“How have needs and wants changed over time?

Description this essay is for consumer behaviour. discuss things like trends, causes, effects, perceptions. recommend doing a few quick searches on Google, EBSCO, etc., to make sure you have enough articles to draw on. use at least 3 concepts and principles outlined in the book Solomon, M.R., White, K, and Dahl, D. (2017). Consumer behaviour: Buying, Having and Being (7th Canadian edition), Pearson Education: Toronto, ON. ISBN 9780134386164.( from chapter1-7)

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Case 8.10 and “Tata Finance Limited Case 8.9

Topic: “Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Case (8.10)” and “Tata Finance Limited Case (8.9)” These two cases address some of the same issues. Read Case 8.10, “Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” first, for background on India’s culture and the development of professional institutions that impact accounting in India today. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India case presents the historical background and development, as well as the tension surrounding the growth in India of the largest public accounting firms. The accounting firm, A.F. Ferguson is highlighted in Case 8.10 and the case (which can be found in the Doc Sharing area), “Tata Finance Limited.” The Tata case presents the large family-oriented company of Tata, and the extent to which its corporate officers were willing to go to protect the company’s reputation. Ultimately, this case highlights potential concerns about the independence of accounting firms from their clients. Instructions: After researching the India & Tata Cases, you need to answer the following: Regarding the Tata case, the first issue is that the firm did not support the partner who wrote the report. 1. Do you think this is an isolated incident or one that could happen with ongoing frequency? 2. Also, what about the balance of power between the firm and the client? 3. Do you think the public accounting firm may lack independence because of economic dependence on the client? 4. How important do you think the competitive environment was in influencing the players in this case?

Abraham Lincoln’s The Emancipation of Proclamation

Abraham Lincoln’s The Emancipation of Proclamation

Compose a thesis that has a persuasive, debatable claim about the significance of the message or theme in the essay or the success/effectiveness of the essay as a whole. Summarize the essay in your intro paragraph, end the paragraph with your thesis, and be sure to include your three points of evidence in your thesis statement. Cite the essay as you would any article on the internet as you examine your points of evidence. Your essays should be in MLA Style and approximately 1500-2000 words, not including the Work(s) Cited page.

Meeting the minimum word requirement makes you eligible for a C grade. Meeting the maximum word requirements makes you eligible for an A grade. As with most academic writing, this essay should be written in third person. Please avoid both first person (I, we, our, etc.) and second person (you, your).

In the upper left-hand corner of the paper, place your name, the professor’s name, the course name, and the due date for the assignment on consecutive lines. Double space your information from your name onward, and don’t forget a title.

All papers should be in Times New Roman font with 12-point type with one-inch margins all the way around your paper. All paragraph indentations should be indented five spaces (use the tab key) from the left margin. All work is to be left justified. When quoting lines in literature, please research the proper way to cite short stories, plays, or poems.

Should you choose to use outside references for prompt one or two, these must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources obtained via the APUS library (select Advanced Search and check the Peer Reviewed box). Reliable open web sources may be used for prompt three. Be careful that you don’t create a “cut and paste” paper of information from your various sources. Your ideas are to be new and freshly constructed. Also, take great care not to plagiarize.



Please remove irrelevant information and add new information as per the corrections. Please add specific information needed on the following prompt. Please use proper citation with the correct format. Please make sure to answer each question! ALL STUDENTS PAPERS SUBMITTED WILL BE SCREENED FOR PLAGIARIZED SOURCES VIA “TURNITIN.” ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM IS ALLOWED. Please write in your own words. Please write a beautiful, perfect, interesting, strong, powerful, detailed, clear, and critical essay! Show me a tentative argument with good faith efforts. Please refer to and use all the files that I have uploaded. I am repeating myself here again, you must use all the sources that I have provided in order to complete the paper for my satisfaction. Please add some details and make it more aligned to the question. Please be good at putting these concepts into your own words. The assignments prompts will translate directly to the assignment grading rubrics, so as long as you are addressing everything in the prompt and assignment instructions you will also be completing everything outlined in the rubric. Please use single-spaced. Please answer all the questions correctly. The theoretical frameworks should be from a Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Stages theory b Carol Franz & Kathleen White’s Attachment Pathway Extension of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages c Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Stages d Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages e The Contextualized Sexuality Model Your references must only come from the course reading list (Course_Reading_list.zip)

What is causing the crime rate to increase or decrease

Beginning in the 1990s, the crime rate in the United States dropped precipitously. For example, the number of murders in New York City decreased from 2,245 in 1990 to 494 in 2007. Similar reductions for all kinds of crime, ranging from murders to assaults to auto thefts, were reported across the nation. It is now 2018, and it seems to many that the crime rate has been steadily increasing across the country. Is the crime rate actually going up, or does it just seem that way because we see and hear about crimes more often through social media and online news sites? First, do some preliminary research to find out whether the crime rate is increasing or decreasing. Then, write an essay on what is causing this change in the crime rate. You can focus on the country as a whole or just a specific area. You can focus on a certain type of crime or crime in general. Write your own causal analysis argument answering the question, “What is causing the crime rate to increase (or decrease)?

What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions?

What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions? What is the image of Vodou throughout the Caribbean? Positive or Negative, explain why? (Please note that do not pass your own personal judgment on any one religion over another. I want us to have a discussion without causing offense to anyone.) Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details What are the various and unique complexities of Afro-Caribbean religions? What is the image of Vodou throughout the Caribbean? Positive or Negative, explain why? Please watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtKpkm7xYi8&feature=youtu.be (Please note that do not pass your own personal judgment on any one religion over another. I want us to have a discussion without causing offense to anyone.) The Response should be 3-4 paragraphs. The sources to be used will be uploaded. No other materials to be used.

Intergovernmental Relations

review Deil S. Wright’s article on page 344, which is titled “Intergovernmental Relations: An Analytical Overview.” Wright reviews the competitive phase of intergovernmental oversight and introduces the principle of picket fence federalism. Review the example of public programs listed in the Figure 3 chart, which is titled “Picket Fence Federalisms: A Schematic Representation.” The following order of slides shall be presented in the PowerPoint presentation. Slide 1: Include an introductory slide. Provide the title of the presentation, your name, and the course number. Slides 2–3: Select and introduce two examples of social programs (one per slide) that reflect evidence of intergovernmental public service (e.g., public housing and vocational education). Slides 4–5: Using the framework of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, discuss the benefits of the government sharing (or not sharing) oversight responsibility for your two selected public service programs (one per slide). As a threat, address why declining intergovernmental collaboration would damage government alliances of your selected program. Slide 6: Include a references slide. References for this assignment may include the textbook, government and nonprofit websites, and articles from professional sources (e.g., academic journals). Include at least four references for this presentation.

Microsoft Windows Server Virtual Machines


You work in a manufacturing plant that is starting to rely heavily on technology to run their operations. You have decided to create Microsoft Windows Server virtual machines. Your manager wants you to provide a report on Windows Server and other virtual machines. Your report at minimum should include the following items: What version of Windows Server are supported on Hyper-V on Server 2016, VMware vSphere, Oracle VM Server, and XenServer? For each vendor, are there any advantages and disadvantages of supporting older version of operating systems? Are the advantages and disadvantages allowed you to choose one vendor’s platform over another? Why or why not?

Unemployment and Inflation


Unemployment and Inflation

Answer the following from the Problems Appendix in the back of your textbook on pp. 329-330, and upload your answers through Blackboard: Chapter 7: Questions 2, 3, 5, and 7 Chapter 8: Questions 1, 5, and 7 Your completed Homework assignment should be at least three to four pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Time Limits for Competency Restoration

In Jackson v Indiana, 406 U.S. 715 (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the person “cannot be held more than the reasonable period of time necessary to determine whether there is a substantial probability that he will attain that capacity in the foreseeable future.” The Court did not dictate what amount of time would be reasonable, leaving that determination to the states. The legislatively authorized time frames are quite variable, ranging from a few months to multiple years.

Reference to case decided by the U.S. Supreme court. Jackson v Indiana, 406 U.S. 715 (1972) at http://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/406/715/ Review the maximum time limits for competency restoration that have been proposed by the National Judicial College as Best Practices at http://www.mentalcompetency.org/ Write an essay of about 300-400 words in word format. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (6th edition) for writing your assignment. Cite specific statements from the referenced material.

The essay should answer the following questions: What are the maximum limits for competency restoration? To what extent would legal scholars and behavioral scientISTs agree with these limits? Support your assertions, citing evidence from the text and the video Competency to Stand Trial. Do you agree? In your opinion, what period of time would be reasonable for attempting to restore competency to a defendant found IST (i.e., after what amount of time should a defendant found IST be released if competency has not been restored)? Should statutory limits vary based on seriousness of offense charged?