Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Medications

Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Medications

In this written assignment, select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following: One impact on medication preparation. Explain. Two impacts on medication administration. Explain. Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale. One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome. The paper should be no more than 3 pages. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used. books name is Pharmacology: a patient-centered nursing process approach edition 9

Communicationa and decision making

ommunicationa and decision making


Paper details:

Assignment Instructions Formal Paper For this assignment, you are required to write a research paper. Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (not including cover and reference page) research paper focusing on one topic that we have studied over the past seven weeks. I would like you to go into detail as to how this topic can be incorporated into the career that you intend to pursue after earning your degree (I intend to be in the field of business management). You should avoid writing in the first person (using the “I” statements). Your paper is required to be written in APA format. This style guide, as well as the Purdue O.W.L., can be very useful resources. Your essay will address these items: A specific organizational item covered in the past seven weeks. Give examples using the terms and concepts in the readings, APUS Library, and/or from the weekly Forums. Save your paper in a Word document with your name included in the file name. Submit your paper to the Assignment Link. Paper Format: A. Title Page – Include a title page formatted using APA style. Include the APA formatted Header. B. Executive Summary (We use Executive Summaries in business, not Abstracts). C. Introductory Paragraph – Include an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis sentence. You should support your thesis with supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph, using APA style and section headings. Be sure to include theories, models, terms, concepts, and principles, with examples, learned throughout the course. D. Reference Page – Include all sources on a Reference page formatted in APA style. Five references are required with a minimum of three coming from the APUS Library. Wikipedia and other wikis are not allowed as sources. Online encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. may be used, but will not count in fulfilling your required number of references. Punctuation, grammar, and documentation count toward your grade. Please review this Rubric for more information on how your paper will be graded.

ERP Implementation

Step 1: Read the case studies. Read the case studies in: ERP Case Studies from Parthasarthy, S. (2007). Enterprise resource planning: A managerial and technical perspective (pp. 101-119). Daryaganj, Delhi, IND: New Age International. Step 2: Choose a case study. Choose one of the case studies to explore for this assignment. Step 3: Write an essay. Write a essay that illustrates the following: The decision-making process The implementation process Changes that may occur after the implementation of ERP

Case Write Up : the nature of genetically-modified food

For this case, let’s explore the nature of genetically-modified food and where you reason your stance is on the ethical questions about GMO businesses. First, read the case AquAdvantage (Provided in attachments) Second, it might be helpful to peruse (don’t spend excessive amounts of time, there’s too much there) the information compiled by the US Food and Drug Administration on the product. Now consider, GMOs offer both tremendous hopes to help with nutrition and disease (like Golden Rice)- and we have been selecting for crop characteristics since humans organized agriculture.

At the same time, modifying organisms can have unexpected and devastating consequences. For example, in South Florida, GMO mosquitos have been tested to control Zika virus What is your position on genetically-modified foods? Construct your argument based on your personal ethical architecture? What is important to you in agreeing to support GMOs and would you use those products to feed yourself and your family? Submission Instructions: This essay is more expansive because it includes a more personal relationship with food and you might find that you write more on this area than elsewhere. Try to keep your submission under 750 words. Combine your essay and notes into a single document prior to submitting.

The 20 Exercise Poem Activity

For this next activity, we are going to use Jim Simmerman’s 20 Exercise Poem creation directions below. Follow the direction below to create your own poem. Begin the poem with a metaphor. Say something specific but utterly preposterous. Use at least one image for each of the five senses, either in succession or scattered randomly throughout the poem. Use one example of synesthesia (mixing the senses). Use the proper name of a person and the proper name of a place. Contradict something you said earlier in the poem. Change direction or digress from the last thing you said. Use a word (slang?) you’ve never seen in a poem. Use and example of false cause-effect logic. Use a piece of “talk” you’ve actually heard (preferably in dialect and/or which you don’t understand). Create a metaphor using the following construction: “The (adjective) (concreate noun) of (abstract noun)…” Use an image in such a way as to reverse its usual associative qualities. Make the persona or character in the poem do something they could not do in “real life.” Refer to yourself by nickname and in the third person. Write in the future tense, such that part of the poem seems to be a prediction. Modify a noun with an unlikely adjective. Make a declarative assertion that sounds convincing but that finally makes no sense. Use a phrase from a language other than English. Make a nonhuman object say or do something human (personification). Close the poem with a vivid image that makes no statement, but that “echoes” an image from earlier in the poem. Finally, add a title based on what you have written. Feel free to revise your poem afterwards. Use the attached poem “Moon Go Away, I Don’t Love You No MorePreview the document” as an example of the activity. The second assignment is :Part I – First Thoughts In as many ways as you can, write the word or phrase to end these sentence: Her eyes are as blue as… Waves unfurled like… Hot as… Leaves crunch like… Everyone in the class try to add at least two words/phrases for each line and post to the discussion. Write the first words/phrases that come to your mind. Now look at the list you have generated. What’s tired and old, and what visuals are most striking? Part II – Fresh Similes or Metaphors Next, use this list that the class has generated to create new similes or turn these three lines into metaphors that contain striking imagery and that are not familiar or used before. Post your new simile or metaphor for everyone else to read.

United States of America v. Apple Inc

United States of America v. Apple Inc.:

For the case you have selected, browse the judge’s order. I recognize the order is quite long, and you are not expected to read the whole order in its entirety. However, you should read the relevant sections (use the subheadings as your guide) to be able to thoughtfully answer the following questions in a 1 to 2-page essay. You may use additional outside resources, but you must cite the judge’s official ruling at least twice in support of the argument you make in your essay.

If you use any outside resources, please cite those at the end of your essay. Who brought about the case (who was the plaintiff) and what was their claim with regard to antitrust violations? What did the plaintiff allege as the violation of antitrust law? Which of the four areas (monopolies, mergers, price-fixing, or anticompetitive practices) was the defendant accused of? Do you believe the facts of the case support the plaintiff’s argument that the defendant violated federal antitrust laws or regulations? Why or why not? Summarize the judge’s finding and rationale in 2-3 paragraphs.

Does the public-interest theory or the private-interest theory better explain the outcome of the case? Explain. (In other words, does this ruling seem to support the American commitment to the principle of marketplace competition and the protection of the public interest or does it seem to benefit a private company or group by increasing its income or wealth at the expense of others?) Finally, moving forward what are the implications of the ruling for other U.S. companies? How might this ruling impact or alter other companies’ operations in the future?

Drama on Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Drama on Trifles by Susan Glaspell


Paper details:

Do question number 3 and make sure that all sources cited come from Galileo only. if you need the website this is it.

Baseline Survey

Baseline Survey


Paper details:

Answer the following questions with 100-200 words: Explain your current understanding of effective assessment practices including the difference between summative and formative assessment.. Write about your belief in the worth of large-scale standardized tests, and distinguish between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced varieties. Explain your understanding of appropriate and inappropriate test preparation and on your understanding of the practice of “teaching to the test.” In a few sentences, give your understanding of the Response to Intervention process and how it may or may not reduce the number of students classified as learning disabled. Describe your beliefs in fair grading practices, including giving extra credit, allowing do-overs, assigning zeros for cheating or work not handed in, and the concept of giving exemplars, drafts, feedback, and student-friendly rubrics. Be sure to support your comments with evidence from your personal experience and/or information/resources from other courses you have taken.

Describe the castle doctrine and explain what it says

1. Identify the three key points for determining when force is justified 2. Describe the “castle” doctrine and explain what it says 3. Determine how “stand your ground” laws affect the general rules for using force and the effect such laws have on the “castle” doctrine 4 .List the circumstances that justify a police officer using non-deadly force in making an arrest 5. Explain why the Fourth Amendment applies to use of force by a police officer 6. Identify the circumstances that would justify the use of deadly force by a police officer 7. List the people who may use force in the discipline of children



3rd person voice only. The paper is to include at least 4 types of figurative language; mark the figures of speech in your research paper by bolding them. Intro – definition, description, explanation, historical background – residual, dominant, and emergent discursive traditions; Body – Compare/Contrast a good example of art with a bad example of art from your topic; Conclusion — Explain the importance of your art form in people’s lives, what we learn from it, why we need it. Please Include these resources; “Mariachi History & Tradition .” Mariachi History | Mariachi Plaza Directory, 2008, Clark, Jonathan D. “A Brief History of the Mariachi Tradition.” West Music, 2018,