Cultural Immersion paper

Paper details:

Cultural Immersion Project Part 1: Distant Encounter – The student will read 3 scholarly resources on his/her cultural group of interest. The student must also review 3 significant media resources related to the culture, using the internet or media. Based on these activities, the student must then share his/her most interesting finding. Part 2: Group Encounter – The student will attend and actively participate an event related to his/her selected cultural group. These activities must be sponsored by or provided for the particular cultural group. Based on these events, the student must then share about his/her experiences. My cultural event to attend Part 3: Individual Encounter and Synthesis – The student will conduct an in-depth, 1-hour interview with an individual or couple/family from his/her selected cultural group to develop an understanding of the cultural factors that helped to shape that individual’s (or couple’s) cultural identity. Based on this process, the student must consider the interview and synthesize his/her distant, group, and individual experiences with this cultural group, and must then share key discoveries. Included in the over the student must: Demonstrate knowledge about the ways oppression, power, and privilege can be presented at individual, cultural, and societal levels. Describe ongoing awareness of how one’s own position may unintentionally repeat experiences of oppression, power or privilege when interacting with others. Exhibit ongoing critical reflection on issues of race, ethnicity, oppression, power, and privilege in one’s own life may impact counseling work. The student must use current APA format, including a title page and a reference page if he/she cites sources (an abstract is not necessary). This assignment must be a minimum of 8-10 pages.

Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks?

 Professor instructions: Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks? (Consider advantages to using volunteers in response.


Paper details:

Scholarly Project Professor instructions: Volunteers in disaster response – What are the rewards and the risks? (Consider advantages to using volunteers in response along with challenges such as training, legal concerns, personal exposure, insurance, integration into ICS, etc. Be sure to reference important legislation such as the Volunteer Protection Act). This is the outline I submitted on the essay—During disasters, volunteers represent over half of the responding personnel dispatched. They are needed to aid disaster victims and help rebuild communities. 1) Train, Retain, and Organize Volunteers. 2) Limiting Harmful Exposure to Volunteers. 3) Legal Concerns for the Volunteers. Please use FEMA, The Volunteer Act and Volunteer organizations like the Red Cross as reference to cite

Experience in a Counseling Growth Group

At least 10 full pages of body (does not include the Title, Abstract and Reference page) that describe your experience in a counseling growth group and will include:(1) a discussion of the open communication process (use of listening, self-disclosure, feedback, etc.) in creating an atmosphere conductive to the development of group trust and cohesiveness; (2) the progress of your group through the specific development stages, (3) a discussion of the various curative factors existing within the group,

(4) the various roles played by yourself and other group members, (5) and the leadership style exhibited by the small group facilitators. In essence, please provide an analytical overview and description of your group’s development with emphasis on and reference to the various theories, practices, and processes. Please give specific and concrete examples from the counseling group experience to support and substantiate your statements. Paper should include (8) professional literature references related to the efficacy of group counseling. APA style/format must be followed.

Literary Analysis Project

For this project, you will take a turn teaching a lesson. Here’s how it will work: •First, you will pick and order one of the following works: ◦ Service, by Bruce Lack (ISBN: 978-0896729209) ◦ The Shallow End of Sleep by Jose Antonio Rodriguez (ISBN: 978-1882688418) ◦ How to Be Drawn By Terrance Hayes (ISBN: 978-0143126881) ◦ Balloon Pop Outlaw Black by Patricia Lockwood (ISBN: 978-0985118228) ◦(The easiest way to get ahold of one of these books is through Amazon, but you might also check local library stock, just in case. These are new books by well regarded contemporary poets, and any one is fine to use. If you have another contemporary poet you are interested in, you can always check with me to see if it’s ok to use that poet’s work. I’ll let you know but check with me first. Finally, before you order, make sure the book will arrive in time for you to complete the assignment) •Second, you need to: ◦read as much as you can about the author (googling is fine for author research) ◦read the book, and pick three poems you’d like to analyze. •Finally, you need to put together a powerpoint presentation like those I’ve put together for you over the semester. You are used to these now, and you should follow the basic format: ◦One slide for relevant author biographical information. ◾We don’t need to know everything about the author. Some of these poets are not even that well-known and don’t have things like Wikipedia pages. You can use things like interviews that you find online, info from the back of the book about the author, etc…. Also, whatever you can find on google is probably ok. Just be sure that you pick two or three biographical details that you think are MOST relevant to understanding the poet’s work. Sum these up with bullet points, or however you see best fit, and add a little audio recording to clarify your bullet points with discussion. ◦One slide for an overview of the author’s major themes. ◾This slide should simply point to patterns that you notice in the author’s work overall–over all the poems in the collection, and maybe even in other places (poems you’ve found online, other works, etc…) ◾You should pick two or three major themes to focus on. For instance, in Bruce Lack’s poetry in Service, you will probably find that many of the poems are devoted to recounting his experiences as a soldier in war, so it would be appropriate to discuss war as a theme in his work). Again, you should provide audio for this, with some elaboration of your thinking. ◦Three slides focusing on individual poems. ◾Pick three poems you’d like to analyze further, and devote one slide to each, breaking down the poem, focusing on major issues in the poem. ◾Major issues may arise because of the content of the poem–the ideas being expressed. ◾Major issues may arise because of the structure of the poem–the way it the ideas are presented or put together. ◾For each of these slides, use two or three bullet points with text that clarifies the major issues, and again provide some audio to provide context. Here are the requirements in sum: A Powerpoint slide presentation on the book of your choosing with one slide devoted to author biography, one to major themes in the author’s work and three slides devoted to discussion of individual poems (the poems are of your choosing). Each slide should have two to three bullet points focusing the reader’s attention on what you want to highlight.

Work Environment Assessment.

Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages) • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion. Clark, 2015 • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace. • Identify two thinWork Environment that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed. • Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace. Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages) • Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected. • Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment. • Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples. Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages) • Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment. • Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment

Approaches to Measuring Technological Progress

Sources must be cited in APA format. In your course, turn to Lesson 8. Skim through it to refresh your memory. Next, carefully study and review the section titled “Approaches to Measuring Technological Progress.” Next, relying solely on the material in your course, use your own words to write a short compare-and-contrast essay that defines and explains three distinct perspectives on the evolution of technology. As you write, imagine you are talking to a friend who has no knowledge of this topic. In short, write the way you speak, using a conversational tone. Also, try to alternate short sentences and longer sentences to make your writing more readable. Be sure to create a title and cite yourself as the author. For example: A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology Mei Quoran Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows: Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say in comparing and contrasting the perspectives of Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler with respect to the evolution of technology. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs. In your essay, use paragraph 2 to describe the perspective of Gerhard Lenski. In paragraph 3, you’ll write about the perspective of Leslie White. In paragraph 4, you’ll describe and discuss the perspective of Alvin Toffler. Paragraph 5 is your summary and conclusion. Here, you’ll compare the three perspectives to show how they are, or may be, similar. You’ll contrast the three perspectives to describe how they’re different. You’ll end this process–and your essay–by expressing your view as to which of these theorists (one or more) offer the most useful insights into the evolution of technology, in your opinion. It’s permissible to use direct quotes from your reading, but don’t use too many. One to three such quotes should be your limit. Be sure to put a direct quote in quotation marks. For example: According to Smith, “Carbon dioxide is both our friend and our enemy.” Begin by writing a first draft. Then, edit and rework your material to make it clear and concise. After you have reached a final draft, proofread the essay one last time to locate and correct grammar and spelling errors. Measuring Technological Progress Sociologists, anthropologists, and other researchers have developed different ways to measure and understand technological progress. In this section, we’ll review the thoughts of four important theorists. They offer four perspectives on the relationship between technological development and our social world.

The Haka ritual dance by the Maori Tribe

The paper needs to discuss the traditional Haka dance done by the Maori, the Polynesian tribe of New Zealand. The paper should include a history of the Maori, and how the Haka has been used in their culture. Then you could talk about its use in sports with the Haka being most attributed to the New Zealand Rugby Team, the All Blacks. It’s a pretty free-flowing paper that doesn’t have a lot of instruction.


APA format, Times New Roman, 12 text size Must include Abstract These are some of the possible factors to be utilized and developed in the Research paper project: why the name of the disorder/concept or definition criteria to be followed in order to be diagnosed with this specific disorder according to the DSM-5 history causes symptoms and signs different types preventions effective medication environmental causes treatment plans for short term goals and long term goals prognosis tips or suggestions on how to overcome this disorder parenting skills to help the individuals evidence based therapies for specific disorder

New mobile cloud service for providing voice over internet protocol (VOIP)

You lead a group of five mobile software engineers involved in the development of a new mobile cloud service for providing voice over internet protocol (VOIP) that enables call to be made over WiFi but better than Microsoft’s Skype VOIP product. Your manager tells you that because of a company-wide layoff, you will need to give notice to one member of your team. From your interactions with team members, you can easily identify the two members who are least productive, but you are not sure which of them you should lay off. You know that the company keeps track of all Internet traffic to each person’s computer, although you have never shared this information with you team. You could use this information to determine how much time, if any, these two employees are spending surfing the Web. What might be some of the implications by accessing these records? What might be the key ethical and/or moral issues, from your perspective, with using these records to make a managerial decision? How does this play into what we learned in this course about monitoring and surveillance of employees? Your paper should be about 4 to 6 pages long (not including the title page and the reference page). References must be listed and cited in APA format. Please also use the book as one of the reference. Tavani, H.T. (2012). Ethics and technology: Controversies, questions and strategies in ethical computing (4th ed.) Massachusetts, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Discuss how the ideas of hegemony and counter-hegemony relate to the study of race/racism in popular culture

Discuss how the ideas of hegemony and counter-hegemony relate to the study of race/racism in popular culture. What does the idea of hegemony tell us about how racism is reflected in popular culture? What might it mean to also think of popular culture as a site of “cultural struggle”, as the scholar Stuart Hall once suggested, and what kinds of counter- hegemonic expressions might we find in popular culture? Make use of specific examples in your responses.