Social Media and Detrimental Effects of Comparison

Must be 20 pages, APA format. Must have 8 references. This is a counseling paper that addresses the detrimental affects of comparing oneself to the life of someone else based on social media. Here is the intro paragraph and reference list: Social Media and Detrimental Effects of Comparison Comparison can be the root of a variety of issues clients present to counseling with. Diminished self-image, reduced self-worth, and discontentment with one’s own life stemming from the coveting of others. In an age where participating on social media outlets is a staple for many and is accessible in the palms of our hands, the instances where comparisons can occur are infinite. With every swipe, there is an opportunity for one to view a post that could contribute to detrimental effects of comparison. Researchers have found correlations between depression, internalization of irrational ideals, and other aspects that contribute to dissatisfaction of life. Reviewing the research can help to gain an understanding of how to work with client’s the present to counseling with such issues. Treatment plans can be developed to include goals pertaining to social media usage, including identifying triggers and decreasing utilization. Implications for future research relating emotional connection and other aspects of social media, such as secondary trauma via the sharing and viewing of emotionally charged traumatic events, should be discussed. References Aalbers, G., McNally, R. J., Heeren, A., de Wit, S., & Fried, E. I. (2018). Social media and depression symptoms: A network perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, doi: Baker, Z. G., Krieger, H., & LeRoy, A. S. (2016). Fear of missing out: Relationships with depression, mindfulness, and physical symptoms. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2(3), 275-282. doi: Bradley, S. W., Roberts, J. A., & Bradley, P. W. (2019). Experimental evidence of observed social media status cues on perceived likability. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(1), 41-51. doi: Cingel, D. P., & Krcmar, M. (2014). Understanding the experience of imaginary audience in a social media environment: Implications for adolescent development. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 26(4), 155-160. doi: Parent, M. C., Gobble, T. D., & Rochlen, A. (2019). Social media behavior, toxic masculinity, and depression. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 20(3), 277-287. doi: Rodgers, R. F., McLean, S. A., & Paxton, S. J. (2015). Longitudinal relationships among internalization of the media ideal, peer social comparison, and body dissatisfaction: Implications for the tripartite influence model. Developmental Psychology, 51(5), 706-713. doi: Twenge, J. M., Martin, G. N., & Campbell, W. K. (2018). Decreases in psychological well-being among american adolescents after 2012 and links to screen time during the rise of smartphone technology. Emotion, 18(6), 765-780. doi: Vogel, E. A., Rose, J. P., Roberts, L. R., & Eckles, K. (2014). Social comparison, social media, and self-esteem. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 3(4), 206-222. doi:

Declining Majority of Online Adults

Say the Internet Has Been Good for Society At the same time, the contours of connectivity are shifting: One-in-five Americans are now ‘smartphone only’ internet users at home BY AARON SMITH (Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images) (Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images) Americans tend to view the impact of the internet and other digital technologies on their own lives in largely positive ways, Pew Research Center surveys have shown over the years. A survey of U.S. adults conducted in January 2018 finds continuing evidence of this trend, with the vast majority of internet users (88%) saying the internet has, on balance, been a mostly good thing for them personally. But even as they view the internet’s personal impact in a positive light, Americans have grown somewhat more ambivalent about the impact of digital connectivity on society as a whole. A sizable majority of online adults (70%) continue to believe the internet has been a good thing for society. Yet the share of online adults saying this has declined by a modest but still significant 6 percentage points since early 2014, when the Center first asked the question. This is balanced by a corresponding increase (from 8% to 14%) in the share of online adults who say the internet’s societal impact is a mix of good and bad. Meanwhile, the share saying the internet has been a mostly bad thing for society is largely unchanged over that time: 15% said this in 2014, and 14% say so today. This shift in opinion regarding the ultimate social impact of the internet is particularly stark among older Americans, despite the fact that older adults have been especially rapid adopters of consumer technologies such as social media and smartphones in recent years. Today 64% of online adults ages 65 and older say the internet has been a mostly good thing for society. That represents a 14-point decline from the 78% who said this in 2014. The attitudes of younger adults have remained more consistent over that time: 74% of internet users ages 18 to 29 say the internet has been mostly good for society, comparable to the 79% who said so in 2014. As was true in our 2014 survey, college graduates are more likely than those with lower levels of educational attainment to say the internet has had a positive impact on society (and less likely to say it has had a negative impact). Among online adults with a college degree, 81% say the impact of the internet on society has been mostly good and just 7% say it has been mostly bad. By contrast, 65% of those with a high school diploma or less say the internet has had a mostly good impact on society, and 17% say its impact has been mostly bad. Positive views of the internet are often tied to information access and connecting with others; negative views are based on a wider range of issues Those who think the internet has had a good impact on society tended to focus on two key issues, according to follow-up items which allowed respondents to explain their views in their own words. Most (62% of those with a positive view) mentioned how the internet makes information much easier and faster to access. Meanwhile, 23% of this group mentioned the ability to connect with other people, or the ways in which the internet helps them keep more closely in touch with friends and family. By contrast, those who think the internet is a bad thing for society gave a wider range of reasons for their opinions, with no single issue standing out. The most common theme (mentioned by 25% of these respondents) was that the internet isolates people from each other or encourages them to spend too much time with their devices. These responses also included references to the spread and prevalence of fake news or other types of false information: 16% mentioned this issue. Some 14% of those who think the internet’s impact is negative cited specific concerns about its effect on children, while 13% argued that it encourages illegal activity. A small share (5%) expressed privacy concerns or worries about sensitive personal information being available online. One-in-five Americans are now ‘smartphone only’ internet users at home These attitudinal changes are occurring in a broader landscape in which the access options available to ordinary Americans are shifting dramatically. Most notably, fully one-in-five Americans (20%) are now “smartphone only” internet users at home – that is, they own a smartphone but do not subscribe to traditional broadband service where they live. This represents a 7-point increase compared with data from 2015, when 13% of Americans were smartphone-only users. Roughly two-thirds of Americans (65%) say they subscribe to traditional broadband service at home, similar to the 67% who said this in July 2015.1

Homosexual in the military

Homosexuals would no longer fear discharge from the military by admitting to their sexual preference. Homosexuals have the freedom to serve in the armed forces openly. Another frontier was crossed when the ban on service by openly transgender persons in the military was repealed on July 1, 2016. Though in the current administration in 2017, President Trump stated that a goal of his is to not allow transgender men and women from serving in the military. The Department of Defense recently changed their policy on military service by transgender persons and persons with gender dysphoria. Please review the DOD’s new policy to get a better understanding before determining if you agree or disagree with the new policy. Why do you agree or disagree with the new DOD policy?

American Cold War culture and/or society of the 1950s.

Choose a commercial, film, music or television show clip produced during the Cold War that you feel reflects American Cold War culture and/or society of the 1950s.  Do not use “Duck and Cover” since this was your short paper topic. Provide a usable link to the forum for viewing. Identify the film’s title, artist(s) release date, and the producer. Describe the central message of the film and link it to the ways it reflects the Cold War culture and/or society of the 1950s. Explain the reasons for your selection of this film. Write your post in paragraph form and adhere to the Chicago Style format. When responding to others agree/disagree or expand on their points. View the forum grading rubric. Below are links to places for looking for material as well as accessibility information. “Accessibility: Commercials in the Highlights album will receive captioning and video description by the Media Access Group of WGBH, which administers the National Center for Accessible Media. Commercials with accessibility features will be added to the collection as they are completed.” The following have closed caption options available. For a more competitive approach, can you think of any films which specifically center upon society’s fear of atomic energy, or the effects of atomic weapons on the human condition? There’s some big ones out there. While there are some great choices regarding paranoia, isolationism and espionage…let’s keep this in the realm of atomic energy and/or nuclear weapons. For this one consult your textbook and/or pursue Netflix, youtube,, and any source on Hollywood during the era.

Security Applications and Solutions Proposal

Assignment Content Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation proposal on the topic of security in the banking, airline, and oil industries in which you: Identify security threats unique to these specific industries. Evaluate the specific security environment and related security applications for each of these industries. Propose procedures for securing airlines, airports, ground transportation systems, and utilities in response to these unique threats. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

China’s Broad Road Initiative


Address this position paper in essay format. Use appropriate headings for each section e.g. Introduction, Analysis ….References. You may use sub-headings to further your point such as Economic Implications, Cultural Implication etc. Your position paper should be 20-25 pages pages double spaced (not counting title, reference pages or appendix). Use proper grammar and spell check your paper. Use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins all around. This is an individual assignment. Plagiarism is against university policy; do not copy and paste from sources. You may use graphs and pictures if they help to explain your point. Do not use them as page fillers. Research and describe China’s Broad Road Initiative (BRI) or New Silk Road. This will require reading much on the subject matter and include news articles, books, and documentaries. It is your task to explore China’s motivation to form this initiative. Analyze the issue by taking into consideration economic, political, socioeconomic and other necessary back grounds to form a position on China’s motivation. Further, select two locations likely to be impacted by the BRI. One location should be a merging market (select), and the other location a developing nation (e.g. the island of Lamu/ Kenya or else). Research and describe each in depth on the impact on the local economic/market environment, cultural environment, and political environment. After your analysis summarize and conclude your findings, and position

Los Angeles Port

Los Angeles Port

The Port Improvement Plan (PIP) Outline will consist of 3 pages. This paper must be in narrative form, and be descriptive enough that explains each element of your PIP. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged 1.Background information about the port: industry classification; markets, location, # of employees, products & services, suppliers, other pertinent information 2.What are the port’s strategic goals? 3.What are the strengths of the port? 4.What are the weaknesses of the port? 5.What metrics does the port utilize? 6.What improvement initiatives and innovations has it implemented? 7.What improvement initiatives and innovations should it consider? 8.What should be the next step be to improve the port? 9.Provide data from the case to support your conclusions as necessary. 10. Compare your supply chain to an exemplar, standard, benchmark, or best practice.

Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior

Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior


Paper details:

Please read the attached research article and summarize your findings. I expect discussion regarding the purpose of the article, the general (very general, think concise here) methods of the research, their overall findings, and your personal thoughts (did you like it, did it contradict something you already knew, was this completely new info for you, etc) Your essay should only be one page long (though I will accept 2 pages) and formatted in APA style. I expect an ESSAY with paragraphs; an intro, body, and conclusion. It must be written well. YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS FROM YOUR ARTICLE TO SUPPORT YOUR DISCUSSION. Reference Citation: Martens, A., & Schmeichel, B. J. (2011). Evidence That Thinking About Death Relates to Time-Estimation Behavior. Death Studies, 35(6), 504–524.

How did the cotton boom change the south’s economy in terms of exports and slavery?

– Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 1800-1860

1. How did the cotton boom change the south’s economy in terms of exports and slavery?

2. How did the domestic slave trade differ from the transatlantic one? 3. What is paternalism? How did slave holders use it to their advantage?

4. Why did expansionists set their sights on the annexation of Spanish Cuba?


Childhood & Adolescent Brains

Apply: Childhood & Adolescent Brains While your assigned textbook readings will serve as one resource for this assignment, you will need to find at least two other resources to defend your statements. This assignment should be written in APA formatting style and should not use first person language.

Be sure to use correctly formatted in-text citations and quotations to give the author credit for researched information. Assignment Overview Your assigned readings for this week illustrate the developmental changes in the brain from conception through the teenage years. You likely thought of your own friends or family members as you read physiological explanations for specific behavior and/or tendencies in both the male and female brain.

Continue to make mental note of these applications to your own life as you read! Assignment Instructions In your written assignment for this week, compare and contrast the male and female brain in the behavior of children and teenagers. Be sure to include information on the significant influence of hormonal changes in the brain during the early years of development! After completing your comparison, include a section on the importance of knowing these similarities and differences when working with young clients in a clinical setting

Your assignment should include an introduction, body and conclusion with a reference page listing the resources you cited. Include at least one paragraph for each of the following sections: What specific age-appropriate behavior is accounted for by the presence of hormones? Compare the male brain and the female brain of children and adolescents, listing their similarities. Contrast the male brain and the female brain of children and adolescents, listing differences found between the two. Explain the importance of knowing these similarities / differences in clinical practice when working with younger clients. Should you have any questions regarding this assignment, direct them to your course facilitator. Format Requirements Document Type MS Word Paper Size 8.5 X 11″ Length 2-3 pages Margins 1″ Font Times or Times New Roman, 12 pt. Line Spacing Double. No extra double space between paragraphs please. In-text Citations & Reference List Style APA Paper Structure Introduction Body Conclusion References File Naming Convention LastNameFirstNameWeek2Apply Example: DoeJohnWeek2Apply Submission After preparing your assignment in Microsoft Word, you will submit it, as an attachment below. When you are ready, scroll down to access the +File attachment area. Upload the file first, then write something in the input box, such as “Please see attached.” Then, you will see the ORANGE save button appear. Click the button to submit your assignment. Questions? Questions about this assignment? Feel free to post them in the Ask Questions forum, which you can access by clicking the “Discussions” tab from top of the Course Outline.