Virtual assistant system natural language processing pipeline

Virtual assistant system natural language processing pipeline

This essay entails a paper on Virtual assistant system in the millitary or hospitals and the natural language processing pipeline in such areas. Virtual assistant system helps in remotely controlling all the processes that happen far away from the area they are controlled from.

Virtual assistant system natural language processing pipeline

Firstly, in this type of project, you’ll choose a task, whether in daily life, or in a specialized domain that you have some knowledge of. Design, in theory, a natural language processing pipeline which will help to accomplish it. You can think of it as designing a service or product which could use natural language to make somebody’s life easier.

Secondly, your system must involve speech, text, some exchange of information with the computer, knowledge representation (or lookup). Some interactional component (e.g. it’s not enough to design a phone system that tells you the time when you call it). You should engage with a number of the topics in the course material. For this project, I’ve created a document describing the Virtual Assistant Interaction process. Which details a ‘complete’ interaction, and touches on some of the major issues at play here. 

Thirdly, the main requirement is that it be something that existing tools don’t already do. Sample topics would be something like… Design a virtual assistant system which will serve as a companion to people playing a popular video game. It allows humans to query for important in-game information, or issue voice commands alongside their keyboard and mouse commands.

Seriously, you’ll have more fun and learn more if you design an interesting system for an interesting situation. Work in something related to your hobbies, daily life, or future career. I’m absolutely willing to entertain weird ideas, so let me know if there’s a wacky idea that’s making this project sound more fun.

In conclusion,

Finally, your final write-up does not have strict length requirements. This is because there will be chunks of additional text, query frames, etc). Instead, you’ll simply need to demonstrate to me that you’ve contemplated carefully the difficulties of your system.

Additionally, don’t forget to discuss, at the start of the paper, the relative contributions of each group member.

Argumentative Essay – Norton Introduction to Literature textbook

Argumentative Essay – Norton Introduction to Literature textbook

For the Argumentative Essay, students will make an argument about a short story from the Norton Introduction to Literature textbook that we have not examined in class and support it with a literary analysis of the story.

For the Argumentative Essay-Norton Introduction to Literature textbook

Firstly, For the Argumentative Essay, students will make an argument about a short story from the Norton Introduction to Literature textbook that we have not examined in class and support it with a literary analysis of the story. Students will come up with a topic that interests them (see prompts below). Formulate a narrow thesis, and support the thesis with a literary analysis of the text.

An Argumentative Essay should contain a brief introduction and paraphrase of the story. Also, an explanation of the story’s theme, the thesis statement and forecast. Each paragraph will support the thesis with clear topic sentences, which in turn will be supported by examples and quotations from the story. The conclusion paragraph should bring a sense of completeness and closure to the essay.

You may choose from one of the essay prompts below;

Firstly, Why does Connie leave with Arnold Friend at the end of Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where are You Going, Where have you been” (125)?

Secondly,  James Baldwin once stated, “I grew up with music, you know, much more than with any other language. In a way the music I grew up with saved my life.” How does music save lives in Balwin’s “Sunny’s Blues?” (93).

Thirdly,   Analyze point-of-view and narration in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” (178). Is the narrator reliable?

Fourthly,  How does Jing-Mei’s definition of Chinese change throughout Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets” (302)?

Furthermore,  In Herman Melville’s “Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street” (661), why does Bartleby refuse to write?

Also, What do the three items the kids encounter at the toy store symbolize in Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson” (146)?

Lastly, Analyze setting in James Joyce’s “Araby” (168). How does the setting shape the characters and plot of the story?

In conclusion, Your answers to these questions must be supported with a literary analysis of the text!

Steps of narrative structure

Steps of narrative structure

Write demonstrates how your novel follows the Steps of narrative structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/denouement).

demonstrates how your novel follows the Steps of narrative structure

1. Write and submit a 750-1000 word essay which demonstrates how your novel follows the Steps of narrative structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution/denouement).

Include an outline and Works Cited page where you will list the novel.

You must use MLA format, but you are not to use outside sources for this paper; this is your own analysis.

Cite examples from your text in support of your argument, either as direct quotations or paraphrases.

This is not simply a summary of the story. Instead, you should identify how each part of the narrative structure develops in the story.

Use “third person” form in your essay. Do not use words such as I, you, we, us, our, your, me, my, etc. unless those words are used for citing a quote.

2. Do not confuse this essay with your literary paper.

Also, This Novel Essay is totally your own thinking from studying the steps of narrative structure and reading the novel.

Furthermore, Your literary paper reflects the conclusions you draw from information gleaned in your research.


What are the 5 parts of narrative structure?
A story has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow.
What is the correct order to a narrative structure?
The most fundamental narrative arc includes the following five plot stages: Exposition: This is your introduction, where you introduce the characters, establish the setting, and present the primary conflict. Rising action: This second stage is where you introduce the primary conflict and set the story in motion.

Criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice

Criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice

This is an assignment that focuses on the criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice. Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system.

Criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice

This is an assignment that focuses on the criminalistic and forensic science importance to the criminal justice.
The essay should be typed, written in APA format to include in-text source citations and use a minimum of four sources of material from outside the class.
Assignment overview
Criminalistics and forensic science has grown both in scope and importance to the criminal justice system. There is no question that it compliments and aids in traditional investigations. However, as it has become more advanced and technical. Has it come to have more importance than the traditional methods of investigating such as questioning eyewitnesses, interrogating suspects and determining information from street informants? In your answer, specifically address the following issues:

How the use of forensic investigative techniques

Firstly, Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defence of the accused.

Secondly, Discuss how forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.

Thirdly, Discuss whether courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.

Fourthly,  Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science. Provide your reasons for the argument.

Additionally, These are the outcomes that are expected in this assignment.

Also,The usage of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize and develop evidence in the prosecution of criminal cases and in the defense of the accused.

Moreover, The forensic science is or is not better than these traditional methods and why.

Finally, The courts and juries now place more trust in forensic science than other forms of information.

Lastly, Provide your arguments that juries should or should not place more emphasis and trust in forensic science and your reasons for the argument.

Discussion on the safety data sheets performance at AAP

Discussion on the safety data sheets performance at AAP

This is an assignment that focuses on the discussion on the safety data sheets performance at AAP(Acme Automative Parts). The paper has also provided a table consisting of data for the assignment.

Discussion on the safety data sheets performance at AAP

After your initial review of the operations and safety data sheets (SDS), you have determined the sampling you want to perform at Acme Automotive Parts (AAP). The table below lists hazards you want to sample and the sampling/analytical methods you decide to use. Additionally, you can also access the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methods at and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) methods at

Hazard Possible Method Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)
Manganese Fume (Welding)        NIOSH 7302        5 mg/m3 (OSHA Ceiling)
Copper Fume (Welding)                NIOSH 7302        0.1 mg/m3 (OSHA 8-hour TWA)
Lead Fume (Welding)                    NIOSH 7302         0.05 mg/m3 (OSHA 8-hour TWA)
1,2,4 trimethylbenzene (Paint)  OSHA 1020         25 ppm (ACGIH 8-hour TWA TLV)
Toluene (Paint)                                OSHA 111           50 ppm (ACGIH 8-hour TWA TLV)
Xylene (Paint)                                  OSHA 1002         100 ppm (OSHA 8-hour TWA)
Metal Working Fluids                    NIOSH 5524        0.5 mg/m3 (NIOSH 10-hour TWA REL)
Noise (throughout plant)              None                    90 dBA (OSHA 8-hour TWA)


Choose one hazard from the welding area, one hazard from the paint area, and the metal working fluids, and prepare one paragraph for each hazard (three paragraphs in total) answering each of the following questions:
1.Firstly, which sampling media will you be using?
2.Secondly, what flow rate will you use?
3.Thirdly, how will you calibrate the sampling train?
4.Fourthly, calculate the minimum sampling time you will require to be able to detect concentrations at the OELs listed in the table. Show your work in calculating the sampling times.
5.Then, will you collect personal or area samples? Explain why.
6.Are there any compounds listed in the method that might interfere with your sample?
7.Lastly, are there any special storage or shipment requirements for your samples?

Prepare one paragraph that concludes how you would evaluate noise exposures in the facility. Also, discuss what type of sampling instrument you would use, how you would perform calibration, whether you would use personal or area samples, and which areas at the facility you would include in the evaluation.

Finally, your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including title or reference pages. Your assignment must use at least two references. However, one must be gathered from the CSU Online Library; the other may be your textbook. All references and in-text citations must be formatted according to APA standards.

Social Justice Movements in American History – research project

Social Justice Movements in American History – research project

This paper focuses on Social Justice Movements in American History-research project.  The purpose of this project is for students to complete a research project which combines historical research about a social justice movement in American history with knowledge of current social issues.

Social Justice Movements in American History-research project

Purpose:  The purpose of this project is for students to complete a research project which combines historical research about a social justice movement in American history with knowledge of current social issues.
Knowledge:  Students will learn about the historical basis of a social justice movement that exists in the present day.
Through the completion of this project, students will acquire the following skills:

Firstly, Identifying an academic vs. a non-academic source.

Secondly, Locating information contained within academic sources.

Thirdly,  Composing an original thesis as the basis of your writing assignment.

Fourthly, Formatting an essay according to APA format.

Lastly,  Writing a research paper to support your thesis.

Identify a social justice movement that began prior to 1877.  Examples include but are not    limited to:  African-American rights, women’s rights, institutional reform, early labor.


Conduct background research on your movement. 

This is where you gather more information about your movement, narrow down your focus and choose the sources that you will use for your research.  You must use a minimum of 5 academic sources.  Examples of academic sources include the following:  books, academic journal articles, websites (reputable websites typical end in .org or .edu), newspaper articles, magazine articles, documentary films, and interviews.  AS the purpose of this project is to gain experience on college-level academic research, encyclopedia articles should be avoided.  Under no circumstances should wiki sources be used (these are not peer reviewed)!  If you have questions about whether or not you have chosen an academic source, please consult with the professor.

 Compose a thesis statement. 

Make an argument about the social movement you are researching (this should address why the movement is still relevant today).

Create an outline for your essay. 

 The outline should begin with an introduction (where you will present your thesis statement).   The first section of your essay will discuss the historical background of the social movement you have chosen.  The second section of your essay will discuss current issues related to the social movement.  For the final section of this project, students will write a conclusion reflecting on how their historical research enriched or affected their perspective on the movement they researched and/or discuss any contributions they may have been inspired to make to the address the present issue.

Analyzing court system in your own community criminal justice system

Analyzing court system in your own community criminal justice system

The focus of this assignment is for you to research and to critically analyze the court system in your own community. The questions below will help you to guide your research and your response which you should construct in an essay format with sub-titles addressing as much of the following points as the information available to you.

Research and to critically analyze the court system in your own community

The focus of this assignment is for you to research and to critically analyze the court system in your own community. The questions below will help you to guide your research and your response which you should construct in an essay format with sub-titles addressing as much of the following points as the information available to you.

To successfully comment, you should first understand some basic demographics about your own community. For example, you should be familiar with the population of your community (city or county). Also the approximate race and age distribution of your community. This information may be available at a variety of sources ranging from the US Census reports to Wikipedia or the official website of your city or county.

Court system

The next thing that you will need to research and to know about your community is some specifics regarding the court system. Use some of the guidance provided in the lesson as well as the internet to locate information regarding your local city or your local county judicial system.  In a last resort, if this information is not available to you, you should use information regarding your state court.  (If you are not from the US or not presently in the US. Then you may also wish to provide a comparative analysis of your country’s court system to that of the US Courts.)

Most students will be answering regarding your county court system. You should be able to find the information about local judges on the official county government website, under judiciary or court system. You may also be able to find out more information from local newspapers. I want you to research. Become familiar with the chief justice or the president judge of your community court system. For some of you who might struggle with details on your community court system. Because of either antiquated websites or huge bureaucratic court structures. Then please pick any known judge in your community to research and respond to the following questions.


Court system

You should know about the judge’s background and his/her age, race, education, experience, and ties to the community. You should also know about what type of criminal justice problems (crimes, issues, etc.) exist in your community. The majority of the following essay questions will ask you to provide some critical thought. Response as to how your judge handles court case challenges. What specific improvements, enhancements, and alterations could be implemented to make your judge or your court system more efficient and effective for your community.

To complete this essay:

Describe your community by name, geography, and demographics.
Detail some of the specific criminal justice issues or problems which you know to impact your community.  Provide some basic examples from case studies or new related sources which demonstrate these issues or problems.
Write a brief biography on a court judge in your community.  This may be a chief justice, president judge, judge, or local magistrate.  Discuss their background and experience and using news articles and other sources. Provide some commentary on how the judge is particularly perceived or involved in solutions to community criminal justice issues.
Comment on how you believe your community court system could be more efficient. More effective to the criminal justice system and to your community

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

This paper focuse on Ethics in Accounting. You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company.

You have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries

Firstly, you have been recently hired as an assistant controller for XYZ Industries, a large, publically held manufacturing company. Your immediate supervisor is the controller who also reports directly to the VP of Finance. The controller has assigned you the task of preparing the year-end adjusting entries.

In the receivables area, you have prepared an aging accounts receivable and have applied historical percentages to the balances of each of the age categories. The analysis indicates that an appropriate estimated balance for the allowance for uncollectible accounts is $180,000. The existing balance in the allowance account prior to any adjusting entry is a $20,000 credit balance.

After showing your analysis to the controller, he tells you to change the aging category of a large account from over 120 days to current status and to prepare a new invoice to the customer with a revised date that agrees with the new category. This will change the required allowance for uncollectible accounts from.


In a 2-3 page paper, discuss the following:

Firstly, Consider what you have learned relative to ethics and financial reporting.

Secondly, What is the rationale for the calculations/process in estimate the $180,000 uncollectible allowance?

Thirdly, How do you think the misstatement of funds will impact the income statement and balance sheet?

Fourthly, What is the ethical dilemma you face? What are the ethical considerations?

Furthermore, Consider your options and responsibilities as assistant controller. Identify the key internal and external stakeholders.

Moreover, What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow the instructions of your supervisor?

Also, What are the potential consequences if you do comply with your supervisor’s instructions?

Lastly, Who will be negatively impact ed?

Additional Requirements:
Use at least one (1) quality academic resource (in addition to your textbook) for this assignment.


Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at; and the iCampus University Library Research page at

Aligning child with computational choice model

Aligning child with computational choice model

This is an assignment that discusses how is a child aligned with computational choice model. The paper also describes the extent of a child’s understanding in terms of computational choice.

How is a child aligned with computational choice model

Diagnostic interview (500 words)
Include information:
Firstly, how the child aligned with the computational choice model ( a summary of clear example of child’s responses to interview items)
Secondly, describe the extent of the child’s understanding in terms of the computational choice model that informs the interview tools (what the child used to generate an answer pens paper/ counted on fingers/MAB blocks if present/asked for a calculator)?
Also, include a summary of what you decided to do in the tutoring sessions and why?
Lastly, describe how your plan lesson are link to FSiM Key Understandings and to the Australian Curriculum.

3.0 Tutoring lessons (300 words per each section x3 [3 areas of most concern]) (900 words in total)
Include information for all sections ‘Key learnings that took place’:
Firstly, what did the child learn and how did she demonstrate that learning
Secondly, what were some of the tasks that worked well? Why did they work?
Thirdly, what didn’t work? Why didn’t it work?
Lastly, what did you do about it?


4.0 Making effective computational choices (200 words x 4 [4 areas of model Hurst and Hurrel]) (800 words in total)
Include information:

Discuss factors that have an impact on children’s ability to make effective computational choices and why this is important (discuss model Hurst and Hurrel)
Discuss the importance of teaching for conceptual understanding where ideas as a connection and relation
Then, discuss some particular pedagogies and strategies that could be a develop elements of the model

5.0 Conclusion (150 words)
Clarify main points of the report (based on the child’s results and future lessons / computational choice/operations in general)

Pros and Cons of Living in South Florida

Pros and Cons of Living in South Florida

Living in South Florida has many advantages and also includes many disadvantages, including the persistent threat from hurricanes (link). From what you have learned from this class:

Living in South Florida has many advantages and also includes

Living in South Florida has many advantages and also includes many disadvantages, including the persistent threat from hurricanes (link). From what you have learned from this class:

What causes hurricanes? What destroys hurricanes?

What are scientists saying about the link of climate change and hurricane activity?

With regards to our growing population, especially along the cost, why are we especially prone to huge losses when a hurricane hits?

With regards to hurricanes and South Florida, if you were in a position to grant or deny building permits, what would be your chief concern when assessing these permits?

Make sure to:
Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
Address all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
Include at least 2 references in your discussion and cite your sources.
Do not plagiarize.
You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell check before hitting post!
As part of the assignment, you must also reply to ONE of your classmates with at least 150 words. You will have to POST FIRST to see your classmates’ postings. Make sure your replies are thoughtful and relevant to what your classmate has posted. Try to build the discussion and keep it going.

More details;

How does hurricanes affect Florida?
Hurricanes are large, swirling tropical storms that develop over warm ocean water. Hurricanes affecting Florida usually form in the Atlantic Ocean from June to November when the trade winds are able to carry them west or northwest at a speed of 10 to 15 miles per hour (NOAA 2017a).