Employment tribunal skills

Your client has asked that you make submissions to the mock Employment Tribunal on her behalf.

The ET1 has already been drafted and you are reviewing the ET1 Paper Apart to consider your relevant arguments for the mock Employment Tribunal hearing on behalf of your client. Make sure in creating your draft written submissions and oral submissions, you have included all possible claims against the Respondent supported by a statutory framework and appropriate case law. You have a copy of the response from the Respondent in their ET3 Paper Apart so consider their contrary arguments when considering your written and oral submissions to the mock Employment Tribunal on behalf of the Claimant. Please make a note of those contrary arguments for examination purposes. References shouldbe given throughout your submission (you’ll need to refer to case law to win your case). Be wary of being too long winded as this is unlikely to keep the attention of the Tribunal. Your submission should be clear, concise and relevant. will also be looking for you to identify any contrary arguments the Respondent could raise according to the information contained within their ET3 and how you would counteract those arguments on behalf of your client, according to appropriate use of statutory provisions and case law.

Oral Language Development or Phonemic Awareness Lesson Plan

Special education teachers must be well versed in using performance data to identify students whose literacy skills are below grade level. Gaining insight into students’ academic strengths and needs will help educators plan appropriate instruction to assist students in making positive academic growth. Using the “Class Profile,” identify a group of 3‐4 elementary students who would benefit from an oral language development or phonemic awareness lesson.

Determine a K‐2 grade level for your group of fictional students, select an ELA standard from your state related to Oral Language Development or Phonemic Awareness, and then select a corresponding grade‐level text appropriate for use in a lesson plan for the determined group. You may use Appendix B of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards to help you determine an appropriate text for the lesson. With your choices in mind, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to design a lesson on oral language development or phonemic awareness, utilizing storytelling, dramatic play, or a read‐aloud as an instructional strategy.

Thoroughly script the “Multiple Means of Engagement” section, emphasizing the use of questions to access student’s background knowledge and abilities to build new skills and develop common understanding through shared, concrete experiences. Upon completion of your lesson plan, compose a 250‐500 word summary, rationalizing how your instructional decisions help your group students to flourish in the classroom, as opposed to just survive. Be sure to address how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

RTI Model

Completing an RTI Model

Develop a smart lesson for tier 2 of a response to intervention (RTI) model. The lesson is for high school and do it for one-step equations. I just need a basic lesson. Write a 350-word rationale for the lessons. Address the following questions: How is each lesson data-driven? How does the lesson provide for remediation and intervention? How will the lessons be assessed? How do the assessments provide for differentiated remediation?

Restorative justice


Review of the Literature (5-7 pages) (This is your section header centered on the page)

Type your literature review here, double spaced, and cite in APA style throughout Brief history It is helpful to your readers to understand the context of your problem and the solutions that have been attempted to date. Is this a recent problem? An on-going one? What brought it to the attention of the public? Review You need to summarize what existing literature has to say about your problem and the existing solutions: What has been tried, what has worked, what has not worked, why.

• First, share your theory base (theoretical perspective) with the readers so they understand how what you are presenting is influenced by that theory base. As you read articles on your topic look for what other authors have to say about a theoretical framework for understanding the problem and pointing to a direction for solutions.

• Your literature review should flow from past to present. What where the earliest interventions or solutions? What are the most recent? Be sure to present all sides whether or not they agree with your hypothesis. Your research ill typically involve some gap in information (why research what we already know?). • Based on the research in literature, how did you arrive at your research question. Make your case for your research either answering a new question, getting a new answer to an old question, answering a question about a new population, etc.

• Summarize the major points you found in the literature. • Finally, formulate (in the last sentence) your research question or your hypothesis. Remember that the Introduction discusses the problem. The review of literature should concentrate on solutions (those that exist, those that are still required

How can institutions be used to enforce cooperation between states?

How can institutions be used to enforce cooperation between states? How can institutions be used to overcome the Prisoner’s Dilemma? Explain how the number of actors, iteration, the importance of the future, and information contribute to successful cooperation. Briefly summarize causes of war at both the international and the domestic level. How can we make war less likely? In your paper, make sure to include a discussion of the costs of war, the credibility of commitments, and the divisibility of goods. How do rebels overcome the collective action problems? What strategies are the most successful and why? Briefly summarize the common causes of war between states and within states (between governments and rebel groups).

Leadership in organizations

The paper should be 825 words long Watch any of the movies in the list and write a reflection paper (750-1000 words) in the light of following questions: 1. Analyse the leader you observed in the movie.What traits and skills does he/she have? Is he/she more task or people oriented? 2. Which leadership style(s) does he/she fit in more? 3. Do you think he or she is an effective leader? What are the weaknesses and strengths of hım/her? 4. Do you think he/she would be effective under different circumstances (different organization, culture, followers, tasks etc.) Movie:The Devil Wears Prada

Marketing communication plan

Carefully read through all components (listed below) required for completion of the Research Project. In selecting your project topic, ensure that you will be able to ascertain the appropriate data/information needed to complete the project in terms of the deliverables. Select a health care organization (local or national, large or small, public or private) and perform a needs assessment/gap analysis. You may utilize your own organization if you are employed in a health care related company. You may approach the Research Project from a (1) Human Resources, (2) Operations, or (3) Facilities perspective. You may select an organization in your own community. Human Resources: staffing, training, recruitment, retention, job function redesign, etc. Operations: delivery of service/care, access, wait times, equipment usage, process improvements, resource optimization, regulatory compliance, etc. Facilities: space planning, construction, redesign, relocation. The components for the Research Project include the following: Title Page Executive Summary (Needs Content Criteria) Description of the organization (history, length in service/operation, how many beds? clients served? location; rural vs. urban, satellite locations, total number of staff, client usage information/demographics, etc.) Needs Assessment/Gap Analysis: What is not currently being offered? Room for improvements? Service delivery deficits? Personnel issues/shortages? Justify with supporting data and statistics. Propose an intervention (service or facility) based on the needs/gap analysis. Justify your proposed intervention by providing an analysis from: Cultural Social Legal Economics Regulatory Reimbursement Managed care Health legislation Contracts perspectives Pick a minimum of three of the elements listed above depending on the organization selected and which apply to the specific organization/situation selected. Create a plan to implement your intervention. Identify the stakeholders involved, and their role (s) in implementing the intervention. Include finance and staffing elements required to implement the intervention. Develop a marketing communication plan on how the stakeholders will be informed, kept up-to-date, etc. prior to the intervention, during the intervention, and post intervention. Develop a plan for measurement effectiveness of the intervention. What indicators will determine if the intervention is successful? Reference page. Writing the Research Project The Research Project: Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least ten scholarly and /or peer-reviewed sources, published within the last 5 years. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Identifying a Theoretical Framework

Using your responses from u08s2, post a well-written message in which you address the following: Your research topic from section 1.1: Research Topic, of your Dissertation Research Plan. If you are developing a new theory, provide a brief statement explaining your choice of developing a new theory as opposed to applying an existing theory. If you are using an existing theory: Identify the theory. Provide a brief description of the theory. Use your responses to u08s2 to briefly explain how you will test the theory in your dissertation. Describe the theoretical implications you believe your study could have for your field and your specialization area. Once you have completed your work in this discussion, you can transfer it to Section 3 of your Dissertation Research Plan. Unit 2 introduced you to the role of theory in dissertation research. In unit 8, you will begin the process of how to identify and apply theory in scientific research. At this time in the research process, you don’t know if your study will utilize a quantitative method or a qualitative method. Identifying a methodology is not necessary at this stage in topic development. What is important is that through your coursework and readings, you develop expertise for understanding the role of theory in scientific research.

The tension between state immunities and human rights

An argumentative essay over the tension between state immunities and human rights. It will need to have a well written definition of state immunities, human rights, and International law in relation to immunnitie and human right. The question at hand is can serious human rights violations justify a breach of state immunity? why serious human rights violations cannot be brought to domestic court? relate the violation to the human right violation that is occurring in Eritrea, and how the United Nation and international law is not getting involved to help the innocent people that are living under a dictator for almost 30 years.

Horney talks about a real self and an idealized self

Horney talks about a real self and an idealized self.

Those who live in accordance with their real self are considered healthy, while those who live in accordance with their idealized self are considered neurotic. There is conflict between the real self and idealized self for everyone and it is more extreme for those who are neurotic. Horney talks about seven devices that people use to deal with these conflicts: blind spots, compartmentalization, rationalization, excessive control, arbitrary rightness, elusiveness, and cynicism.

Based on your readings about Karen Horney’s approach to personality development, answer the following: Give an example of at least two devices you have seen someone use from the given list. Horney has been criticized and praised for elaborating on Freud’s theory by adding feminine components. How is her theory similar to and different from Freud’s theory of personality? Identify at least two similarities and differences. Using Horney’s theory, attempt to explain why someone might use the major adjustment techniques the way they do. Explain Horney’s theory with reference to people in general? How does Horney’s theory help an individual in managing the conflict between his real self and idealized self? How are the uses of each of the selected devices in the adjustment techniques considered either neurotic or healthy?