Emerging Trends in Correctional Facilities

Emerging Trends in Correctional Facilities

This assignment is about “trends” occurring in the correctional field. Analyze their impact on current and future policies, practices and programs within the industry.

“trends” occurring in the correctional field-impact on current and future policies

Firstly, this is a written assignment designed to construct a greater understanding and appreciation of “trends” occurring in the correctional field. Analyze their impact on current and future policies, practices and programs within the industry.

Secondly, Students in this course are to identify three (3) emerging trends in corrections.

Write an 8 – 10 page paper on the three trends identified utilizing the APA 6th Edition format guide.

In this paper, you should thoroughly research the trends you have selected and supply the reader with an enough background on the “trends” and their current and future impact on the correctional industry.

You should conclude your paper with a well -reasoned analysis of what these “trends” may mean for corrections and how they may inform future correctional policy, practices or programs. Must have citations and parenthetical phrases.

Current Issues in Corrections

5 of the biggest challenges facing corrections in 2019

Firstly, Prison overcrowding.

Secondly, Funding gaps.

Thirdly, Staff safety/inmate violence.

Fourthly, Advancements in technology.

Fifthly, Staff retention.

Further, The future is luminous.

What is the biggest problem in corrections today?

Prison overcrowding, health care, racism, gang activity, privatization, assaults and more, are just a few of the problems that face prisons today. This is why many advocates are calling for prison reform. There are nearly 2.3 million people currently living behind bars in the United States.

How does incarceration affect mental health?

Mentally ill prisoners are disproportionately placed in solitary confinement as a response to behavioural difficulties, which can cause their mental health to deteriorate further. As a vulnerable population, they are also at a higher risk for abuse by other inmates and correctional staff.



Military Veterans Afghanistan Mental Health Referrals

Military Veterans Afghanistan Mental Health Referrals

This essay entails a research paper on the Military Veterans Afghanistan and their Mental Health Referrals after they are back from the war. Military Veterans Afghanistan suffer from different kinds of depression after they are away from the battle field which affects their life.

Military Veterans Afghanistan Mental Health Referrals

Firstly, business is mental health referrals for military veterans that served in Afghanistan and Iraqi. Cite your references in the Action Plan and in Conclusions and Recommendations. You may use your textbooks from these and other core classes in the MBA. Do not cut and paste from your past assignments and papers.

Also, write this section last. Writing it earlier will cause it to tend towards a traditional introduction and will not cover the whole scope of the research and analysis.

Furthermore, the purpose of an executive summary is to provide a brief description of the plan in less than two pages.

Secondly, keep in mind that this might be the only section the executive will read; if it is not interesting, they might dismiss the rest. The executive summary is always at least one full page but never more than two pages long.

Also, this includes a description of the unsatisfied need that creates the business opportunity and innovation desire. Purpose of the plan is attract investors, bring a new innovation to a specific, identified, and cited market.

Thirdly, what is the innovation, what is the industry, what is the value that it brings. Some highlights of the demographics of the customer. Briefly show why the innovation is a financially sound business idea

Forthly, the action plan describes the steps needed to implement the business plan, including the performance evaluation criteria. This section contains information from all action steps in the twelve sections of the business plan.

Lstly, this is a detailed section that creatively summarizes  the business plan. This is an opportunity to restate your business case and includes conclusions and recommendations for moving forward.

Bible Translations Book Literary Genres in the Psalms

Bible Translations Book Literary Genres in the Psalms

The essay entails an analysis paper of the Bible Translations Book which includes the Literary Genres in the Psalms. Bible Translations Book explains the origin of the bible and the different books it. it also explains the theories of the verses.

Bible Translations Book Literary Genres in the Psalms

Firstly, each student will write an introduction a particular biblical book of the student’s own choosing. The paper will contain at least five to eight pages of content with a title page prefixed. A Work Cited page appended to it. This makes the paper a minimum of seven “sheets” of paper long. In addition, a  minimum of five sources must be cited as authorities or as evidence in the paper, not just listed on the Work Cited page.

Eventually, the paper is a simple paper which asks for only an basic introduction to a book to the Bible. It looks like you have chosen the Book of Psalm. The book of Psalm has five parts. There are different theories as to how these individual parts came together, or what we can call the history of composition. First, find at least three commentaries on the Psalm; and each author will provide describe how that author believes that the book of Psalms came together.

Secondly, discuss the literary genres in the Psalms. While this may seem obvious in the sense that they are psalms. We must ask ourselves what is a psalm. Choose one to three sub-genres of psalms such as laments. Describe them and explain why particular psalm is a lament, or a praise, or a thanksgiving.

Thirdly, the sheets of paper must be 8 ½ by 11 inches with one inch margins on all four sides.  Double space lines of content and Work Cited entries. The parenthetical citations, the Work Cited entries, and format of the paper must follow 9th edition of the MLA style guide.

Lastly, the preliminary bibliography will follow the same format as the Work Cited paper, but it may be different in content.

Spectrum of political ideologies globalization affect culture cultural globalization

Spectrum of political ideologies globalization affect culture cultural globalization

BA3320 Research Select any 3 best performance and 3 worst performance counties from Table 3.5 Doing Business in Various Countries. Use as reference the Fig. 3.2 the Political Spectrum

BA3320 Research Select any 3 best performance and 3 worst

Firstly, Select any 3 best performance and 3 worst performance counties from Table 3.5 Doing Business in Various Countries.

Secondly, Use as reference the Fig. 3.2 the Political Spectrum.

Thirdly, Refer to section looking to the Future in Chapter 2, Scenarios on the Evolvement on Nations Culture.

Fourthly, Work an Excel chart with the following columns and fill the date reviewing these chapters 2 and 3.

Cite all References and Sources of information used

firstly, Columns for Countries Comparative Chart

Secondly, Country

Thirdly, Continent located

Fourthly, Population

Also, Gross National Product (GNP)

Furthermore, Inflation

Moreover, Specific Political System and Risk

Type Legal System

Major Religion

Scenario (from the Culture Scenarios section) select which Scenario may describe better the countries selected
In a 1-page essay describe your opinion on this.

What is the spectrum of political ideologies?

Political ideologies in the United States refers to the various ideologies and ideological demographics in the United States. Citizens in the United States generally classify themselves as adherent to positions along the political spectrum as either liberal, progressive, moderate, or conservative.

What are the sides of the political spectrum?

Political parties in the political spectrum

Beyme was able to arrange seven of them from left to right: communist, socialist, green, liberal, Christian democratic, conservative and right-wing extremist.

Does globalization affect culture?

Globalization does not take into consideration cultural and socioeconomic circumstances. Instead, it looks to further the interests of the larger, more influential countries and corporations which are the impetus behind its spread.

What is an example of cultural globalization?

Examples of Cultural Globalization

Business leaders from around the world gather in China, Japan, the U.S., and the U.K. to exchange ideas about the direction of their particular field, business culture, and technology. Cultures around the world have also exchanged words or phrases.

Linux installation + Implementation Training Guide development

Linux installation + Implementation Training Guide development

This is an essay that discusses The Linux installation and implementation Training Guide development. The paper also demonstrates command-line operations.

The Linux installation and implementation Training Guide development

You’ve won the business! Faster Computing has agreed to the project. As the final stage of pre-implementation, you have been asked to produce a tutorial that will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of several common commands, as listed below.
The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. No sources are required for this phase of the project; however, the screenshots must all be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted.

Part 1
Use any hypervisor of your choice to install Linux.  Many hypervisors are available, such as VirtualBox, which is a free download.  In addition, as part of UMGC’s agreement with VMware, you can download VMware Workstation for free.  See below for specific screenshot requirements.

Part 2
Demonstrate command-line operations that will provide the following information:

A listing of files in a directory and common file attributes.
The current directory (hint:  also known as the present working directory).
Create a file, then copy it to a different directory.
Create a second file and move it to a different directory.
Remove the first file, as well as the copy you created.
The manual page for a given command.
Create a text file, then use an editor to modify the content.  Then display the content of the modified file.
Show running processes on the system.  Demonstrate how to search for a specific process.
Forcibly stop a running process.

Part 3
On the final screenshot, you need to open a command line and type in the following commands (without the quotes):
“date” “echo CMIT391” “echo <Marcial J Meza>” (Replace your name here with your name)

Haussmann and Cerda plans Haussmann and Cerda plans

Haussmann and Cerda plans Haussmann and Cerda plans

This essay entails a paper on the designers Haussmann and Cerda plans and the political conflict in urban areas especially in Barcelona. Haussmann and Cerda plans are among the best in reference on the city developments. they have been used by many people especially the urban planners.

Haussmann and Cerda plans political conflict in urban areas

Description Be prepared to write a short essay in response to the following prompts. You will answer each question separate from each other. Each of the essay questions will contain a brief introductory paragraph and a clearly articulated thesis statement, two to three well-supported body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The essay will also include concrete evidence from the required readings that I have attached. You will need to use the correct reading for each question.  Evaluate the use of the gridiron as a planning tool in three distinct cities. In your analysis, consider how elements such as politics and economics influenced the use of the grid.

How did the process of industrialization change the experience of life in cities? Also, how did inequalities due to the emerging industrial economy affect political conflict in urban areas? How did these changes influence the rise of urban reform movements and the city planning profession?

Compare and contrast the 19th century approaches of Haussmann and Cerda in preparing plans to redesign Paris and Barcelona, respectively. In your analysis, consider elements such as physical design, political motivations and economic concerns. Discuss Camillo Sitte’s reaction against modern urban engineering and ring planning? What aspects of city planning did he hope to preserve by considering the aesthetic elements of the urban landscape?

Compare the physical, economic and social concepts behind Ebenezer Howard’s “Garden City” model and Daniel Burnham’s 1909 Plan for Chicago. How have each model had an influence on the planning of major cities?  Why did Daniel Burnham’s 1909 plan for Chicago neglect to address the issue of housing in the city?

Fitness plan for a fictional person

Fitness plan for a fictional person

This assignment involves developing a comprehensive fitness plan for a fictional person. You are going to be a trainer in an athletic facility, gym, or health spa. A patron comes to you asking you to develop a fitness program to help with their rehabilitation. The patron is 40 years old, male or female (you choose), recovering from either knee surgery, shoulder surgery, or a heart attack (you choose).

developing a comprehensive fitness plan for a fictional person

You are going to be a trainer in an athletic facility, gym, or health spa. A patron comes to you asking you to develop a fitness program to help with their rehabilitation. The patron is 40 years old, male or female (you choose), recovering from either knee surgery, shoulder surgery, or a heart attack (you choose).

Firstly, You must develop a complete plan which introduces them to your facility and encompasses 30 days. Outline the plan.

Secondly, After you develop a plan you need to write a 2-page double-spaced, typed summary on how you developed this program and why.

Thirdly, Discuss how you went about developing the plan. What steps did you take?

Fourthly, What activities did you choose to be in the plan and what goals do you have for the patron? Make sure you show the steps needed to devise the plan.

You can get information from the textbook (Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness a Personal Plan By Hoeger, Wener W.K. Hoefer, Sharon 15th edition) as well as outside sources.

More details:

What is a personal fitness plan?
A personal exercise plan is your own road map to reaching your fitness goals. … A list of your fitness goals. A way for you to track your progress. For example, you will probably need a workout book to write down how far you swam, how long you biked, or when and how much weight you lifted.

Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

This essay entails a ressearch paper in the Digital marketing plan of the Exeter City Football Club. Digital marketing plan ensures  a good and followed up processing of things in the firm managemnt to ensure it stands.

Digital marketing plan Exeter City Football Club assignment

Firstly, the assignment concerns a digital marketing plan for the Exeter City Football Club. It is an assignment that requires a practical and applied approach. This assignment aims to mirror the approach taken when marketing agencies and consultancies are responding to a client brief. The sales manager and digital marketing expert of ECFC presents. He gives material consists of a survey and site and social medias analysis.

Secondly, having received the brief from case study, the task is to follow the realistic process of researching, pitching and then developing a detailed plan to meet client’s specified objectives.  Sample content social media¸ Strategy pitch The first: analysis of the situation. has already been done and is not part of the job that is required in this order.

Thirdly, digital plan is requires to design a strategic digitally-focus marketing plan to meet the clients’ brief. This task is testing your ability to produce a focused, relevant and well-constructed marketing plan proposal. This is where you will lay out your proposal in detail, utilizing the SOSTAC framework as your structure. Structure & indicative content Introduction: Brief introduction to outline what this submission will include SWOT analysis, or similar, summarizing the initial findings of Part 1 is also recommended Objectives Interpret the customer requirements to develop clear SMART marketing objectives 

Lastly, strategy Consideration of strategic issues including segmentation, targeting and positioning, and organisational priorities (organisational fit). Tactics Outline of proposed marketing activities addressing the full marketing mix. Customer experience Actions Detailed plan with costs and timings demonstrating an understanding of integrated marketing and project planning principles.

Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

This essay entails a paper on the The Ancient Greek world whivh reflects to history of Games and sports that started long time ago. Ancient Greek world is described as the craddle of games and the first olympics were held here. It plays a huge role in the improvements of the technology that is used in sports.

The Ancient Greek world history of Games and sports

Firstly, answer any TWO of the following three essay questions. Type your answers  in 12 point font, double spaced, with one inch margins, APA reference style, include page numbers. Submit as a Word document via the Turn-it-in link on our course page on TITANium.

Secondly, write a minimum of 2 pages for each answer. Be sure to use (and directly reference) the chapter readings we have covered in class as a foundation for your arguments. Sport in the Ancient World. Baron Pierre de Coubertin asserted that the modern Olympic Games were a festival of peace and should be free of politics and government interference. He claimed this tradition dated back to the ancient world.

Also, a synopsis would be that ancient greek games grew out of religious festivals hence why Olympia and Delphi are important religious sites in their own right as well as important sporting sites (especially Delphi).

Eventually, Elites from all over the Hellenic world would gather at these religious festivals.

Thirdly, using examples and evidence, argue whether you agree or disagree with Coubertin’s position on sport in ancient society. Did sport and politics ever collide in the ancient Greek world? The ancient Games were clearly a demonstration of athletic excellence. But who were the athletes, how did they qualify, and what did they win (material and immaterial)? Answer this question using evidence and examples.

Lastly, it is impossible to deny that sport in the ancient world celebrated and reinforced the practice of religion. Based upon your research and writing, explain the connection between the ancient Olympic Games and ancient Greek religious rites and rituals. I will give whoever writes this paper the textbook in pdf form.

Thesis statement character from a novel film

Thesis statement character from a novel film

This is an assignment that focuses on an explanation of a character from a novel film and thesis statement. The paper also explains a sample thesis statement.

An explanation of a character from a novel film and thesis statement


Welcome to the first essay assignment in the course! Most of the essay assignments in this course are around a thesis statement. Which you may remember from the lesson is a personal, debatable claim that should appear in a single statement at the end of your introduction paragraph (please underline them). Then, each of your body paragraphs is to serve as support in proving your thesis. Let’s get started! Topic and Structure: Character Evolution – Explain how a character from a novel, film, television show, or another medium of your choice evolves—either good or bad—from the beginning to the end of the story.

Your introduction will provide a brief synopsis of the story and then smoothly transition into the last sentence of your introduction. Next, you will develop at least three body paragraphs, each dedicated to one example (such as a scene) in your chosen medium that serves as support for your thesis claim.

Finally, you will compile a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your findings. Creating the thesis statement: Is your argument focused and meaningful in a way that it also offers a clear-cut, but debatable point of view. Which a reader might either agree or disagree with? Avoid claims that are too obvious to the readers—offer them a new idea! Remember, a thesis also serves as a map for your essay. It providing a promise of subtopics you will discuss in your body paragraphs in the order in which they appear in your essay.


Sample thesis statement: In The Midnight’s Shadow, Charles Bellingham begins as a lonely, self-loathing candle maker. However, after he meets Miss Charmaine, begins working for the king. Also, it takes an understudy, he transforms into a confident man who sees the townspeople and the kingdom as a friendly. Developing the body paragraphs: The way you present your supporting evidence is just as important as the evidence itself. When you create a body paragraph with the goal of supporting a claim in your thesis. You want to include a balance of research and/or examples with original material.

In other words, original material refers to discussions you develop that help explain the connection between your research. Examples and your thesis claim. You don’t want to assume that your research and/or examples are enough to prove your thesis. You want to inform your reader how and why cited material serves the purpose you intend.