Emerging Trends in Correctional Facilities
Emerging Trends in Correctional Facilities
This assignment is about “trends” occurring in the correctional field. Analyze their impact on current and future policies, practices and programs within the industry.
“trends” occurring in the correctional field-impact on current and future policies
Firstly, this is a written assignment designed to construct a greater understanding and appreciation of “trends” occurring in the correctional field. Analyze their impact on current and future policies, practices and programs within the industry.
Secondly, Students in this course are to identify three (3) emerging trends in corrections.
Write an 8 – 10 page paper on the three trends identified utilizing the APA 6th Edition format guide.
In this paper, you should thoroughly research the trends you have selected and supply the reader with an enough background on the “trends” and their current and future impact on the correctional industry.
You should conclude your paper with a well -reasoned analysis of what these “trends” may mean for corrections and how they may inform future correctional policy, practices or programs. Must have citations and parenthetical phrases.
Current Issues in Corrections
5 of the biggest challenges facing corrections in 2019
Firstly, Prison overcrowding.
Secondly, Funding gaps.
Thirdly, Staff safety/inmate violence.
Fourthly, Advancements in technology.
Fifthly, Staff retention.
Further, The future is luminous.
What is the biggest problem in corrections today?
Prison overcrowding, health care, racism, gang activity, privatization, assaults and more, are just a few of the problems that face prisons today. This is why many advocates are calling for prison reform. There are nearly 2.3 million people currently living behind bars in the United States.
How does incarceration affect mental health?
Mentally ill prisoners are disproportionately placed in solitary confinement as a response to behavioural difficulties, which can cause their mental health to deteriorate further. As a vulnerable population, they are also at a higher risk for abuse by other inmates and correctional staff.