Italian History


Choose ONE image and ONE article from below. OR Choose TWO images from below. Explain how they relate to each other by answering the following questions.

How do they represent specific aspects of Italian culture? How do past and present, history and modernity converge? How do historical, social and cultural fractures and tensions emerge? Critically discuss the image and/or the article you choose by supporting your argument with the historical, cultural and social notions you have learnt in this Unit and with valid secondary sources (no less than 5 sources) from the reading list/compulsory readings and bibliography provided on Canvas. You need to structure your work as a proper essay (with an introduction, main body and conclusion). IMAGE 1: VATICAN-POPE-ANGELUS. Pope Francis (R) delivers his blessing to the faithful during the Angelus prayer, on July 7, 2019 at St. Peter’s square in the Vatican. (TIZIANA FABI/AFP/Getty Images) IMAGE 2: Italy – 150th Unification Anniversary (16 March 2011). The Colosseum is illuminated to mark the Italian unification, a day before celebrations of the 150th anniversary of its unification. (Photo by Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis via Getty Images) IMAGE 3: Foro Olimpico in Rome, 2019. Mussolini Sports Stadium, Rome – built for the Olympic Games 1933 – Statues – Fascist architecture. (Photo by Arcaid/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) IMAGE 4: Rome: People march in the annual Gay Pride parade, on June 8, 2019 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Simona Granati – Corbis/Getty Images,) IMAGE 5: PALERMO, ITALY – 2015/07/17: Muslims gather for special prayers at the Foro Italico to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Palermo. Eid ul-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. (Photo by Antonio Melita/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images) IMAGE 6: Graffiti representing football player Diego Armando Maradona in a suburb of Naples (2017) (Photo by Paolo Manzo/NurPhoto via Getty Images) IMAGE 7: ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 20: Silvio Berlusconi appears on Sky TG24 on January 20, 2013 in Rome, Italy. The former Italian prime minister Berlusconi will lead his centre-right coalition during the Italian elections with a new alliance with the Northern League party. The court in Milan recently denied Berlsuconi’s recent request to halt his trial for accusations of having sex with an under-age prostitute. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images) ARTICLE 1:The South Tyrol identity crisis: to live in Italy, but feel Austrian ( ARTICLE 2: Venice’s long history as a sanctuary city for migrants is under threat ( ARTICLE 3: Can Italy deal with its fascist past? ( ARTICLE 4: Italy’s ultras: death threats, local pride and footballing farce ( NOTE: Hey! Please choose the topic( 2 images or 1 image + 1 article) which fits you the best as I don’t know what you will be most comfortable with. Furthermore, I have attached all the readings (primary sources) and lecture slides from the unit. Lastly, the essay wants a further 4 secondary sources from reputed journals etc. Please use them as you see fit.

How and why did politicians’ interpretations of the Constitution change throughout the Federal and Jeffersonian Eras 1777-182

Create a relevant thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question. Support the thesis or a relevant argument with evidence from all, or all but one, of the documents. Incorporate analysis of all, or all but one, of the documents into your argument. Focus your analysis of each document on at least one of the following: intended audience, purpose, historical context, and/or point of view. Support your argument with analysis of historical examples outside of the document (textbook, lectures, class videos). Connect historical phenomena relevant to your argument to broader events or processes. Synthesize the elements above into a persuasive essay that extends your argument, connects it to a different historical context or accounts of contradictory evidence on the topic. – The Document must be based on the following Documents (Primary Sources): Document A Whereas it is conceived that the establishment of a bank for the United States, upon a foundation sufficiently extensive to answer the purposes intended thereby, and at the same time upon the principles which afford adequate security for an upright and prudent administration thereof, will be very conducive to the successful conducting of the national finances; will tend to give facility to the obtaining of loans, for the use of the government, in sudden emergencies; and will be productive of considerable advantages to trade and industry in general: SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a bank of the United States shall be established; – Bank Bill of 1791 Document B Section 1. Be it enacted That if any persons shall unlawfully combine or conspire together, with intent to oppose any measure or measures of the government of the United States, which are or shall be directed by proper authority, or to impede the operation of any law of the United States, or to intimidate or prevent any person holding a place or office in or under the government of the United States, from undertaking, performing or executing his trust or duty; and if any person or persons, with intent as aforesaid, shall counsel, advise or attempt to procure any insurrection, riot. unlawful assembly, or combination, whether such conspiracy, threatening, counsel, advice, or attempt shall have the proposed effect or not, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction, before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and by imprisonment during a term not less than six months nor exceeding five years; and further, at the discretion of the court may beholden to find sureties for his good behavior in such sum, and for such time, as the said court may direct. Section 2. That if any person shall write, print, utter. Or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said Congress, or the said President, or to bring them. or either of them, into contempt or disrepute; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resisting any law of the United States, or any act of the President of the United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the constitution of the United States, or to resist, oppose, or defeat any such law or act, or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted before any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years. – Alien and Sedition Act, 1798 Document C RESOLVED, That the General Assembly of Virginia, doth unequivocally express a firm resolution to maintain and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of this State, against every aggression either foreign or domestic, and that they will support the government of the United States in all measures warranted by the former. That the General Assembly doth also express its deep regret, that a spirit has in sundry instances, been manifested by the federal government, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitutional charter which defines them; and that implications have appeared of a design to expound certain general phrases (which having been copied from the very limited grant of power, in the former articles of confederation were the less liable to be misconstrued) so as to destroy the meaning and effect, of the particular enumeration which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases; and so as to consolidate the states by degrees, into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevitable consequence of which would be, to transform the present republican system of the United States, into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy. – Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, 1798 Document D – Map of the Louisiana Purchase Document E Be it enacted, That an embargo be, and hereby is laid on all ships and vessels in the ports and places within the limits or jurisdiction of the United States, cleared or not cleared, bound to any foreign port or place; and that no clearance be furnished to any ship or vessels bound to such foreign port or place, except vessels under the immediate direction of the President of the United States: and that the President be authorized to give such instructions to the officers of the revenue, and of the navy and revenue cutters of the United States, as shall appear best adopted for carrying the same into full effect: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the departure of any foreign ship or vessel, either in ballast, or with the goods, wares and merchandise on board of such foreign ship or vessel, when notified of this act. – Embargo Act, 1807 Document F This Court can be insensible neither to the magnitude nor delicacy of this question. The validity of a legislative act is to be examined; and the opinion of the highest law tribunal of a state is to be revised: an opinion which carries with it intrinsic evidence of the diligence, of the ability, and the integrity with which it was formed. On more than one occasion this Court has expressed the cautious circumspection with which it approaches the consideration of such questions; and has declared that, in no doubtful case, would it pronounce a legislative act to be contrary to the Constitution. But the American people have said, in the Constitution of the United States, that “no State shall pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts.” In the same instrument they have also said, “that the judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the Constitution.” On the judges of this Court, then, is imposed the high and solemn duty of protecting, from even legislative violation, those contracts which the Constitution of our country has placed beyond legislative control; and, however irksome the task may be, this is a duty from which we dare not shirk. . . . It can require no argument to prove that the circumstances of this case constitute a contract. An application is made to the Crown for a charter to incorporate a religious and literary institution. In the application it is stated that large contributions have been made for the object, which will be conferred on the corporation as soon as it shall be created. The charter is granted, and on its faith the property is conveyed. Surely in this transaction every ingredient of a complete and legitimate contract is to be found. – Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 1819 Document G In the case now to be determined, the defendant, a sovereign State, denies the obligation of a law enacted by the legislature of the Union, and the plaintiff, on his part, contests the validity of an act which has been passed by the legislature of that State. The constitution of our country, in its most interesting and vital parts, is to be considered; the conflicting powers of the government of the Union and of its members, as marked in that constitution, are to be discussed; and an opinion given, which may essentially influence the great operations of the government. No tribunal can approach such a question without a deep sense of its importance, and of the awful responsibility involved in its decision. But it must be decided peacefully, or remain a source of hostile legislation, perhaps of hostility of a still more serious nature; and if it is to be so decided, by this tribunal alone can the decision be made. On the Supreme Court of the United States has the constitution of our country devolved this important duty. – McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 Document H Therefore resolved.-That it be and hereby is recommended to the Legislatures of the several States represented in this Convention to adopt all such measures as may be necessary effectually to protect the citizens of said States from the operation and effects of all acts which have been or may be passed by the Congress of the United States, which shall contain provisions, subjecting the militia or other citizens to forcible drafts, conscriptions, or impressments, not authorized by the Constitution of the United States Resolved.-That it be and hereby is recommended to the said Legislatures, to authorize an immediate and earnest application to be made to the Government of the United States, requesting their consent to some arrangement, whereby the said States may, separately or in concert, be empowered to assume upon themselves the defense of their territory against the enemy, and a reasonable portion of the taxes, collected within said States, may be paid into the respective treasuries thereof, and appropriated to the payment of the balance due said States, and to the future defense of the same. The amount so paid into the said treasuries to be credited, and the disbursements made as aforesaid to be charged to the United States. – Hartford Convention, 1814

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Grant Proposal for a Non-Profit Organization_ Rockford Lutheran High School

Grant Proposal for a Non-Profit Organization_ Rockford Lutheran High School

To successfully obtain private foundation, corporate or government grants, a non-profit must be able to clearly outline its target population, scope of services, near- and long-term sustainability and overall organizational capacity and effectiveness. The executive summary is a concise snapshot of your organization and the project for which you are seeking a grant. It’s your first chance to “pitch” your program. It’s also the page the funder will refer to when evaluating your proposal against the competition. The summary should include: The objective of your program- To provide a better training experience. The population served – 6th grade through 12th grade Student Athletes. The personnel involved in executing the project- Jamison Fausett The amount you are seeking from the funder-$500-$1000 A comparison of the funding you will receive from other sources. 500-800$ from Fundraising efforts.

Analyzing the movie When They See Us and comparing it to public administration


Each student will write a research paper connecting the concepts within the main text to acurrently relevant topic in Media and Society (THE MOVIE I CHOOSE IS WHEN THEY SEE US ON NETFLIX 2019, Please use this movie, i already turned it in as my topic). Students are responsible to determine their research topic. The paper provides you an opportunity to demonstrate your research skills as well as your ability to understand and integrate the concepts and approaches provided in the course. This paper is to be double-spaced, using a 12-point font, The textbook is a necessary citation within your paper, but you must also include a minimum of 5 additional academic sources are used to support your perspective. This means you will have a minimum of 6 references. These references MUST be included in your body of the paper as in-text citations.

The rubric for this assignment can be found on Canvas. RUBRIC : What is the connection to the field of public administration? Political and Cultural Environment What is the political environment of the issue demonstrated in the media case? What is the cultural environment being depicted? Where is power being given in the case? Government Connection and Organizational Behavior What is the government structure of the case? Does the government structure match that of the issue? Is the government even represented? Are there any intergovernmental relationships shown? What are the organizational dynamics of the case? How does the issue impact those dynamics? Are there issues of organizational motivation or question of its future impact? What does the example tell you about leadership styles? What is shown about ethical conflicts or the actual ethical values? Are there issues with accountability? Is there a connection to issues of social equity? If so, what are they? How does the media case impact your understanding of the societal issue and the connection to social equity? What are your thoughts about the connections made? What are your insights about public administration within the case? Can you think of potential solutions or barriers to the societal issue presented?

IT-Led Innovation

IT-Led Innovation

Write review, survey or state-of-art article within the domain of: “IT-Led Innovation”. Your article has to give an overview of existing literature in a field, often identifying specific problems or issues and analyzing information from available published work on the topic with a balanced perspective. Review articles can be of four types, broadly speaking opinion, literature reviews, systematic reviews, comparison or fields analyses. Note: 1. The template of the article attached. The article must obey the template guidelines in precise manner. 2. At least, five of your references must to be from journal articles published in well publishers’ databases; IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley and Taylor & Francis.

Creating an unethical workplace at Salomon

This case study describes the unhealthy ethical culture at Salomon and the subsequent fallout. Read the case Creating an Unethical Workplace at Salomon In an APA-formatted paper of at least 4 pages, not including the cover page and references, discuss the following: This case describes an unethical culture. What key factors regarding Gutfreund’s leadership led to the unethical culture? Pretend you have been hired to take over Salomon following Gutfreund’s resignation. As a leader, what steps would you take to change the culture at Salomon? Be sure to explain how your actions would benefit the culture. Use concepts from course materials and other research you conduct to inform your paper. Be sure to cite sources that support/provide evidence for what you write.

To what extent is it ethical for the international community to intervene in the dispute between the Israelis and Palestinians, regarding the Israelis building cities on Palestinian contested land?

Subjects that need to be incorporated: History (context) and Philosophy (plz try to get three Philosophers: one from the Israel side, one for the Palestinian side, and a philosopher with a overall viewpoint of ethics like Aristotle) Then incorporate a self-made viewpoint which is that the international should intervene because they did before when they granted land to the Israelis. Please have 15 sources.

Sub contractors

Your manager has a concern that a subcontractor wants to use a video they found on the Internet to advertise their services. The subcontractor intends to include your company’s name as a client. In a white paper, describe the following to the manager: Under what circumstances are videos on the Internet subject to the Copyright Law of 1974? Under what circumstances can “use” mentioned in the copyright law justify the use of the video? Discuss what options the subcontractor can take to ensure no copyright violation occurs?

Importance of physical activity in children for healthy life

Describe your intended audience and why the topic is important to this audience (suggested length of 2–5 sentences). B. Create a presentation plan (e.g., outline) for a five- to seven-minute presentation on your chosen topic by including the following parts:

1. An effective introduction that includes the following aspects: • an attention-getting opening • a thesis statement • a preview of the main points of the presentation Note: For a five- to seven-minute speech, two to three main points are recommended.

2. Supporting evidence (e.g., statistics, published research) for the main points Note: Avoid using personal opinion, personal research, or personal experience as your supporting evidence.

3. an effective conclusion that includes a summary of the main points and closing comments.

4. a minimum of three credible sources

a. Acknowledge sources within the text for all content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and provide a reference list that includes the author, date of publication, title, and location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL) for each source. APA citation style is strongly encouraged. Note: Refer to the attached APA Guide for Communication Performance Tasks if needed. C. Attach one visual element (e.g., chart, graph, picture, model) that supports one of the main points with acknowledgement of any source information used.

The Investigation Of The FBI

Criminal Justice Terrorism course. This a Reaction Paper must be in full APA style and format and be no less than 600 words (excluding the separate cover, abstract, and reference pages). The paper must include a cover/title page, a separate abstract page with keywords, in-text citations, properly placed page numbers, running heads, and a separate reference page identifying all sources. The abstract paragraph must be no less than 75 words.