Judgement in an infringement action in UK


Unreal case provided for assessment, judgement for patent and trade mark infringement action. OSCOLA, 3500 words BOTH patent and trade mark infringement shall be included in the same judgement the structure should include: facts, issues, arguments, findings, decision should refer to : cases, legislation (patent Act 1977, trade mark Act 1994, and other relevant laws), and facts avoid plagiarism facts and relevant points were attached write the court name and choose the one which suits the case interim injunction has been obtained, in the facts

Autonomous Haulage Systems in oil sands operation

Autonomous Haulage Systems in oil sands operation

1) What is Autonomous Haulage System? 2) How the system works in oil sands production. 3) Difference between commercial Autonomous Vehicle (such as Tesla, BMW, Audi, etc.) and Oil sands Autonomous Haulage systems (Heavy Equipment in oil sands industry) 4) The benefits that the system can bring to oil sands industry. 5) How hard to establish the system in oil sands production (difficulties) 6) Future of the system

Review quality improvement initiatives and quality and logic models utilized by outcome evaluation agencies such as QSEN AHRQ or JC

Quality Improvement Paper Guidelines: Develop a quality improvement plan for your DNP scholarly project. Review quality improvement initiatives and quality and logic models utilized by outcome evaluation agencies such as QSEN, AHRQ or JC. The final paper should not exceed eight pages without title page, references and appendix. Chapter 6 from book attached for your review. also additional articles for review, may be used for reference if applicable. Assessment paper 1 attached for your review to assume paper 2 (2nd part of the assignment) flows accordingly. Please include a conclusion paragraph.

Feasibility Study

Assume you have gained reasonable support from the various stakeholders, and they will go along with your hypothetical information system project. For Module 2, your assignment is to conduct a feasibility study of your project. Please review this document http://www.umsl.edu/~sauterv/analysis/feasibility.htm—to see how to conduct a feasibility study. The purpose of such a study is to develop the more detailed information about the project that stakeholders and others need to continue and extend their support for it.

Please write a 3- to 5-page paper summarizing the feasibility of your hypothetical information systems project. Please consider the political, economic, technical, operational, legal, and schedule aspects in your feasibility study, and make sure to discuss the following issues in your presentation: The scope of the proposed system—its functions, users, dimensions and constraints A rough estimate of the system size, costs, schedules, etc.

The benefits of the system—both quantitative and qualitative measures Any systems that might compete with your proposed system Your strategies to present the systems to stakeholders and clients for review Please conclude your paper with a paragraph or two discussing the whole experience of this hypothetical project design exercise—what you learned, what you found frustrating, and any suggestions you have as to how it could be improved for future students. SLP Assignment Expectations The following items will be assessed in particular: The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated alternatives Your ability to describe your project clearly and develop your recommendations systematically Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps

Karen Kossie-Chernyshev Editor Recovering Five Generations Hence: The Life and Writing of Lillian Jones Horace (Texas A & M University Press, 2013)

Description Paragraph 1. Explain the author’s thesis–the main point or points that he/she is trying to make in the book. This is not a description or summary of the book; it is an explanation of the author’s purpose, the central idea or ideas around which the book is organized. Next 3-4 paragraphs. Give a broad, general summary of the book. You cannot in 3-4 paragraphs summarize the entire book, but you can give an example of the author’s arguments that capture the flavor of the book. Next paragraph. Discuss the sources upon which the author bases his/her book. What research materials did he or she use? Last paragraph. Assess the book. DO NOT tell me whether or not you like it or found it interesting, but tell me how successful the author was in achieving his/her objective.

Case Study : “emotional” problems

Mrs. Spinner Mrs. Spinner is a 46 year old woman who was referred by her husband who described “attacks” of dizziness that his wife experienced that left her incapacitated. She described being overcome with dizziness and nausea 4-5 times a week, when the room would begin to “shimmer” and she had the feeling that she was “ floating” and could not maintain her balance. The attacks almost always occurred at about 4PM, after which she had to lie down until 7 or 8PM. After feeling better she would spend the rest of the night watching TV, would fall asleep on the couch and go to the bedroom at around 3AM. The patient was evaluated medically and all tests were negative. She was in fine physical condition. When asked about her marriage she stated that her husband was abusive verbally and demanding of her and her children. She admitted that she dreaded his arrival home from work each day. When she was unable to make dinner, her husband and children would have to go out to eat. He came home, watched TV and had no conversation with his wife. Questions: What is her diagnosis? What are the symptoms that helped you make this diagnosis? What diagnostic criteria do they relate to? What are two other possible diagnoses and why did you not choose them? How would Mrs. Spinner respond to psychotherapy designed to address her “emotional” problems? What therapeutic approach would you consider and why? What is her prognosis?

Yuriko Saito’s Body Aesthetics and the Cultivation of Moral Virtues

The projects must show mastery of a particular body of philosophical literature related to topics discussed in this class. The project should talk about Yuriko Saito’s Body Aesthetics and the Cultivation of Moral Virtues https://fiu.instructure.com/courses/39747/files/6423000/download?download_frd=1 If possible could you make the moral virtues pertain to the differences between Japanese and American baseball

What is Cyberpsychology?

What is Cyberpsychology? Discuss and address the articles, issues, from the course we covered this semester. For each of the articles/topics/issues you address, I would like you to examine, analyze, and evaluate the issues presented and demonstrates how it defines/supports your definition of Cyberpsychology. Overall, the articles/topics/issues you use should connect to each other, show an apparent theme and connection, and have a relationship with each another. In the end, you are coming up with your own definition of Cyberpsychology, based on the Content, and that uses the references from the class that support what your definition of Cyberpsychology is. Please be sure that you have a separate paragraph for each article/topic/issue addressed AND you put the main topic sentence for each article/issue in bold. Be sure to put the article title and/or author in bold.  In addition, for every article/reference you use, please include a Works Cited list at the end of the essay Rubric: The assignment provides a minimum of five examples, provides thoughtful and detailed analysis. The paper ties in both the student’s views and supports those views the sources and data from the course content. The assignment is structured and organized well, there is a strong fluid writing style, and there is an originality in style and presentation. There is a clear connection and relationship among the examples. Articles: https://www.denverpost.com/2019/01/20/social-media-use-risky-decisions/ https://akademiai.com/doi/pdf/10.1556/2006.7.2018.138 https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2018/11/15/early-benchmarks-show-post-millennials-on-track-to-be-most-diverse-best-educated-generation-yet/ https://www.pewinternet.org/2014/03/11/world-wide-web-timeline/ https://www.wired.com/story/wired25-kevin-kelly-internet-superpowers-great-upwelling/ https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/releases/social-media-likes-impact-teens-brains-and-behavior.html https://njit2.mrooms.net/pluginfile.php/1226441/mod_resource/content/1/Psychology%20Study%20%282015%29.pdf https://www.vox.com/world/2018/10/8/17884154/social-media-cyberwar-isis-taylor-swift-peter-singer https://www.pewinternet.org/2017/05/22/the-internet-of-things-and-future-shock-too-much-change-too-fast/ https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35895719 https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/identity-personal/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/10/technology/internet-cables-oceans.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/01/why-students-are-still-spending-so-much-for-college-textbooks/551639/?utm_source=atltw https://www.journalism.org/2018/10/15/social-media-bots-draw-publics-attention-and-concern/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/ https://www.wired.com/story/toyota-uber-tortuous-journey-self-driving-cars/

Abraham and Enoch in the Old Testament

The Prophets are huge figures and main characters all throughout the Old Testament. As you have learned in this course, not all prophets are the same. Choose both a centrally located, and peripherally located prophet for your paper. Describe their historical context, and highlight their locations and if they overlap using both biblical and extra biblical resources. Demonstrate an understanding of the title, “prophet,” and how your examples exemplify the role in the Old Testament. Use at least five sources, and a minimum of 2000 words, The paper is due no later than Tuesday, August 6th at 11:59 PM (EST). Specific Requirements: Must adhere to APA 6th Edition format

Competence and Negligence

Step 1 Write a one- to two-page (250- to 500-word) entry in your learning log. A learning log is a kind of journal in which you reflect on what you’ve learned and record its impact on your understanding or your career goals. Your entry should include the following information: Your understanding of the meaning of legal competence. Your understanding of the meaning of legal negligence. An explanation of the four elements of legal negligence. Step 2 Research cases in your state dealing with legal negligence. Locate a case related to legal negligence. (Note: Your state might use a term such as “legal malpractice.”) Use print or online research tools to find a case of interest to you. For example, you might use LexisOne, a free online case search website, to conduct your search. You will have to complete a free registration process to access cases through LexisOne. Step 3 Identify the four elements of legal negligence in a case. Analyze a legal negligence case in terms of what you know about the elements that make up legal negligence. In your learning log, include a citation for the case and a summary of the potential penalty if the party in question had been found guilty of negligence.