Public administration and Governance

Public administration and Governance

This is your Final Exam for CPPA 101. Please Answer FIVE (5) of the following questions and return your responses as Word documents to the Final Exam Dropbox Folder no later than July 30, 2019 at 12pm. Answers should be approximately 350-500 words in length. Each question will be graded out of five (5) marks for a total of 25 percent. Although there are ten (10) questions listed, you are only responsible for answering the five (5) of your choice. While you are welcome to consult external sources, there is no requirement that you do so. Your answers should demonstrate clear evidence that you have consulted and understood our course readings. The best answers will reference the readings and apply them to demonstrate knowledge of the subject-matter. Although your exam should be in APA format, you do not have to cite every single point you draw from the modules, the textbook, or the discussion questions unless you are citing a quote. Similarly, if you are bringing in external resources (not a requirement, but this is an option) you should cite it. Given that this is a take-home exam, I will be expecting a higher quality of reply than I would in an in-class, timed exam. ‘A’ level answers will demonstrate a clear understanding of the subject-matter, and an ability to critically engage with the questions. To this end, I am not looking for summaries of the readings, but rather your ability to use the readings to address the questions. The best answers will incorporate course themes and discussions into their answers. Sources used should be referenced using APA formatting as you would with any academic paper. You should also include a title page. Because this is an exam, I am unavailable during the exam period to answer content-based questions. Your answers are NOT required to have an argument or a thesis, although it would serve you well to clearly articulate your answers near the beginning of each response. Be sure to clearly state which question(s) you are answering in your replies. Answer only one question at a time. Please Answer Five (5) of the following questions in sentence format: 1. Provide an explanation as to how each of democracy, federalism, and cabinet-parliamentary government have influenced the organization of the public administration in Canada? Explain your answer and provide examples.

2. Provide an outline of TWO organizational theories that you think have had an impact on the Canadian public administration, and explain why and how you think these theories have influenced governance in Canada. What about these theoretical approaches have made them ideal for the Canadian public administration and has helped to shape its unique complexion? 3. What features of classic, structuralist and humanist theories best explain the relationship between managers and workers in public sector organizations? Compare these theories to contemporary theories of public administration and assess whether they promote participation by ordinary bureaucrats in the decision-making process of government organizations, or simply rationalize authoritarian control by management 4. If you were prime minister, how many government departments would you create and what would they be? What areas, if any, would you privatize and why? Justify your answer by explaining what areas of life contemporary government should be involved in. 5. Explain how the interplay of democracy and political culture affect public administration in Canada. Explain the difference between state and government and analyze how different forms of democracy affect the way government is structured, organized and run in Canada. 6. Explain what Ministerial responsibility is and how it is related to responsible government. Explain why you think it is or is not sufficient to hold the public administration to account. 7. Which of the major theories of public policy do you think is most relevant to address the issues Canada confronts in the 21st Century? 8. Describe whether you think that a written or unwritten constitutional system is a preferable way govern a society, and, offering examples, provide an appraisal of what you think of Canada’s hybrid constitutional structure, which contains elements of both. 9. The evolution of the federal spending power as a convention in Canada has allowed the federal government to have considerable influence in areas of provincial constitutional jurisdiction. Given what you know about the nature of federalism in Canada, explain whether you think the federal spending power has had a positive or negative influence on public sector governance in Canada. Explain your answer. 10. Compare and contrast the following organizational forms, including the rationale for their establishment, structures, functions, mandates and accountability relationships: a) Departments b) Central Agencies c) Regulatory Agencies d) Crown Corporations

A comparative study of Apple Inc.’s performance with Steve Jobs and Tim Cook as CEO

A comparative study of Apple Inc.’s performance with Steve Jobs and Tim Cook as CEO


Paper details:

Progressive delivery will be of the following form: 1. 500 words draft (“BM 500 Words structure.docx” form attached, please follow the structure); then I will get feedback on it and let you know what the supervisor is saying; 2. 1,000 words draft (on the same form, based on the previous 500 words); then I will get feedback on it and let you know what the Supervisor is saying; 3. 3,000 words the final paper (including references; based on the previous 1,000 words): Please follow the structure in the attached file called “BM Part 1 PROPOSAL 3000 word Structure incl Refs list and Assessment Criteria”; This has to leave room for a further paper which I am going to do on the next semester (another 5,000 words on the same topic). Now, regarding the topic, I am looking at getting a comparison of how Apple Inc was performing during Steve Jobs and how it is doing now, during Tim Cook; Some of the aspects I am looking to see, depending of the availability of information the writer can find (academic journals, google scholars, governmental websites and some other reliable sources) are: from a financial point of view (profit, shares value on the stock market, etc.), market share within the industry, brand trust/performance/awareness, staff motivation, company culture or other aspects, but please make somehow to state in the introduction which ones will be discussed and bear in mind there are only 3,000 words (including the references) so do not go for too many topics, please, if there is information you need to show, it can be added in the Appendix. I have attached a file called: “BM_EXCELLENT_MKT”, please give it a read as this the kind of thing the university is expecting from us to be in the first class grade range.

?Is the use of social media an addiction

Description You are required to produce a research report that enables you to answer the following research question: “Is the use of social media an addiction?” To complete this report, you must carry out your own research (primary research), as well as researching published sources of information about this subject area. Your research report must be written using the recommended report format – Report word limits for each section: · Title page: Not included · Terms of Reference: 100 · Contents Page: Not included · Research Methodology: 150 · Findings: 750 · Conclusion: 300 · Recommendations: 200 · Appendices: Not included · References list: Not included · Bibliography: Not included The report should be a maximum of 1,500 words in length. GUIDANCE Within the report, you will need to: • Clearly explain the purpose of your report and the research methodology that you intend to use.

• Analyse the findings from your primary research and present the data in appropriate ways so as to support your analysis. If you produce graphs, charts and/or tables, you are advised to add these to an Appendix at the end of your report and refer to these within your text where appropriate. • Analyse information that you have researched from recognised, published sources. This is referred to as a literature review. • Compare the analysis from your primary research to the analysis of the literature review, so that you are able to form an analytical argument as to whether or not the use of social media is an addiction. This should result in  you being able to analyse alternative points of view and evaluate data in terms of its relevance to the argument. • Produce conclusions and recommendations that stem from the findings of your report, and that are relevant to issues you have raised. • Ensure that relevant theory is referenced where appropriate and that a references list and bibliography are provided. • A copy of your survey, questionnaire and/or interview transcriptions must be included in the appendix. Assessment Criteria: AC 11.1: Identify and explain the rationale for a clearly focused area of study AC 21.1: Analyse information from a wider range of sources AC 21.2: Work within clearly defined parameters and established terms of reference AC 21.3: Discuss the theoretical concepts, methodology and principles of enquiry within chosen discipline AC 31.1: Summarise a relevant and analytical argument AC 31.2: Analyse alternative points of view. AC 31.3: Evaluate data in terms of relevance to the argument AC 41.1: Use a standard form of referencing AC 41.2: Use a range of terminology and or techniques to present data effectively AC 51.1: Draw conclusions from the data and present the findings of the study. AC 51.2: Make recommendations relevant to the issues raised.

To what extent can mass media be used to convey the changing ideology of feminist values?

To what extent can mass media be used to convey the changing ideology of feminist values?


Paper details:

Possibly add to the research question; “and how does its interpretation change depending on which lens is used”?; This is an IB EE Category 3 English A Language paper – Studies in Language research paper (Textual analysis skills, reference to culture and context, rooted in primary and secondary sources originally written in English. The research is about feminist ideology from a language perspective and during different time periods. – common patterns in texts, – do they support the ideology, – do they refute the ideology, – modern versus contemporary lens, – context for each time period. – Representation of women in advertising throughout the different time periods, representation of feminist values 20th century, Changing roles of women in the 20th century. Always from a language perspective. Please see attachment no 6 for further details. Additional Sources recommendations would be much appreciated.

The pitch report

The Pitch Report gives you the opportunity as an individual to expand upon the information provided in your pitch, and to provide an extended rationale that justifies the logic of your creative work. It should comprise the following: – A description of your project (200-300 words, this can be the same across all individual submissions from the group); – An account of the social, political or cultural contexts identified within the given field/topic to which the work responds. These may be ‘problems’ that need to be solved, ‘crises’ that need to be addressed, situations that need to be celebrated or made more visible, etc (300-400 words, written individually and using references where required); – An account of what your creative work aims to achieve, explaining how you see your work exposing or responding to (‘showing doing’) the performative dimensions of the cultural field in which it is situated. Here you might be mindful of the ways that performance can illuminate many things but it can’t do everything! (300-400 words written individually, providing references to other similar performance works you have identified in this course or in your own research). – #Non-assessed – Personal and group process reflection: This is space for you to provide an account of your group working process and a summary of your and your team members contributions to it and reflections upon it. Where there appear to be strong variations in contributions to the group work, a team member’s grade will be adjusted higher or lower than the group mark. The reflection section is neither mandatory, nor marked, but provides a helpful guide for your markers. If it suggests that a student’s individual contribution is more than five marks above or below the overall group mark, and the Convenors agree that this is an accurate assessment, then the group mark WILL NOT be awarded to that student. Instead, an average of the student’s individual mark and the group mark will be entered. This adjustment is intended to take account of instances where an individual’s contribution to the group’s work is clearly well above or well below the level at which the group was working as a whole. Assessment criteria for The Pitch Report (15% individual mark) i) Critical positioning: A clear and informed account of the social, cultural or aesthetic contexts in which your performance work takes place and to which your performance is responsive; (research and reading skills) ii) Innovation in approach: A rationale that shows how your work as a form of creative performance aims to engage with and respond to this context and that uses performance in innovative ways to respond to the specifics of your given provocation; (creativity and problem-solving skills) iii) Style: Writing that is presented clearly, that is edited effectively, that is researched and well-referenced and that is logically structured (communication skills)

Applying the Life Course Perspective

Assignment: Applying the Life Course Perspective As we have learned throughout this course, the life-course perspective aims to study people’s lives over time, within structural, social, and cultural contexts. At this point in the course, you should have a firm understanding of the life-course perspective and the various concepts and theories that apply at different stages of an individual’s life. The latter half of the course we have spent time discussing The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League. In these discussions, we have related this book to the life-course perspective to prepare you for your final paper. In this Final Paper, you will apply the Life Course perspective to Robert Peace’s life. As you know, this course has been structured to follow an individual’s life; for example, the importance of biology, one’s childhood, one’s family, adolescence, and adulthood. We have also spent a great deal of time discussing the importance of history and social change. To receive a passing grade on this paper, you are to discuss all the important factors in the life course, using Robert Peace’s life as an example of the life-course perspective in action. Each paper should include the following: I. Childhood & The Family (1-page minimum; 5 points). a. This should include a discussion of the importance of childhood and an individual’s family as it relates to the Life Course Perspective. Be sure to touch on the important concepts and theories we learned during these lectures. Robert Peace’s childhood and family life should be embedded within this discussion (i.e., Part I). II. Adolescence (2-page minimum; 10 points) a. This should include a discussion of the importance of adolescence as it relates to the Life Course Perspective. Be sure to touch on the important concepts and theories we learned during these lectures. Robert Peace’s adolescence should be embedded within this discussion. For the purposes of this paper, we will define Robert Peace’s adolescence as his time at St. Benedict’s and his time at Yale (i.e., Parts II and III). III. Adulthood (2-page minimum; 10 points) a. This should include a discussion of the importance of adulthood as it relates to the Life Course Perspective. Be sure to touch on the important concepts and theories we learned during these lectures. Robert Peace’s adult life should be embedded within this discussion. For the purposes of this discussion, we will define Robert Peace’s adult life as his time after college (i.e., Parts IV, V, and VI). b. Hint: do not only think of adulthood as desistance; you can pull from other concepts for this section as well. IV. The Why (approximately 4 pages; 25 points) a. This should include a discussion of why you think Robert Peace’s Life turned out the way it did. Although I am asking for your opinion, your response must be supported with research and sufficient detail (including relevant theories and concepts). b. While this section may include some similarities to previous sections, this section should include the bulk of the detail. For example, if you believe that Skeet’s life sentence to prison during Robert’s childhood caused Robert’s life to turn out the way it did, you should mention this in the childhood section of the paper and explain why this event would have an impact on one’s childhood. However, in this section, you should discuss – in detail – why this event played a role throughout Robert’s life. In other words, this section should use the life-course perspective to explain why you believe Robert’s life was cut short. c. Hint: It’s probably more than one event that caused Robert’s life to turn out the way it did. Use the Word Bank below to guide your thoughts when writing the paper. Please note that this box is not exhaustive; it is in your best interest to include other important Life Course concepts as well.

VIrtue Ethics vs Care Ethics

The essay paper assignment is 100 points, and is 25% of your final grade. This assignment is meant to test your ability to explain ethics more in depth and to critically analyze and compare different approaches to ethics. This must be a new essay written specifically for this class by you individually. Topic: Pick any two out of the following ethical theories: Ethical egoism*, utilitarianism, deontology*, virtue ethics, and care ethics. First, give you own cohesive summary of each of those two theories. Second, discuss the comparative strengths and weaknesses of each theory and give your own argument for which is a better approach to ethics (or why both are equally good/bad). *Students writing on egoism should focus specifically on ethical egoism; students writing on deontology should focus specifically on Kant’s form of deontology. Summary: You should summarize each of the two theories you are discussing, in about a paragraph each (or two each, if necessary). For this assignment, your summary should be free of any evaluation or judgment of each theory, but simply present a neutral explanation of the theory (any evaluation should be in your analysis). Your summary must be mostly in your own words; you can and should use key terms, and limited use of direct quotes is helpful, but you cannot just copy the text, notes or other sources. Analysis: You should discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theory, and give your own argument for which theory is better and why. This portion should not just repeat the analysis given in the text and notes, but should focus mainly on your own clearly given views and your own rationally supported argument. You do not have to argue that one theory is better than the other, as long as you have a clear conclusion that you argue for. Example Topic: Compare utilitarianism and deontology. First, summarize the main points of each theory. Then, compare and evaluate the two, giving your own argument for which is better and why. Setup: Your paper will have two main parts to it: first, a relevant summary of course material. Secondly, your own critical analysis or argument regarding the theories you are addressing. You must have both parts, roughly equal in length. In addition to those two mains parts, the paper should further begin with a one-paragraph introduction (including a thesis statement) and end with a one-paragraph conclusion. Again, this must be a new paper written specifically for this course; you cannot reuse any work from other courses.

Explain the importance of Truth to American literature or thought

Explain the importance of Truth to American literature or thought. Do not write a biography (avoid using I, me, my, our, us, you, your, etc.) you must use at least 3 outside sources and include at least one properly documented direct quote from each source for the paper. The sources may not to be dictionaries or encyclopedias, either hard copy or electronic; dictionaries and encyclopedias may be used, but they may not count as any of the three sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source FOR SOURCES USE THIS BOOKS IF ABLE TO Sojourner Truth / by Laura Spinale Sojourner Truth : a life, a symbol / Nell Irvin and Any online source

Analysis of Yukio Mishima’sTemple of the Golden Pavilion

You are to write a five to eight page (1250-1500 word) analysis of Yukio Mishima’sTemple of the Golden Pavilion. Speaking of your thesis . . .You will be responsible for developing your own thesis. Remember that a thesis is thewriter’s (in this case, yours) opinion on the subject (in this case, Mishima’sGolden Pavilion).Your thesismust focus on the novel’s setting(s), characterization(s), plot, point of view,symbolism, theme, or writing style. If you feel confident (or at the very least comfortable), youmay fill our requisite pages with nothing more than your own analysis of whichever element(s) offiction you have chosen to apply to Mishima’s masterpiece (awesome alliteration!) Or, if youlike, you may put Temple of the Golden Pavilion into the context of Mishima’s life, times,culture, the true life arson that inspired the novel, or any of his other work or the work of any ofhis literary or historical inspirations (if you’re willing to do some outside research)

Banking: Personal and Organisational Ethics

Banking: Personal and Organisational Ethics


Paper details:

Must be expert in Personal and Organisational Ethics. Please play close attention to the requirements in the paper. Remember this is a UK based paper not US. The last “TOP” writer failed this so I hope this does not happen again.