin. In Western Christian art, the fruit of the tree is commonly depicted as the apple, which originated in central Asia.

What does the golden calf represent?

Mentioned in Exodus 32 and I Kings 12 in the Old Testament. Worship of the golden calf is seen as a supreme act of apostasy, the rejection of a faith once confessed. The figure is probably a representation of the Egyptian bull god Apis in the earlier period and of the Canaanite fertility god Baal in the latter.

What was the sin of the golden calf?

According to the Bible, Israelites made the golden calf as an idol (a cult image). It was made when Moses went up to Mount Sinai. In Hebrew, the incident is known as (חֵטְא הַעֵגֶּל) or the Sin of the Calf. It is first mentioned in Exodus 32:4.

Government policies and state of technology

Government policies and state of technology

How can government policies and state of technology affect the strategy formation process for the firms entering a new market? …When an organisation has made a decision to enter an overseas market, there are a variety of options open to it.

How can government policies and state of technology affect the

When an organisation has made a decision to enter an overseas market, there are a variety of options open to it. These options vary with cost, risk and the degree of control which can be exercised over them. The simplest form of entry strategy is exporting using either a direct or indirect method. Such as an agent, in the case of the former, or countertrade, in the case of the latter. More complex forms include truly global operations which may involve joint ventures, or export processing zones. Having decided on the form of export strategy, decisions have to be made on the specific channels. Many agricultural products of a raw or commodity nature use agents, distributors or involve Government, whereas processed materials, whilst not excluding these, rely more heavily on more sophisticated forms of access. These will be expanded on later.

The chapter begins by looking at the concept of market entry strategies within the control of a chosen marketing mix. It then goes on to describe the different forms of entry strategy. It includes both direct and indirect exporting and foreign production, and the advantages and disadvantages connected with each method. The chapter gives specific details on “countertrade”, which is very prevalent in global marketing, and then concludes by looking at the special features of commodity trading with its “close coupling” between production and marketing.

An organisation wishing to “go international” faces three major issues:

  1. i) Marketing – which countries, which segments, how to manage and implement marketing effort, how to enter – with intermediaries or directly, with what information?
  2. ii) Sourcing – whether to obtain products, make or buy?


iii) Investment and control – joint venture, global partner, acquisition?







Family Stress And Resilience Integration related to violence

Family Stress And Resilience Integration related to violence

This is an assignment that discusses the Family Stress And Resilience Integration related to violence. The paper also discusses how faith helps or hinders understanding family stress or violence.

Family Stress And Resilience Integration related to violence

Introduction In this final and seventh section you will complete the Lawson text, Chapters 10-13. You will be reading about dating violence, child maltreatment, and elder abuse. Unit Seven Outcomes Upon completion of this unit you should be able to:

1. Firstly, access specifics relating to child maltreatments and treatment.

2. Secondly, understand unique aspects of elder abuse.

3. Thirdly, address evidence-based practice for working with family/couple/child and elder violence.

4. Fourthly, address issues surrounding dating violence and trauma reactions.

5. Lastly, explore integration of faith in working with family violence issues.  Family Violence: Explanations and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice • Instructions 1. Read Chapters 10-13 of the Lawson textbook.

Assignments 7.4 Course Project: Family Stress And Resilience Integration Paper Introduction This is the last section of your integration paper and focuses on the faith aspect of the assignment. Additionally, you will create a new and final section at the end of the integrated paper focusing on how you as‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ a Christian integrate your faith in understanding the issues of family stress, resilience, and violence.

Instructions 1. In the final part of this assignment you are expected to finish your course project.

Secondly, you will create a new and final section at the end of the integrated paper focusing on how you as a Christian integrate your faith in understanding the issues of family stress, resilience and violence. The discussion for this unit was a way to jump start your thinking around this.


However, there is no specific integration theme being looked for, however, some that you may consider are:

1.) How does my faith help or hinder my ability to understand various perspectives of family stress or violence?

2.) How does my faith support my ability to work with different populations discussed across the course?

3.) Where is God in family crisis/stress?

4.) Where is God in family violence?

5.) Finally, what has God called me to in relation to helping/ supporting individuals going through stress/crisis or violence?

Lastly, you must have a minimum of three double-spaced additional pages to your previously submitted paper. You must follow APA style wri‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ting

United States Domestic History The Civil War in 1865

United States Domestic History The Civil War in 1865

This essay entails a research paper on United States Domestic History and the THE CIVIL WAR IN 1865 which led to many death loses. United States Domestic History entails all the activities of war and all the occurences that led and followed the wrangles.

United States Domestic History THE CIVIL WAR IN 1865

Firstly, this first major essay covers the 80 years between the end of the Civil War and the conclusion of World War II. It needs to be 4-5 double-spaced pages, between 1300-1500 words, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with evidence footnoted as per class instruction.


Also, your essay should pay particular attention to both the domestic and global factors in the political, military, social, religious, economic. Cultural spheres that drove change over time in the United States during this extended period. I suggest you focus on two to four key elements that you can trace over time in most or all of the historical periods we’ve covered. Do not try to cover every issue in every period.

Tirdly, your evidence for this essay must come exclusively from the assigned readings in the Canvas Modules, my class lectures, or the history textbook American Horizons: U. S. History in a Global Context, Volume 2 since 1865, edited by Michael Schaller as indicated in the syllabus. No outside sources given credit towards your grade.

In conclusion, in order to receive an “A” grade. The essays must include an introductory paragraph providing context and a clear thesis. This follows the paragraphs driven by convincing topic sentences that further your analysis and incorporate specific evidence. As well as a cogent conclusion that summarizes your argument. Use Chicago-style citations to credit sources well  paraphrased, referenced or directly quoted. Only use the sources that are given