Criminal Justice Theory in Action – Riverbend City Scenario

Criminal Justice Theory in Action – Riverbend City Scenario

This is an essay discussing the Criminal Justice Theory in Action specifically the Riverbend City scenario. The essay explains mostly the policies and the police efforts in the issue regarding to domestic violence.

Criminal Justice Theory in Action – Riverbend City Scenario

Firstly, view the Riverbend City: Criminal Justice Theory in Action. Then write an academic paper in which you address the following: Respond to these questions regarding the Riverbend City scenario:

How did theory inform policy and policy in turn inform the administration of the Riverbend City police’s efforts on domestic violence? What were some of the positive and negative outcomes of the application of theory in the scenario? How might the three-year outcome of their efforts in turn affect new research and theory? How might unintended consequences cause a fresh round of evaluation of related policies? Identify and empirically evaluate one criminal justice theory related to the media scenario or to the issue of domestic violence. Select a theory that has the most empirical support.

Secondly, in evaluating your chosen theory, provide a general overview as well as a substantive identification and discussion of the body of empirical research that supports and argues against the theory. Then, discuss how your crimina‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍l justice theory might be applied in the story that unfolded in the scenario. How might the administration of police efforts and the outcome have differed? How might it be similar? Illustrate how your chosen theory informs research. Be sure to address the following critical elements, which align with the grading criteria.

Lastly, develop an overview of a criminal justice theory. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a criminal justice theory through empirical support from the literature. Articulate how a criminal justice theory is utilized to inform policy Show how a criminal justice theory informs research.

Writing requirements

Writing Requirements: Length: At least 8 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header. References: At least 3 peer-reviewed resources written within the last 5 years, formatted following APA guidelines. Formatting: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Font size and type: Times New Roman, 12 point‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍.

Compare and Contrast Two African Literatures portraying Africans

Compare and Contrast Two African Literatures portraying Africans

This is an essay that focuses to Compare and Contrast Two African Literatures that portray the Africans in their stories. The literature’s include Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

Compare and Contrast Two African Literatures

Firstly, Y‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ou must use TWO outside, scholarly sources in this essay. Please also use in-text citations and complete a works cited page, according to MLA guidelines.

Option Two: Use a sociological approach to compare Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart with Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. How do Achebe and Conrad portray Africans in their stories? Compare Achebe’s portrayal of colonialism to Conrad’s. What can the audience learn about the affects of colonialism from this sort of comparison? Please remember that the approach of this two african writers should be sociological while answering the questions.

Lastly, avoid any and all summary sites within your essay. This includes Sparknotes, Shmoop, Cliff’s Notes, and Wikipedia. Use MLA format and citations in this essay. Also, please write this essay using third person. Please note that the page containing the citatations and headings are not part of the page count in this assignment. Please use one-inch margins, do not add extra spaces between paragraphs, and use 12 font Times New Roman. Scholarly sources generally come from academic journals and have been examined by experts in the field for accuracy. Generally, you will find these in the APUS databases.

Make sure your essay has a clear introduction and thesis statement (topic plus point about that topic) at the bottom of your introduction. The thesis should be based on the readings in this course. Make sure your body paragraphs are focused on proving your thesis statement. Do not summarize the readings. Be sure that your thesis expresses an analytical thought and is not just a statement of simple fact or plot‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ summary

State of Florida Hurricane Matthew Preparedness and Response

State of Florida Hurricane Matthew Preparedness and Response

This is an assignment that discusses the State of Florida Hurricane Matthew Preparedness and Response. Additionally, the paper will feature several sources on the incident.

State of Florida Hurricane Matthew Preparedness and Response

F‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍or this unit’s assignment,

Firstly, you will prepare a case study on the preparedness and response efforts of the state of Florida to Hurricane Matthew. Then, review the updates from Governor Rick Scott of Florida and the Florida Division of Emergency Management listed below and write a case study that addresses, at a minimum, the following aspects of Florida’s efforts.

Secondly, discuss how the state of Florida government and the Florida Division of Emergency Management prepared and responded to Hurricane Matthew.

Thirdly, did the state of Florida government and Florida Division of Emergency Management achieve the roles and responsibilities outlined on pages 13–14 of the National Response Framework? Provide examples. Additionally, in your opinion, were the state preparedness and response efforts successful? Also, support your opinion with strong evidence.


Lastly, the links to references that will assist you in this assignment are provided below.

Florida Division of Emergency Management. (n.d.). Hurricane Matthew: Information updates concerning Hurricane Matthew. Retrieved from Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 4). Gov. Scott: Cat 4 Hurricane Matthew approaching Florida; stay alert to possible life saving evacuations [Press release]. Retrieved from‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍tedpdfs/10-04-2016-matthew-approaching-florida-stay-alert-to- possible-life-saving-evacuations.pdf Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 6).

Then, Hurricane Matthew preparedness and response efforts as storm impacts Florida [Press release]. Retrieved from preparedness-and-response-efforts.pdf Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 7). Gov. Scott issues updates on Hurricane Matthew preparedness and response efforts as storm continues to impact Florida [Press release]. Retrieved from preparedness-and-response-efforts-as-storm-continues-to-impact-florida-evening.pdf Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott. (2016, October 9).

Lastly, Hurricane Matthew response and recovery efforts [Press release]. Retrieved from 2016-update-on-matthew-response-and-recovery-efforts.pdf 
Your case study should present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. Additionally, it should be a minimum of three pages, not including the title and reference pages.

Subsequently, your case study and all sources used should be formatted in APA‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ style.

Juvenile case study on treatment and ethics on Kyle or Jessica

Juvenile case study on treatment and ethics on Kyle or Jessica

This is an assignment that discusses the juvenile case study on treatment and ethics. The case study that is to be focus on either Kyle or Jessica.

Juvenile case study on treatment and ethics

A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ssignment Instructions
For this assignment, review the Juvenile Case Studies – Treatment and Ethics media piece. Choose one of the case studies, either Kyle or Jessica, to use for your assignment. Describe acts of the case in your own words as needed to complete the paper. (Please do not copy and paste the case study into your paper). You may also want to review Table 2.2 Comparison of the Three Current Major Definitions of Mental Retardation on page 81 of your Introduction to Forensic Psychology text, which provides an overview of mental IQ.

Write a paper in which you respond to the following:

Applying relevant psychology principles and concepts, explain a course of action for treatment that may be recommend in court. For example, should the forensic psychologist recommend that the individual remain in jail and be charged as an adult, be adjudicated as a juvenile and receive inpatient treatment at a secure facility, or be adjudicated as a juvenile and receive outpatient treatment?

Explain how scholarly research findings support your thinking on the course of action for treatment recommended by the forensic psychologist. Consider the ethics of the case study in general, and consider the ethical concerns for the forensic psychologist in the case. Due to the age of the client, explain the ethical issues ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍faced by the forensic psychologist. Apply ethical principles and also standards to address the ethical concerns in the selected case study. Communicate clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.

Additionally, cite the source using author and year. Submission Requirements Written communication: Written communication is in professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


Support your recommendations with information from professional sources, including your textbook and the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Use a minimum of 4 sources (at least two professional and at least two scholarly). APA formatting: Resources and citations are done according to APA style and formatting. Length: 4–5 double-spaced, typed pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Refer to the Juvenile Case Studies – Treatment and Ethics Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assi‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍gnment

Evaluation Synthesis to a particular reading in antigone for ES

Evaluation Synthesis to a particular reading in antigone for ES

This is an essay that discusses the Evaluation/Synthesis to a particular reading in antigone for E/S. Another reading include a poem.

Evaluation/Synthesis to a particular reading in antigone for E/S

Firstly, Pick one of the assigned literary readings from the semester.  You must pick a different literary reading than the one you’ve chosen for the Critical Analysis; however, you may choose the same literary reading over which you’ll choose to do your Research Argumentation Paper.  You must choose a short story for E/S (Evaluation/Synthesis) 1, Antigone for E/S 2, and a poem for E/S 3.  You may ONLY choose Green readings from the Course Calendar.

ASSIGNMENT:  Write an Evaluation/Synthesis reader response to that particular literary reading.  Basically, identify your opinions on the reading and how you responded to it.  Then, evaluate those opinions and responses, discovering why you think what you think about the story by synthesizing those opinions and responses with the knowledge and experiences of your own life, discovering how your opinions on the work of literature have been shaped by your life experiences.  Think of these questions: What did the literary reading mean to you?  How did it make you feel?  How did your experiences shape the way you read the story?  Basically, you just need to write what, from the story, you most responded to, and what, in your life, made you respond that way.

Try to provide compelling thoughts about the themes and subject matter as well that show true insight.  Try to provide compelling thoughts about the themes and subject matter as well that show true insight.  (It’s like a heavily-expanded Discussion Post.)

In writting the essay, there are guidelines that are required. This include:

The essay should not be less than 750 words

It should be in APA format.

Proper references to be used in writing the essay

Ensure you follow the recommended APA formatting, and citation while in-citation.

Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module

Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module

This is an assignment that focuses on the Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module. The paper identifies 4 stressors and also creation of a plan.

Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module

Case Study:
Sgt. Eddie Johns leaned back against the chair in the outpatient orthopedic clinic. His head was killing him! He wasn’t sure which was worse, the “morning after” headache or not being able to sleep at night. At least when he had a few beers under his belt so he could catch a few hours of sleep. It had been like this since he was air evacuated back stateside from Afghanistan after the roadside bomb went off. He was thankful that he had only broken his leg in a couple of places and gotten a bad bump on the head. They called that traumatic brain injury but he didn’t know what that was and really didn’t believe them anyway. He was still thinking just fine.

His friend Joe wasn’t so lucky! How was Joe going to learn to walk on those artificial legs? He was still in the hospital in Washington, DC. That was pretty far from his home. Eddie wished he could visit Joe. They had been in the same platoon for 9 months. But, Eddie was glad that he had been able to come back to his own home town for outpatient treatment. It took an hour to get here but at least he could see his girl almost every day. Sure he had moved back in with his mom but it was easier to have someone to help him get around and cook for him. It was a bummer that he couldn’t work right now. He guessed it didn’t matter much since he really didn’t have a job to go back to. He had been replaced at the plant.

Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module

They said they would find something for him to do once he could get around more easily. Eddie sure hoped the doc would take the pins out of his leg today and give him a clearance to work.

Using the Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Module based on the above case study answer the following in an outline format with headings and subheadings paragraphs. Include at least 3 or more references in addition to the textbook and chapters provided.How would the use of the Roy Adaptation Model assist the nurse in planning the continuation of care for Sgt. Johns? (Think about the Model related to John’s situation)
Describe the influence of Roy’s Theory in guiding the nurse’s actions in promoting Sgt. Johns adjusted self-concept. (His self-concept will have to change: How does Roy’s Theory assist in this process?)

From the perspective of the Roy Adaptation Model, why is it important for the nurse to listen to Sgt. Johns’ “story” in his own words and not just base her interactions on information from the chart, fellow colleagues, or his family? (Why is his story important to listen to?)
Based on the Neuman System’s Model:

First identify at least 4 stressors from the case study.
Create a plan of care for the stressors based on Neuman System’s Model for Sgt. Johns.

Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique

Reviewing and critiquing a scholarly article of your field of study article critique

This is an assignment that focuses on the rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study. The paper also discusses the steps involved in the study.

Rewriting or translating a scholarly article of your field of study


For this assignment, you will rewrite (“translate”) a scholarly article from your field of study into an online news article for a public audience. There are three parts to this assignment. Locate, read, and analyze a recently published scholarly article in your academic discipline that addresses a topic of interest to you and the general public. (Recently means within the last ten years.).  “Translate” (rewrite) the article in a new genre appropriate to a public audience.. Write a reflective analysis about the choices you made as you wrote your translation.


After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

Firstly, analyze the rhetorical features of scholarly writing in your discipline and public writing.

Secondly, identify the conventions of various genres of scholarly, professional, and public writing.

Thirdly, write with an awareness of how the rhetorical situation and rhetorical context influence the structure, language, and reference conventions (SLRs) writers use to achieve their purpose in writing to specific audiences. This assignment counts for 20% of your final grade. The final project should range from 1,000 to 1,500 words (including the Reflective Analysis).


STEP ONE: IDENTIFYING YOUR NEW AUDIENCE AND GENRE After you choose your article, read it carefully so that you understand what it conveys. Next, identify a new audience and genre for your translation of the article. The objective is to shift the audience from an academic one to a public one. 2 Discipline Project Assignment – Spring 2020 For your genre, you should write an online news article, such as one that might appear on mainstream or local news sites like,,, or Notice that once you change audiences, the form in which you report will need to shift as well.


Additionally, closely analyze an example or two of the kind of genre you’re attempting to create and consider how those genre examples fulfill the expectations of the tar‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍get audience. Your project will be assessed according to its ability to reproduce those genre expectations, so you will need to explain, in detail, the rhetorical changes and other choices you had to make in the construction of your piece. Be sure that you’re able to explain the rhetorical choices you make in writing your translation. Consider all four elements of the rhetorical context: author, audience, topic, and purpose.

STEP THREE: CONSTRUCTING THE GENRE The genre you’re producing could take any number of forms. As such, the form structure and development of your ideas are contingent on the genre of public reporting you’re attempting to construct. Try to mirror how the genre would appear in a real situation. Feel free to use photos, graphs, or other visual images, as these usually appear in online news articles.

Innovation Project Video Proposal signature assignment

Innovation Project Video Proposal signature assignment

This is an assignment that discusses the unit DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal –Signature Assignment CLO. The aim of the paper is to identify problems in innovation.

DNPU-702 Innovation Project Video Proposal – Signature Assignment CLO

This assignment submission is in the form of a video proposal and must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length. Additionally, the assignment submission will be by posting a link to a web site hosting your video. . Innovation projects for this course must focus on leveraging emerging mobile information technologies to enhance evidence based practice. The video proposal must answer the following five questions:


1. Firstly, what problem will the innovation project solve? Describe what the problem is, where the problem occurs, who is affected by the problem, and what would be different if the problem were solved.

2. Secondly, what is known about this problem? Discuss the significance of the problem, including statistics about the health, social, ethical, and financial costs of the problem. Describe the background of the problem. Consequently, discuss what has been written in the professional literature about the problem. Describe other solutions that have been tried in the past. Describe why they were ineffective.

3. Thirdly, with whom did you collaborate when working on your proposal? Innovation requires collaborating with a diverse group of people who have many different perspectives on the problem. Also, describe with whom you talked about the project. Then, describe why you chose them. Describe what help they offered. Describe how you used or why you did not use their help.

4. What “mobile app” did you propose to use to solve the problem? Describe the application you chose and how it addresses the problem. Additionally, your description should demonstrate that you have become knowledgeable of the technology related the problem as well as solutions.

5. Lastly, why is your proposed solution innovative? Describe the innovative features of your project. Also, demonstrate your knowledge of the principles of innovation discussed in your textbooks, course readings, and the literature that you collected.

Rituals and person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals and person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals are part of every person’s life from birth through dying. You need not be a person of “faith” (religion, belief) to lead a life that is given shape and form by everyday rituals.

Rituals are part of every person’s life from birth through dying

Rituals Rituals are part of every person’s life, from birth through dying. You need not be a person of “faith” (religion, belief) to lead a life that is given shape and form by everyday rituals.  Again, we turn to our dictionary to learn where the term came from, and what we find is that the English word ritual comes to us from the Latin rituals, which means rite. More about “rite” (as in “rites of passage”) will follow in our next assignment! Rituals connected with religion include the following: – lighting candles – sprinkling incense – standing or kneeling at certain, specified points in worship – holding hands – “Kiss of peace” (moment of greeting one another) – offering/collection – communion (sharing in eating or drinking “sacred” wafers, wine, etc.)

Where rituals are practised

Not all churches, temples or mosques practice all of these rituals at all times. But,  even the least orthodox faiths punctuate their communal worship with these activities. Individually, we tend to feel drawn to some of these types of practices. It may feel that others are not relevant, essential or useful. Okay, I hear those of you who have made it abundantly clear that you are NOT religious saying, “this doesn’t apply to me!” Church rituals may not apply to some of you, but our individual lives do have their own unique rituals.

Rituals give us security, predictability and allow us to operate on “automatic”. The more important things can claim the majority of our attention. Are any of the following rituals part of your life? Drinking coffee (or Mountain Dew!) to start the day. Listening to a certain radio or TV station while getting ready for work or school. Sitting in a certain place for meals. Kicking off our shoes, clicking on the TV or computer when we come through the door at the end of the day.  Hugs/kisses/”I love you’s” for our loved ones in the AM or at bedtime or when we go our separate ways. Without rituals, we would have to re-think how to organize our days, each and every day. Rituals make it easy for us to do what we need to do.

In places of worship

In churches, mosques, temples and other places of worship, rituals make it possible to break through the individual isolation of participants (who cross gender, economic, age, vocational, marital lines). To develop a sense of community, a feeling of one-ness within the faith and before the object of worship, God. Those who have participated in ordained parish leadership can offer first-hand testimony. Nothing may raise the ire of a congregation more quickly than a new minister who changes something (anything!) about the “order of service.”  Rituals matter. Judaism, one of the world’s oldest faiths, offers a full range of rituals. Some rituals are a rite of passage (more on that in the following assignment), while others are not. What easily distinguish a ritual from a rite of passage? This is an understanding that a rite of passage is one type of ritual.

For this week’s sacred space, we are looking for your own individual and unique creation of a ritual connected to that sacred space you are creating. How do you mark the transition from the “everyday” to the “sacred”? Rituals offer the opportunity to prepare one’s heart and soul to enter into sacred space, and some may choose to ring a bell, light a candle, etc. I can’t wait to see the ritual you’ll create! Ready, set…….go!

Now it’s your turn to look at the role of rituals and the faith of Judaism. READING ASSIGNMENT: O’Donnell, Kevin, Inside World Religions, pages 88-115. Part II – Research one of the following ritual practices: Brit Milah (Judaism), OR Exorcism (Christianity/Catholicism) OR Eucharist (Christianity/Catholicism), OR Last Rites (Catholicism).

Burke discusses three key models Weisbord

Burke discusses three key models Weisbord

Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2) and identifies questions for each box of the model; Nadler-Tushman (see figure 9.3); and Tichy’s TPC framework (see figure 9.4). Pick one model and explain how it would have applied to one of the cases mentioned in any of our readings.

Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2)

Firstly, Burke discusses three key models: Weisbord (see figure 9.2) and identifies questions for each box of the model; Nadler-Tushman (see figure 9.3); and Tichy’s TPC framework (see figure 9.4).

Secondly, Pick one model and explain how it would have applied to one of the cases mentioned in any of our readings.

Thirdly, Easier said than done?

Fourthly, What would you say would be the biggest challenge in implementing the Burke-Litman model in an organization?

Culture change

What might the Tichy’s TPC Framework or the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model have suggested to help with the culture change at British Airways?

The Performance and Change Model, develop in 1992 by two organisational change consultants. It is a tool in understanding an organisation’s component parts. Additionally,  How they relate to each other in a time of change. A common reason for a change initiative failing is all areas of the organisation affected by the change are not accounted for.  Therefore, using this model can reveal what areas of the business are affected. The model also demonstrates the hierarchy of factors within an organisation and hence the flow of influence from one factor to the next. The model is an example of ‘open systems theory’, which suggests change comes from external influences.


The authors describe the model as a mechanism that portrays “the primary variables that need to be considered in any attempt to predict and explain the total behaviour output of an organisation, the most important interactions between these variables, and how they affect change”. There are four groups of elements within an organisation; the external environment, transformational factors, transactional factors and performance. Each group then contains various elements of the organisation.