History of the Australian Standards and Building Codes Australia

History of the Australian Standards and Building Codes Australia

Write a research report in which you discuss the history of the ‘Australian Standards’ and ‘Building Codes Australia’ in mechanical engineering (building services) , the most important standards in use (AS1668 and Building Codes Australia), and how they affect your organisation, other stakeholders, and society.

the history of the ‘Australian Standards’ and ‘Building Codes Australia’

Write a research report in which you discuss the history of the ‘Australian Standards’ and ‘Building Codes Australia’ in mechanical engineering (building services) , the most important standards in use (AS1668 and Building Codes Australia), and how they affect your organisation, other stakeholders, and society.

Firstly,  Why does your industry have Standards?

Secondly, Who sets them?

Thirdly, When were Standards introduce d to your industry?

Fourthly, What was your industry like before these standards were introduced?

Fifthly, What effect did the introduction of standards have?

Furthermore, Are these standards voluntary or are they legally enforceable?

Moreover, What are the consequences if standards are ignore?

Also, Are standards static or do they change over time?

Lastly, How often are new standards introduced?


Building Code of Australia (BCA) & Australian Standards

All building work must comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA).


The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is contain ed within the National Construction Code (NCC) and provides the minimum necessary requirements for safety, health, amenity and sustainability in the design and construction of new buildings (and new building work in existing buildings) throughout Australia.


The Housing Industry Association reproduces the Building Code of Australia (Volumes 1 and 2 of the NCC) under licence from the Australian Building Codes Board.


Volume 1 pertains to Commercial Buildings (Class 2-9 Buildings) and Volume 2 pertains to Residential Buildings (Class 1 and 10 Buildings).


Understanding Building Code of Australia (BCA) & Australian Standards

All building work must comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The Building Code of Australia (BCA) Volume 1 and 2 are part of the National Construction Code series publish ed by the Australian Building Codes Board.



Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt by Eleanor Roosevelt

Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt by Eleanor Roosevelt

Must read ”The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt” by Eleanor Roosevelt. How would this person define leadership? And, what was at the core of their leadership philosophy?

 “The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt” by Eleanor Roosevelt


Section 1:

Firstly, How would this person define leadership? And, what was at the core of their leadership philosophy? (1 page)

Secondly, Explain by drawing on the biography, providing examples from their life, and quoting only where necessary.

Section 2:

Firstly, What 3 – 4 character traits, habits or practices made them an exceptional or unexceptional ethical leader? (1 – 1.5 pages)

Secondly, Explain by drawing on the biography, providing examples from their life, and quoting only where necessary.

Section 3: 

Firstly, What 3 things did you learn from this person’s experience/leadership that can help you be a more ethical leader? (1 – 1.5 pages)

Secondly, Explain by drawing on the biography, providing examples from their life, and quoting only where necessary.

Lastly, Conclusion: Conclude by sharing your overall assessment of the leader. What do you think was right about this person’s approach to leadership and/or what do you think was wrong? (1 page)


Plot of ”The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt” by Eleanor Roosevelt

Firstly, A candid and insightful look at an era and a life through the eyes of one of the most remarkable Americans of the twentieth century, First Lady and humanitarian Eleanor Roosevelt.

Also, The daughter of one of New York’s most influential families, niece of Theodore Roosevelt, and wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt witnessed some of the most remarkable decades in modern history, as America transitioned from the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, and the Depression to World War II and the Cold War.

Further, A champion of the downtrodden, Eleanor drew on her experience and used her role as First Lady to help those in need. Intimately involved in her husband’s political life, from the governorship of New York to the White House, Eleanor would eventually become a powerful force of her own, heading women’s organizations and youth movements, and battling for consumer rights, civil rights, and improved housing.

Additionally, In the years after FDR’s death, this inspiring, controversial, and outspoken leader would become a U.N. Delegate, chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, a newspaper columnist, Democratic party activist, world-traveler, and diplomat devoted to the ideas of liberty and human rights.

Faraday House planning policy options

Faraday House planning policy options

This is an assignment that focuses on a description of Faraday House planning policy options. The house is situated along Chapel Street almost into Manchester City opposite Peel Park Campus.

A description of Faraday House planning policy options

Planning options report for Faraday House, Chapel Street, Salford
A‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ssessment task details and instructions Salford University estates department have now appointed your town planning consultancy to undertake a desk top study for the purpose of preparing an options report for one of their surplus assets. The subject property is Faraday House, which is on Chapel Street fronting a main arterial route into Manchester city centre and opposite Peel Park Campus. The building has not been in educational use for some time and is now occupied on a temporary basis for police training activities and occasional storage.

The University have provided floor plans but have now realized that the building is becoming a liability and is also visually unappealing. They would therefore like your report to include the following:

1. Firstly, a description of Faraday House, its loc‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ation and planning history

2. Secondly, planning policy considerations and any other relevant factors which should be considered

3. Thirdly, reasoned options for the future use of the building

4. Fourthly, advise on the information that would be for the University to prepare a planning application Please present your submission in the form of a report. This should also include specif reference to the relevant planning policies and process for preparing an application for planning consent. links for faraday house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSwFFdXXR2M&feature=youtu.be

The report submission requirements:

Use the APA writing guidelines in writing the paper. Ensure you have sources in the report. All sources must be in the proper APA formatting and citation guidelines. Double space , 12 size Font, and Times New Roman are the additional requirements in writing the paper.

Distinguishing Between Voices – analysis on “Men and the Dogs

Distinguishing Between Voices – analysis on “Men and the Dogs

This assignment is on Distinguishing Between Voices.  Review your essay of analysis on “Men and the Dogs”.  Study your own writing to see how many perspectives your account for and how well distinguish your own voice from those you are summarizing.

Distinguishing Between Voices-analysis on “Men and the Dogs

Finally, Review your essay of analysis on “Men and the Dogs”.

Secondly, Study your own writing to see how many perspectives your account for and how well distinguish your own voice from those you are summarizing.

Consider the following questions:
A)           Firstly, How many perspectives do you engage? (This should include Junger’s the source material he uses, and your own)

B)            What other perspectives might you include? (As this is an essay of analysis and not research, you should limit your perspectives to those listed in the previous question).

C)            How do you distinguish between Junger’s views and the views of those sources he synthesizes?

D)           How do you distinguish your views from Junger’s? (In this essay, your view should be an evaluation on how well he synthesized his sources NOT whether you agree or disagree with the claims he makes).

E)            What options are available to you for clarifying who is saying what?

More details on Distinguishing Between Voices;

What makes a voice unique?
The sound of each individual’s voice is entirely unique not only because of the actual shape and size of an individual’s vocal cords but also due to the size and shape of the rest of that person’s body, especially the vocal tract, and the manner in which the speech sounds are habitually formed and articulated.
What are the 6 types of voices?
In the operatic systems there are six basic voice types and then several sub-types within each type.
Lastly, For women: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and contralto.
Finally, For men: tenor, baritone, and bass. Within choral music there are only four categories for adult singers.

Components of human culture – give an example ideal vs real culture

Components of human culture – give an example ideal vs real culture

Take two components of human culture discussed in the module. Based on your experiences give an example ideal vs. real culture in our society today.

Components of human culture-give an example ideal vs. real culture

Chapter Three: Culture

Firstly, Take two components of human culture discussed in the module and/or textbook and apply this to our society. In other words, what do these components look like here in the US?
Secondly, Based on your experiences give an example ideal vs. real culture in our society today. Be sure to provide an explanation to support your position.

Chapter Four and Five: Socialization and Social Interaction
Firstly,  Pick one of the four major agents of socialization and discuss your own experience of socialization.

Secondly, Be sure to mention the specific elements of culture (e.g., norms, values, symbols/signs) that you were being taught, how you were being taught and what you learned about them.

Thirdly, Which of your own statuses (e.g., (dis)ability, race, class, gender, sexuality) do you think has the greatest influence on how people socially interact with you? Give at least one specific example.

What are the 5 components of culture?
The five components of culture include symbols, language, values, beliefs and norms. Symbols may be either physical or non-physical.
Why is culture important?
In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities.
What are the functions of culture?
FUNCTIONS OF CULTURE:  a. Importance to the individual: (1) Culture distinguishes man from animal. It is the culture that makes the human animal a man. It regulates his conduct and prepares him for a group life. … Culture provides man a set of behaviour for difficult situations.

Politics and justice system theories of social justice

Politics and justice system theories of social justice

This assignment paper is on Current Political Issues and Justice. The focus of this week’s lesson is on justice. As we have seen, there are various ways of understanding what justice is, how it is to be applied, and the different kinds of justice.

Current Political Issues and Justice-The focus of this week’s lesson

The focus of this week’s lesson is on justice. As we have seen, there are various ways of understanding what justice is, how it is to be applied, and the different kinds of justice. This week you will be taking one of the major approaches to justice covered in the lesson and applying it to an issue of contemporary relevance.

Pick one of the following issues, and write a 3-4 page essay in which you apply any one of the theories of justice we covered to that issue.

What would Plato some other philosopher say about one of these issues?

What kind of laws would we adopt if we were to follow their conception of justice?

Firstly, Legalization of recreational drugs.

Secondly, Assault weapons.

Thirdly, Minimum wage.

Thirdly, Free healthcare.

Fourthly, Free college.

Furthermore, Capital punishment.

Additionally, The Electoral College.

Moreover, Border wall.

Lastly, Net neutrality.


More details:

A Theory of Justice is a 1971 work of political philosophy and ethics by the philosopher John Rawls, in which the author addresses the problem of distributive justice (the socially just distribution of goods in a society). In 2001, Rawls published a follow-up study titled Justice as Fairness: A Restatement.
Who wrote the theory of justice?
A Theory of Justice, by Harvard philosophy professor John Rawls (1921–2002), has been widely hailed ever since its 1971 publication as a classic of liberal political philosophy — earning its author such praise as being called the most important political philosopher of the twentieth century, and receiving the National …
Nov 2, 2017
What are the theories of social justice?
Thus the reader searching for enlightenment on the subject of social justice is now present with a large array of theories of justice from which to choose: monolithic or pluralistic; rights-based, meritorian or egalitarian; Aristotelian, Hegelian, feminist and so on.

ALFRED HITCHCOCK genre redefining masculinity and femininity

ALFRED HITCHCOCK genre redefining masculinity and femininity

This essay entails an analysis ans summary of the film ALFRED HITCHCOCK genre in the redefining masculinity and femininity conquest. ALFRED HITCHCOCK genre helps us to understand the psychology behind the difference in the sex and gender. It gives us a sense of identity.

ALFRED HITCHCOCK genre redefining masculinity and femininity

Firstly, ALFRED HITCHCOCK ONCE WROTE, ‘terror is often accompanied by suspense in the unfolding of a thrilling narrative – or, to put it another way, a story which gives the reader a feeling of terror necessarily contains a certain measure of suspense.’ Known throughout the years as ‘the master of suspense’, Hitchcock kept viewers on the edge of their chairs with tales of mystery, murder, and mayhem. If mysteries begin with a crime, suspense films pull audiences along with the promise of a crime in the future.

Also, sometimes it turns out that there’s no crime at all, just a series of misunderstandings fueled by the director’s ability to conjure up atmosphere. This course has examined the historical, philosophical, cultural, and literary focus of the mystery story through an examination of Hitchcock’s films. We have encountered stories of strange or frightening adventures, of tales of espionage, and of crime–with an emphasis on detection.

secondly, this course has explored how the “Hitchcock” genre has functioned in our society to shape our ideas about what it means to be American men and women, particularly in relation to social debates on the issue of violence. This genre has a long history, so it provides an apt yardstick to measure the changes in American values and self-definitions.

Further perspective on the film

Moreover, this genre self-consciously participates in its generic tradition by conforming to, and departing from, certain conventions and formulas. In a 10-15-page essay, analyze your understanding of The Hitchcock Film” in light of the above assertions and the questions below. ? How would you characterize Hitchcock’s method for creating “the suspense film”? ?

Thirdly, how has Hitchcock commented on our cultural perspectives for violence? ? What is your definition of the suspense genre in film? ? How much of your definition relies on stereotypes? ? What role does the Hitchcock hero, and the roles he and/or she plays. Have in establishing the formation of American values including our sense of justice.

Lastly, Independence, and community, in the defining and re-defining of “masculinity” and “femininity. The evolution of cultural myths, and in the significance of those cultural myths?

Argumentative essay on Why Canada should abolish

Argumentative essay on Why Canada should abolish

This is an argumentative essay on Why Canada should abolish. The paper also identifies clearly the topic from a different position.

Argumentative essay on Why Canada should abolish

The assignment will take the form of an essay, where you will be offered a list of claims. You will select one claim, to take a position supporting or challenging the validity of the claim, and to argue your position with evidence. This essay will require you to read relevant documents provided in the course material, as well as to engage in independent research. You will also support your claim with evidence drawn from trustworthy sources. You will consider your own position, as well as the merits and shortcomings of positions contrary to your own. TOPIC ( choose one) – Canada should abolish the Senate – Immigrants to Canada should pass a ‘values test.’ . REQUIREMENTS Argumentative essay: 7-8 pages of body text, with an additional reference list Comprehension.


Claims are factually accurate · Submission indicates meaningful grasp of key issues and events. Trustworthy sources are drawn upon to support claims. Discussion indicates understanding of contending views on issue.

First paragraph clearly identifies topic from those assigned and states position you are arguing. Essay presents at least three reasonable argument claims (assertions based on interpretation of credible evidence) supporting your position. Also, any argument claims with reference to credible sources of information drawn from beyond the course readings. Any claims that are not popular knowledge are supported by evidence (e.g. confirmation within a trustworthy source). Essay considers opposing position, and explains where it is not as forceful as your argument. Writing skills 6 marks

Essay is reasonably free of spelling and grammatical errors. Sources of any ideas, facts, statistics, or phrases that are not your own are both in the body of the text. This is as well as in a References section at the end of the work Citations in the essay correspond to a recognized academic format (APA, MLA, Chicago), are consistently.

Journal blog article for publication

Journal blog article for publication

This paper focuses on Once I hire you, and you need to give topics for my choosing within 3 days. Once I decide the topic, and you need to choose your targeted SSCI journal within 2 days.

Once I hire you, and you need to give topics for my choosing within 3 days

1. Firstly,I hire you, and you need to give topics for my choosing within 3 days. Once I decide the topic, and you need to choose your targeted SSCI journal within 2 days.

2. This research paper needed to be submitted SSCI journal, and you must write the paper according to the format, standard, level and style of your choosing SSCI. After you deliver the completed paper, and you need to submit the paper to your choosing SSCI on my behalf.

3. This research paper requires data analysis using various programs such as SPSS, STATA, MATLAB or Mathematical equation or model in the paper.

4. I emphasize that you need to have ever experienced on submitted, writing SSCI paper and accepted by the SSCI journal.

5. Once you submit the paper to the journal, I will immediately release full payment. If the journal accepts the paper, I will give another USD200.

6. You need to send the latest progress every Friday.

More details;

Writing for academic journals is a highly competitive activity, and it’s important to understand that there could be several reasons behind a rejection. Furthermore, the journal peer-review process is an essential element of publication because no writer could identify and address all potential issues with a manuscript.

7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal;

Firstly, Do not rush submitting your article for publication.

Secondly,  Select an appropriate publication outlet.

Thirdly, Read the aims and scope and author guidelines of your target journal carefully.

Fourthly, Make a good first impression with your title and abstract.

Further,  Have a professional editing firm copy-edit (not just proofread) your manuscript, including the main text, list of references, tables and figures.

Additionally, Submit a cover letter with the manuscript.

Lastly, Address reviewer comments very carefully.


Ideological differences of the cold war

Ideological differences of the cold war

This is an assignment that discusses the importance of ideological differences of the cold war. This is in terms of emergence and development aspects.

The importance of ideological differences of the cold war

Learning outcomes (LOs) – on successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the major events and key issues of the period.
Critically assess the limitations and advantages of a range of primary sources and an ability to use those sources to build and support their own arguments.
Evaluate the differing arguments of historians on key themes and also an awareness of the current nature of debates.
Assess the validity of competing explanations of events and actions.
Synthesise, organise and present complex knowledge and analysis in written forms, using appropriate historical apparatus and presentational techniques.


Choose ONE of the following essay questions:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

1.     Firstly, evaluate the importance of ideological difference to the emergence and development of the cold war after WWII.

2.     Secondly, analyse the causes and consequences of the Sino-Soviet rift in the late 1950s.

3.     Thirdly, explain why and how the USSR sought to create a block of allied countries in East-Central Europe after WWII and during the 1950s. Illustrate your answer with reference to developments in at least one East-Central European country.

4.     Do you agree that the USA and the USSR both sought détente in the 1970s due to domestic difficulties that required then both to rethink their approach to international relations? How else might détente be explained?

5.     Then, did the Helsinki Act (Accords) in 1975 mark a profound change in cold war relations? Give reasons for your answer.

6.     Orthodox historiography of the Vietnam War claims that it was immoral and unwinnable whereas the Revisionist historiography claims that with greater resolved the USA could have won. Also, which interpretation do you find the most convincing and why?

7.     How useful do you find Fred Halliday’s 5 causal determinants of the new (second) cold war in explaining the deterioration in IS-Soviet relations by the late 1970s?

8.     Lastly, was the end of the cold war a US victory and a vindication of the policies adopted by President Ronald Reagan? Give reasons for your answer.