The Psychology of Change by Mary Pipher

In her text Writing to Change the World, psychologist and writer Mary Pipher coins the term “Change Writer” and explores what “change writing” is and why she feels it is important to be a change writer. Spend time defining what “change writing” is by summarizing ideas in Pipher’s text and referencing other texts that support her definition or that speak generally about writing, social justice or other similar issues. You should quote from Pipher’s chapters (introduction, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.) to help support and develop this section of yoru paper. Then, use Pipher’s chapter “The Psychology of Change,” which outlines specific criteria that she believes ‘change writers’ use in their work, to identify and examine 2-4 texts that fulfil Pipher’s criteria and so can be called “change writing” or “change writers.” (For example, we may have watched Ted Talks like “The Danger of a Single Story” (Links to an external site.) or “The Power of Vulnerability” (Links to an external site.) or we may have read essays like Jimmy Baca’s “Coming into Language” (Links to an external site.) or Brent Staples’s “Black Men and Public Space” (Links to an external site.) . Choose your 2-4 texts to summarize and analyze as examples of “change writing”. Using Pipher’s own words and ideas from her chapter on “The Psychology of Change”, and with support from additional external sources, explain this concept “Change Writer/Change Writing,” by providing at least 2 (no more than 4) examples of texts that use her “psychology of change” criteria and fulfill her definition of “change writer/change writing.” Conclude your essay with some opinions and take-aways about “Change Writer” and its importance, value, and larger cultural significance.

Every Student Succeeds Act

On 20 June 2016, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 2 Share-based Payment in relation to the classification and measurement of share-based payment transactions. Explain the content of the amendments relating specifically to the effects of vesting conditions on the measurement of a cash-settled share-based payment transaction, and briefly describe the reasons given by the IASB for issuing such amendments.

Security Survey and Disaster Plan

Choose a delivery method of your choice for this assignment. Some ideas are a presentation, brochure, webpage, or podcast. Note: Your delivery method must be approved by your faculty. If you choose a paper, it should be between 700 and 1,050 words long. Select a physical building that has areas of limited or no access permitted to the general public. Some examples include a bank, courthouse, government facility, and office building. Conduct a security survey of the selected building in which you assess: The need for security personnel. The need for contract services. Evaluate the existing protection services and security programs and possible corrective measures. Create a disaster plan for the selected building based on your survey results. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Concerning Theistic Evolution including your own conclusion.

Write a three page composition concerning Theistic Evolution, including your own conclusion. Use quotes from at least three other resources. – An artistic literary work exceeding three (3) or more typewritten pages. Must include title page, outline and for any additional resources or quotations use endnotes and/ or footnotes and bibliography A. Title page (see example, page 19) B. Thesis statement/outline/conclusion statement C. Final draft D. End and/or footnotes E. Bibliography

Stress and Violence in the Workplace

Stress and Violence in the Workplace

Working in the health care industry often puts health care professionals in the line of danger from ill patients, stressed families, overburdened health care facilities, and the many situations and locations in which each individual works. The Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CIS) Management Tool has been designed to decrease the stress levels of those that experienced or witnessed violence or trauma. You will read the article “Workplace violence: Differences in perceptions of nursing work between those exposed and those not exposed: A cross-sector analysis” to complete your assignment. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper describing the CIS. Be sure to specifically address: What are the physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to stress? Can you name at least three professions that are at risk and would have utilized the tool? What is the purpose of using the tool? What is the expected outcome of utilizing this stress management tool? Do you believe the tool to be useful in decreasing stress and coping with violence in the workplace? Why or why not? Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located on the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers

Answer each question with 200 words 1.What made Native American peoples vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers? 2. Who was to blame for Britain’s failure to win a quick victory over the American rebels: General Howe, General Burgoyne, or the ministers in London? Explain your answer. 3.In what ways did the emerging industrial economy conflict with artisan republicanism? How did wage laborers respond to the new economy? 4.How did the abolitionists’ proposals and methods differ from those of earlier antislavery movements? Why did those proposals and methods arouse such hostility in the South and in the North?

What invention by Eli Whitney would change the future of slaves across the south?

1. What effect did industrialization have on consumers?

2. What invention by Eli Whitney would change the future of slaves across the south?

3. What were the benefits of the transportation revolution? 4. How did the “canal boom”, especially the Erie Canal, change western economies?

5. What were the advantages and disadvantages to railroads for the people lived along the routes or near the stations?

6. What were the values of the new middle class?

Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain

Instructions: You don’t have to submit the spreadsheet, simply explain your answer in words by what you see/understand in MS Excel. Chapter 8 – Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain Answer the following question using the spreadsheet. This question is discussed in the textbook in Section 8.2. Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo to your hard drive. Using the original data in the file, what happened to inventory and stock-outs over the six periods of the planning horizon? Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo for Example 1 to your hard drive. What happened to stock-outs as demand fluctuation increased? What happened to profits? What did you learn from this exercise? Right click and save the Red Tomato Demo for Example 2 to your hard drive. What happened to the use of subcontractors as holding costs increased? What happened to profits? What did you learn from this exercise?

Literary Critique Analysis – on “Araby” by James Joyce

A literary critique analysis essay written on the topic Araby by James Joyce 4 external sources required Introduction clearly situates the argument by providing context and prepares the reader for the argument that follows. Conclusion furthers the argument; it doesn’t merely restate the argument. Thesis is arguable (not a statement of fact) and focused so that you can develop it with supporting evidence for four-to-five Body paragraph primarily do the work of proving the thesis. Each begins with a strong topic sentence and then fully support that topic sentence with evidence, reason, outside sources, etc. Paragraphs transition logically. Sources are credible, justified, and integrated smoothly into your own writing. Analysis is consistently and systematically applied throughout the paper and leads to an original reading of the story.

History of Modern Medicine

PROMPT: Define “modern medicine.” Utilize the examples provided by the course to support the definition. You may want to use a comparative approach, comparing the Western definition of modern medicine to the Chinese definition of modern medicine. Make sure to use examples to support these definitions, specifically in the field of Alternative Medicine. For example, how did the practices in Western alternative medicine support their definition/outlook of modern medicine? Likewise, what Chinese practices in alternative medicine reinforced their definition of modern medicine? ONE SOURCE TO USE: FORMAT – Organization and format of the research paper: 1. Title (main and subtitle) 2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope, research question, and thesis statement 3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph 4. Trend of Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper. You must identify what trend of scholarship your sources are. There are three possible trends: FIRST TREND – Post WWII: Diffusionist View – George Basalla “The Spread of Western Science” – Three stage model 1. Scientific exploration 2. colonial dependence 3. independent establishment of the non-European societies – Characteristic of this scholarship – Nature of knowledge: based on mathematical rationality and reasoning, emerged out of scientific revolution – Modes of knowledge: produced in laboratories, centered in Western Europe – Transmission of knowledge: centered in Western Europe and transmitted globally SECOND TREND – Since the 1970s: Foucaudian discourse discourse of power – Modern science as a hegemonic “master narrative” of Western power – Scientific activities as the extension of the imperial structure – increasing visibility for better colonial control – Characteristic of this scholarship – nature of knowledge – modes of knowledge production – transmission of knowledge THIRD TREND – Since the 1990s: Reciprocal and circulatory constitution of scientific knowledge and practices – Recognizing the asymmetrical relationship with colonial power structure – reciprocity and circulation, as opposed to imposition – local factors – Characteristics of this scholarship – nature of knowledge – modes of knowledge production – transmission of knowledge 5. Conclusion 6. Work-cited About the format of footnoting and citation: 1. The citation of this class is Chicago Author-Date Citation System (not Notes and Bibliography System) ( 2. The footnotes are not to cite the sources but to explain or add information that is better to separate from the main text. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course aims to explore modern medical knowledge and practices since the nineteenth century in both comparative and transnational approaches. We look at the cultural, intellectual, and social contexts that shaped modern medicine through history and across boundaries of geographical spaces, social groups, and disciplines. We examine selected topics, including anatomy, pathology, epidemics, Germ Theory, public health, clinical sciences, and psychiatry, as well as colonial and alternative medicine.