Adventures of Huckleberry Finn different identities representation

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn different identities representation

This is a paper that requires the student to discuss the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn different identities representation. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn different identities representation

American Self-Creation assignment paper

In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is compelled to adopt different identities in order to protect himself and Jim. Critics have suggested that this reality represents the American idea that it is possible to recreate the self when an old identity is confining. Write an essay analyzing this concept of American self-creation as it appears in this novel and in one other work that we have read in whole or in part.

Support your points with quotes from the stories (primary sources) and also at least two sources from your annotated bibliography (secondary sources).

The paper is to be 1500-2000 words, and your sources must be cited according to either APA or MLA style for both in-text citations and in a Works Cited/References list at the end of your paper.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA or MLA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment. Below is an attachment of the paper

Consider a system that produces budget reports for your department

Consider a system that produces budget reports for your department

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to consider a system that produces budget reports for your department. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Consider a system that produces budget reports for your department

Information Systems Questions. A couple of paragraphs per question, please.

* Firstly, consider a system that produces budget reports for your department at work. Alternatively, consider a registration system that produces enrollment reports for a department at a university. For whichever system you choose, answer the following design questions: Who will use the output? What is the purpose of the output? When is the output, and when is the information that will in use within the output available? Where does the output need to be delivered? How many people need to view the output?

* Secondly, under what circumstances would you recommend that a file server approach, as opposed to a client/server approach, be used for a distributed information system application? What warnings would you give the prospective user of this file server approach? What factors would have to change for you to recommend the move to a client/server approach?

* Thirdly, the Internet is a network of networks. Using the terminology in this chapter, what type of distributed network architecture to use on the Internet?


* One of the potential problems with gathering information requirements by observing potential system users is that people may change their behavior when they are being observed. What could you do to overcome this potential confounding factor in accurately determining information requirements?

*Choose a transaction that you are likely to encounter, perhaps ordering a cap and gown for graduation, and develop a high-level DFD or a context diagram. Decompose this to a level-0 diagram.

*Before a new system is implemented, it should go through various stages of testing to ensure the system performs and behaves as designed. What are the various types of testing that should occur for a new system? Which do you believe is most important and which do you believe is most difficult to perform?

Aristotle’s ethics of rational self-actualization

Aristotle’s ethics of rational self-actualization

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explain Aristotle’s ethics of rational self-actualization. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Explain Aristotle’s ethics of rational self-actualization

1.  Explain Aristotle’s ethics of rational self-actualization.  Discuss his distinction between the potential and the actual as both a biological and a metaphysical principle. What does he mean when he says: “Love makes the world go ’round”? Why does he think that flourishing human life requires living in accordance with human nature? What is the life-and-death difference between his version of egoism and T-man’s version of it? (Aristotle is the most important philosopher on this exam–so take your time with this question, flesh out your answer, and get it right.)

2. Secondly, explain the theory of cynical egoism presented by Thrasymachus. How does the story of the Ring of Gyges fit into it?

3. Thirdly, Kant believes that there are two criteria of a virtuous action. What are they? What is the main difference between Kant and Aristotle regarding their moral theories?

4. Fourthly, what is the main difference in political philosophy between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

5. What is the main philosophic difference between Karl Marx and Ayn Rand? How does the difference impact their differing political theories?

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly as per the given questions.

Analysis on “The Cemex Way” case study – Role in globalization

Analysis on “The Cemex Way” case study – Role in globalization

This following essay entails doing an Analysis on “The Cemex Way” case study and how it played a role in Globalization. Familiarize yourself with the Cemex case study, and how it played a major role in globalization.

Analysis on”The Cemex Way” case study – Role in globalization

Task 1

Firstly, critically evaluate the strategy used by Cemex to successfully manage their acquisitions. Also, analyse Cemexs approach to strategic change and consider how their organisational context may impact change. Consider the appropriateness and usefulness of at least one change model.

Secondly, how does the company measure growth? Use chapter 8 for core material and select relevant information.

Thirdly, When assessing growth of Cemex talk about 4-5 criteria, but only use 2 in depth. The criterion include as profit figures,current research,,share price, and growth between two competitive companies.

Lastly, how did Cemex diversify? In answering this question, expand geographically and acquisition driven. In addition, ensure concepts have been used within case study.

Task 2

In this task, first identify what has been the success factor of Cemex?

Some of the success factors to choose from include:

Then, show evidence of critical analysis of strategy to manage acquisitions. Provide limitations of the sued models further guide to this question from case study. Use Chapter 7 -value creation. Additionally, evaluate critically and provide limitations to used theories.

Task 3

This task involves identifying one change model that are related with the case study. You will use this change in conducting a comparison. Also, explain what change model entails. Lastly, why Cemex needed to use this model. Some other key aspects to focus on include:

  • What change is evident from the case study Chapter 15.
  • What is strategic change
  • Why is it important?

In conclusion, put emphasis on depth of the assignment and be problematic rather than width. An example being how has Cemex grown? Materials for such question can be found in Chapter 11.

Phonemic Awareness or Phonics – Lesson Plan development

Phonemic Awareness or Phonics – Lesson Plan development

This is an essay focusing on the reflective analysis of Phonemic Awareness or Phonics Lesson Plan development.

Phonemic Awareness or Phonics – Lesson Plan development

Firstly, review online resources for relevant phonemic awareness and phonics lesson plan samples and short strategy videos. Then, provide a two page reflective analysis paper that analyzes the components of any of the phonemic awareness or phonics lessons and justify whether the selected lesson plan meet the requirements for developmentally-appropriate instruction for early readers and writers. Additionally, the Lesson plans can include those intended for Emergent Reader (LEA) or Beginning Reader. Lastly, complete your reflective analysis for the chosen lesson plan. Furthermore, be sure to make connections with any of the nine principles of what effective teachers do in the classroom.

Secondly, your response must include your perspectives on:

a) The topic, standards, and objectives alignments

b) Appropriateness for grade level, learner context of the lesson.

c) The Introduction of the lesson- was it appropriate? Would it pique students’ interest? Also, is there a better way that this lesson could have been introduced?

d) The Procedures- Was there a logical progression from the introduction to the first step in the procedure? Was ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍there something else the teacher could have done to progress more smoothly for each step? Also, was there adequate provision for modeling and scaffolding learning? Were accommodations made for special needs students? Lastly, were there opportunities for small group and independent practice?

e) Closure: Was the closure appropriate? What makes you say so? Was the assessment appropriate to address the learning outcome? Additionally, explain why. In your best judgment, would this lesson plan keep students engaged?

f) Theory Alignment: Which theory or combinations of theories would you say is evident in this lesson? Why?

Scopes Monkey Trial on the Justice and Injustice debate

Scopes Monkey Trial on the Justice and Injustice debate

This is an assignment that discusses the Scopes Monkey Trial. Also, the paper provides a description of the Justice Injustice debate is the key focus in this assignment.

Scopes Monkey Trial on the Justice Injustice debate

The topic that this assignment seeks to answer is the Scopes Monkey Trial. There are various questions that evolve around the topic. The below format is use while answering the questions.

Firstly, the main or General Discovery Question is How did the outcome of this trial affect laws in the United States? However, you are to use the below questions as focus questions in answering this question.
Focused Discovery Questions (3):
1)     What was the Scopes Monkey Trial about?
2)     What were the circumstances leading up to the trial?
3)     How did people react to the trial and its circumstances?
Secondly, there are some other questions to use in the answering of the above questions. Consider these questions critically when answering the questions in this assignment.
Specific Discovery Questions (6 – 2 for each of the 3 above)
1)     Who was the plaintiff?
2)     Who was the defendant?
3)     What law was broken that led to the trial?
4)     Was the law that was broken considered just?
5)     Did people agree with the decision of the court?
6)    Why was the trial interesting to the people?

Thirdly, there is a follow up question that you can add in the paper. What could/should have been done as a result of this trial? Involvement of all these questions will be critical in evaluation of the assignment. So, ensure you involve all the given questions in the assignment.

Lastly, write a 750 words page paper that provides answers to the questions in this paper. Additionally, the paper to have a minimum of five sources.The MLA is the formatting and styling format to use throughout this assignment. Additionally, all the sources to use in the paper should be  according to the MLA citation criteria.

Ferguson Missouri civil rights investigation in the US

Ferguson Missouri civil rights investigation in the US

This is a summary of  the Ferguson Missouri civil rights investigation in the U.S. Department of Justice through various analysis of videos.

Ferguson Missouri civil rights investigation in the U.S

The summary of the Ferguson Missouri civil rights investigation in the U.S. Department of Justice press release: .

Firstly, on your own and using the internet, look also at other articles about the Ferguson Police and City Management/Elected Leadership activity and decisions leading up to the Michael Brown shooting and subsequent rioting.
Warrior / Guardian Article
New NYPD Chief 
Secondly, WATCH THESE VIDEOS (you may have to cut and paste a link into your browser):
A Baltimore PD Commander’s View of Community Service:,
Then, A Kansas City PD Swat Commander’s View – “Mindset”:
Warrior vs. Guardian
and lastly Ft. Worth PD Recruiting 


,…after reading these articles and watching the videos, write an essay about “Police & Community” in which you make sure at a minimum you are addressing these issues:
·                  A civilian police force was created in early 1800’s London…the birth of policing as we know it today.  Sir Robert Peel, who established the police force, formulated “Nine Points of Policing.”  Also, this beginning progressed in the U.S. from Peel’s notion to some major changes in the 1960’s, ’70’s and ’80’s.  Lastly, what happened?

·                  Police leaders are now refocusing their officers, and hiring new ones, with a new emphasis.  Also, what would Sir Robert Peel think of this?
·                  What are the costs of not changing policing’s role and relationships in communities?  (Look at the Ferguson case and observations by the law enforcement leaders in the videos)
·                  What more do we in criminal justice need to do, or should we continue to do, to ensure community support and our law enforcement agency’d commitment to change. The change should be on “how we do business” sticks and isn’t just a passing “fad”, as some critics of community policing believe?

Additionally, it will be assessed based on completeness of your analysis and response to the four issues outlined above, as well as clarity of writing . Also, use observations, quotes, ideas and reaction to the articles and readings.  However, the for length is 3 to 4 pages at a minimum.

Court System for Puerto Rico being admitted as a 51st state

Court System for Puerto Rico being admitted as a 51st state

This is an essay that that discuses the New Court System for Puerto Rico citizens. Additionally, the assignment also describes the various policies for an effective implementation of the court system.

New Court System for Puerto Rico admitted as a 51st state.

Y‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ou must create a newly court system for the state of Puerto Rico. You are to work under the assumption that Puerto Rico has just been admitted as the 51st state and build your court system from the bottom up.

To be certain you need to understand how courts are organized in other states. You must research at least three current state court systems, within the United States.  Consequently, use those systems to create Puerto Rico’s system. However, do not use Puerto Rico’s current system as one of your examples. You must describe your proposal for creating Puerto Rico’s municipal courts, major trial courts, appellate courts, and the state’s highest court. Include geographic jurisdictions. You must also describe how the judges selection will be for each court and must discuss how judicial and‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ attorney ethical standards structuring will be and also the enforcing process.

You should conduct basic research on Puerto Rico. This includes the size, geography, population, existing counties or municipios, etc. To be certain your proposed system will actually work. Remember to provide citations when you borrow some idea or structure from another state.

The body (not including cover page, works cited/bibliography, etc.) of the paper must be 10-12 pages in length. The paper should be :

Double space is the requirement writing format, in addition to using Times New Roman 12-point font. A works cited page or bibliography (depending on the citation system ) must be included. Submitting too many pages will have the same result as submitting too few pages. Any images, charts, etc., used in the paper should be in the submission paper. However, these are exhibits and are not inclusive in the page count req‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍uirement.

History of migration of the group in America – statues in relation to the dominant culture

History of migration of the group in America – statues in relation to the dominant culture

Describe any history of migration of the group in America. Has the cultural group changed its role/statues in relation to the dominant culture?

Migration of the group in America-statues in relation to the dominant culture

Firstly, Describe any history of migration of the group in America. Has the cultural group changed its role/statues in relation to the dominant culture?

Secondly, Groups attitudes towards authority, work, display of feelings, or emotion?

Thirdly, Describe family structure(s) who makes decisions or how are sections made? How are children reared?

Fourthly, Is there a special language used by the cultural group?

Fifthly, What is cultural group political economic, educational, socialization and social control? How are social, cultural, religious and health needs met?

Further, How do members cope with stress? What has been their adjustment to new situations?

Moreover, What has been group’s expletive with issues related to prejudice, disceim, social stratification, and stereotyping?

How have these impacted group socially, politically, and economically?

Additionally,  What is group’s ethnic consciousness? How is difference valuation?

Besides, How do they view themselves in relation to the dominant society?

Lastly, Opportunities that are available to the group for advancement.

The following information may be useful to you. 

The history of immigration to the United States details the movement of people to the United States starting with the first European settlements from around 1600. Beginning around this time, British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. In 1619, there  was Africans slaves importation.

The United States experienced successive waves of immigration, particularly from Europe. Immigrants sometimes paid the cost of transoceanic transportation by becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. Later, immigration rules became more restrictive; the ending of numerical restrictions occurred in 1965. Recently, cheap air travel has increased immigration from Asia and Latin America. Attitudes towards new immigrants have cycled between favourable and hostile since the 1790s.

Looking for good shopping areas like Springdale Mall

Looking for good shopping areas like Springdale Mall

This is an assignment that discusses the Identification of shopping areas like Springdale Mall, West Mall, and Downtown. The paper also provides depth into the conditional probabilities.

Identification of shopping areas like Springdale Mall, West Mall, and Downtown

T‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍he major shopping areas in the community of Springdale include Springdale Mall, West Mall, and the downtown area on Main Street. A telephone survey has been conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of these areas. Also, to find out how they fit into the shopping activities of local residents. The 150 respondents were also to provide information about themselves and their shopping habits. The data are provided in the file SHOPPING. The contingency tables and relative frequency probabilities in this exercise are based on the Springdale Shopping Survey database.

Information like that gained from the two parts of this exercise could provide helpful insights into the nature of the respondents, their perceptions, and their spending behaviors.

Conditional probabilities

In particular, part 2 focuses on how conditional probabilities related to spending behavior might vary. This is dependent on the gender of the respondent. Note: Be sure to use five (5) decimal places for your probabilities in the report, as some of them will be quite small.

1. Firstly, based on the relative frequencies for responses to each variable, determine the probability that a randomly selected respondent from: a. SPRSPEND [variable 4] spends at least $15 during a trip to Springdale Mall. b. DOWSPEND [variable 5] spends at least $15 during a trip to Downtown. c. WESSPEND [variable 6] spends at least $15 during a trip to West Mall. Comparing the preceding probabilities, rank the areas from strongest to weakest in terms of the amount of money a shopper spends during a typical shopping visit.

2. Based on the relative frequencies for responses to each variable, determine the probability that a randomly selected respondent from: a. BSTQUALI [variable 11] feels that Springdale Mall has the highest-quality goods. b. BSTQUALI [variable 11] feels that Downtown has the highest-quality goods. c. BSTQUALI [variable 11] feels that West Mall has the highest-quality goods. Comparing the preceding p‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍robabilities, rank the areas from strongest to weakest in terms of the quality of goods offered.

3. Set up a contingency table for the appropriate variables given, and then determine the following probabilities: a. SPRSPEND and RESPGEND [variables 4 and 26]: Given that the random respondent is a female, what is the probability that she spends at least $15 during a trip to Springdale Mall? Is a male more likely or less likely than a female to spend at least $15 during a visit to this area? b. DOWSPEND and RESPGEND [variables 5 and 26]: Also, given that the random respondent is a female, what is the probability that she spends at least $15 during a trip to Downtown?


Is a male more likely or less likely than a female to spend at least $15 during a visit to this area? c. WESSPEND and RESPGEND [variables 6 and 26]: Given that the random respondent is a female, what is the probability that she spends at least $15 during a trip to West Mall? Is a male more likely or less likely than a female to spend at least $15 during a visit to this area? Rank the shopping areas where males and females are most likely to least likely to spend $15 or more during a shopping visit. Paper


Write a report that uses the Written Assignment Requirements under the heading Expectations for CSU-Global. Written Assignments found in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Items that should be included, at a minimum, are a title page. An introduction, a body which answers the questions posed in the problem, and a conclusion paragraph that addresses your findings. What you have determined from the data and your analysis.

As with all written assignments, you should have in-text citations and a reference page. Please include any tables of calculations, calculated values, and graphs associated with this problem. Note: You must submit your Excel file with your report.