Write a stance essay

Write a stance essay

For your next assignment, you will write a stance essay.   A stance essay takes a  position on a topic and argues  and supports that  position with evidence.

For your next assignment, you will write a stance   essay

For         your next       assignment,       you will        write     a              stance   essay.   A             stance   essay     takes                a              position                on           a              topic      and        argues  and        supports              that        position                with       evidence.

Consider              your       topic:
· What   possible               positions/arguments      are there?

· What   position                resonates            with       you?      (Which  position                do           you        believe is correct?)

· What   are         your       main points?

· What   are         the         counterpoints? Are         you        ready    to            dispute them?

· Do        you        have      enough evidence             to            effectively          support                your argument?

For         the         stance   essay,   your       personal              voice     (your     perspective)      should  come     through.                This        is             just        like         assignment         1,            except  you        should  maintain              a                formal   tone.For              this         essay,   you        will         need     to            support                your       points   with                credible                sources.               You’re   ready    to            take       a              position                on           the         topic                you        have      been     writing  about!

Important           note:     Stance  Essays   DO          incorporate        research              exclusively          from      the                WebText.            DO          NOT       use         outside sources.               If             you        have      written a                Stance  Essay     in            a              previous              course, please   reach     out         to            your       professor                to see   if             you        can         re-use   it.            You        are         not         permitted           to            use         ANY                paper    from      an           unrelated            current or            past       course.


You        are         required              to            use         your       WebText             to            draft      your       essay     in            the                templates!
Compose             a              three-four          (3-4)      page      paper    in            which    you        do           the         following:
1. Use   third      person  point     of            view      (POV)    and        the         appropriate        voice     and        tone                throughout         your paper.

a. Did     you        use         third      person  pronouns?          (he,        she,       they, their)
b. Does your       personality         carry      over       in            your       writing?                Are         your       word     choices                personal              and consistent?

c. Is        the         tone      formal? Does      it             express                your       attitude                about    the topic?
2. Write                an           introduction       paragraph,          which    includes               your       thesis    statement.         It                is             suggested           that        this         paragraph           contain 5-7          sentences.

a. Does your       introduction       include solutions              or            approaches        on           the topic?
b. Does your       thesis    statement           include three     supporting          reasons                that        clearly   express                your       stance   on           the topic?

c. Is        your       thesis    statement           clear      and concise?

d. Does your       introduction       provide a              preview               of            the         rest        of            your essay?
3. Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggested that  each      paragraph           contain at            least      5-7 sentences.

a. Do      your       body      paragraphs         support                each      point     of            your       thesis    with       relevant                examples            orstatistics?

b. Do     you        address                the         opinions               or            concerns              that        your       audience             might have?

c. Did you paraphrase, quote, or summarize properly to avoid plagiarism? Did you comment on each quotation? Do you        limit       quotes  to            no           more     than       25 words?

4. Write                with       logic       and        with       transitions           throughout         your paper?

a. Are    your       ideas     consistent           and        well-organized, i.e.,        chronological     order     or            order     of importance?

b. Do your ideas flow     from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next, in the order presented in                your thesis          statement?

5. Write                a              conclusion           paragraph.          It             is             suggested           that        this         paragraph                contain 5-7 sentences.

a. Did     you        paraphrase         or            restate the         thesis    in            a              new way?

b. Did you leave a lasting impression, so that your readers continue thinking about your topic after they have finished reading?

6. Apply                proper  grammar,            mechanics,         punctuation       and        SWS       formatting          throughout                your paper.

a. Did     you        check    your grammar?
i. The     way        words   are         put         together              to            make     units      of            meaning:             Sentence                structure,            pronoun-agreement,etc.

b. Did    you        check    your       essay     for mechanics?

i. All        the         “technical”          stuff      in            writing: Spelling,               capitalization,    use         of            numbers                and        other     symbols, etc.

c. Did     you        check    the punctuation?

i. The     “symbols”           used to            help people read/process     sentences           the         way        you        want                them     to be heard and understood: Periods,               question marks,  commas,                colons,  etc.

d. Did you format it according to            SWS       style?    (See       requirements below.)

Comparison of gender roles in Haiti and English-speaking Caribbean Island

Comparison of gender roles in Haiti and English-speaking Caribbean Island

This is a paper that requires the student to compare gender roles in Haiti and  English-speaking Caribbean Island. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Compare gender roles in Haiti and  English-speaking Caribbean Island

1. Compare gender roles in Haiti and either one English-speaking Caribbean island or one Spanish-speaking Caribbean island. (1000 words)

2. Compare colonial rule in two distinct Caribbean islands of your choice (1000 words) (I chose Jamaica and Haiti, by Sydney Mintz) see attached.

To compare means to evaluate the similarities and the differences between two entities –in this case, between two societies. Therefore, you must say, explain, and evidence why two different countries are different and/or similar on a specific topic (gender roles, and colonial rule).

For these two question, you will ONLY use the course material—that is, reading assignments (see attached).

For this essay, you will use all the reading assignments we have used in class as well as class discussions (see below).

No wikipedia.  Do not use other sources, especially not “Internet sources,” unless it comes from scholarly journals and scholarly books available through the Healey Library website –and still, the class assignments are enough for you to write this essay.

General guidelines:

Organization of your paper:
You paper will contain an introduction, at least three sections, and a conclusion.  You introduction should include the subject, your thesis and, importantly, the structure of your paper –that is, the introduction should clearly say how many sections and subsections the paper contains and what they discuss.

Write clearly.
Mention your sources for each quote or argument or idea you make a reference to (name of the author, title of the book, page number, either in footnote or in parenthesis in the text).  Quotes should not make more than 20% of the total length of your answer.
Support your answers with relevant arguments and also examples from class materials.
Demonstrate critical reading, critical thinking, synthesized thinking (as I explain in class).
Moral judgements (what is right, what is wrong) are no substitute for critical thinking.

Investment analysis assignment from investment selection

Investment analysis assignment from investment selection

This is a paper that is focusing on the investment analysis assignment from investment selection. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Investment analysis assignment from investment selection

Investment Analysis

Now that you have done the research and made a selection on the stock of a publicly traded U.S. corporation in your first assignment, in Week 4, it’s time to take a closer look at your choice with a detailed analysis. To complete this assignment, refer to the scenario from your first assignment, Investment Selection.

Note: Please include any financial statements or relevant financial information in an appendix after the “Sources” page in your paper. These links or additional documents are not included in the required page length.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:

Provide a detailed overview of the stock of the publicly traded U.S. corporation you selected in the assignment of Week 4. Provide the rationale for your selection and plans for a diversified portfolio.
Select five financial ratios, then analyze the past three years of financial data for the investment (please obtain data from the financial statements or the equivalent).
Analyze the price of the investment to stock market beta for the past five years.

Create a trend line that depicts the price movement for the investment against the market index movement using elements of Microsoft Office, such as Excel, Visio, MS Project, or one of their equivalents (such as Open Project, Dia, and OpenOffice), as appropriate.
Determine the type of investor who would be the best candidate for the chosen investment. (e.g., a risk-averse investor, an aggressive investor, a broker, and a dealer in the market). Provide a rationale for why this investment is a solid choice. Support your assertion that someone with the investor profile you outlined should invest in this stock.
Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.


Social structure and personality three principles

Social structure and personality three principles

This is a paper that is focusing on the review of the social structure and personality three principles. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Review of the social structure and personality three principles

Assignment 1: Q1
Review the three principles of the social structure and personality perspective. How do scholars from this perspective see society affecting interactions among individuals?
1)Firstly, response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)Secondly, there is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Thirdly, cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Fourthly, provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and a brief conclusion.
6) Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7) Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table..

Review of the social structure and personality three principles

Assignment 1: Q2
Review Karl Marx and how he analyzed society and conflict. Include in your analytic review the following items: conflict and history, capitalism and class conflict, capitalism and alienation, and revolution.
1)Firstly, response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)Secondly, there is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Thirdly, cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Fourthly, provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and also a brief conclusion.
6)Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7)Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table.

Assignment 2: Q2
Please provide an evidence based discussion (material from lecture and/or the textbooks) of the principles that scholar’s use to explain “socialization as a lifelong process” – e.g., its function, purpose, consequences for the person and people(s).

1)Response length is minimum of 750 words, however, top marks are awarded for professionally written, in-depth, comprehensive responses.
2)There is no penalty for responses that go beyond the minimum word mark.
3)Cite your sources – textbooks only – no online sources permitted.
4)Provide your response in the moodle field.
5)Ensure your response contains a brief introduction, the main body, and a brief conclusion.
6)Use each analytic item of your analysis as a heading in your response.
7)Grading rubric follows a correct-incorrect metric using the below table.

Information needs for AIS – Improper assumptions on AIS

Information needs for AIS – Improper assumptions on AIS

This is an assignment that is based on information needs for AIS and some of the improper assumptions related to AIS.

Information needs for AIS – improper assumptions on AIS

Firstly, you are to research the Internet for information related to improper assumptions concerning Accounting Information Systems (AIS).  Establish in detail what AIS components are and what contribution they bring to business. Then having this information in mind, write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you base on your research.

Secondly, assess how corporate leaders may make improper assumptions. This is to be related to accounting information systems and the related information. Additionally, indicate the most negative potential impacts on business operations related to these assumptions. Provide support for your rationale.

Thirdly, suggest three to four (3-4) ways in which organizational performance may be improved. This should be when information is properly managed within a business system. Provide support for your rationale.
Evaluate the level of system security (i.e., high, medium, low) needed to ensure information integrity within automated business systems. Provide support for your evaluation.
Lastly, ensure that you use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Art Creation and Reflection – A Sculpture Painting or Drawing

Art Creation and Reflection – A Sculpture Painting or Drawing

The following is an essay detailing an Art Creation & Reflection of either a Sculpture, Painting, or Drawing

Art Creation and Reflection –  A Sculpture, Painting, or Drawing

Firstly, create a painting, sculpture, drawing, or work of architecture inspired by your selected art piece.

Secondly, write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper: Introduction Inspiration Piece Include image. Record the title, artist, year, and place of origin.

Thirdly,  explain briefly the background of the inspiration piece. Your Art Piece Include image.

Lastly, provide a title. Explain the background of your piece. Connection Explain the thematic‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ connection between the two pieces. How are they similar and different? Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences? How do the formal elements of design compare to one another? Original Artwork Requirements Methods: paint, watercolor, pencil, crayon, marker, collage, clay, metal, or wood No computer-generated pieces. The essay should be at least two pages long and not including the chosen art itself. Also, the essay should be written using the APA guide and include necessary sources. Include at least 2 academic sources.

Learning Curve Calculator Tool for MS Excel

Learning Curve Calculator Tool for MS Excel

This is a paper that focuses on the Development of Learning Curve Calculator Tool for MS Excel. The paper will identify the steps involved in the development process.

Development of Learning Curve Calculator Tool for MS Excel

Firstly, ensure you have viewed: Learning Curve Calculator (Setting up Excel Spreadsheet for Cumulative Average Model, Formulas) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8mIkaCb38s).This video demonstrates how to setup a Cumulative Average Model calculator in Excel. Then, complete the tasks for this activity.

Secondly, this activity addresses the following Module Outcome:
·        Differentiate between alternative business processes utilizing the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, and various performance measures.(CO#1, CO#4)

Thirdly, view the Learning Curve Calculator video. This video demonstrates how to set up a Cumulative Average Model calculator in Excel. Then, complete the tasks for this activity.
1.     Create a Learning Curve Calculator similar to the one shown from the video Learning Curve Calculator.
2.     Create a graph of Unit Cost versus Unit Number (displaying Learning Rate) for an initial unit cost of $100 and a production run of 1,000 units. Learning rates should vary from 60% to 100% and should use increments of 5%. Also, ensure you label the x- and y-axis and provide a graph title. Lastly, the graph should be in its own worksheet. For help with moving the graph to a new sheet, go to How to Move a Chart onto a New Sheet in Excel.

3.     Using the same data from question 2 (above), graph the Cumulative Total Cost versus Unit Number. Then, select two learning rates (Option A and Option B). Answer the following questions:
a.     If each 5% increment of learning rate costs $1000, which option (A or B) would result in a low cost (Cumulative cost for 1,000 unit run added to the learning rate cost)?
b.     Does your answer change if your production run is 50 units and the learning rate cost is a one-time cost? Additionally, explain why or why not.
c.      Explain how you could use the PDCA cycle to reduce the Cumulative Total Cost. Also, what are the tradeoffs to reducing Cumulative Total Costs?

Randomization in Designs and random vs non-random selection

Randomization in Designs and random vs non-random selection

This is a paper that discusses to explore Randomization in Designs and random vs non-random selection. Additionally, the aim is to identify a new technology for student performance.

Explore Randomization in Designs and random vs non-random selection

This assignment has three parts.
The first part is a review of NCU dissertations to help you understand what is the expectation of you as you move into the dissertation phase of your work.

The second part is an elaboration on random vs. non-random selection. Also, the third part allows you to practice with setting up the research of your own.
Part 1 (2 points): For both of the NCU dissertations listed in the Resources for this week. Identify in one sentence each the problem, purpose, research questions, methodology and design used in the study. Finally, why the methodology and design selected are appropriate to answer the research questions presented.

Part 2 (2 points): In half a page, for both of the NCU dissertations listed in the Resources for this week, identify whether random sample selection was or was not used in the study. If it was a random sample, what made randomization possible? If it was not a random sample, what made randomization impossible?

Part 3 (6 points): Think of a problem that exists in an education-related area today that you might wish to address with future research. In one page, describe the problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses. De‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍termine and describe whether randomization could be used or not used in this situation. For example, perhaps you recently found out that high school juniors are scoring poorly on the science section of the ACT (the problem).


Your purpose could be to determine if a new teaching technique impacts student performance on the science portion of the ACT. Your research question could ask how the new teaching technique impacts students’ scores on the ACT. This is comparing to the standard teaching method. Your hypothesis may be that students taught with the new method score better on the ACT than those taught with the old method.

Use your own example of a study you might conduct rather than using this same example. Length: 2 pages, not including title page. References: No references required. Please have an Introduction and a Conclusion section for the submission. Lastly, using section headings in your paper (in BOLD) will help with the organization of your ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍submission.

Innovative retention strategy involving organizational leadership

Innovative retention strategy involving organizational leadership

This is an assignment that focuses on the innovative retention strategy involving organizational leadership. Also, it discusses the potential risks facing implementation of the strategy.

Innovative retention strategy involving organizational leadership

Organizational Leadership Scenario
Y‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ou have worked for Organization XYZ as the Human Resource Director since its inception 10 years ago. Over the last year, the organization’s sales department has experienced very high turnover. It was discovered that many of the sales associates started working for the organization’s competitor due to better benefits. The CEO recently asked you to develop and implement an innovative retention strategy.

This will be the first time that the organization has updated their HR practices. Your HR Department has not experienced high turnover and is comprised of senior employees (many who have been there since the organization was founded). Your HR team has expressed their discomfort with changing the current processes. They are afraid that the changes will impact a new culture within the HR Department. This fear of the unknown has your staff reluctant to embrace change.

For this assignment you will write a four page paper that covers the following:

Firstly, present detail information about an innovative retention strategy that the organization should implement that will be effective and employees will see as motivational.

Secondly, what type of leadership approach will you use to gain a buy-in within ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍your department? Explain your rationale.

Thirdly, mention the potential risks that you think will come with your strategy and effective methods to prevent them. Be clear and specific.


• Write a four page paper, not including the title and reference pages.

• Your paper must follow the proper citation and formatting according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. https://csuglobal.libguides.com/writingcenter/apa_resources. • Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate. • You must support your analysis with at least four references (at least two scholarly/peer reviewed), and can include resources from this course. • The CSU-Global Library https://csuglobal.libguides.com/?b=s is a good place to find these sources. You cannot use Wikipedia or any CSU-Global assignment.

Role the Buddha-life story shape his understanding of the world?

Role the Buddha-life story shape his understanding of the world?

Discuss the role the Buddha plays in Buddhism. How does his life story shape his understanding of the world?

Role the Buddha-life story shape his understanding of the world?

Firstly, Watch: “The Buddha”
Documentary – The Buddha – PBS Documentary (Narrated by Richard Gere) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc7_VyVXDLs&feature=emb_title)

Discuss the role the Buddha plays in Buddhism. How does his life story shape his understanding of the world?

Who Was the Buddha?

Secondly,  “Buddha” means “one who is awake.” The Buddha who lived 2,600 years ago was not a god. He was an ordinary person, named Siddhartha Gautama, whose profound insights inspired the world.

Buddha is not a name, but a title. It is a Sanskrit word that means “a person who is awake.” What a buddha is awake to is the true nature of reality.

Simply put, Buddhism teaches that we all live in a fog of illusions created by mistaken perceptions and “impurities” — hate, greed, ignorance. A buddha is one who is freed from the fog.

When a buddha dies he or she is not reborn.He passes into the peace of Nirvana, which is not a “heaven” but a transformation of state of existence.

Most of the time, when someone says the Buddha, it’s in reference to the historical person from foundation of Buddhism. This was a man originally named Siddhartha Gautama who lived in what is now northern India and Nepal about twenty-five centuries ago.

Is There a Buddhist Bible?

Not exactly. For one thing, the several schools and denominations of Buddhism do not all use the same canon of scriptures. A text esteemed by one school may be unknown in another.

Further, Buddhist scriptures are not into consideration to the revelation of words of a god that must be accept without question. The Buddha taught us to accept no teaching on authority alone, but to investigate it for ourselves.  The many sutras and other texts are there to guide us, not to indoctrinate us.