Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique

Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique

This is an assignment that focuses on the rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study. The paper also discusses the steps involved in the study.

Rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study


For this assignment, you will rewrite (“translate”) a scholarly article from your field of study into an online news article for a public audience. There are three parts to this assignment. Locate, read, and analyze a recently published scholarly article in your academic discipline that addresses a topic of interest to you and the general public. (Recently means within the last ten years.).  “Translate” (rewrite) the article in a new genre appropriate to a public audience.. Write a reflective analysis about the choices you made as you wrote your translation.


After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

Firstly, analyze the rhetorical features of scholarly writing in your discipline and public writing.

Secondly, identify the conventions of various genres of scholarly, professional, and public writing.

Thirdly, write with an awareness of how the rhetorical situation and rhetorical context influence the structure, language, and reference conventions (SLRs) writers use to achieve their purpose in writing to specific audiences. This assignment counts for 20% of your final grade. The final project should range from 1,000 to 1,500 words (including the Reflective Analysis).


STEP ONE: IDENTIFYING YOUR NEW AUDIENCE AND GENRE After you choose your article, read it carefully so that you understand what it conveys. Next, identify a new audience and genre for your translation of the article. The objective is to shift the audience from an academic one to a public one. 2 Discipline Project Assignment – Spring 2020 For your genre, you should write an online news article, such as one that might appear on mainstream or local news sites like,,, or Notice that once you change audiences, the form in which you report will need to shift as well.


Additionally, closely analyze an example or two of the kind of genre you’re attempting to create and consider how those genre examples fulfill the expectations of the tar‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍get audience. Your project will be assessed according to its ability to reproduce those genre expectations, so you will need to explain, in detail, the rhetorical changes and other choices you had to make in the construction of your piece. Be sure that you’re able to explain the rhetorical choices you make in writing your translation. Consider all four elements of the rhetorical context: author, audience, topic, and purpose.

STEP THREE: CONSTRUCTING THE GENRE The genre you’re producing could take any number of forms. As such, the form structure and development of your ideas are contingent on the genre of public reporting you’re attempting to construct. Try to mirror how the genre would appear in a real situation. Feel free to use photos, graphs, or other visual images, as these usually appear in online news articles.

Innovation Project Video Proposal signature assignment

Innovation Project Video Proposal signature assignment

This is an assignment that discusses the unit DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal –Signature Assignment CLO. The aim of the paper is to identify problems in innovation.

DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal – Signature Assignment CLO

This assignment submission is in the form of a video proposal and must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length. Additionally, the assignment submission will be by posting a link to a web site hosting your video. . Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence based practice. The video proposal must answer the following five questions:


1. Firstly, what problem will the innovation project solve? Describe what the problem is, where the problem occurs, who is affected by the problem, and what would be different if the problem were solved.

2. Secondly, what is known about this problem? Discuss the significance of the problem, including statistics about the health, social, ethical, and financial costs of the problem. Describe the background of the problem. Consequently, discuss what has been written in the professional literature about the problem. Describe other solutions that have been tried in the past. Describe why they were ineffective.

3. Thirdly, with whom did you collaborate when working on your proposal? Innovation requires collaborating with a diverse group of people who have many different perspectives on the problem. Also, describe with whom you talked about the project. Then, describe why you chose them. Describe what help they offered. Describe how you used or why you did not use their help.

4. What “mobile app” did you propose to use to solve the problem? Describe the application you chose and how it addresses the problem. Additionally, your description should demonstrate that you have become knowledgeable of the technology related the problem as well as solutions.

5. Lastly, why is your proposed solution innovative? Describe the innovative features of your project. Also, demonstrate your knowledge of the principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.

Rituals and person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals and person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals are part of every person’s life from birth through dying. You need not be a person of “faith” (religion, belief) to lead a life that is given shape and form by everyday rituals.

Rituals are part of every person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals Rituals are part of every person’s life, from birth through dying. You need not be a person of “faith” (religion, belief) to lead a life that is given shape and form by everyday rituals.  Again, we turn to our dictionary to learn where the term came from, and what we find is that the English word ritual comes to us from the Latin rituals, which means rite. More about “rite” (as in “rites of passage”) will follow in our next assignment! Rituals connected with religion include the following: – lighting candles – sprinkling incense – standing or kneeling at certain, specified points in worship – holding hands – “Kiss of peace” (moment of greeting one another) – offering/collection – communion (sharing in eating or drinking “sacred” wafers, wine, etc.)

Where rituals are practised

Not all churches, temples or mosques practice all of these rituals at all times. But,  even the least orthodox faiths punctuate their communal worship with these activities. Individually, we tend to feel drawn to some of these types of practices. It may feel that others are not relevant, essential or useful. Okay, I hear those of you who have made it abundantly clear that you are NOT religious saying, “this doesn’t apply to me!” Church rituals may not apply to some of you, but our individual lives do have their own unique rituals.

Rituals give us security, predictability and allow us to operate on “automatic”. The more important things can claim the majority of our attention. Are any of the following rituals part of your life? Drinking coffee (or Mountain Dew!) to start the day. Listening to a certain radio or TV station while getting ready for work or school. Sitting in a certain place for meals. Kicking off our shoes, clicking on the TV or computer when we come through the door at the end of the day.  Hugs/kisses/”I love you’s” for our loved ones in the AM or at bedtime or when we go our separate ways. Without rituals, we would have to re-think how to organize our days, each and every day. Rituals make it easy for us to do what we need to do.

In places of worship

In churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship, rituals make it possible to break through the individual isolation of participants (who cross gender, economic, age, vocational, marital lines). To develop a sense of community, a feeling of one-ness within the faith and before the object of worship, God. Those who have participated in ordained parish leadership can offer first-hand testimony. Nothing may raise the ire of a congregation more quickly than a new minister who changes something (anything!) about the “order of service.”  Rituals matter. Judaism, one of the world’s oldest faiths, offers a full range of rituals. Some rituals are a rite of passage (more on that in the following assignment), while others are not. What easily distinguish a ritual from a rite of passage? This is an understanding that a rite of passage is one type of ritual.

For this week’s sacred space, we are looking for your own individual and unique creation of a ritual connected to that sacred space you are creating. How do you mark the transition from the “everyday” to the “sacred”? Rituals offer the opportunity to prepare one’s heart and soul to enter into sacred space, and some may choose to ring a bell, light a candle, etc. I can’t wait to see the ritual you’ll create! Ready, set…….go!

Now it’s your turn to look at the role of rituals and the faith of Judaism. READING ASSIGNMENT: O’Donnell, Kevin, Inside World Religions, pages 88-115. Part II – Research one of the following ritual practices: Brit Milah (Judaism), OR Exorcism (Christianity/Catholicism) OR Eucharist (Christianity/Catholicism), OR Last Rites (Catholicism).

Burke discusses three key models Weisbord

Burke discusses three key models Weisbord

Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2) and identifies questions for each box of the model; Nadler-Tushman (see figure 9.3); and Tichy’s TPC framework (see figure 9.4). Pick one model and explain how it would have applied to one of the cases mentioned in any of our readings.

Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2)

Firstly, Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2) and identifies questions for each box of the model; Nadler-Tushman (see figure 9.3); and Tichy’s TPC framework (see figure 9.4).

Secondly, Pick one model and explain how it would have applied to one of the cases mentioned in any of our readings.

Thirdly, Easier said than done?

Fourthly, What would you say would be the biggest challenge in implementing the Burke-Litman model in an organization?

Culture change

What might the Tichy’s TPC Framework or the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model have suggested to help with the culture change at British Airways?

The Performance and Change Model, develop in 1992 by two organisational change consultants. It is a tool in understanding an organisation’s component parts. Additionally,  How they relate to each other in a time of change. A common reason for a change initiative failing is all areas of the organisation affected by the change are not accounted for.  Therefore, using this model can reveal what areas of the business are affected. The model also demonstrates the hierarchy of factors within an organisation and hence the flow of influence from one factor to the next. The model is an example of ‘open systems theory’, which suggests change comes from external influences.


The authors describe the model as a mechanism that portrays “the primary variables that need to be considered in any attempt to predict and explain the total behaviour output of an organisation, the most important interactions between these variables, and how they affect change”. There are four groups of elements within an organisation; the external environment, transformational factors, transactional factors and performance. Each group then contains various elements of the organisation.

Silk princess painting analysis from the historical context

Silk princess painting analysis from the historical context

This is an assignment that focuses on the Silk princess painting analysis from the historical context. The paper also discusses the cultural significance of the artists.

The Silk princess painting analysis from the historical context

The Silk Princess Painting
Firstly, choose a topic from this site. History of the World in 100 Objects.You may choose a topic from this site and facilitate it with research. Describe the topic in detail; Provide some historical background on the topic and why you choose it, You may choose a historical figure or event or a work of art or artifact. However, if you choose to write about a work of art or artifact describe who were the artists and what style of art? Who is the target audience? What is the cultural significance? What did the student learn? Provide an argument either for or against the relevance of the art viewed ad the cultural significance. Put your topic or choice of artwork or artifact in its historical context.

Ci‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍te all sources. A work cited page is required with at least one scholarly source, excluding the textbook and Wikipedia. Scholarly internet sources are permitted like those found on Google Scholar. The body of the paper must contain at least one citation from scholarly source. Research Topic from the British Museum exhibit, History of the World in 100 Objects. https:// I choose The Silk Princess Painting from the history of the world website, but you may choose any historical figure, event or a work of art or artifact from the site provided that you believe would by easier than The Silk Princess Painting to write about‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Writing guidelines and requirements

Write the paper in APA writing guidelines. Include resources and sources. Ensure that all the sources used in this paper are in the proper APA formatting and citation guidelines.

Contract Drafting Project A legally enforceable promise

Contract Drafting Project A legally enforceable promise

This essay entails a response paper on Contract Drafting Project for a legally enforceable promise by the governing body of a firm. Contract Drafting Project is a briefing that happens in order to have a final copy of any assigned task and help in completion.

Contract Drafting Project A legally enforceable promise

Firstly, based on the facts given, draft a contract between your entity and the supplier you select. Post: (1) the contract and (2) a paragraph on why you chose that vendor to the Discussion Board, Contract Drafting Project, by the due date and time . In posting the contract, you will have the opportunity to take a look at the work of your fellow classmates.

Furthermore, the rafting Tips. A critical point to remember about a contract is that it is designed to be a legally enforceable promise. It must, therefore, clearly set forth the content of such promises as well as each parties’ respective rights and obligations. The parties may understand what is required of them and so that a judge.

Also, when dealing with a transactional contract, be sure to make obligations mutual, as appropriate. A contract should be as thorough and precise as reasonably possible because anticipating issues can help avoid them down the line. The language used to memorialize your agreement into a written contract should be simple and easily understandable. Shorts words and sentences are preferable to long words and sentences. Be sure to recognize the difference between mandatory language (shall, will, must) and permissive language.

Sample Language Preamble Identifies the name of the agreement, dates and party names. “Sales Representative Agreement” Recitals Explain why the parties are entering into the agreement. “WHEREAS, the Company wishes to enter into a contract with the Representative for the sale of its products.” Definitions Terms defined by the parties.

Section two: Analysis

Secondly, company means ABC Company. A Florida corporation.” Clauses Promises made to each party that contain the terms of the agreement. All commissions calculated in accordance with Paragraph 6.3, above, shall be payable to the Representative by the Company on the last day of the month.

Lastly, termination Provisions that govern how and when the contract ceases to be in effect. “This Agreement shall automatically renew for five (5) years unless the Representative or the Company gives notice of termination.

Africana Diasporic communities Culture identity commonalities

Africana Diasporic communities Culture identity commonalities

This essay entails a research paper on the Africana Diasporic communities and the difference they  have in Culture identity commonalities. Africana Diasporic communities explains the relationship between the different communities wih the same background and ethnicity.

Africana Diasporic communities Culture identity commonalities

Firstly, define Africana Culture and identify commonalities that bind Africana Diasporic communities. Readings 1. Furusa, M. (2006).

Furthermore, African Writers and the Art of Remembering Dismembered African communities in The Borders in All of Us: New I just need 5 lines to this reading.

Consecutively,  the next section. Institution of Slavery and the Resilience of African Culture Lectures will examine the institution of Slavery in the United States.

Moreover, course discussion will analyze the role slavery played in shaping the current racial, economic and social reality for people of African descent. Readings 3. Tillotson, M. (2011). The Misdirection of the Contemporary Black Church in Invisible Jim Crow: Contemporary Ideological Threats to the Internal Security of African Americans. Trenton , NJ: Africa World Press. 4. Williams, E. (1944).

Secondly, the Origin of Negro Slavery in Capitalism and Slavery. Chapel Hill, NC. The University of North Carolina Press. 3. Conrad – African Americans in the US Economy.

Also, The Critical Role of African Americans in the Development of the Pre-Civil War U.S.

Thirdly, introduce the topic 2. Identify the main points of the article. Develop your Thesis/Focus or Central Argument (Last sentence in the first paragraph) o Body Paragraphs.

However, Introduce major claims that support your thesis or central argument. Provide examples/illustrations that support your claim.

Lastly, discuss implications of your claim Conclusion. Summarize your major claims. Draw your final Conclusions o Review. Review your paper and verify that your central analysis answers the following question.

In conclusion, remember to proofread.

Finally, remember to properly cite all quotes and sources (MLA, APA, etc.) never forget your works cited page.

Academic paper review how to review scholarly article

Academic paper review how to review scholarly article

This essay entails a paper on the Academic paper review which includes the analysis on the arising methodological issues identification. Academic paper review gives a good view of what a student or a writer has had and helps us to get all the information from it.

Academic paper review arising methodological issues identification

Firstly, the writer needs to write 2 paper explain below.  Literature Review For this assignment, you are required to read and critically review a selection of academic literature on the business topic you plan to research in the next module. The aim is to develop a research question that can be addressed in Research Paper 2 with a research design based on an earlier study identified in this review. There are two elements to this submission

secondly, the literature review (3,000 words). Identification of the methodological issues arising from the literature review (500 words) Academic literature consists mainly of refereed journal articles. Your review should cover at least fifteen of these articles, most of which should be empirical studies. You may cite an academic textbook if it provides a good summary of the topic, but the majority of items in the review should be journal articles.

Also, ACADEMIC PAPER REVIEW For the final submission of this module. You are asked to review and evaluate the study you have chosen as a basis for the design of your own research in the module.  With this in mind, you should carefully choose a study that adopts a suitable approach. Also describes it in enough detail for you to follow. The methods used and adapt them as necessary for your research.

In conclusion, the aim is to help you develop the knowledge required to design a practical plan. Type your work. References less than five years old. use peer reviewed articles.

Decision making tools in the course Disney in Asia

Decision making tools in the course Disney in Asia

This paper focuses on case study: Disney in Asia. This week you were introduced to several decision making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video, make the following decisions relative to the case study: Disney in Asia.

Disney in Asia-several decision making tools in the course

This week you were introduced to several decision making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video, make the following decisions relative to the case study: Disney in Asia.

First, list all of the cultural challenges posed by Disney’s expansion into Asia. (Side of matrix.)

Next, list cultural variables that influenced these challenges. (Top of matrix.)

Decide on a score (1-5) for each of these challenges according to the relative importance of the factors. Multiply each of these scores by 2 to find the weighted scores for each option/factor combination.

The first section of your paper should be;

An explanation of this process and how you decided on each of the factors in the matrix.

Next, respond to the following questions:

How were the challenges you chose different than the challenges of Euro Disney?

What role does culture play in the location choice of Disney theme parks?

Why was the Disney Shanghai Park controversial? What were the risks and benefits of the project?

As a conclusion, reflect on your overall thoughts on this case.




This week we switch our focus from society culture to organizational culture, diversity, and decision making.

You will need to read chapters 6 and 7 in the text and the additional required articles and view the PowerPoint.

Topics this week include organizational culture in MNEs, managing multiculturalism and diversity, and using decision-making tools.

For our decision-making focus we explore several tools that are used in decision making. This include the Decision Matrix Analysis which you will use in your CT this week. We also touch on emotions and moods in decision-making.

Our CT this week has you “apply’ the Decision Matrix Analysis to the Disney in Asia case study.

This week you were introduced to several decision-making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video, make the following decisions relative to the case study: Disney in Asia.

First, list all of the cultural challenges posed by Disney’s expansion into Asia. (Side of matrix.)
Next, list cultural variables that influenced these challenges. (Top of matrix.)
Decide on a score (1-5) for each of these challenges according to the relative importance of the factors. Multiply each of these scores by 2 to find the weighted scores for each option/factor combination.


For your Paper:


The first section of your paper should be an explanation of this process and how you decided on each of the factors in the matrix.

Next, respond to the following questions:

How were the challenges you chose different than the challenges of Euro Disney?
What role does culture play in the location choice of Disney theme parks?
Why was the Disney Shanghai Park controversial? What were the risks and benefits of the project?
As a conclusion, reflect on your overall thoughts on this case.

As a reminder, you are to use APA headings that relate to the questions in the assignment. For this CT you could use:

Firstly, Introduction

Secondly, Explanation of the Process

Thirdly, Challenges different than those in Euro Disney

Fourthly, Role of Culture for Location

Further, Controversy at Disney Shanghai

Lastly, Conclusion

Alfred Hitchock Film style analysis in violence perspective

Alfred Hitchock Film style analysis in violence perspective

This is an assignment that discusses the Alfred Hitchock Film style analysis in violence perspective. The paper also characterizes the method for creating the film.

The Alfred Hitchock Film style analysis in violence perspective

Film style analysis
ALFRED HITCHCOCK ONCE WROTE, ‘terror is often accompanied by suspense in the unfolding of a thrilling narrative – or, to put it another way, a story which gives the reader a feeling of terror necessarily contains a certain measure of suspense.’ Known throughout the years as ‘the master of suspense’, Hitchcock kept viewers on the edge of their chairs with tales of mystery, murder, and mayhem. If mysteries begin with a crime, suspense films pull audiences along with the promise of a crime in the future. Sometimes it turns out that there’s no crime at all. However, its just a series of misunderstandings fueled by the director’s ability to conjure up atmosphere. This course has examined the historical, philosophical, cultural, and literary focus of the mystery story through an examination of Hitchcock’s films.

We have encountered stories of strange or frightening adventures, of tales of espionage, and of crime–with an emphasis on detection. This course has explored how the “Hitchcock” genre has functioned in our society to shape our ideas about what it means to be American men and women. Particularly in relation to social debates on the issue of violence. This genre has a long history, so it provides an apt yardstick to measure the changes in American values and self-definitions. Moreover, this genre self-consciously participates in its generic tradition by conforming to, and departing from, certain conventions and formulas. In a 10-15-page essay, analyze your understanding of “The Hitchcock Film” in light of the above assertions and the questions below.?

The Alfred Hitchock Film style analysis in violence perspective

How would you characterize Hitchcock’s method for creating “the suspense film”? ? How has Hitchcock commented on our cultural perspectives for violence? ? What is your definition of the suspense genre in film? ? How much of your definition relies on stereotypes? ? What role does the Hitchcock hero, and the roles he and/or she plays? Also, what do they have in establishing the formation of American values including our sense of justice, independence, and community. This is in the defining and re-defining of “masculinity” and “femininity,” in the evolution of cultural myths. Also, in the significance of those cultural myths?