International Prisons: Germany Brazil and India

Chapters 8 and 9 in the text discuss international perspectives on corrections and juvenile justice. Find additional, credible sources to form your evaluation on criminal justice in the selected countries of Germany, Brazil, and India by analyzing differing cultural perspectives. In your paper Evaluate the prison systems of Germany, Brazil, and India. Assess the similarities and differences of the prison system in each country. Analyze the differing cultural perspectives of the corrections systems in the countries based on their prison systems. The paper Must be at least three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least three credible sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis

Using one of the following referral case studies, develop and outline a comprehensive Functional Behavioral Assessment Report. The specific objective of your Functional Behavioral Assessment Report is to demonstrate synthesis of the course material related to FBA’s as they have been presented in the course. The FBA Report should be specifically related to only one of the following case scenarios. A third grade student in a public elementary school has been referred for behavior problems continuously for the past three months. This student is demonstrating consistently disruptive behaviors in this classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff. The parents of a four-year-old have asked for help in “getting control” of their child’s behavior. The child has been consistently throwing “temper tantrums” at home and out in the community. The “tantrums” have become so frequent and intense, that the child has no virtually no demands placed on him or her and is frequently left to do whatever he or she wants to do. The family has become more or less homebound for fear of experiencing the “tantrums” out in public places. Johnny is a six-year-old child with autism. His communication skills are significantly deficient and he demonstrates a wide variety of problem behaviors. Most concerning is the tendency for him to demonstrate self-injurious behavior that has recently increased in frequency and intensity. An ER visit was necessitated by a recent incident of this behavior. Some of Johnny’s more intense characteristics related to autism spectrum disorders include repetitive and ritualistic behavior patterns and an apparent need to collect and acquire a variety of specific tangible items such as Hot Wheels cars and Legos. Johnny is generally only “well behaved” when access to these items is free and frequent. A 35-year-old resident in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities has been knocking out windows in the house over the past several months. He or she has required medical attention for injuries sustained by this behavior and placement at the group home is now in jeopardy. This group home has three other residents. All residents in this group home are expected to complete various tasks around the house, participate in social interaction activities, and work two days a week at a workshop. So far, the behaviors have only been reported at the group home.

The Solar System


Paper details:

Students write an essay about one scientist in history that contributed to our modern understanding of the solar system. Students must provide a short biography of the scientist, their major discoveries as they relate to the solar system, the impact those discoveries had on their time, and how they benefit us today. Subjects include but not limited to: Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Copernicus, Tycho, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, etc. PLEASE WRITE ABOUT GALILEO I WILL ATTACH REFERENCES This 3- to 4-page paper (not including a cover page, an abstract, and a references page) is formatted in APA style. A minimum of three academic references are used. The paper consists of: a title page; an abstract; 3-4 pages of content; and a reference page.


Assignment Overview This module addresses the conditions under which systems development becomes confused with a range of other organizational problems, where the results can be less-than-optimal combinations of social and technical systems. To begin with, it will be useful to review the general topic of “organizational politics” and the conditions under which political games are played in organizations. Power and Politics Egeland, B. (2011). The influence of organizational culture and politics on the project. Project Management Tips. Retrieved from Krisgsman, M. (2008, November 6). Gartner: Office politics kill IT projects. ZNet. Retrieved from Carried to extremes, organizational politics, combined with other factors, can result in what are sometimes called “death march projects.” Here are some sources describing this phenomenon. Yourdon, E. (2004). What is a death march project and why do they happen? InformIT. Retrieved from Yourdon, E. (2010, March 16). Death march projects in today’s hard times. Retrieved from The PPR Wiki has a discussion on this book with a good many stories and examples. You might also want to check out the PPR Wiki on Extreme Programming In Enemy Territory for further discussion troubled development and how to survive it. Case Assignment Read the assigned readings, supplemented if you wish with material from the optional readings and perhaps the supplementary background as well, and even other outside reading you might find by yourself to be useful. Look at this video on best practices in Project management. Then write a short paper discussing how project management practices can help reduce politics and “death march projects.” Your paper should be short (5-6 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner. You are expected to: Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely Citing appropriate sources, present the reasons why you take this position. Be sure to make the most effective case you can. Then present the best evidence you can, again citing appropriate sources, against your position — that is, establish what counterarguments can be made to your original position. Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement. By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally reaffirm your original position. Assignment Expectations Your assignment will be evaluated based on the Rubric. You will be particularly assessed on: Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly. Your informed commentary and analysis — simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper. Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of systems design and analysis correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.

Readiness for Learning

Description Identifying students’ readiness for learning guides teachers to create learning activities and strategies that are unique to the various aspects of elementary students’ approaches to learning. It is equally important for families to be aware of readiness indicators as they have an opportunity to encourage learning in the home environment.

For this assignment, write a letter to the parents of your future students that you will have the following year, describing readiness for learning indicators, applicable to a specific age, grade level, and developmental stage. This letter would be given to parents at the end of the school year to help students over the summer get prepared for the following school year.

Be sure to clearly define the key goals for success in preparation for the grade level (K-8) the student will be entering. The letter to parents should include: An introduction. A description of the developmental stage related to the grade level of the students. How to identify readiness for learning indicators applicable to grade level. Key activities and strategies to get students ready for learning the next year. Support readiness indicators and selected activities with major principles, concepts, and learning theories. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Critiquing the Rule Against Hearsay

Write a 1500 word paper ( 3 to 5 typewritten pages) critiquing the Rule Against Hearsay and three of the major exceptions to the rule. The paper should be written in the APA style and contain a cover sheet, table of contents and a references page, none of which are part of the 1500 word count. References should include at least three reported cases. Re-read Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) then discuss the Supreme Court’s reasoning in establishing that the stop and frisk in Terry was a search; and the taking of the weapon was a seizure; and the stop and frisk amounted to an arrest; (all covered by the Fourth Amendment)and the officer did not have probable cause at that time: however, the stop and frisk, arrest and seizure were all “legal.” After discussing the Supreme Court’s reasoning on these issues relate your opinion of the entire “stop and frisk” issue. Write a 1500 word paper ( 3 to 5 typewritten pages) comparing the various types of searches utilized in the criminal justice system. The paper should also discuss the evidentiary issues that surround them and demonstrate the process of preparing the case for trial. The paper should be written in the APA style and contain a cover sheet, table of contents and a references page, none of which are part of the 1500 word count.

Developing Ethical Culture

Site for Book prior to beginning your assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 of the textbook, and Creating an ethical workplace (Links to an external site.). For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mid-level organizational manager. In your current job role, you have noticed that the organizational culture is contributing to some unethical decision making by subordinates and peers. You feel strongly that leadership must be not only made aware of the situation but also given appropriate solutions. To communicate with the CEO and shareholders, you must create a memo. In the memo, you will explain the issues, as well as offer appropriate solutions. For help in the format and writing style of a memo use Good example of a persuasive memo. In your memo include: Header: with To, From, Date, and Subject Introductory paragraph One to two paragraphs outlining the issues. Three to six paragraphs describing solutions A closing paragraph that summarizes the information. In the memo: Describe the issues of the current ethical culture Describe which stakeholders are affected by the issues, such as employees, shareholders, local community, society, etc. Formulate a plan to change the ethical culture Convince the CEO and shareholders of the importance of the changes

“The Ring of Gyges.”

A. After reflecting on the course material, define “human” in one word. What one word best describes what it means to be a human being? After carefully and thoughtfully selecting your word or concept provide an explanation of why you choose this word. Why does the word you choose best capture the meaning of being “human?” Defend your response by drawing upon course material. (lecture notes: human nature and textbook link Ch. 6) (300 words) B. Read the following parable from Plato’s Republic titled “The Ring of Gyges.”  After reading the parable explore the question: why be moral? That is, suppose you could act immorally without fear of being caught, why should you still, nevertheless, act morally? Imagine for a moment that you were in possession of a magic ring, like the one found by Gyges. How would you use it? If you had a perfect guarantee that you would never be caught or punished for your actions, what would you do? In the parable by Plato, Glaucon claims that “those who practice justice (moral actions) do so involuntarily and because they have not the power to be unjust.” He goes to say that any person who had a magic ring could not “be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice (morality). No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with anyone at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a God among men.” Is Glaucon correct? Is the fear of being found out, the only reason to act morally? Is there a more fundamental reason to be moral? ( lecture notes: Morality and CH 8 in textbook link.) (300 words) Here is the textbook link:


Write a formal essay with introduction, body, and closing paragraphs: -Respond to the questions in a cohesive way and use examples and details to support your ideas. Attention should be given to both the content and organization of your thoughts. Attachment theory suggests that infant attachment classifications may lead to similar adult attachment styles in romantic relationships. How would you describe each of these people’s adult romantic attachment style based on their parent-infant classification: Carly, who was securely attached to her mom; Derek, who had an anxious/ambivalent/preoccupied attachment to his parents; and Jake, who had an avoidant/fearful attachment to his parent?

Choosing a Performance Appraisal System

You are a newly hired HR professional in a medium-size company, which is a video gaming company that is globally recognized as a leader and groundbreaking competitor. It is a young firm that has grown quickly, from one having no HR staff to having five HR professionals supporting over 700 employees and a performance appraisal system that has been in place for several years. The management team is not all that comfortable with any system of appraisal but has accepted that one is required. The organization currently has a healthy employee engagement program. Part of the program is a yearly organizational satisfaction survey that over time has provided employee input about what they perceive as a lack of performance appraisal effectiveness. Employees feel the current performance appraisal system is not capable of identifying struggling and failing employees. At the same time, it is also described as not having the capacity to recognize the best performers in the organization. That is, there is a stated desire from employees for a performance appraisal system that can better differentiate performance outcomes. The current performance appraisal system is similar to the traditional academic evaluation system with five levels of performance: superior, outstanding, contributing substantively, developing, and needing improvement. The leadership in the organization insists that a new three-level (superior, contributing substantively, and needing improvement) will favorably respond to the employees’ viewpoint. This new appraisal system that tracks the assignment of each level by employee would limit how many high threes would be given every year, thus most people in the organization would fall into the category of contributing substantively. Your Challenge As an HR professional in the organization, you desire the best outcome for your organization and its employees, and are not sure if this three-level system would be best. Your challenge is to select the best course of action among the following options and recommend that action to the leadership team. You can recommend 1) they retain the current five-level performance appraisal system, 2) they adopt the three-level system with forced-distribution preferred by the leadership team (superior, contributing substantively, and needing improvement), or 3) an alternative. Assignment Instructions Prepare a 2–3-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the following: An analysis of how your proposed solution contributes to organizational goals and strategies. A description of the legal factors you considered in making your decision. A brief explanation of the role you will take to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation. A discussion of the two SHRM behavioral competencies you think are most directly applicable to a successful resolution of this challenge, and why. Review the HR Challenge: Choosing a Performance Appraisal System Scoring Guide to see the criteria by which your assignment will be evaluated. Before submitting your assignment for evaluation, submit a draft to SafeAssign to check your use of source material.