Aristotle Lawhead human-made objects

Aristotle Lawhead human-made objects

Aristotle (Ch. 5 Lawhead). Do you think human-made objects also have this potential? Explain your answer using specific examples.

Aristotle Lawhead human-made objects also have this potential?

This paper is on Aristotle (Ch. 5 Lawhead). Do you think human-made objects also have this potential? Explain your answer using specific examples.


Aristotle (Ch. 5 Lawhead) In the reading, we learn that natural objects often have the potential to fully develop into something else, like an acorn’s potential to develop into a tree.

Do you think human-made objects also have this potential? Explain your answer using specific examples.

Pick a human-made object not mentioned in the text.

Describe the object that you chose.

Firstly, What is the material cause of the object?

Secondly, What is the efficient cause of the object?

Thirdly, What is the formal cause of the object?

Fourthly, What is the final cause of the object?

In your opinion, which of the four causes is most important for the object? Why?

Pick a natural object not mentioned in the text.

Describe the object that you chose.

Describe the object that you chose.

Furthermore, What is the material cause of the object?

Moreover, What is the efficient cause of the object?

What is the formal cause of the object?

What is the final cause of the object?

In your opinion, which of the four causes is most important for the object? Why? If you picked a cause as most important that was different from question 1, explain why.

Do you think Aristotle’s explanation and theory of causation is accurate? In other words, is this a good way to think about how the world works?

Lastly,  How did you think about causation or change before reading the text? How does it compare to Aristotle’s theory?

Strategy for education in Malaysia Higher Education

Strategy for education in Malaysia Higher Education

This is an essay that is focusing on the proposed strategy of education in Malaysia Higher Education. The strategy is basically focusing on the equipment of skills and knowledge to the students.

The proposed strategy of education in Malaysia Higher Education

Essay Writing
In this essay you are required to focus keenly on the Future ready curriculum that was produced by the Malaysian Higher Education.

Malaysia Higher Education has released Future Ready Curriculum to gear towards producing future proof student. In another angle Klaus Schwab in his keynote during World Economic Forum (WEF) 2016 had given an overview of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) that change the landscape of information technology into digitalization technology era. Hence, as we are marching into the IR 4.0 phase, the roles of educators need to be positioned from Teacher Centered to Student Centered learning. Malaysia

Write a 5 pages essay
a)      expressing your critical opinion on how to equip the new skills and knowledge in the aspect of education in this era of IR 4.0 to embrace the new landscape of education in Malaysia Higher Education. Please also suggest new and creative teaching strategies and technique that will enhance and empower students’ learning. (20 Marks)

b)     Implementing Blending Learning faced an obstacles or constraints Please debate on these issues. Also, propose a strategic idea towards solving problems in conducting Blended Learning. Please consider to mix and blend the Web 2.0 teaching tools, augmented reality, mobile learning etcetera that will later strengthen and construct students’ new knowledge. (30 Marks)

Below are the writing guidelines that are to be in the essay paper.
–  In writing the essay, please use the APA References and include at least three sources. The sources should be clearly and properly done using the APA formatting and citation guidelines.

– Use the Arial Font and the font should be Size 12.

–  The overall spacing guideline for the whole essay should be 1.5.

Seagulls Book of stories Cathedral When a character in short fiction

Seagulls Book of stories Cathedral When a character in short fiction

This paper focuses on Seagulls Book of stories Cathedral. When a character in short fiction experiences a dramatic moment so intense that it cannot be avoided or ignored, what happens to the character?

Seagulls Book of stories Cathedral-When a character in short fiction

Seagulls Book of stories Cathedral

Firstly, When a character in short fiction experiences a dramatic moment so intense that it cannot be avoided or ignored, what happens to the character?

Secondly, What happens when that character adapts or does not change at all?

Thirdly, Write an essay about a story from the syllabus, delving into the problem of how a character faces a potentially life-altering event.

Fourthly, Show why the character is in the presence of that event.

Furthermore, Who or what forces the character into that position. In the environment of an academic setting, what can we say we are trying to work out for ourselves by reading fiction?

More details:

What was Raymond Carver’s purpose in writing cathedral?
Cathedral is a short story by Raymond Carver. The story develops an ironic situation in which a blind man teaches a sighted man to truly “see” for the first time.  Near the end of the story, Carver has these two characters work together on a drawing of a cathedral. This serves as the symbolic heart of the story.
What does the cathedral symbolize?
The cathedral that the narrator draws with Robert represents true sight. The ability to see beyond the surface to the true meaning that lies within. More important, he decides that the reason he can’t find those words is that the cathedral has no meaning for him and tells Robert that he doesn’t believe in anything.
What is the theme of Cathedral?
Firstly, The main theme of the story is that intimacy involves much more than surface interaction. That it is the act of active listening which inspires understanding and devotion. In the story, the narrator finds it perplexing that his wife is so attach to her blind friend, Robert.


Mortgage approval time study for a financial service company

Mortgage approval time study for a financial service company

This is an assignment that focuses on the Mortgage approval time study for a financial service company. The assignment will involve conducting various analysis steps.

Mortgage approval time study for a financial service company

Case Study 2: Mortgage Approval Time Study
Read the following case study:
A major financial services company wishes to better understand its mortgage approval process. In particular, the company is interested in learning about the effects of credit history (good versus fair), the size of the mortgage (<$500,000 versus >$500,000), and the region of the United States (western versus eastern) on the amount of time it takes to get a mortgage approved. The database of mortgages approved in the last year is accessed, and a random sample of five approved mortgages is selected for each of the eight combinations of the three variables. The data are shown in the table attached.


First, conduct an analysis using the following steps:
1.      Use the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in Microsoft Excel in order determine the nature and also magnitude of the effects of the three variables on mortgage approval times. What are the key drivers of this process?
2.      Determine the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, et cetera) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Provide a rationale for your response.

3.      Assess the data sampling method. Our sample contained only five mortgages per combination. Under what circumstances would it have been appropriate to select a larger sample? Is a sample of five mortgages adequate to access the relative magnitudes of the effects of the variables? What sample size would you recommend? Also, what could you learn from a larger sample size? (Hint: Look back at chapter 2, 3, 5, and 6 for discussion of sampling.)4.      Provide other variable responses that might be of interest to measure and study. (Hint: If you were getting a mortgage or a loan, what are the two most important measures of the process you would have to go through?)

5.      Propose one overall recommendation to the financial services company, based on the DOE, that could help reduce mortgage approval times.
6.      Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to identify at least two quality references to support your discussion. However, Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Experimental design mouse as models

Experimental design mouse as models

This is an essay that describes the experimental design by justifying the use of mouse as models. The essay also justifies the method for each method of measure.

Experimental design by justifying the use of mouse as models

Research Proposal:
Include in research proposal:
A simple introduction of the proposal before the including the following points like the one provided in the example. However, for this topic hypothesis don’t copy from the example provided because it’s a completely different topic.

1. Experimental design:

Describe your experimental design (mouse) )by justifying the use of the mouse as models. Additionally, the method used for extraction of proteins from oats and the method or process of the hydrolysis of extracted proteins like pepsin and pancreatin, animal experiment like feeding(ex: record food ,daily weight ,etc. Also, how long /number of groups and number of individuals in each group and how you will collect sample from the mice.
Note: after writing the above information include a simple diagram based on the experiment for this proposal. As shown in the example of research proposal provided to help you see the format and don’t just copy the information from the example provided ).
Note: the places where I wrote etc. means include more things not just the once I gave to make the experiment

2. Endpoint measurements:

Provide a justification and method for each endpoint measurement you propose to perform. Also, how they are the methods you will be using to measure the obesity of mice like total cholesterol, lipase activity, fat accumulation, etc.
Note: include at least 4 end point measurements
Note: the places where I wrote etc. means include more things not just the once I gave to make the experiment.

3.Expected results Describe your expected results (relate to hypothesis); include rationale

4. Significance and implications: End with the significance of the results and implications in a larger context

The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings has symbolic elements

The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings has symbolic elements

This paper focuses on“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements. In this assignment, you will analyze specific things that characters think, feel, say, and experience to conclude larger, more general truths about the author’s presentation of or convictions about the world.

“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements

Each text we have read presents symbols that can be interpreted in different ways. Consider one such work and explore the symbol(s) in the work and how the author/poet is able to establish meaning through the use of said symbol(s).

In this assignment, you will analyze specific things that characters think, feel, say, and experience to conclude larger, more general truths about the author’s presentation of or convictions about the world.

Example 1:

“The Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” has symbolic elements.

How does Marquez present the symbol(s)?

What is the role of the symbol(s) in the story and how do they affect the outcome?

Example 2:

“The Sick Rose” has many symbolic elements (the rose, the colour red, etc.).

How does Blake present the symbol(s)? What possible meanings could these elements have?

What is the role of the symbol(s) in the poem and how do they affect the outcome?

You can use your commonplace book entries as a starting point and the questions listed in that assignment can also help you get started (see pages 16-19 and 1165-1171 for more questions):

● Expectations

Does the title suggest anything?

● Characterization 

Firstly, who are the characters?

Secondly, What are they like?

Also, Is there a protagonist, an antagonist, or other types?

Lastly, Are the characters’ names significant?

● Plot

what happens?

Are there scene changes? How is exposition handled?

Firstly, What events mark the rising action?

Secondly, What is the climax?

Thirdly, What is the resolution?

Fourthly, What kind of a play or plot is it?

● Setting

Firstly, When does the action occur?

Secondly, Where does the action occur?

Also, What is the atmosphere?

Lastly, Are there scene changes?

● Style, Tone, Imagery

What is the style of the dialogue?

How do nonverbal gestures and actions convey meaning?

Do any of the props seem to have symbolic meaning?

Extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Understand how to extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis. Get hands-on experience with conducting regressions and understanding regression output.

extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis

Purpose of Assignment
Firstly,  Understand how to extract attribute weights from attitude ratings using conjoint analysis.

Secondly, Get hands-on experience with conducting regressions and understanding regression output.

Submission Instructions
Remember to Submit two parts of the assignment: One Excel file with your work (follow this template) and one Word Doc with the results and interpretation (follow this template).

Also, Attach these to an email to with “Conjoint: First and Last Name 1, First and Last Name 2” in the subject line (e.g., “Conjoint: Sharifa Nguyen, Steven Smith”). Make sure to copy your partner.

Completion Instructions

Firstly, Choose a Product Category, Attributes, and Attribute Levels

Secondly, Choose a category that you think is fun so you can enjoy the process (e.g., potential dates, vacation destinations, movies, etc.).

Also, Choose three attributes of that product category which you are interested in examining, and come up with two levels for each attribute. If you choose a product that has a monetary cost, include price as one of your product categories so you can see price sensitivity and trade-offs between attributes will be easier to understand.

Further, Create Stimuli, Gather Data, Analyze Data

Moreover, Follow the steps listed in the lecture to create your matrix of products.

Then, turn that into a table that you send to two consumers to gather their ratings for each product. Make sure you present the products in random order in the table. [Note: If you were doing this in industry, you will get more accurate results if you present each product one at a time rather than all at once in a table. And, you would provide the actual products rather than descriptions of them.]

Follow the steps listed in the lecture to analyze the data using the regression function in Excel for each consumer separately.

Assemble Output to Turn In

Lastly, You will turn in (1) an Excel file and (2) a Word Doc. Follow format of templates and submission instructions listed above.

Political event public figure political theme public profession or law

Political event public figure political theme public profession or law

You can write a paper about a political event, public figure, political theme, public profession, or law as it has been portrayed differently in several different films, and offer an explanation of how and why the portrayals have changed. For example, one might compare the portrayal of the threat of nuclear war in Fail Safe (1964) and Dr. Strangelove (1964) with that in Threads (1984), and Jericho (TV Series—2006).

Political event public figure political theme public profession or law

Firstly, write a paper about a political event, public figure, political theme, public profession, or law as it has been portrayed differently in several different films. Secondly, offer an explanation of how and why the portrayals have changed.  For example, one might compare the portrayal of the threat of nuclear war in Fail Safe (1964) and Dr. Strangelove (1964) with that in Threads (1984), and Jericho (TV Series—2006).

Further, write a paper that explores the similarities and differences between real people or events. Also, the portrayal of them in films. Also, find political meaning in the differences.  For example, how and why is Governor Stanton’s primary campaign in Primary Colors (1998) different from Bill Clinton’s real primary campaign.  Compare the real Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 to its portrayal in 13 Days in October (2000).

Write a paper that explores the political implications of the differences between two or more versions of the same story.  For example, how and why is the film Catch-22 (1970) different from the novel Catch-22 by Joseph Heller of 1962.

Moreover, write a paper that looks at the political meaning in a body of work that produced by a single director, actor, or writer. IE, what is the political meaning of the films that Clint Eastwood and stared in or directed in his career?

Lastly, How and why has it changed over the years?

Diagramming and error classification-feedback

Diagramming and error classification-feedback

This paper focuses on 2020 OHS 323 Diagramming and error classification-feedback. This is a feedback assignment designed to give you an incentive to practice and acquire skills and give you feedback before you use those skills in the large assignment and the midterm.

2020 OHS 323 Diagramming and error classification-feedback

This is a feedback assignment design to give you an incentive to practice and acquire skills and give you feedback before you use those skills in the large assignment and the midterm. It is not a summative assessment of a learning module. Also, You will learn BY doing the assignment.

I do NOT encourage let alone insist that investigators find “THE” CAUSE. Just producing a clear description of an event can lead them to a set of information that will meet the quality criteria: comprehensive, unbiased, reliable, and useful – enable them to develop interventions. Factors can be causally relevant without being “the” cause or even possible to prevent. Factors can be actions or characteristics of people that contributed without being errors. Diagramming is a valuable method to document the information you have and organize it so that you can see the relationships among contributing factors and find potential paths to prevention.

This assignment:

Firstly, Identify a personal story that happened to you or someone close to you that you know pretty much

Secondly, Everything about. It may have resulted in personal injury to you, them, or others, or property damage or other loss.

Thirdly, It will include one or more errors. Multiple errors may have been independent of each other, or an error may have been a failed reaction to the result of a previous error.

Fourthly, You will diagram all the contributing factors – events and conditions – and their relationship to each other and the outcome(s).

Further, You will identify the error(s), and identify the type of error. You should use the error typology in the notes and explain why that is the best match for the type.

Also, You must be correct for slip, mistake, and lapse. You should try to be close in the sub-types. If you cannot classify sub-types, it may tell you that your diagram lacks the context that would enable you to select a sub-classification.

Lastly, Diagram the flow of events primarily horizontally, with the outcome at the LEFT margin. With antecedents to the right of the effects. Antecedents of effects include exceptional conditions and events and unexceptional conditions (i.e., design features and procedures) and events that contributed to or enabled the injury-producing collision.

Note that a cause-consequence tree diagram needs to include implied requirements when documenting a contributing deviation. (E.g., suppose you consider “the cloth was wet” to be a contributing deviation.  Also document “the cloth is required to be dry”) otherwise it is unclear why the factor is relevant. Likewise, an action (or non-action) is only an error if a different action (or non-action) was require.

Validity and reliability of different assessment tools

Validity and reliability of different assessment tools

For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. You will also consider examples of children with various weight issues.

Consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools

For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests.

You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. Also,you will also consider examples of children with various weight issues.

You will explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their children’s health and weight.

To Prepare Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider factors that impact the validity and reliability of various assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You also will review examples of paediatric patients and their families as it relates to BMI.


Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignments from your Instructor. Search the Walden Library and credible sources for resources explaining the tool or test you were assigned.

What is its purpose, how is it conduct ed, and what information does it gather?

Also, as you search the Walden library and credible sources, consider what the literature discusses regarding the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, ethical dilemmas, and controversies related to the test or tool.

For Assignment Option 2 (Child), consider what health issues and risks may be relevant to the child in the health example. Based on the risks you identified, consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health. Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion. Consider how you could encourage parents or caregivers to be proactive toward the child’s health. The Assignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):

Assignment Option 1:

Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests: Include the following:
A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assign ed is used in healthcare. What is its purpose?

How is it conducted?

What information does it gather?

Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability. Further, explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.

Assignment Option 2: Child Health Case:
Include the following: An explanation of the health issues and risks that are relevant to the child you were assign ed.

Describe additional information you would need in order to further assess his or her weight-related health.

Identify and describe any risks and consider what further information you would need to gain a full understanding of the child’s health.

Think about how you could gather this information in a sensitive fashion. Taking into account the parents’ and caregivers’ potential sensitivities, list at least three specific questions you would ask about the child to gather more information.

Provide at least two strategies you could employ to encourage the parents or caregivers to be proactive about their child’s health and weight.