Cultural Development of Monsters Demons and Evil

Cultural Development of Monsters, Demons, and Evil.” In this chapter, the author does not attempt to provide a definitive explanation of “where serial killers come from.” Instead, he explores their histories, backgrounds, personalities, cultural interactions, cultural influences etc., that may have played a part in the development of deviant behavior. By studying these relationships, the author hopes to identify possible parallels and common themes that would shed some light on the psychological evolution of the serial killer. How did the author explain these common themes as they relate to the evolution of a killer? Do you see weaknesses or inconsistencies in his analysis? If so, explain in detail what they are. If not, explain why you think his analysis is sound.

Are women more emotional than men

Are women more emotional than men?

People often claim that women are more emotional than men. Do you agree or disagree? Please specify what kinds of emotions you are referring to.——————————————————————–since this is a discussion form you can write about your own experience or take some idea from this video. *Please watch this video. ( ————————————————————————————————————————————-Academic Integrity Policy in this Course The integrity of any academic discipline is essential and requires that those who engage the subject matter do so in an honest and forthright manner. In this environment cheating of any sort is unacceptable, and if uncovered, will be sanctioned. The policy used in this course is akin to that of the College. If a student is found cheating or plagiarizes on written assignments he/she will receive an F for that assignment. A written description of the incident will be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services to be placed on file. If a second incident occurs the student will fail the course and a second written description concerning the event will be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services. Any subsequent actions will be pursued by the Vice President and the Committee on Academic Standing.

Internal Controls

 Internal Controls


Paper details:

Locate a business that is willing to let you observe visible internal controls in the business environment. An example might be observing activities in a coffee shop, restaurant, or store. Observe the internal control structure of the business and through the use of flowcharts show the structure. Research a proposed internal control structure. Highlight strengths and weaknesses and recommend improvements. Your paper should be at least 4 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, in APA format. The flowcharts should be included as an appendix. Include at least 2 external references

How do students construct their identities through university life

This paper will mainly focus on how students construct their identities through university life

1.The write up must start with a reflection on the interview process and method of photo elicitation. This should include discussion of these methods, and the advantages and disadvantages of photo elicitation. 2.Detail and reflect on your interview strategy and design (e.g. how you developed conversation around the photos) and support this with quotes from the interview to illustrate what worked well and what did no

3.Write up your analysis of the interview and conversation. Select images and related interview data to discuss and analyse. Structure of Main part this paper is divided into four parts, the first part will discuss how the semi-structured interview was designed and analyze the method of photo elicitation have been used during the interview; the second part will analyse the data and information which has been collected from the semi-structured interview from numbers of aspects. The following part will present what we found from the interview and discuss in depth about the data. Finally, the conclusion part will critically evaluate the usage of the interview as a way of collecting data, and some ethical issues might potentially happen during the interview.

Classical schools

Research essay on classical schools. Here are few things that can be used in essay. Introduction- Human nature in classical schools, 3 offences- Menslaughter, Robbery , Break and enter. INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR TERM PAPER The purpose of your term paper is to demonstrate your knowledge of the Classical Schools of Criminology. This will be accomplished through an application of one of these perspectives to information on three offences in Canada (Option 1) or the Dangerous Offender (DO) designation (Option 2). The information I provide you is taken from the Criminal Code of Canada and/or UCR data. Regardless of the option you choose, the first question you will need to address is whether the information is consistent with the Classical or Positive School. This is your primary thesis statement. This document provides a summary of the following:  The general criteria used for grading your term paper.  Detailed instructions for the structure and content of your term paper.  Detailed instructions regarding referencing in your term paper.  A checklist of things to look out for when writing your paper and putting the final product together. General Criteria for Grading Term Paper 1. Appropriate use of outside material; 2. Meets instructions of the Paper Guidelines provided below; 3. Grammar, syntax, spelling, organization; 4. Proper referencing and citations (See Instructions for Referencing in Written Assignments below) Term Paper– 20% of Final Grade Your final paper should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages in length (title page and references are not included). In addition, it must include the following components: 1. Introduction (~ ½ page) 2. Summary of the chosen perspective (~ 1.5 pages) 3. Application of the perspective (~ 1.5 pages)

4. Conclusion (~ ½ page) There are many possible configurations that would earn a high grade on the paper. However, each of these components must be present in the final paper. These components are described in greater detail below. You will be graded based on each of these elements as well as your writing and presentation style. You may use the structure in these guidelines or impose your own, depending on how you decide to approach the paper. 2 Summer 2019 Introduction An introduction describes the purpose of the paper and presents your thesis statement. Generally, it provides a couple of sentences that contextualize your paper and it identifies the perspective that you will apply to your chosen assignment option. It then should include a statement that indicates whether the information is consistent/inconsistent with your perspective (this is your thesis statement). As a result, you may include references pertaining to your chosen perspective here. Introductions for term papers specify the structure of the remainder of the paper (i.e., a road map for how you are going to support your thesis). Summary of the Perspective This part of your paper discusses the major elements (i.e., concepts) of your chosen perspective. For example, if you choose the Classical School perspective in criminology, you will need to discuss the major elements of this perspective, specifically the foundational assumptions (i.e., proportionality, etc.) that you are going to apply to the assignment information. You do not need to present an exhaustive analysis of all elements of the perspective. However, you should include a discussion of all the assumptions that are relevant to the “Application of the Perspective” section (discussed below). In this section you will need to reference your assertions. I require that you use both of the sources that are posted (the textbook and other outside source materials are not to be included). No other references are required for this assignment. Application of the Perspective In this section you apply the elements of your chosen perspective to information provided in the assignment handout . This section will answer the question: how are the elements (discussed in the previous section) of your chosen perspective consistent or inconsistent with the information in the handout? This section requires references for your assertions. However, you are only required to include the references you used in the “Summary of the Perspective” component of your paper. No additional sources are required. This section should be organized thematically. Conclusion This section restates the purpose of your paper. It summarizes the reasoning behind the applicability of your chosen perspective and how this was accomplished. This is often a summary of your “Application of the Perspective” section, and this is one of the reasons it is important to organize your application section thematically. It answers the question: how did you demonstrate the consistency/inconsistency of your chosen perspective? In addition, you may offer some criticisms of your analysis. Conclusions are often difficult to write, and, time permitting, we may discuss this section in more detail. The Instructor has provided 2 sources for the article.and only these sources will be used. 1) Gilbert Geis, Pioneers in Criminology VII–Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), 46 J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci. 159 (1955-1956) 2) Clarence Ray Jeffery, The Historical Development of Criminology, 50 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 3 (1959-1960) .These are citations of both and you can get the articles if you search for these citations

Analysis & Research Essay

Analyze ( “DADDY” BY SYLVIA PLATH and “MY PAPA’S WALTZ”). In looking at these texts for a deeper than surface level meaning, you’re constructing a strong argument by developing an argumentative thesis or claim, offering reliable support, and employing logical reasoning, appropriate organizational patterns, and suitable lines of argument. Furthermore, you will begin engaging with secondary sources (outside research) to further develop your ideas and theories. Place the texts in conversation with each other, compare and contrast, etc. This essay is meant for you to explore the ways literature is commenting on something bigger. You also must ensure that your thesis is arguing something specific. Examine a theme that is being addressed and establish what the text is trying to encourage the reader to gain from its presentation of the said theme.

Invention Work:Initial Invention

The first crucial decision you have tomake as you begin Project 2 is to select a social media account to analyze. Before you make this selection, it is helpful to first think about the concept of digital communities. Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? YouTube? Other social media sites/apps? Do you post on message boards or comment on internet articles? Do you use the internet to socialize or meet people who share your interests? If youdo one or more of these things, you are a member of one or more digital communities. This is the concept we will be exploring for Project 2.These digital communities can be large or small. Facebook, for example, can count its membership in the billions. But within Facebook are many smaller digital sub-communities: local neighborhood groups, fan pages for celebrities, groups based around hobbies or interests. The same goes for other social media sites/apps: Black Twitter, Instagram celebrities and their followers, YouTube channels, etc. These groups are linked together by social media account holders, theirfollowers, and the various posts of both.So: There are digital communities and sub-communities of varying sizes and memberships. You may be part of these, or you may not; they may be relevant to your life and interests, or they may not. Your task for this Project 2 Initial “Invention”Assignment is to identify as many relevant well-known public figuresas you can with the goal of eventually selecting a suitable social media account to analyze for your Project 2 rhetorical analysis.Please follow these steps:First:Review the Project 2 assignment sheet and the accompanying grading rubric. Both can be found in our Canvascourse shell in the “Multimodal Projects1 &2” content area. Internalize to the best of your ability what Project 2 asks you to do. Read the entireProject 2assignment sheet and grading rubric. Think hard. Take your time. This is a crucial first step; do not skip or rush through it.Second:Listfivewell-known public figures related to your local community.Third:Listfivewell-known public figures related to your academic or professional goals.Spend at least 10-15 minutesthinking carefully, reflecting, and listing.Fourth:When you have finished thinking about the possibilities and have compiled your two lists, freewrite for at least 15 straight minutes, thinking specifically in terms of the projected identitiesof the public figures in your two lists. Who do these figures want to be, publicly? How do they want to be “seen”?oThink also about the social media accountsthat follow these public figures: How are these accountsrhetorically constructed? How do such accountspersuade community members to care, to stay, and to participate? Who are the members of these communities? (Think in terms of demographics: age, gender, race, occupation, etc.) What characteristics or values do these sub-communities share? Do you share these values? What messages are targeted at these sub-communities? Does the fact that these sub-communities are digital affect the audience and/or message? Why or why not? These questions are just suggestions to help you begin thinking critically; feel free to deviate from them as you freewrite. o”Freewriting” means writing withoutstopping, just getting the ideas out onto the screen. Don’t worry about perfect spelling or perfect sentences. Just get your critical thinking on this topic of how digital identities are constructedout of your head. By doing so, your ability to do the analysis needed for this project increases.Fifth:Now that you’ve done some critical thinking, listing, and composing, venture online and identify potential social media accounts you could analyze for Project 2: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. These accounts must be for a public figureand relevantto either your local community or your academic/professional goals and well knownper the guidelines in the overall Project 2 assignment instructions. oYou will need to identify two potential choices of accountsto analyze. Provide the URL (web address) or username of the two accountsat the end of your submission (i.e., or Instagram @beyonce). Make sure the specific social media site/app is included. Include an explanation(at least one paragraphof 150 words for each choice) of how they are relevant to your local community or academic/professional interests and why you selected them as your top two choices for rhetorical analysis, given our Project 2 parameters.The goal of this invention assignment: once you’ve done this critical thinking, composed this written material, and identified potential social media accounts, you’ll be better prepared to understand what these accounts/communities are trying to communicate to their target audience in a more critical light with an eye toward the rhetorical analysis Project 2 calls for.While all the Habits of Mindare involved in all work for this course, this initial Project 2 invention assignment privileges Curiosity, Openness, Creativity, and Metacognitionas you try to “see” digital identities and how the digital communities that revolve around them are rhetorically constructedin interesting or and/contradictory ways.Please submit (either attached as a Word-accessible document or pasted into the submission text box of the assignment) your lists, freewriting, chosen social media accounts, and written explanationsof your final two choices.

Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway

. Ernest Hemingway’s stories are often written from the dramatic third person point of view. This means that the stories are in third person which means that there is no “I” voice and that all of the pronouns used are “he,” “she,” “they,” etc. There are then different kinds of third person point of views. The omniscient third person point of view is one in which not only the speech and action of the characters is known, but their inner thoughts as well.

Dramatic third person point of view means that the author DOES NOT reveal what the characters are thinking, only their actions and their speech, just as if the characters were in a play on a stage. If you’ve ever seen a real play production, you’ll remember that you never heard the thoughts of the characters, only what they said out loud, either to other characters or to themselves, but it was actual speech. What are the effects of Hemingway’s use of the dramatic third person point of view in this story? How does this point of view affect our perception of the characters and what’s taking place between them? Come up with at least three distinct effects of this third person point of view on the story and discuss them.

Aristotle and Locke

Aristotle, and Locke

Define terms based on notes that will be provided. Identify and describe these terms associated with the books and authors studied in class. Do not forget to specify their connections to a specific text, thinker or character AND remember to show their significance and/or relevance to political practice today. (Each question should be approximately five sentences). Choose ANY SIX terms. 1. Justice 2. Slavery 3. Regime 4. Peace 5. Virtue 6. Property 7. General Will 8. State of War 9. Contract 10. Progress This section tests your knowledge of the contextual and interpretative approaches to studying political concepts. Cite! Cite!! Cite!!! (Each question should be approximately a page) CHOOSE ONE: 1. Compare at least THREE conceptual differences in the political thought of two ancient thinkers. 2. Compare at least THREE conceptual differences in the political thought of two modern thinkers.

Strategic communication piece

Week 4 | Discussion COLLAPSE Overall Rating: 12345 12345 “Impressive Writing” Please respond to the following: Share an example of a strategic, professionally written, strategic communication piece. Identify the key message. Detail how the organization and composition of the communication contribute to its effectiveness (4-8 sentences recommended). Note: Remove any personal identifying information and language from the communication prior to sharing, or if it is from the Internet, provide a link to the source.