Defensive and Supportive relationships

Defensive and Supportive relationships

Defensive & Supportive Relationships 20 Points Possible Identify one relationship in which you feel on-guard and defensive, and one relationship in which you feel comfortable and supported. Describe and analyze the communication behaviors in each relationship. To what extent do the defensive and supportive communication behaviors explain the climates of these two relationships? I would limit the textual support to include information from chapters 8-10. I will be looking for specific concepts from the text clearly articulating the examples. Within the above mentioned chapters you may limit it to a few of the verbal or nonverbal messages communicated that create a supportive and defensive climate. This essay should be two pages in length and follow standard formatting guidelines.

How assessments influence classroom environments

Write a 750-1000 word reading assessment plan that includes creating and delivering instruction addressing diverse learning strengths and needs, as well as creating opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. Be sure to include how assessments influence classroom environments. Use 3-5 scholarly sources to support your plan. Include examples of two formal and two informal assessments that you might use in your classroom that can be differentiated for diverse populations, and that would measure vocabulary, fluency, or comprehension. The assessments need to be created, but generic enough to be used in other units. For example, a “ticket out the door” and a “KWL” are examples of informal assessments that can be used to check comprehension (choose assessments other than the two mentioned).

Diversity and Immigration

Argumentative Research Paper You will write a research paper which argues position on a focused topic about Diversity and Immigration. Your arguments must be logical, clear, and well supported using academic sources. You should also use rhetorical devices in your paper to achieve your purpose and convince your audience. Paper Requirements: • 4-5 typed pages, standard font and paper formatting. • At least three academic sources. • MLA citations and Works Cited page. Graded Assignments: 1. Annotated Bibliography (100 pts) 2. Draft (50 pts) 3. Final Paper (200 pts) Grading Criteria for Final Draft • Main Idea (25%): Paper develops a clear position on a focused topic with logical, relevant persuasive reasons. • Content Development (25%): Supporting ideas are well developed using relevant evidence from academic sources. • Organization (15%): Well organized with clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Effective transitions guide the reader through the paper. • Rhetorical Strategies (10%): Effective use of a variety of rhetorical devices to argue your position and convince your audience. • Language (15%): Writing is easy to understand. There may be minor errors in grammar or vocabulary that do not interfere with overall meaning. • MLA Citations (10%): Sources are correctly cited in-text and in the Works Cited page.

Comparing Asa Gray and William Turner

Comparing Asa Gray and William Turner

Read the introduction to Part I in The American Intellectual Tradition (p. 3) You are assigned to read Turner and James and then any two of the others listed. So you will read four authors only, two of which are Turner and James. Asa Gray (p. 6-11) (not required reading) Charles Pierce (p. 16-26) (not required reading) Charles A. Briggs (p. 37-41) (not required reading) Frederick Jackson Turner (p. 60-68) (not required reading) William James (p. 69-82) (not required reading) George Santayana (p.108-120) (not required reading) Write a 450-500 word journal with your thoughts on the following question: Compare and contrast two of the writers and their ideas? What made them so different/alike? When you’ve completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop. Title the paper by the two author’s last names. For instance: “Comparison of Arnold and Jones”. If you quote any thing or use any information that you find in your text or in another source, then be sure to cite it using correct APA format. This means if it is a direct quote, you must have a page number in the citation. Strict APA formatting will be enforced.

Analyzing the Gender Pay Gap Through the Lenses of History and the Humanities.

This is a paper analyzing the gender pay gap through the lenses of history and humanities. There must be two scholarly sources for EACH lens. When analyzing through the history lens, address the following: 1) How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues? 2) In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that form the gender pay gap? When analyzing through the humanities lens, address the following: 1) How is the issue/event portrayed creatively in society? What is the message or commentary of this representation? 2) How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives?

The Hospitality and tourism industry

Create a document/experience outlining your personal brand. In essence, you are creating an advertisement for yourself that highlights your skills, qualifications, and other desirable employment traits. Please create a flyer. Part 2: Read Chapter 13. Careers and Work Experience Micki McCartney and Lynda Robin introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC book.can be found on you tube and this link can be helpful. Complete this Career map type into the boxes (it is an editable PDF). As you complete the Career Map, be sure to consider the various industry trends and evolutions we are seeing throughout the world. Review career postings via the LinkedIn Jobs link in Module 7. Take particulate notice of required skills/qualifications for positions you aspire to hold. Be sure your short and long team goals directly address these required skills/qualifications. A little summary that can help with the 2nd part of this summary. “I currentely work in the hospitality industry as banquet server for Marriott. I Aspire to be a leader one day also open my own busissness through air airbnb or work as banquet manager.. Part 2 (Career Map) Be sure you are positioning yourself to be a a competitive, in-demand employe of the future. Part 3 (Personal Brand) Be creative and leverage the unique skills and traits that make you awesome!”

Supply and demand, trade, price ceiling/floors, externalities, and public goods

1. Go through the economics section of newspapers and/or magazines such as the New York Times, BBC, Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Bloomberg News, etc and pick and article that you like that is related to the concepts that we have covered so far in class (supply and demand, trade, price ceiling/floors, externalities, and public goods). 2. Read that article and then write a 2 to 3 page summary (double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman) on that article. 3. On the first part part of the article, you should summarize what the article is talking about. In the second section of the article, you should explain what the article is talking about using the concepts you have learned in economics. For example, if the article is about demand for a specific product (, you can use supply and demand diagram to explain what is happening to price due to a fall in demand, 4.For examples of news articles, you can search #ElonEcon111 on Twitter.

Recommendation for improving professional liability resolution

Specify one recommendation for improving professional liability resolution and find two journal articles from the peer-review literature that support your recommended alternative. For your recommendation, address the following: How does the procedure work as an alternative to standard civil litigation? In what states, and under what circumstances, has the procedure been adopted? Has it been effective and how has this been determined? Attach copies of your articles, and any other source material to your analysis.

Utilize the below questions to analyze the issue of homelessness in America

Utilize the below questions to analyze the issue of homelessness in America. Each question should be its own subheading. Going Around the Circle: The Basic Process of Analysis

1. What is the person’s main purpose in this piece of reasoning? (Also, what other goals or objectives does the person hope to accomplish in this piece of reasoning?) 2. What is the key question or problem the person is addressing? (Also, what are two or three of the most important subsidiary questions at issue?) 3. What is the most important information the person is using to reason through this issue? (Also, what other information or data does the person need in this piece of reasoning?) 4. What are the person’s major conclusions? How is the person interpreting this issue? (Also, how does the person answer the main question at issue? What solutions are being offered?) 5. What are the main concepts the reasoning depends on? (Also, how does the person understand those concepts? How do those concepts fit together in the person’s reasoning?) 6. What are the main assumptions the person is making in this piece of reasoning? (Also, what are the crucial stated and unstated assumptions the author is making?) 7. What are the main implications and consequences of the person’s reasoning? (Also, what are some of the unforeseen consequences of this line of reasoning?) 8. From what point of view is the person addressing this question? (Also, what other points of view are necessary to understand this piece of reasoning? What discipline’s point of view is being used to address this issue? What other disciplines would help illuminate this reasoning?) 9. What is the context of the issue the person is addressing? (Also, what circumstances led up to the issue and to this person’s reasoning? What is the background in the discipline [scientific, artistic, cultural, business, sociological, etc.] in which this issue is being addressed?) 10. What alternatives are there? (Also, what alternative answers could you reasonably give to the preceding questions? What alternatives are there to the person’s reasoning?

Extensive interviews with a person with a disability


Completed Applied Final Project. For this assignment, each student will write a paper that involves either extensive interviews with a person with a disability or an application of the principles of this course to at least two current events involving disability and/or people with disabilities. In this paper, students will integrate information from class readings and discussions with what they learn from the interviews or additional readings. The paper will synthesize academic material with the experiences of a person(s) with a disability. A brief proposal for final project that provides the subject to be discussed, or the person to be interviewed or the books to be utilized and including some the references that will be cited in-text. If you would like to get started on your project paper before then, your proposal may be submitted at any time.

However, please do not begin work on your final project until your proposal has been approved. Format Requirements for Applied Final Project: • Font = 12 point; Times New Roman. Line spacing 2.0 (double line space). Points will be deducted if format did not adhere to these instructions. • The paper will be 7 – 8 pages in length not including the pages for abstract and references. • Please use in-text citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style, as shown in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. List all documents used in a bibliography (reference list) at the end of your paper, and follow bibliographic formatting. • Be sure to use appropriate language; do NOT use colloquial language; this is an official written assignment. • Grammar and spelling are important to this assignment.