Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique
Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique
This is an assignment that focuses on the rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study. The paper also discusses the steps involved in the study.
Rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study
For this assignment, you will rewrite (“translate”) a scholarly article from your field of study into an online news article for a public audience. There are three parts to this assignment. Locate, read, and analyze a recently published scholarly article in your academic discipline that addresses a topic of interest to you and the general public. (Recently means within the last ten years.). “Translate” (rewrite) the article in a new genre appropriate to a public audience.. Write a reflective analysis about the choices you made as you wrote your translation.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Firstly, analyze the rhetorical features of scholarly writing in your discipline and public writing.
Secondly, identify the conventions of various genres of scholarly, professional, and public writing.
Thirdly, write with an awareness of how the rhetorical situation and rhetorical context influence the structure, language, and reference conventions (SLRs) writers use to achieve their purpose in writing to specific audiences. This assignment counts for 20% of your final grade. The final project should range from 1,000 to 1,500 words (including the Reflective Analysis).
STEP ONE: IDENTIFYING YOUR NEW AUDIENCE AND GENRE After you choose your article, read it carefully so that you understand what it conveys. Next, identify a new audience and genre for your translation of the article. The objective is to shift the audience from an academic one to a public one. 2 Discipline Project Assignment – Spring 2020 For your genre, you should write an online news article, such as one that might appear on mainstream or local news sites like,,, or Notice that once you change audiences, the form in which you report will need to shift as well.
Additionally, closely analyze an example or two of the kind of genre you’re attempting to create and consider how those genre examples fulfill the expectations of the target audience. Your project will be assessed according to its ability to reproduce those genre expectations, so you will need to explain, in detail, the rhetorical changes and other choices you had to make in the construction of your piece. Be sure that you’re able to explain the rhetorical choices you make in writing your translation. Consider all four elements of the rhetorical context: author, audience, topic, and purpose.
STEP THREE: CONSTRUCTING THE GENRE The genre you’re producing could take any number of forms. As such, the form structure and development of your ideas are contingent on the genre of public reporting you’re attempting to construct. Try to mirror how the genre would appear in a real situation. Feel free to use photos, graphs, or other visual images, as these usually appear in online news articles.