Machine Learning Predictive analytics Prescriptive analytics

Machine Learning Predictive analytics Prescriptive analytics

This assignment involves machine learning. Write in details about following with examples: Descriptive analytics, Predictive analytics, and Prescriptive analytics.

Machine Learning-Write in details about following with examples

Machine Learning
1.            Write in details about following with examples:
Firstly,  Descriptive analytics
Secondly, Predictive analytics

Thirdly, Prescriptive analytics

2.            Write theory and mathematics of following algorithms:

Firstly, Multivariate Feature Selection

Secondly, Random forests

Thirdly, Neural Network

Fourthly, Support vector machines

Fifthly, Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization

Note: Cite referenced materials.

Use Dataset at :
Note: use Python as language

Descriptive analytics

1.            Perform uni-variate data exploration and comment on results.
2.            Perform bi-variate data exploration and comment on results.
3.            Which attributes predict churn behavior? Discuss on finding.
Predictive analytics
4.            Perform multivariate feature selection and comment on results
5.            Build predictive models using Random Forests, Neural Network and Support Vector Machines. Discuss on performance of the models and compare the models.

Prescriptive analytics
6.            Run mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization technique to optimize customer retention (or avoid churn). Comment on results.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.

The process of learning begins with observations or data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, in order to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly.

What is machine learning with example?
For example, medical diagnosis, image processing, prediction, classification, learning association, regression etc. The intelligent systems built on machine learning algorithms have the capability to learn from past experience or historical data.

Advantages and disadvantages of Executory arbitration

Advantages and disadvantages of Executory arbitration

This is an assignment that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Executory arbitration. The paper also discusses the legality of executory arbitration.

The advantages and disadvantages of Executory arbitration

S‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍uppose that you are the HR manager for a company. Following a string of expensive law suits with former employees, your boss asks you to prepare a memo articulating whether or not your company should add a new policy in all employment agreements and employee handbooks which makes arbitration mandatory for any disputes arising out of employment with your company. Your boss is interested in reducing both the cost and public visibility of employment disputes. However, she is also concerned about any legal problems with executory arbitration, including precedents. This is as well as any negative PR that might come out of such a move.

Draft said memo thoroughly discussing the options and their implications. Be sure to address, at minimum, the following:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as compared with the status quo of litigation? Also, are there any other alternatives worth considering?

2. Is executory arbitration legal? Are there any circumstances under which such an agreement might not be enforceable?

3. Even if it is legal, how are such agreements viewed generally? Are they perceived as fair among the general public? Are there any potential repercussions in that respect worth considering?

4. What are the implications concerning arbitration in terms of precedent and privacy? Do arbitration decisions create legal precedent? If so, can employees disclose information discussed in arbitration hearings to other parties without the company’s consent, such that it may be used in subsequent disputes?

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 1,000 words of content (there are four parts, so this is ~250 words each). Word count does not include headings, cover pages, references, or question text (if you choose to include it in your paper); I am looking for 1,000 words of substance.

Your paper should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references (here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrates your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

Lastly, it is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification. Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍

Distributive justice variance moderation and mediation

Distributive justice variance moderation and mediation

This essay entails a research paper on the Variance moderation and mediation and its reflection to the extent of distributive justice. Variance moderation and mediation is a term used to maintain the level of court delivery in the governance and offering of equality.

Variance moderation and mediation extent of distributive justice

Firstly, explain variance partitioning, hierarchical regression, moderation and mediation. What is the meaning of each one of these techniques and what kinds of research questions can be appropriately addressed by each technique?

Secondly, the data set, SATPJ.sav contains 6 variables: REC, PAY, DJ, PJ, ANG, AND SAT.  REC – recognition or praise from your supervisor. PAY – pay. PJ – procedural justice, or the extent to which your supervisor followed fair rules and procedures for determining your rewards. DJ – distributive justice, or the extent to which the rewards you received from your job were fair

Also, from model A and Model B present two different hypotheses about the relationships between the variables in our data set for the week. For model A, identify which variables are endogenous and exogenous. For both models, identify the variance in satisfaction explained by the independent variables, partition the variance explained into its components. Calculate the unique contributions of the variables. Interpret your analyses and draw conclusions about the nature of these relationships.

Furthermore, find three articles in your research area of interest and assess the extent to which they conform to the practices. Becker recommends regarding the use of control variables.  Do you think Becker’s recommendations are reasonable or ill-considered?  Would you modify any of his recommendations?  Bring your example articles to class for our general discussion.

Eventually, the effect of having goals on the job on an employee’s proactivity might depend on the level of an employee’s motivation. The relationship between goals and proactivity might be stronger when motivation is high rather than when it is low.

Lastly, on sector one test this theory by regressing proactivity on to motivation and goal, and test for the interaction of these two variables.

Results analysis

Thirdly, compare analyses using centered variables with analyses using uncentered variables.  Explain the differences in estimated coefficients between these two approaches.  For both the results from the uncentered and centered equations, graph your results, and compute the simple slopes at low and high values of motivation. Statistically and substantively interpret your results.
Lastly, Graph your results, and compute the simple slopes for each gender.  Statistically and substantively interpret your results.

Information Technology vendor hardware and software issues

Information Technology vendor hardware and software issues

This essay entails a paper on the Information Technology vendor and solutions to malfunctions on hardware and software issues. Information Technology vendor is any person or firm that offers support to another firm on data management matters.

Information Technology vendor hardware and software issues

Beginning about the same time, a new IT vendor came in to do an upgrade on the computers and software used in the department. However, some of the new software was not available in time for the upgrade and the old software was not fully cleared from the department computers.

The new IT vendor still has problems completing the upgrades, and virtually all department employees spend some of their shifts tracking down old software applications and clearing them from the department’s computers. Two of the employees who previously worked in the department are no longer there. One was injured in a car accident approximately four and a half months ago and has not yet returned to work.

The other employee left the company three months ago to move to another state. These particular employees had not participated in the vendor training that took place. However, they did spend quite a bit of time managing the department’s IT hardware and software issues. While other employees focused on taking care of the rest of the department’s activities.  In order to satisfy your manager’s directions, you will need to complete the following steps:

Additional information

Create 3 separate line graphs – one for each of the data sets (3) that your manager provided to you – Sales, % of GM plan, and % of Employee Availability over Last Year to Date. You will need to convert the Sales data into % of Plan in order to chart the data). Insert trend lines in each of your individual line graphs. Once you have completed your individual line graphs, prepare another graph that combines all of the data from the three individual graphs.

Again, insert trend lines for each data series. Use the information in your completed charts to identify trends, determine possible causes using one of the root-cause analysis techniques. Make predictions based on qualitative (interviews with employees) and quantitative (charts and trend lines) information.

Based on the results of your critical analysis of the above information. Identify opportunities for improvement in the department, and outline a six-month action plan for implementing those improvements.

What is the global food system- Who are the players

What is the global food system- Who are the players

What is the “global food system”?  Who are the players and what are the various components of this system? Write a commentary/research paper pulling all of the elements of our coursework and community service together into an analysis of Global/Local Food (In) Security.

What is the “global food system”?-Who are the players

Write a 6 page commentary/research paper pulling all of the elements of our coursework and community service together into an analysis of Global/Local Food (In) Security.

In this analysis, consider the following questions:

Firstly, What is the “global food system”?

Secondly, Who are the players and what are the various components of this system?

Thirdly, Who benefits?

Fourthly, How, why?

Furthermore, Who is at the mercy of the system?

Moreover, How, why?

Finally, what can or should we do — as individuals, or collectively?


More details on the assignment;

A food system includes all processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items.

What is global food production?
A common perception is that global food supply is currently sufficient to feed the world’s population, with timely distribution required to avoid hunger (World Hunger Organisation, 2016), but that food production must increase dramatically in the next decades (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
Why is the food system important?
As countries around the world work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), many are recognising the key role of food systems. They are not only critical in ensuring food security and improved nutrition—food systems are important in achieving social, economic and environmental goals as well.
How does the food system work?
A food system includes all processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related items. It also includes the inputs needed and outputs generated at each of these steps.


Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Experiment with the My Solar System Online Simulation to gain an understanding of the motions of bodies in the solar system. In approximately 250 words, answer the questions below and describe your findings of celestial motion.

Solar System Online Simulation-understanding of the motions of bodies

Assignment 1.1

Firstly, Experiment with the My Solar System Online Simulation to gain an understanding of the motions of bodies in the solar system.


Secondly, In approximately 250 words, answer the questions below and describe your findings of celestial motion.

Activity Details Perform the following steps:

Step 1:

Open the PhET web site Go to My Solar System Online Simulation

;which was developed by and provided courtesy of The University of Colorado at Boulder’s PhET Project.

Step 2:

Choose different presets  Try out different presets, especially “Sun, planet, moon.”

Why does the moon display such a strange orbit?

Step 3:

Use different planetary bodies in the system Try placing other bodies in the system, and determine what happens.

Can you make bodies crash into the sun, or only orbit once and then fly into space?

Step 4:

Monitor the speeds of the planetary bodies in relation to their distance to the sun.

What do you notice about the speeds of bodies as they get closer to or farther from the sun?


More details:

What is the motion of the solar system?
The planets orbit the Sun, roughly in the same plane. The Solar System moves through the galaxy with about a 60° angle between the galactic plane and the planetary orbital plane. The Sun appears to move up-and-down and in-and-out with respect to the rest of the galaxy as it revolves around the Milky Way.
How do you make a solar system for a school project?
Solar System Model
Firstly, Paint the display. Lay a cardboard box in a way that the opening top side faces you.

Secondly, Sort the foam balls. Sort the foam balls in four different sizes.

Thirdly, Paint the planets.

Fourthly, Cut the Asteroid belt and planetary rings.

Furthermore, Glue up everything.

Also, Cut strong thread and set it.

Lastly, Put it all together.


Politics and ethics Politics vs Ethics

Politics and ethics Politics vs Ethics

Theme: Politics and ethics. The topic question you have to focus on and find DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON is: To what extent is there still a valuable purpose for having US military forces in Afghanistan at almost a time span of two decades?

Theme: Politics and ethics. The topic question you have to focus on

Theme: Politics and ethics. The topic question you have to focus on and find DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON is: To what extent is there still a valuable purpose for having US military forces in Afghanistan at almost a time span of two decades?

In the intro paragraph give context in why we are there initially there and go over a brief history of the Russians that used to be there and so on.
In different paragraphs go over different perspectives you discover from your sources, but make sure the sources come from scholarly articles too not just websites (but you can use reliable news websites).

Make sure to include other COUNTRIES effects not just the US’s that are effected from them fighting in Afghanistan.

For example a PERSPECTIVE might be what happens to China’s economy if they come over to Afghanistan and US forces leave.

Another PERSPECTIVE to talk about is The US military in Afghanistan is there in order to keep an indirect watch over Pakistan to make sure their nuclear arms don’t fall under the wrong hands like terrorists groups.

In a perspective talk about how if the US leaves Afghanistan it would create a power vacuums.

You can talk about how US citizens have been taxed for too long for this war and what other things that tax money could have been used for.

Talk about the possibility if US forces leave Afghanistan that is unfair to Afghani forces who are lefts defenceless to fight against terrorists groups for themselves.

Make sure to include those different perspectives in different paragraphs throughout the research paper. Also include whatever other perspectives you find that offer a valid point that you think is worth writing about.

The last paragraph however has to be a reflection of your perspective. How writing this paper sort of changed your perspective by looking at other people’s. What could people accomplish through the future looking at Troops fighting in Afghanistan. What further research could have been done.

Make sure to include statistics and facts in this paper, like civilian casualties in Afghanistan US troop deaths etc.
Here are some sources helpful but feel free to use your own.


Use sources from foreign countries as well.

Always keep the topic question in mind. 3/5
closest-allies-first/2019/08/29/4c24d4e6-ca6e-11e9-a1feca46e8d573c0_story.html Afghanistan documents reveal US officials ‘lied’ about war Sky News Australia The Afghanistan Papers Reveal Two Decades Of White House Lies WGBH News Primary source: The Afghanistan Papers Michael Flynn, Lessons Learned interview, 11/10/2015 Former US lieutenant general and national security advisor.

Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government

Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government

Review Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government legislative mechanisms that relate to biodiversity conservation in your course notes found in Unit 3. Use the following websites to help you answer questions 1 to 3 below:

Review Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government

A. Conservation of Biological Diversity (20 marks)

Firstly, Review Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy and the associated government legislative mechanisms that relate to biodiversity conservation in your course notes found in Unit 3.

Use the following websites to help you answer questions 1 to 3 below:

Firstly, Canada’s Biodiversity Strategy:

Secondly, International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List:

Thirdly, Canada Species at Risk Act (SARA):

Fourthly, Canada SARA Recovery Program:

Further, Manitoba Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act (MESEA):

Based on your research, answer the following:

Firstly, Describe (in your own words) five ways that humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today. (5 marks)

Secondly, Contrast the classification systems that are used in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List, Canada’s Species at Risk Act (SARA), and the Manitoba Endangered Species and Ecosystems Act (MESEA). How do these support biodiversity conservation? (10 marks)

Thirdly, Describe how the peregrine falcon and polar bear are classified by each of the agencies in question 2.

Fourthly, Why might there be differences in classification and how does this in itself benefit species conservation? (5 marks)

Part B. Ecosystem Management of Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi National Park (20 marks)

Firstly, Download the document The Ecosystem Approach: 5 Steps to Implementation that has been developed by the IUCN (5 steps to ecosystem management).

Secondly, Review the document, paying particular attention to the 5 implementation steps.

Refer to the following websites on Mountain Gorilla conservation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park:

Conservation for Whom?″

Gorilla Tourism –

Best Practice Guidelines for Great Ape Tourism –

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park Uganda –

Eastern Gorillas –

Using the above information as your guide, note that the ecosystem approach was utilized to create a conservation strategy for mountain gorillas found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Answer the following:


Where are Mountain Gorillas in the world? What are their habitat requirements? What is their classification status and why? (5 marks)

Step 1 of the Ecosystem Approach is to define the stakeholders and the area under consideration for the development of an ecosystem management plan. How was this done for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park? (5 marks)

Step 2 of the Ecosystem Approach requires that the ecosystem structure and function be described, and then applied to establish management objectives. Trace how the management objectives for Bwindi National Park were developed. How the ecosystem features indicate below were include d in the decision-making process.

Why did the management objectives evolve and how do they now attempt to ensure the viability of mountain gorillas into the future: (10 marks)

Mountain Gorillas; The Food Web – primary producers, competitors and predators; Human Resource Development – forestry, hunting, ecotourism

Ehrlichia Chaffeensis in terms of its analysis discussion

Ehrlichia Chaffeensis in terms of its analysis discussion

This is an assignment that focuses on discussion on the Ehrlichia Chaffeensis in terms of its analysis. The paper analysis is in terms of factors like description, virulence, and also epidemiology.

Discussion on the Ehrlichia Chaffeensis in terms of its analysis

Ehrlichia Chaffeensis
Description of the Microorganism: a. Firstly, write a paragraph describing your organism. Please be sure to include the type of organism (bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoa, helminth, etc), morphology (shape, arrangement, colony morphology if applicable), description of structure (gram result, type of nucleic acid or virion structure, spore type, etc if applicable) and also the type of microscope and/or stain you would use to view the organism. Please use proper scientific terminology and good grammar and sentence structure throughout this project.

2. Virulence Factors: a. Secondly, include a paragraph on the virulence factors the pathogen has and how they affect the host. Please enhance this with detailed explanations of the virulence factors and how they affect the host as you gain a better understanding of them throughout the semester.

3. Immunity: a. Thirdly, which defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium? b. Does this pathogen induce a specific type of immune response (example: delayed-type hypersensitivity)? If so, which one(s)?

4. Infectious Disease Information: a. Fourthly, what condition(s) or infectious diseases does it cause? b. Which tissues or organs are affected, and how are they affected (for example, chronic TB is characterized by lung tubercles)? c. Describe the complications that result if the infection is left without treatment. d. Are these acute, chronic, or latent infections? e. What organ system(s) does it infect? f. Is it an opportunistic pathogen? If so, where is it normally found in the body?

5. Epidemiology: a. Additionally, draw and label diagram on how this organism is transmitted. Make sure you also include the reservoirs of infection, and vectors in involved in transmission, the type of transmission and the portals of entry and exit.

6. Presentations:

a. Lastly, provide a written, detailed description of a hypothetical patient. ‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍Be imaginative and create a hypothetical situation that would correspond with your microorganism. However, this is to be at least 8-10 sentences in length and is to be comprehensive and in detail. You are to also include descriptions of: i. Signs and symptoms, using correct terminology ii.


What Is Social Welfare? – The residual and institutional perspectives

What Is Social Welfare? – The residual and institutional perspectives

What Is Social Welfare? Discuss your opinions about the residual and institutional of its perspectives. Give some examples of the role that government should play with regard to well-being of citizens.

What Is Social Welfare?-The residual and institutional perspectives

What Is Social Welfare?

Question 1.
Firstly, Discuss your opinions about the residual and institutional perspectives of social welfare.

Secondly, Give some examples of the role that government should play with regard to well-being of citizens. (250 words)

Question 2
Firstly, How do you perceive work?

Secondly, How important is it in your life?

Thirdly, Is it a means to an end, or is it an end itself?

Also, How do you think others perceive work?

Finally, What difference does this perception make?

Question 3
Firstly, Describe a social problem you are passionate about.

Secondly, What makes it a social problem?

Finally, This question will get you started in thinking about the Policy Assignment Part I.

Please watch this video

Discuss the SDGs you find most important for improving life and society and how they interact with other SDGs.
Why do you find them most important? (100 words)

More details;

Definition: Social Welfare can be defined as the group of assistance programs designed to ensure the well being of a nation’s citizens. In other words, it is a system that aims to provide quality care to society participants.

Why is social welfare important?
First, social welfare lessens poverty among the members of society with the aid of its programs provided by the government. … Even so, the social welfare programs also serve a chance to some risk families to benefit themselves of the opportunity in preserving and maintaining their dignity as an individual.
What are some examples?
They include: cash assistance for the elderly and disabled, free or reduced cost school lunches, help with a home loan, and provision of physical goods like groceries, medical devices, and health insurance.