Underground Railroad book by Colson Whitehead analysis
Underground Railroad book by Colson Whitehead analysis
This is a paper that focuses on the Underground Railroad book by Colson Whitehead analysis. The paper focuses on the freedom perspective of the book.
The Underground Railroad book by Colson Whitehead analysis
Freedom Overview:
For this paper, you will close read one of the novels through the lens of one of the keywords and write an argument explicating your analysis of that text. In this assignment, you will develop familiarity with the keyword, practice positing interpretations of a text through close reading, and also employ rhetorical argumentation. Keyword: Freedom Task: Firstly, you will choose a keyword and close read the presence of the keyword in one or two scenes from one of the novels discussed thus far. You should provide a fully explicated and detailed examination of the literary and rhetorical devices that illustrate the keyword. However, the goal of this paper is not just to point out evidence of the keyword but to develop an interpretation as to how consideration of the keyword provides better understanding for the novel.
Secondly, consider how the keyword exposes aspects of the text that would not otherwise be obvious. Your thesis should make a central claim of the text’s relationship to the keyword. This paper does not require outside research, though you may cite from the articles discussed in class and/or a dictionary definition with proper documentation. You should also have an MLA works cited entry for your novel and any secondary sources on a new page after the end of your essay. In-text citations from the novel should include just the page number; if you are using an electronic copy without page numbers, include just the chapter number or name as (Ch #).
Thirdly, you should cite directly from the novel when discussing particular elements of the text, but do not use block quotes. Paraphrase or summarize larger points. Process: Choose a keyword from the novel of your choice. Annotate your novel in relation to the keyword. Posit an interpretation of the text based on your observations. Propose a thesis statement. Outline, concept map, or generally organize your preliminary points of argumentation.
Thirdly, propose topic sentences that connect observations to argument. Then, develop paragraphs offering evidence and analysis for argument, including implications for reading the text in this way. Revise thesis statement and topic sentences to reflect conclusions reached by analysis. Write introduction framing context of the text/keyword relationship and conclusion defining the text’s greater significance in current cultural contexts. Lastly, revise for grammar and clarity. 800 words minimum. Double-spaced. 1 inch margins. 12 pt Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font. Do not include a header with your name, class, etc. Additionally, do include a title that reflects something about your argument.