Alpha connection

This is a real project, real existing company you can research online. Search online and use my proposal. Attachment are project requirements and proposal . Based on proposal and requirement, you can expand whatever you want, just be realistic to be finished in timeline. Please allocate 30 pages’s words into 50 pages, you can use table, chart, image or leave some blank space, just refill to 50 pages. you can leave sponsor information blank


Agricultural-Biological-Technology is the future, and a company developing a new “gene” that would make food more nutritious would have a valuable asset if no other company could use their discovery. Make an argument as to why businesses that develop modified organisms should be able to preserve their property rights by patenting such organisms. Your argument might include the purpose of a patent being designed to protect the payoffs from investments in this sort of research and development.

Then, make a counterargument as to why such organisms should not be allowed a patent. While you should present both sides, you should clearly choose a position for or against and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your position. Arguments against might be found on websites like and

Also, be sure to read the United States Supreme Court decision of Diamond v. Chakrabarty. Written Assignments will: state legitimate arguments in favor of the position state legitimate counterarguments against the position persuade the reader to take a position use acceptable sources (including laws, legal theories, academic articles, etc.) to support the arguments, particularly the writer’s position. All sources are cited in APA format. will demonstrate a high quality of writing, including the use of clear and concise language

Skin Care

Visit the MedlinePlus website and choose one of the skin conditions mentioned in Chapter 6. · Use a chart to capture the following aspects of your chosen skin condition Include the following aspects in the research paper: · Name and describe the condition. · Explain the cause. · Determine who is at risk, the treatment, and prevention if applicable. Include at least one citation in the paper. This is the format for citing an online organization: Name of Organization or Group. (Date of publication). Title of web page in sentence case. Retrieved from

Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time Gail McGovern 504028-PDF-ENG

Must include Virgin Mobile USA: Pricing for the Very First Time Gail McGovern in Case Study • What problem exists and why? • What additional information, if any, is needed to analyze this case adequately? • What are the possible solutions to the problem? • What are the consequences of each possible solution? • What decision should be made or what solution should be chosen? And what is the rationale for it? • What general ideas can be drawn from this case that might have application elsewhere?

Institutional Conflict

Institutional Conflict


Paper details:

Describe at least three reasons for conflict within an institution or organization. How might individual differences and perceptions contribute to the conflict? Explain the role of functional conflict in institutional change. Explain the role of dysfunctional conflict in institutional change. Recommend one conflict resolution strategy organizational leadership could use with functional conflict. Recommend one conflict resolution strategy organizational leadership could use with dysfunctional conflict. Describes reasons for conflict within an institution or organization and considers how individual perceptions can contribute to institutional conflict. Explains the role and benefits of functional conflict in institutional change. Explains the role of dysfunctional conflict in institutional change and considers how it affects motivation and commitment. Recommends a conflict resolution strategy for functional conflict and explains how the strategy supports institutional change. Recommends a conflict resolution strategy for dysfunctional conflict and considers the consequences of failing to resolve dysfunctional conflict.

Distinguish between the method of imposing criminal liability upon a child under age seven and a child of age fourteen

Write a summary answering the questions, and explain what you learned in each of the chapters.

Responses must be at least 250 words PER CHAPTER.

Chapter 5

1. Learn when a child can be held responsible for violation of a criminal law. 2. Distinguish between the method of imposing criminal liability upon a child under age seven, and a child of age fourteen. 3. List the two prongs of the M’Naghten Rule. 4. Distinguish the “cognitive” approach to insanity from the “volitional” approach. 5. Describe the difference between the M’Naghten Rule and the “substantial capacity” test. 6. Identify the extent, if any, to which the voluntary use of drugs or alcohol may be used as an insanity defense or diminished capacity defense. 7. Distinguish the “not guilty by reason of insanity” verdict from the verdict of “guilty but mentally ill” verdict. 8. List factors that may present issues of a criminal defendant’s competency to be tried on criminal charges. 9. Explain why a defendant of questionable competency should not be tried for a criminal violation.

Critical commentary


Focus: This critical commentary will describe the issue; critically discuss and evaluate the controversy or debate that surrounds the issue; and present and defend (with evidence from the literature) your position on the matter and how this relates to the social determinants of health. Technical requirements:

• Length: Minimum of 5 pages – maximum of 6 pages, double-spaced, excluding the title page and bibliography. • APA style and formatting: • Include in-text references following APA guidelines. At a minimum, there needs to be in-text references to ALL peer-reviewed journal articles. • Additional references are allowed and strongly encouraged. For every source listed in your bibliography, there should be at least one in-text reference within your document. • A minimum of 10 from peer-reviewed journals • A maximum of 5 from other reputable sources • Properly formatted APA bibliography. • Font: Times New Roman • Font size: 12 • Spacing: Double-spaced (entire document) • Hanging indents (bibliography) • 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins • Please avoid direct quotes, paraphrase

Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Medications

Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Medications

In this written assignment, select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following: One impact on medication preparation. Explain. Two impacts on medication administration. Explain. Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale. One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome. The paper should be no more than 3 pages. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used. books name is Pharmacology: a patient-centered nursing process approach edition 9

Acceptance of Population Minority Groups

Acceptance of Population Minority Groups


Paper details:

Minorities have experienced an unpredictable history in the United States, with some eventually becoming part of the mainstream while others continuing to exist in the margins of society. Using the knowledge and discuss the minority groups, compare the various experiences and acceptance of those groups by 1840. Consider the following minority groups as you respond and include an analysis of these two groups. • African-Americans; free blacks and slaves • American Indians Requirements: o Write a three-page paper addressing the struggles of minority groups during the 1840’s, more specifically the African American & American Indians during this time period and how accepted they were among the white population at this time. o include an introduction and thesis statement, a body, a conclusion. o Do not rely on personal or published opinions that denote value. All information presented must be backed with scholarly, peer-reviewed references. • Use Credible Sources: You should incorporate a minimum of two credible, academic sources and peer-review articles. • Please use at least one primary source from those primary sources identified in the syllabus. These sources must be referenced on the required References slide/frame. • Format: APA Format.

Thank God for the Atom Bomb

This is the pdf required to use:  sources require: 1 from the “Thank God for the Atom Bomb” article 1 video source 1 Peer Reviewed Journal 1 Website and 2 from wherever you want as long as its relevant Each annotation should follow a citation and be 3-6 sentences including: a summary of the source an assessment of the source a reflection on why/how you anticipate using the source