Sustainability in the construction industry

Sustainability in the construction industry

This is a paper assessment that discusses the importance of sustainability in the construction industry in the context of environment.

Importance of sustainability in the construction industry

This assessment will take the form of a 2000 word report your report will need to cover the following areas:
Firstly, why is sustainability important to think about in the construction industry? • what is the environmental context for sustainability in the construction industry?

Secondly, what is the legislative and policy context for sustainability in the construction industry?
Thirdly, discussing the role that your specific discipline plays in addressing environmental sustainability in new construction and existing construction

Fourthly, what recommendations would you make to improve professional practice?
•        Include achievable short and long-term recommendations
•        How compatible is sustainability with the need for companies to make a profit?
All of these questions should be answer in this coursework.
Lastly, marks will be awarded for:
A well written report structure, format & visual presentation .This will result to (10%) of the total marks of the assessment.
Clear answering of the assessment questions, depth of knowledge, understanding, content & recommendations. This will result in (30%) of the total marks of the assessment.
Relevant and updated use of references sources & precedents & accuracy of referencing. This will result to (10%) of the total marks of the assessment.
This marks will be a total 50% of overall mark.

There are Intended learning outcomes for the assessment that  are expected from the student at the end of the report.
Clear understanding of environmental sustainability and context
A clear understanding of role played by your professional discipline in being sustainable
• The ability to use examples to illustrate ideas and key points in your report
• Use of critical thinking & analysis in every aspect of the questions in the report.

This assessment requires the student to come up with a 2000 words report equivalent individual coursework.

U‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍S History to Reconstruction HIS 121-003 using Dana Goldstein’s article

U‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍S History to Reconstruction HIS 121-003 using Dana Goldstein’s article

This is an assessment discussing the U‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍S History to Reconstruction (HIS 121-003) using Dana Goldstein’s article. Additionally, the assignment considers individuals and the American society.

U‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍S History to Reconstruction (HIS 121-003) using Dana Goldstein’s article


Discuss one or two main issues in the article “Two States. Eight Textbooks. Two American Stories” by Dana Goldstein. Appearing in the New York Times very recently on its cover page, as its lead news article, in and of itself is telling. Consider the ramifications for individuals and American society. Critical thinking assessment is key here, to in see how you handle not simply the information but the message of this article (obviously suggested in its title). Keep in mind: When studying history, knowing who has written that interpretation is critical, as well as knowing when it was written and the publisher. And in this case, it sort of makes you begin to wonder who wrote your textbook, The American Promise, used for this course, and where was it published.

We will not dwell on this thought, now; I just wanted to point this aspect out to you. In this course, it is a requirement that you not only ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍study history, but also study how it has been written, how interpretation (the historiography) changes overtime. Those changes often align with our country’s advancement in two particular areas: freedom and equality. As the class progresses, we will be examining many other resources to complement your text, or to expose you to recent historical scholarship.


Lastly, use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) Length = 1 ½ to 2 pages. Each of your writing assignments consist of 2 stages: the Process Assignment, and the Final Paper. The Process Assignment is merely when you discuss how you are planning to approach the assignment, your thesis statement. Note this is an important part of developing your writing, and critical thinking skills. However, as time permits, the Process Assignment may be discussed in class, via your individual participation.

Six elements of art design and the usage of these elements

Six elements of art design and the usage of these elements

This is an assignment that describes the six elements of art design and the usage of these elements. The assignment focuses on several art designs that portray the art design elements.

Six elements of art design and the usage of these elements

F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍or this assignment, read the following question and write a short paper of 300-500 words in MS Word .docx format.

Firstly, list the six elements of design. Then, describe the usage of the four of the six elements of design.  This is in Figure 2.5 Edgar Degas, After the Bath, Woman drying herself and in Figure 2.25 Jocho, Seated Buddha. It is an art image but I will attach what the text says about both.

Secondly, supposed to list the six elements of design first then show at how at least 4 elements are used in the sculpture ‘Jocho sitting buddha” and “After the bath women drying herself”. So just google images of those and explain how four of the six design elements are used in sitting buddah by Jocho and After the bath women drying herself by edgar degas. Six Elements of design re are six basic elements of design: line, shape, mass/volume, perspective, texture, and color. One way to think of these elements of design is to “walk up the ladder” of dimension. Our perceived world has three dimensions of space and one of time. Mathematically, a point has zero dimensions. A line has one dimension, length. A shapehas two dimensions, length and height. A form with mass or volume has three dimensions, length, height, and width.

Lastly, in moving from points to volumes, we have “walked up the ladder” of dimension from zero to three. In addition to the three dimensions of physical space, there are two more things artists can incorporate into a given work. They can introduce texture, and they can introduce color.

Student Athletes should be paid Yes or No what structure or guidelines

Student Athletes should be paid Yes or No what structure or guidelines

Do you think Student-Athletes should be paid? If so, what structure/guidelines would you use to pay them?

Do you think Student Athletes should be paid?-what structure or guidelines

Do you think Student-Athletes should get payment? If so, what structure/guidelines would you use to pay them?

Being a college student-athlete is a full-time job, bouncing between the weight room, the court/field, classes, and film sessions. College athletics are extracurricular activities, but the schedules of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) tournaments require an extended period in which the student-athletes must miss school. Not only do they miss class, but they are absentees for nationally televise games that make a lot of money and receive millions of viewers. According to Marc Edelman in his article “21 Reasons Why Student-Athletes Are Employees and Should Unionize.”

Since student-athletes also bring in revenue for their team and college or university, especially in the championship games, those who debate in favor of paying them say the students could receive a small portion of the profits. Yes, pay would vary, just as the universities with the more successful teams receive more television time or money than those with less successful teams.


Payment of Student Athletes?

College football and men’s basketball programs earn far more than any other athletic program, so these athletes would likely earn more as well. This may not be considered fair pay, but many of those who argue in support of paying college players point out that team popularity and consumers generally determine what is “fair.” These sports also tend to support other less popular sports that do not bring in a lot of money on their own.

Student-athletes are the ones working hard out on the court and field. Coaches might have a big effect on a team, but it is up to the athletes to work. Coaches receive bonuses for breaking records, reaching the off-season, and winning the big games; the athletes receive none of it, writes Tyson Hartnett for HuffPost.

Black men and public space perception of race in like gender

Black men and public space perception of race in like gender

This is an assignment that focuses on black men and public space perception of race. The paper illustrates the difference ways race perception in the historical era.

Black men and public space perception of race

Have a strong introduction which should introduce the topic and identify the paper’s direction. Have a clear thesis statement which should be as the last sentence in your introduction. Provide quality support which offers specific details that are in well organization and thoughtful. Have a conclusion that challenges the reader and adds to the paper. Essay format needs to adhere to the rules of MLA style. Therefore, your essay should: Have one-inch margins (no less than one inch, no more than 1.25 inch)

Type the paper and also use the following requirements: Use double space, 3 to 4 pages long, normal size font, and in Times Roman. Do not forget to adhere to the MLA style and formatting and citations.

Have your name, class (English 101), date, and the assignment name in the upper-left-hand corner Have a title in proper format and centered at the top of the first page (choose something creative and short) Have each paragraph indented (one tab) but no extra lines/returns between paragraphs.

Essay topic: For “Black Men and Public Space” discuss the following: In “Black Men and Public Space,” written in 1986, Staples illustrates how mistaken perceptions of his race “[altered] public space in ugly ways. He also acknowledges that he “gathered that being perceived as dangerous is a hazard in itself.” There are many cases where the hazard of being perceived as dangerous [not only in terms of race] has come into the public spotlight in the past years. Mistaken perceptions of one’s race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexuality are still common in American society. Why do some of these issues exist and how can we overcome them?

Impact of IPv4 and DHCP operations on the IP networks

Impact of IPv4 and DHCP operations on the IP networks

This is an assignment that discusses the impact of IPv4 and DHCP operations on the IP networks. The paper also discusses the  contrasts and practical issues in relation with DHCP.

impact of IPv4 and DHCP operations on the IP networks


Firstly, you are required to critically evaluate the impact of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on IP networks. To complete the assignment you will need to research, explain and test DHCP server operation.

Then, you will need to discuss and contrast the practical issues, benefits and limitations of implementing a large scale IP network with and without DHCP.

DHCP is one of the foundation processes involved in automatic network provisioning. It is well known that DHCP is responsible for the allocation of IPv4 addresses to client devices however this is not the extent of all capabilities. As part of this assignment you are to identify other capabilities and options of IPv4 DHCP. You will then prove the operation of DHCP by configuring a server and a client, recording the process using commonly available tools, for example Wireshark.


Your investigation must include the following sections:

Firstly, you are to  complete and fully formed abstract written in the correct tense

Secondly, introduce the topic and state the aim and objectives of your work

Literature Review:
Thirdly, identify the sources of information for your work. Identify and document the functional process of DHCP.

Investigation / Methodology:
Then, conduct a practical experiment proving that DHCP operates as described. You will need to set up and configure DHCP server and client services.  For extra interest, you may consider whether it is possible to have more than one DHCP server on a LAN, whether it is possible for a DHCP server to support more than one scope or how DHCP supports other processes such IP telephone provisioning. Using Wireshark or something similar, show the communication process and message exchange. Simply identifying that a DHCP client has received an address will not satisfy the requirement.

Results and Analysis:
Did the process work as expected?
Critically evaluate the impact of DHCP on IP networks, discuss and contrast the practical issues, benefits and limitations of implementing a large-scale IP network with or without DHCP.

Lastly, was your experiment a success? Does DHCP provide a useful service? Did your experiment identify and prove all of the functions of DHCP? Could you extend the investigation to consider anything else?

Designing Comprehensive Learning and Development Program

Designing Comprehensive Learning and Development Program

This is a paper that focuses on Designing of a Comprehensive Learning and Development Leadership Program. The paper is also discusses the development strategy.

Designing of a Comprehensive Learning and Development Leadership Program

Firstly, as the executive learning and development director for a midsized global petroleum organization, you have been asked by the chief human resources officer (CHRO) to create a report on how you envision the design of a new leadership program for the organization’s 50 management and executives in leadership teams across four different departments: sales, marketing, finance, and engineering. These teams span three countries: the United States, Canada, and Mexico. In your report, please include the elements below. • Include an introductory paragraph with the name of your fictitious company, where the home office is located (you choose this), how long the company has been in business, and some background information. Do not use the name of or information about a real company.

Secondly, discuss your leadership development strategy, and give a vision to this strategy. For example, what are the outcomes of having a leadership‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ development program for the organization? • Discuss how you plan to assess leadership capabilities. • Explain two to three assessment tools that you will use to identify leadership capabilities for each department. • Explain two to three leadership development methods for each department, taking into consideration cultures in each region—the United States, Canada, and Mexico. • Then, conclude your report by describing the benefits that a formal leadership development program will have on the organization. For example, explain why a leadership development program is important and how it enhances the organization’s competitiveness.

Your completed scholarly activity must be at least two pages in length and include at least three outside sources. Adhere to APA guidelines when constructing this assignment. Include in-text citations and references for all sources. Please note that there should be no ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍abstract.

SMEs Internationalisation and Financing constraints

SMEs Internationalisation and Financing constraints

This is an assignment that is focusing on the Research design of SMEs Internationalisation and Financing constraints in MENA. The paper also discusses the quantitative methods that are in the research.

Research design of SMEs Internationalisation and Financing constraints in MENA


Research Design SMEs Internationalisation and Financing Constraints in MENA region.

Firstly, you are to develop a research instrument appropriate for this design; test this in a pilot study; and modify the research design on the basis of the results of the pilot study. Ensure also that the assignment has a detailed and clear explanation of the issues of SMEs Internationalisation and Financing Constraints in MENA region. • Structure and organisation of work • Evidence of reading and information gathering, including use of theoretical works – journals and books • Organisation and use which is made of the material gathered; ability to see different sides of the question; reasoning and analysis. • Subsequently, logical co‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍nclusions based upon the information provided should be inclusive in the paper explanation.

• Quantitative methods should be used for this research The work should • Clarity of Topic, Aims, Questions/Issues to be investigated, focus, etc. • Given the topic area, should show a very good knowledge and understanding of the area of SMEs concerned; key theories and models and identify appropriate problems and challenges. • should succinctly discuss your methods, the form of the data you will collect and how this articulates with the research question and theoretical framework chosen. it should discuss the plan for data analysis, appropriate methods, and accounting for errors, lack of data or particular‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ areas of strength.

Lastly, the assignment should be two to three pages long and written using the APA format and style. This means that all sources that are in writing the assignment should follow the APA formatting and citation guidelines.

Marriott data breach in September 2018 – Information technology

Marriott data breach in September 2018 – Information technology

The research paper will be about the Marriott data breach in September 2018. Information technology plays a critical role in enabling businesses and organizations to gain competitive advantage in the 21st century.

Marriott data breach in September 2018-Information technology

Firstly, The research paper will be about the Marriott data breach in September 2018.
See more:

Secondly, Information technology plays a critical role in enabling businesses and organizations to gain competitive advantage in the 21st century.

Thirdly, The importance of IT security is indisputable and widely recognized by businesses and organizations.

Further, Exposure to risks and failure to protect computer systems, data, and information will result in critical consequences to businesses and users alike.

In this project, student teams will find an IT security case – either success or failure, conduct an in-depth analysis of the case. Student teams will outline and analyze the case. (Students may utilize a variety of resources including news media, magazine, practice/academic journals such as Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, etc.), investigating organizational environments and situations, key issues facing the organization, and solution(s) that were used to address the problems at hand, and report the results of the case along with any recommendations/lessons from the case.

Deliverables are a written report (up to 2,500 words, one copy per group). Presentation materials (no more than 10 slides, one copy per group, up to 10 minutes), and peer evaluation report (each one of your group evaluates everyone else). Each and every one must participate in the presentation.

Grading criteria include completeness, accuracy, relevancy, logical flow, organization and structure, format, spelling and grammar, and references of the report. For the presentation, I consider the group’s interaction with the class. Whether it is informative yet interesting, attractiveness of visual aids, and professionalism in presentation.  Oral presentation grade will be assign ed on an individual basis.

Martha Whiteley a big part of life is learning from one another

Martha Whiteley a big part of life is learning from one another

This paper is on ​​BAM 402. PR consultant, Martha Whiteley, states that, “a big part of life is learning from one another.”. How does this belief relate to strengthening an individual’s contribution to successful strategic PR campaigns?

 Martha Whiteley-“a big part of life is learning from one another”

Unit essay #1

​​Corporate communications and PR consultant, Martha Whiteley, states that, “a big part of life is learning from one another.”

How does this belief relate to strengthening an individual’s contribution to successful strategic PR campaigns?

More details on this assignment;

However, the term DMO has created after some time and has become progressively modern whereby their jobs in goal the executives developed and apparently was goal engineers instead of an association exclusively concentrating on deals and advancement (Sheehan et al., 2016).

Increasingly more DMOs have built up over the past number of years. Because of the longing for a more co-ordinated way to deal with goal the board and showcasing. (Pike, 2016). It is critical to note be that as it may, that the jobs of a goal the board association don’t offer direct support to the vacationer (Morrison, 2013).

These jobs permit them to showcase and advance their goal as well as to recognize potential new market sections and to distinguish new item open doors just as best the assets of a goal with the end goal for it to be effective as a vacationer goals;

Firstly, Association and group building. It Involves the making of a group and the structure of coalitions to achieve the goals limited time and item advancement objectives.

Secondly,  Arranging and research. It Involves completing exploration on potential sections of the market to have a more clear thought of what bearing they should take concerning their showcasing and item advancement choices.

Thirdly,  Administration and co-appointment. Here the goal the board association goes about as a facilitator of the endeavours of each one of those engaged with the goal group. It makes partnerships to arrive at promoting and item advancement objectives.

Fourthly,  Item advancement: Can be depicted as the feasible improvement of the travel industry product.