Cause and Effect: “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop

Cause and Effect: “One Art” by Elizabeth Bishop

For the second paper, I’d like you to–mostly–write an essay on the topic of your choice (as long as you have a thesis and discuss/quote from at least one class reading). At the end, though, I’d like you to add a section on how and why you decided to use a certain mode (or combination of modes), or what modes you ended up seeing in operation once you looked back at what you had written. Basically, you want to explain your thought and writing processes here. What did choosing/using one or more mode end up doing for you as a writer? How did it help you to create the paper you wanted to write?

Stress and Violence in the Workplace

Stress and Violence in the Workplace

Working in the health care industry often puts health care professionals in the line of danger from ill patients, stressed families, overburdened health care facilities, and the many situations and locations in which each individual works. The Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CIS) Management Tool has been designed to decrease the stress levels of those that experienced or witnessed violence or trauma. You will read the article “Workplace violence: Differences in perceptions of nursing work between those exposed and those not exposed: A cross-sector analysis” to complete your assignment. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper describing the CIS. Be sure to specifically address: What are the physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to stress? Can you name at least three professions that are at risk and would have utilized the tool? What is the purpose of using the tool? What is the expected outcome of utilizing this stress management tool? Do you believe the tool to be useful in decreasing stress and coping with violence in the workplace? Why or why not? Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located on the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Linux Operating System Security

Paper topic – Linux Operating System Security – (needs good topic title) Length – 7 pages of content without cover page and reference page. The number of words must be more than 2000. Plagiarism – never accept. The paper should be done with your own work.

The safeassign software will match the contents of the paper with database, which shows how many percentages I copied from others. If it shows over 3~5 %, I will refund the paper. Format – APA only. This paper needs a table of contents Citation – It requires you to put in-text citation if you cite the sentence from somewhere Contents – The paper must talk about security issues on Linux and methods for hardening or securing a Linux OS server with detailed contents if needed.

Also, the paper should start with strong introduction with effective hook sentence and finish with strong conclusion. @ Introduction should be strong and that should start with the hook sentence that is naturally connected to the main topic @ Conclusion should include the content that encompasses all ideas and recommendations on the topic The paper should include contents such as – The meaning and methods of System hardening for Linux – Specific steps to improve security of Linux – Security measures or recommendations for Linux (like on-going security measure)


Evaluation Plan based on information from the Department of Labor


Write an Evaluation Plan based on information from the Department of Labor. (Please use the template provided) I have chosen to evaluate the training and workforce development programs sponsored by the United States Department of Labor.

The Office of Employment and Training Administration works with and provides grants to state and local workforce development systems in order to foster skill development. Please cite your sources. Department of Labor: The Department of Labor’s (DOL) mission is to promote and develop the welfare of the job seekers and retirees of the United States. In doing so the Department of Labor has programs that are grant funded to enhance the workforce through workforce development programs such as the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). ETA has apprenticeship, Indian and Native American programs, National Dislocated Worker grants, and the National Farmworker Jobs program to name a few; that assist in workforce development for individuals looking to advance their skills and knowledge to a particular career field through community services and training

Experimental Study Design and Intention to Treat

Randomized trials are at the top of the hierarchy of epidemiological study design because they provide the most powerful evidence of a possible causal association between exposure (or treatment) and outcome. Find an article on a randomized trial in the news and write a summary about it. The article should not be from a professional source. Instead, it needs to be from a widely distributed news source, accessible to and written for a lay audience. Possible sources include, but are not limited to, online magazines, online newspapers, and health news websites. The study should be conceived by you, i.e., it is not appropriate to simply summarize an existing RCT. In addition, please provide a brief summary of your trial. That is, what is the intervention and comparison? Who are you studying, for who long, etc.? Also, be sure to discuss randomization, blinding, and ITT. Then complete a 2-page paper in which you propose a randomized trial to investigate an association of interest, elaborate on the specific advantages of randomization in your planned trial. Describe how “intention to treat” might affect the design and analysis of the experiment.

Japanese Crimes and Responsibilities of The Pacific War

Books: Hirohito’s War: The Pacific War, 1941-1945 By Francis Pike ISBN: 9781350021228 Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in World War II By Yuki Tanaka ISBN: 9781538102701 Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II By John W. Dower ISBN: 9780393345247 Literature Review Instructions In lieu of having a final exam or research paper due at the end of the course, you are required to write a 4,000-word (+/- 10%) Literature Review of three books on a related topic. The purpose of a Literature Review is to allow you to explore an area of scholarship related to Modern Japan and Korea that interests you most, as well as to survey recent scholarship on that topic. 1. Select a topic. When looking at the syllabus, or in the course of the weekly readings, what sticks out to you as being among the more interesting themes that we cover this semester? Have you always wanted to know more about the postwar development of a specific nation, such as Japan, or North or South Korea? If so, you may want to focus your review on one nation, or consider a comparative essay. Have you always wanted to have a better grounding on a certain time period, such as the role of Northeast Asia in the Cold War? Perhaps you may want to go in that direction. There is almost no limit to the topic you could choose. If you get stuck or could use a suggestion, all you have to do is ask. 2. Find your materials. The books you review are required to be “scholarly” in nature. Scholarly books are often published by a university press, and are written by academics, history professors, or independent scholars. Try to choose books written in the past five years, if possible, since older books become dated quickly. Newer books include the analysis contained in previous books, as well as access to the most recent government records. There are no limitations on where you may locate your books. Spend some time doing some searches using a major database such as J-Stor (, and Worldcat ( Once you have identified the three books you would like to review, get them approved by your instructor. This is not an optional step. Reviews based on books that were not approved will receive a lower grade. 3. Acquire your books. If the library does not have a book you need, do not panic. Consider using the inter-library loan (ILL) system, whereby you can borrow them through TAMUCT from other libraries. More information can be found here: Simply complete an ILL request and your books will arrive within a few days to a week depending on how far they have to travel. The ILL staff will email you to let you know when they have arrived at the circulation desk. Yet another option is TexShare, which permits you to travel to any public or university library in the state and borrow them directly: A final option is simply to make a day trip to a large research library like UT-Austin, Baylor, or Texas A&M, and access the books there without checking them out. 4. Analyze your books. Before you start writing, think about the type of story you want to tell. When analyzing your books, you should pay special attention to: 1) the book’s thesis, 2) supporting arguments, 3) uses and types of evidence that support the thesis, 4) layout of the book, and 5) author’s credentials. These are the same elements that you would also cover in a typical book review, and it may be helpful for you to consult the guidelines for that assignment. It goes without saying that you are not permitted to review a book that we are already reading in the class. 5. Constructing your literature review. A good Literature Review lists the books reviewed on the first page as a signpost for your reader. In an introduction, introduce the topic you have chosen. Why is it important for us to know more about that topic? Then, spend some time with each book. Critically review each book as described above in Step 4. After that, in a concluding section, treat the subject you are reviewing as a whole, comparing and contrasting the books. Is one better than the other? Why? What was missing from books? Is it a subject that deserves further research? There are numerous ways you could approach this section of the literature review. Finally, conclude your Literature Review with an appropriate conclusion.

Zara Case Study

The written case should be a minimum of 10 pages and include in-depth analysis and research. APA formatting should be used. The title and references pages should NOT be part of the total page count. As some of the material in the cases may no longer be applicable, your case should include current research on the organization to identify recent and relevant issues for your analysis. The questions at the end of the cases do not need to be answered, although the concepts of each question should be addressed within the written case. The case MUST include the following clearly-identified four sections: 1) Abstract/Identification of the strategic issues and problems. Identifying strategic issues is the heart of the strategic planning process. A strategic issue is a fundamental policy question or critical challenge affecting an organization’s directives, mission/values, product or service mix, customers/clients, costs, financing, structure, processes, or management. This section contains a focused paragraph defining issues and problems that the organization is currently facing. The issues and problems are found through your research of the organization, and environmental scan/SWOT analysis (section 2). The identification of the strategic issues must be a clear statement as to the underlying problems facing the organization and what your paper tends to prove or uncover. 2) Analysis and evaluation. This section contains thoughtful and concise assessment of industry, market, buyer behavior and organization. Be careful not to restate case information, rather focus on assessment and interpretation of the facts, qualitative and quantitative data and management views. A SWOT analysis framework should be included as it is one of the useful tools to use in case analysis. This section should also present three alternative courses of actions with pros and cons analysis for each alternative. The company’s objectives should be defined in specific terms so management can measure progress and take corrective action to say on track. 3) Conclusion/Recommendations. This section presents set of recommendations chosen from the alternatives discussed in the previous section. Make sure those recommendations are coming out of your assessment of the situation. Recommendations should be operational and realistic in the given case situation. 4) References. To develop successful strategies and action plans, marketers need current information about the environment, the competition, and the market segments to be served. A references page is the last page of an essay or research paper that’s been written in APA style. It lists all the sources you’ve used in your project so readers can easily find what you’ve cited. In addition to the textbook, include five references. Wikipedia and blogs are NOT acceptable. References should be cited throughout your paper where applicable.

Uber Drivers and client’s perceptions toward their security and cost effectiveness enhanced by sociotechnical devices and digital systems.

1. You will build a model of your research—The research model is a diagrammatic representation of your research. 2. You will identify the independent variables (factors on the left side box) and the dependent variable (factors on the right side box). 3. You will identify a moderating variable if any that may influence the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. 4. You will also identify control variables which are factors other than the independent variables which can influence variability in the dependent variable and have to be controlled for. 5. You will state a specific hypothesis indicating the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and also hypothesis pertaining to the moderating variable if any. 6. You will operationalize the independent, dependent, moderating and control variables. 7. You will specify how you plan to measure these different variables. If this means using existing surveys please include them or if you plan to measure them by creating your own survey please include that. OPTIONAL I

United States v. Virginia 518 U.S. 515 (1996)

Step 1: Access the Internet.

Using Westlaw find the case: United States v. Virginia 518 U.S. 515 (1996). Step 2: Write a brief following the following format: Facts of this case; Procedural History; Issue, what is the issue being decided Rule of Law-what rule does the case stand for; Holding/Ruling of the court? This refers to the ruling of the highest level court to hear the case; Analysis/Reasoning the court used; Do you agree or disagree with the court??s ruling? Why?

Shanaya’ Care Study


Important: Requesting writer 110243 to continues as this is an update from my Lecturer on the previous Essay on the On going Care study of Shanaya ‘s Case. According to lecturer what, how why where not in my introduction. Please add. Up to Date framework and policies must be used see NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council UK) and NICE guidelines UK This a a Masters Case study. spelling mistakes will bring down your marks. Please add and rewrite. some of my essay 2,500 for main your choice to And in ABCEDE approach to APPENDIX, words Part A on Shanaya’s ABCDE systematic approach was not added in my first Essay and Part B on Shanaya’s Care Plan., please add this. The introduction did not have what, how and why I have also sent you and example of clinical reasoning including other notes. lecturer wants me to use Biosocial models ect or some other model in notes I have added notes attached. Please input Shanaya’s full Care Plan in Appendix not forgetting all sources in Harvard style referencing, ‘Cite Them Right’ with the full context of where the books were Published. A full account of Shanya’s conditions, medications, and outcomes explaining each in full with sources how these could be resolved should be accounted for in her care plan. 1.1 Learning outcomes to be assessed Within the context of caring for patients/ clients you will be able to: 1. Apply in-depth knowledge which underpins clinical reasoning and decision making in the assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of patient centred care. 2. Utilise a systematic approach in gathering and interpreting data and respond appropriately where there are signs of deteriorating physical and mental health. 3. Critically evaluate available evidence in the selection of a range of nursing interventions contributing to improved patient outcome. 4. Critically reflect upon individual clinical judgement and decision making and the extent to which this is informed by local/national policies and guidelines