Reflection paper on Worse than slavery- Link to book

Reflection paper on Worse than slavery- Link to book

Write a reflection paper on Worse than slavery. Link to book-
Reflect upon what was learn ed and provide thoughts and opinions on the information in the book.

reflection paper on Worse than slavery- Link to book

Write ONE 25-point reflection paper on Worse than slavery. Link to book.

Reflect upon what was learn ed and provide thoughts and opinions on the information in the book.

A reflection paper is not a regurgitation of information present in the book.

Do not provide a review of the book’s content. Rather, provide your own thoughts, opinions, and unique insight from the information learned in the reading—in short, your reaction to the information.

More on Worse than slavery

In this sensitively told tale of suffering, brutality, and inhumanity, Worse Than Slavery is an epic history of race and punishment in the deepest South from emancipation to the civil rights era—and beyond.

Immortalized in blues songs and movies like Cool Hand Luke and The Defiant Ones, Mississippi’s infamous Parchman State Penitentiary was, in the pre-civil rights south, synonymous with cruelty. Now, noted historian David Oshinsky gives us the true story of the notorious prison. He draws on police records, prison documents, folklore, blues songs, and oral history. From the days of cotton-field chain gangs to the 1960s, when Parchman was used to break the wills of civil rights workers who journeyed south on Freedom Rides.

Authors are not always well serve by the publicity releases their publishers send out. The Free Press acclaims ” ‘Worse Than Slavery’ ” as ”a window into a shocking and neglected century of despair. A forgotten era in black history.” The story of despair may indeed be shocking to many readers, but it has been neither neglected by historians nor forgotten by African-Americans, whose music, art and folklore have preserved it in all its depressing but vital diversity.



Transcript Transcription conventions approaches to language analysis

Transcript Transcription conventions approaches to language analysis

This essay entails a paper on the Transcript Transcription conventions and the different approaches to language analysis. Transcript Transcription conventions helps in the management and transfer of different forms of speech to different groups of people.

Transcript Transcription conventions approaches to language analysis

Firstly, Description Drawing on the range of frameworks/approaches to language analysis that you have come across in Section 3 of the module materials. Demonstrate how close analysis of language can provide evidence for your answer. Include in your discussion a reflection on why you have chosen particular approaches to language analysis. Why they are appropriate for this task, and how they complement each other.

Also, the limitations of the data you have drawn on, and what additional information or types of data you might have used to do a more in-depth analysis. A brief discussion of the roles and positions constructed for the elderly patient by the doctor and the patient’s daughter as evidenced in the transcript.

Furthermore the background to the interaction Doctor E: (professor), male in his sixties Patient: female, aged 75 Third-party: patient’s daughter. The patient has been describing pins and needles in her leg when she tries to walk.

The transcript begins about five minutes into the consultation, during which the daughter has said very little, while the doctor and patient discuss symptoms and medication another doctor has prescribed so far. Transcript Transcription conventions used in this extract are: (.) un-timed short pause (1.0) pause timed in seconds (quietly) informal commentary on style or context of following utterance(s) ? indicates question function.

Section 2

Secondly, line numbers indicate speaking turns in a particular extract The task requires you to analyse the data provided, using at least one (or maximum two) of the frameworks/approaches that you have encountered in Section 3 of the module.

These include: ethnography (Unit 13) politeness theory (Unit 14). Intercultural pragmatics (Unit 15) systemic functional linguistics (Unit 16, Unit 17) genre analysis (Unit 18). The terms framework and approach are used interchangeably here as you may come across both in your reading while preparing for this TMA. The aim of your analysis is to explain what is going in the interaction. Make sense of some assumptions about the elderly, highlighted by the transcript.

Snowpiercer movie – write down how it makes you feel

Snowpiercer movie – write down how it makes you feel

This paper is focused on snowpiercer movie. While watching your movie, write down how it makes you feel. Take notes throughout. Pause and rewind if necessary. Write down places of key dialogue that struck you as moving or provoking.

Snowpiercer movie-write down how it makes you feel

While watching your movie, write down how it makes you feel. Take notes throughout. Pause and rewind if necessary. Write down places of key dialogue that struck you as moving or provoking. Write about if it confused you (and how). And if necessary, watch the movie again! And if you don’t like the movie, don’t forget that you can watch another option on the list! That’s why I included more than one movie.

Part I – The Magic of the Movie
1. Describe (briefly) the plot of your movie .

Secondly, What’s the setting?

Thirdly, Who are the main characters?

Fourthly, What was the challenge and how was it resolved? Don’t tell me every single detail! Just the main points.

2. Describe the magic of your movie .

Secondly, How did the film immerse you in its world?

Thirdly, Did it sustain your belief in the world and reality it created?

3. How would you describe the form, content, and style of your movie? Were any obvious techniques used (use of colours, camera, sound, patterns) to create the look and feel of your movie? What made the movie you watched unique?

Part II – What’s the Movie Really About? 

1. What was the explicit meaning of your movie?

Secondly, Meaning, what did it communicate directly?

Thirdly, This would be the surface level meaning of the film. (Note: this should be brief)

2. What was the implicit meaning of your movie?

Secondly, That is, what theme (or themes) did it express? At a deeper level (beyond what you can see) what is the film trying to tell you about human relationships, emotions, challenges and mistakes, hope, redemption, etc.

3. Finally, tell me about the interpretative meaning of the film.

Secondly, What values did it convey about life, the human condition, and even failure?

Thirdly, How did it portray faith and the power of belief? Did your movie inspire you, give you hope, or caused you to re-evaluate something about your life?

4. What message did the movie “preach”?

Secondly, How did the movie present ethical, moral, relational, social, or faith/trust issues?

Also, Did the movie align with your own views on religion and faith (negative or positive)? Who or what do the characters put the trust in? -Each other? No one? God? Nothing?

Discussion question:

Firstly, What movie did you watch? – should be obvious

Secondly, What did you like about your movie? What did you dislike? – Again, shouldn’t be too hard

Thirdly, How did the movie move you, caused you to think, confused or shocked you? – be honest

Lastly, What message did your movie “preached”? Does the movie promote values that confirm or contrast with religious ones? Explain.


Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

This essay entails a ressearch paper in the Digital marketing plan of the Exeter City Football Club. Digital marketing plan ensures  a good and followed up processing of things in the firm managemnt to ensure it stands.

Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

Firstly, the assignment concerns a digital marketing plan for the Exeter City Football Club. It is an assignment that requires a practical and applied approach. This assignment aims to mirror the approach taken when marketing agencies and consultancies are responding to a client brief. The sales manager and digital marketing expert of ECFC presents. He gives material consists of a survey and site and social medias analysis.

Secondly, having received the brief from case study, the task is to follow the realistic process of researching, pitching and then developing a detailed plan to meet client’s specified objectives.  Sample content social media¸ Strategy pitch The first: analysis of the situation. has already been done and is not part of the job that is required in this order.

Thirdly, digital plan is requires to design a strategic digitally-focus marketing plan to meet the clients’ brief. This task is testing your ability to produce a focused, relevant and well-constructed marketing plan proposal. This is where you will lay out your proposal in detail, utilizing the SOSTAC framework as your structure. Structure & indicative content Introduction: Brief introduction to outline what this submission will include SWOT analysis, or similar, summarizing the initial findings of Part 1 is also recommended Objectives Interpret the customer requirements to develop clear SMART marketing objectives 

Lastly, strategy Consideration of strategic issues including segmentation, targeting and positioning, and organisational priorities (organisational fit). Tactics Outline of proposed marketing activities addressing the full marketing mix. Customer experience Actions Detailed plan with costs and timings demonstrating an understanding of integrated marketing and project planning principles.

Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

This essay entails a paper on the The Ancient Greek world whivh reflects to history of Games and sports that started long time ago. Ancient Greek world is described as the craddle of games and the first olympics were held here. It plays a huge role in the improvements of the technology that is used in sports.

The Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

Firstly, answer any TWO of the following three essay questions. Type your answers  in 12 point font, double spaced, with one inch margins, APA reference style, include page numbers. Submit as a Word document via the Turn-it-in link on our course page on TITANium.

Secondly, write a minimum of 2 pages for each answer. Be sure to use (and directly reference) the chapter readings we have covered in class as a foundation for your arguments. Sport in the Ancient World. Baron Pierre de Coubertin asserted that the modern Olympic Games were a festival of peace and should be free of politics and government interference. He claimed this tradition dated back to the ancient world.

Also, a synopsis would be that ancient greek games grew out of religious festivals hence why Olympia and Delphi are important religious sites in their own right as well as important sporting sites (especially Delphi).

Eventually, Elites from all over the Hellenic world would gather at these religious festivals.

Thirdly, using examples and evidence, argue whether you agree or disagree with Coubertin’s position on sport in ancient society. Did sport and politics ever collide in the ancient Greek world? The ancient Games were clearly a demonstration of athletic excellence. But who were the athletes, how did they qualify, and what did they win (material and immaterial)? Answer this question using evidence and examples.

Lastly, it is impossible to deny that sport in the ancient world celebrated and reinforced the practice of religion. Based upon your research and writing, explain the connection between the ancient Olympic Games and ancient Greek religious rites and rituals. I will give whoever writes this paper the textbook in pdf form.

Thesis statement character from a novel film

Thesis statement character from a novel film

This is an assignment that focuses on an explanation of a character from a novel film and thesis statement. The paper also explains a sample thesis statement.

An explanation of a character from a novel film and thesis statement


Welcome to the first essay assignment in the course! Most of the essay assignments in this course are around a thesis statement. Which you may remember from the lesson is a personal, debatable claim that should appear in a single statement at the end of your introduction paragraph (please underline them). Then, each of your body paragraphs is to serve as support in proving your thesis. Let’s get started! Topic and Structure: Character Evolution – Explain how a character from a novel, film, television show, or another medium of your choice evolves—either good or bad—from the beginning to the end of the story.

Your introduction will provide a brief synopsis of the story and then smoothly transition into the last sentence of your introduction. Next, you will develop at least three body paragraphs, each dedicated to one example (such as a scene) in your chosen medium that serves as support for your thesis claim.

Finally, you will compile a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your findings. Creating the thesis statement: Is your argument focused and meaningful in a way that it also offers a clear-cut, but debatable point of view. Which a reader might either agree or disagree with? Avoid claims that are too obvious to the readers—offer them a new idea! Remember, a thesis also serves as a map for your essay. It providing a promise of subtopics you will discuss in your body paragraphs in the order in which they appear in your essay.


Sample thesis statement: In The Midnight’s Shadow, Charles Bellingham begins as a lonely, self-loathing candle maker. However, after he meets Miss Charmaine, begins working for the king. Also, it takes an understudy, he transforms into a confident man who sees the townspeople and the kingdom as a friendly. Developing the body paragraphs: The way you present your supporting evidence is just as important as the evidence itself. When you create a body paragraph with the goal of supporting a claim in your thesis. You want to include a balance of research and/or examples with original material.

In other words, original material refers to discussions you develop that help explain the connection between your research. Examples and your thesis claim. You don’t want to assume that your research and/or examples are enough to prove your thesis. You want to inform your reader how and why cited material serves the purpose you intend.


Argumentative essay analyse a text either written or spoken in order to analyze

Argumentative essay analyse a text either written or spoken in order to analyze

Analyse a text (either written or spoken) in order to analyze how the particular components of a specific argument work together to persuade or move an audience.

Analyse a text (either written or spoken) in order to analyze

Firstly, Analyse a text (either written or spoken) in order to analyze how the particular components of a specific argument work together to persuade or move an audience. Your goal in the analysis is to demonstrate how the various aspects of the text work together to achieve the writer’s goal. Also, to achieve that goal you will need to consider the rhetorical situation, the author, the audience, and the use of rhetorical strategies in the text. Our main objective in this essay will be to describe and evaluate an author’s success, or lack thereof, at using rhetorical appeals, making claims and using facts and reason.

More details;

The basic components of an argument are its claim, supporting points, and evidence.

Firstly, Claim: Your claim states the primary argument you are making in your essay. …

Secondly, Supporting Points: Your supporting points offer reasons why the audience should accept your claim. …

Thirdly, Evidence: Evidence backs up your supporting points.

What are the 5 parts of an argument?

Most written arguments that you fashion in your Davidson courses will include five parts:
  1. a claim,
  2. reasons in support of that claim,
  3. evidence your which those reasons rest,
  4. assumptions and core values upon which your claims and reasons hold true,
  5. acknowledgment of alternative claims that have been or may be made.
What is the structure of an argument?
Arguments are the basis of persuasive communication. They are combinations of statements made that are intended to change the minds of other people. All arguments have structure, which can be either deliberately design  through analysis. At its simplest, an argument has premises and a conclusion.

Analysis and discussion of diversity in your class

Analysis and discussion of diversity in your class

This is an assignment that discusses the analysis and discussion of diversity in your class.  The assignment also aims to identify the impact of the teachings.

The analysis and discussion of diversity in your class

Analysis and discussion of diversity

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he purpose of this assignment is to get you to think about aspects of diversity in more detail in relation to the learners you teach. You are not asked to come up with ‘solutions’ to any of the challenges or aspects that you discuss. As this is a discussion of your learners, your class and context, a wide review of the literature is not expected. However, it is likely that you will find it helpful to draw on a small number of sources as relevant to the aspect you are discussing.
Task one: Background (150 words) Provide an overview of: Your teaching and school context The course purpose, and approach, e.g. a topic based approach to language learning for an adult evening class of migrant women etc.

Task two: Analysis and discussion of diversity (1100 words) Ability to self-manage/be an independent learner Age Cultural background and understanding Digital literacy Ethnic background Gender Learning styles Motivation for language learning Personal interests Prior learning experience (formal and/or informal) Religion Proficiency levels Special needs Type of English language learner (additional language, second or foreign, language, no background) Other (please detail)

Referring to the above features. Provide an overview of the types of diversity that you typically find in your class. Also, how they impact on your teaching and planning. You are likely to find that some are more relevant for your teaching context than others. In this case, spend more time discussing the ones that are most relevant.

You do not need to discuss all aspects but please state clearly which aspects you are covering/not covering and why. Spend some time considering the above aspects as you may find that there is more diversity among the students.

Differences in men and women as both victims and offenders

Differences in men and women as both victims and offenders

Explain the differences in men and women as both victims and offenders in terms of deviance and crime. Are the rates of victimization and crime different? What factors lead to those gender differences? How does gender affect treatment in the criminal justice system?

Explain the differences in men and women as both victims and offenders

1. Explain the differences in men and women as both victims and offenders in terms of deviance and crime. Are the rates of victimization and crime different? What factors lead to those gender differences? Also, How does gender affect treatment in the criminal justice system?
2. Analyze the claim that there are gender differences in academic performance. Furthermore, What factors lead to this gender gap in education? Besides, What are the short-term and long-term effects of the gap?

Lastly, Provide an example of how teacher expectations can impact academic achievement.

Firstly, What is the relationship between gender and crime?

Males were more likely to be murder victims (76.8%). Females were most likely to be victims of domestic homicides (63.7%) and sex-related homicides (81.7%) Males were most likely to be victims of drug-related (90.5%) and gang-related homicides (94.6%).
What is a gendered crime?
A gender crime is a hate crime commit against a specific gender. Specific gender crimes may include some instances of rape, genital mutilation, forced prostitution, and forced pregnancy. Further, gender crimes are commit during arm ed conflict or during times of political upheaval or instability.
Who is most likely to commit a crime?
Gender and biology Males commit more crime overall and more violent crime than females. They commit more property crime except shoplifting, which is about equally distributed between the genders. Moreover, Males appear to be more likely to re-offend.
What is considered a property crime?
Property crime is a category of crime, usually involving private property, that includes, among other crimes, burglary, larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism. When property is destroy, it could be called arson or vandalism.

Final on Project on Community Assessment

Final on Project on Community Assessment

This is an assignment that focuses on NURS 303 Final on Project Community Assessment. The paper also focuses on the impact health issues and assessment.

NURS 303 Final on Project Community Assessment

NURS 303 Final Project: Community Assessment
(Please write about Asian Chinese Community in Bensonhurst Brooklyn, New York) go to Bensonhurst It will give you some background information.
research and conduct and a Community Assessment and identify issues that impact health

Purpose: For community health/ public health nurse to develop the skills needed to conduct a community assessment and plan appropriate interventions. The nurse will
Firstly, develop  a working knowledge of a selected community
Secondly, identify the key needs and problems facing the community members
Thirdly, identify the strengths and resources of the community
Then, develop realistic interventions to improve the health of the community and its people
Lastly, utilize the standards outlined in Healthy People 2020.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
Utilize a community assessment and identify indicators of health
Identify nursing and health-related research data in community health nursing practice
Evaluate the health status of populations, determinants of health and risk factors impacting health promotion, maintenance and delivery of health services
Conceptualize a program or intervention to address the health needs of a community

This multi-step final assignment will seek to develop and build on your skills in the following ways: Students will
Firstly, implement an in-depth assessment of a community. (Windshield assessment/ literature search)
Secondly, identify your clients’ health problem or issue in a selected community (vital statistics)
Thirdly, analyze what factors contribute to the cause of the problem (risk factors, determinants of health)
Then, synthesize collected data to propose a project that will offer interventions to improve the health of your selected community (intervention project proposal)

Your assignment will be capture:

a.      assessment of the community
b.      identification of the issue or problem that needs to be addressed