The principles of group dynamics and individual roles in an effective team


Conference Challenge – you are required to complete a 1500 word reflective essay on: The principles of group dynamics and individual roles in an effective team. Your essay should be fully referenced to theory supported with specific examples from your own experience to illustrate the points made; this may include your role within your conference challenge team. The essay should be formatted in the same way as the Special Studies essay, guidelines for which can be found in the Special Studies module handbook. I will attach the handbook for guidelines, the conference challenge was very generic and can get written up by a third party through logic and correct information I will give you an outline of what the challenge consisted and what role i played, you may write and INCLUDE examples you may think I used and should of used as it was not monitored by staff. I will attach a document of what the conference challenge was. I took part in the finances and you could mention group roles and how i played my role and part and so on.. essay emphasized to reference to theory back by specific examples, majority of the essay should include reflecting over the conference challenge however you may use other examples such as the NCS it is a uk based national citizens service which i took part whilst in college in 2016, and you could search that up and find out more about it online and activities we done as a group was gillscrambling, canoeing, fundraising street charity and also similar to the conference challenge we had to pitch an idea to gain an investment our pitch was for homeless awareness and raise it through giving out food in city centre and thus, working as a team. As you can tell it is very uk based and I WANT it to reflect that please do not use american lingo or referencing. again i will attach a document on the essay writing guide. numeric refeerncing to be used to own examples. conference challenge was this year 2019. ncs was 2016 and you can include anything else you can generically make up to be applicable to and relevant to the title however make this essay very conference challenge heavy




Paper details:

Task: Analyzing using ATLAS.ti software. Title: “INSTITUTIONALIZING AND MANAGING CORPORATE REPUTATION THROUGH COMMUNICATION LEADERSHIP AMONG THE LEADING MEDIA GOVERNMENT-LINKED COMPANIES” Two (2) attachments: 1) Interview Questions (IQs) for reference/better understanding. 2) Transcribed Interviews of five (5) CEOs from different Government linked-Media Companies (GLCs) in Malaysia

According to the article what was the message about the position of Japan in the global hierarchy as envisioned by the organizers of the exposition

Week 4 Discussion 1:

Japan Facing West Discussion Topic The article by Judith Snodgrass (“Japan Faces the West…”) describes Japan’s exhibit at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The exposition included exhibits from countries around the globe, and is described as intending to demonstrate a sort of evolution or hierarchy of civilizations. Discuss evidence of this ranking, as well as Japan’s response to it, in your answers to the following 2 questions. 1) According to the article, what was the message about the position of Japan in the global hierarchy as envisioned by the organizers of the exposition? Give at least one example from the article.

2) How might Japan’s exhibit at the exposition seem to challenge Western views of Japan at the time? Give specific examples from the article in your answer. Week 4 Discussion 2: The Western gaze in Japan Discussion Topic In contrast to the Snodgrass article, which showed Japan going to the West––of sending a representation of itself to an Expo in 1893, our reading from Lafcadio Hearn, circa 1894, is representative of Westerners looking at Japan in Japan.

Taking both the excerpts from Hearn and from Donald Richie as a basis, what can we say about this enterprise of foreigners putting Japan under the microscope, in a manner of speaking? The scope of possible answers is meant to be broad, and can include the early 19th century as well as contemporary times, and can include reflections on those doing the looking as well as those being examined. You may also use information from other course materials in addition to the Hearn and Richie excerpts.

Events That Led to The American Revolution



An analytical research essay of 1,500 words addressing the specific area of research you have selected as the basis of your semester’s work. The report must include a minimum of three references/sources. All references must be cited in APA style. References must be from published government, university, or “think tank,” studies, journals, and/or reports. The college library’s electronic databases should be used to identify the information you require. No “online only” reference material such as blogs or Wikipedia is permitted. Note that Internet sites such as Google, Wikipedia, Ask, etc. are not acceptable references. ESSAY FORMAT: The Essay must be properly formatted following APA guidelines and must include an Introduction, a Body, and a Summary. All quoted material must be credited to the author. All references must be properly credited in APA format on the reference page. Plagiarized material is unacceptable. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation must be correct. Outline: Introduction (30 percent) The introduction identifies the issue you have chosen to research. This will include: a. The issue to be analyzed; b. The historical significance of the issue; c. Relevant law associated with the issue; and d. The impact of the issue on government operations, affected citizens, and society. Body (40 percent) The body of the paper develops a critical analysis of the issue. This will: a. Identify contrasting/opposing opinions on the issue as stated by government/agency managers, jurists (judges, lawyers, legal scholars), and representatives of the public (politicians, editorials, etc.); b. Analysis of each opinion. Explain the legal, moral, ethical standards supporting each side of the argument. Use statistical data from published sources as appropriate. All conclusions must be based on research; personal opinion is not appropriate. Summary (30 percent) The summary should be a brief reference of all that you have written about the topic as well as restating your argument from the introduction. Your conclusions must be based on the evaluation of the research you have undertaken. It is not a place to introduce new information

Ten Principles and Lessons Learned

Ten Principles and Lessons Learned

Outside Reading Evaluation Assignment Book: HOW Why HOW We DO Anything Means Everything…in Business (and in Life), by Dov Seidman Assignment Specifics: 1. Learn by reading this valuable book how the power of HOW WE D0 THINGS AS BUSINESS PERSONS can become for a company.

The author explains this phenomenon. an all encompassing behavior 2. Prepare one paragraph summaries of the ten principles and lessons you learned from reading this valuable book. 3. Encompass within your ten principles and lessons the author’s descriptions and explanations of (1) how we have been, how we have changed, (2) the journey to how, (3) how we think, (4) how we behave, (5) how we govern, (6) the new self-governing cultures and (7) the new leadership framework.

4. Make the final tenth principle and lesson an assessment of the value of the lessons of this book from the eight ethical perspectives that you have learned in this class 5. Use the following structure: typed, cover page with the pertinent information about the assignment and yourself, your own title of your assignment and the ten numbered paragraphs that explain the ten principles and lessons you learned from reading this valuable book. 6. Start each paragraph by stating Principle and Lesson One: Do that for all ten of them. Prioritize them by putting your most important lesson first and moving on to lesson ten.

Representationalism and the Transparency of Experience

Blurry Vision: In section III of his paper “Representationalism and the Transparency of Experience”, Tye considers a couple related counter examples to the basic representationalist thesis. After explaining the basic representationalist thesis, focus on explaining the objection Tye is here summarizing: “Block asks us to imagine that we are watching a movie screen that fills our whole field of vision. The images on the screen are themselves blurry and look that way. Here Block claims we have clear impressions of blurry images. In the second example, we are reading a program in the movie theater and we then look up at the screen. The images on the screen now may or may not be blurry(as far as we are aware), but we have a blurry impression of them. Block is dubious that the representationalist can capture satisfactorily the difference between having clear impressions of blurry images and blurry impressions of clear images”(Tye 2002, p. 147). After explaining the objection, explain and evaluate Tye’s response. You may rely on other parts of the relevant papers in order to complete the assignment, but do not bring in material from other sources. Include a brief introduction, but there is no need for a conclusion

Field Observation 1

Observe real people in a social/acquaintances setting and take notes about their behavior. Submit a 1-2 page journal entry that summarizes what you’ve observed and discuss your observations, using one of the theoretical frameworks in your textbooks. In other words, share your observations then explain what they mean using concepts from your course readings. The field of gender studies employs theories from many academic disciplines including communication, linguistics, psychology, and sociology, and scholars of gender studies have developed their own theories as well. Each theory provides a slightly different perspective of the whole field, but together, they give us a composite understanding of what gender is and how people deal with it. To understand why there are so many theories, think of a photographer who snaps the same image from a variety of angles. While each shot captures the same basic content, the pictures are different and reveal different ideas and ways of understanding that content. The theories discussed below are by no means the only theories used within gender studies. These are only some of the most prominent theories used. As you familiarize yourself with these theories, please keep in mind that no single theory can explain everything. Many of these theories complement each other, and some are used to understand one very specific aspect of gender identity. This lesson will focus on the four categories of gender behavior and development: Biological theories Interpersonal and psychological theories Cultural theories Critical theories

Front Office Operations and Social Media

What is the difference between a limited-service hotel and a full-service hotel? 1 paragraph – What is the difference between a full-service hotel and a casino-hotel? 1 paragraph – Identify three full-service, non-casino hotels in Las Vegas. Write one paragraph about each property including the history of the property, the current star rating and number of reviews on TripAdvisor, and an assessment of their location. Total 3 paragraph – What are examples of three major brands of full-service hotels in the United States? Write 1 paragraph about each brand to include the history of the brand, the number of locations in the world, the attributes of the brand. Total 3 paragraph – Using TripAdvisor, identify four major complaint areas for guests of non-casino, full-service hotels in Las Vegas and hypothesize how your property will try to combat these issues. 1 paragraph – Identify which property in Las Vegas you wish to use as for the rest of your project. This property that you are planning to choose and for the rest of the project has to be the one that are not used in this current paper. Total 9 paragraph Formatting All parts of the assignment must be in 12 points, Times New Roman, and double-spaced. For the written parts of the assignment, there must be headings to clarify each section. The questions should not be included in assignments. Rather, the answers should clearly identify which part of the assignment is being asked. All assignments must be checked for spelling and grammar. Points will be deducted for problems with spelling, grammar, and punctuation. All assignment must use citations in APA format. This means you must have a list of references at the end of your homework in alphabetical order AND you must have in-text citations. An in-test citation looks like this: Previous research suggest that consumers value the relationship they built with hosts while staying at an Airbnb-style accommodation (Belarmino, Whalen, Koh, & Bowen, 2017).Failure to include citations will result in a loss of 5 points. Failure to follow the correct citation procedures outlined below will result in a loss of 3 points.

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner

The writer must come up with a thesis statement regarding the text and the essay will be an argumentative essay proving said thesis. The three sources must be academic in nature. Literary Analysis Essay Instructions Description of Assignment: For this assignment, you are to write a literary analysis of one text that we have read for this course. Your analysis should be structured by an introduction that sets up and states an argument you wish to make about the text; a body that develops this argument; and a conclusion that rounds out the argument. Your argument might involve an analysis of character, theme, language or some other aspect that is central to the meaning of the text. For further guidance, see this document: Incorporate Sources: You will incorporate at least THREE secondary sources into your argument and cite them properly according to the MLA style of citation. For guidance in working with sources, see the Purdue OWL website. The Final Paper: Your final paper will be at least 6 full pages, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, and will include a Bibliography that properly documents your three secondary sources. The paper should have: • An engaging introduction in which your frame your argument and clearly state your thesis. • A unified, coherent, clearly argued body where each paragraph has a main idea that is clearly developed in that paragraph. • The language should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical and other errors. • A conclusion that rounds out your thought.

Gender inequality and how to solve it

Historical Conversations Project Prompt The HCP asks you to do four things: (1) define and describe a significant political/social/cultural problem; [[[[I already choose the gender inequality as the topic]]]]]](2) justify and frame this problem to convince your audience that the problem you’re addressing and the questions you’re asking are alive and relevant right now; (3) summarize and critically evaluate various conversations and debates made by credible scholars and organizations about your topic; and (4) use evidence from the past and present to show a contemporary issue in historical perspective. One of the main purposes of this first project is to expose you to various topics, arguments, histories, and background knowledge that will enable you engage with each other over the course of the quarter. The HCP will also require you to locate, evaluate, select, arrange, and integrate sources into a multi-modal composition (in other words, a written paper with at least two visual elements). As a genre of communication—and in the case of this assignment, one that frames a problem, delivers arguments, uses evidence, and speaks to a broad audience—a multi-modal composition can be a synthesis of various rhetorical positions that work together to deepen argumentative positions and claims. As you are putting this project together, remember: In capturing a “historical conversation,” you are not so much making an argument as documenting one. In the process, you will need to capture the historical context in which this ongoing argument is taking place. Requirements: MLA formatting (using Times New Roman, font size 12) Two “multimodal” elements (charts, graphs, photography, etc.) 6 sources (at least) that range in kind (academic, popular, governmental, etc.), purpose (argumentative, informative) In addition to meeting the requirements listed above, you will be graded on the following: In general, project demonstrates mastery of chosen topic (or “social problem”) through serious engagement with—and presentation of—a variety of sources Arguments that arise in the various sources are skillfully brought into dialogue with one another through the introduction of a few key concepts (e.g., class, mobility, opportunity, etc.) In order to facilitate such dialogue, your project should negotiate between similarities (“both authors are writing about ____,” for instance) and differences (“while X emphasizes ____, Y takes ____ to be the primary factor in growing inequality”). In this process, pay special attention to how different authors define or otherwise identify key concepts, social agency (who or what is responsible for social problems), and societal objectives. In general, it is helpful to look for two levels of disagreement: (1) descriptive disagreement (about what is the case) and (2) normative disagreement (about what ought to be the case). The project’s social problem is historicized—that is to say, it is captured in its historical specificity For example: instead of suggesting that social inequality is always a problem, your project should locate the problem of inequality (or a specific subtopic relating to inequality, such as school zoning laws) in historical terms. As we have seen in the material covered in class, this is generally traced back to the 1970s—shifts in the economy, for instance, that lead to shifts in social policy and forms of social stratification. The project navigates between the general and particular and finds a balance between the two levels In other words, key concepts such a mobility and opportunity (“the general” above) are linked up to specific instances or examples (“the particular”). Think of how Putnam’s book accomplishes this by framing his discussions in each chapter through particular stories and then moving to more general discussions of statistics, etc. Overall organization and coherence (the sources, information, and multi-modal elements gathered in the research process are thoughtfully presented in the final project) Sentence-level grammar proficiency The following content is partner provided