Compensation Productivity Tools

Compensation Productivity Tools

The “Right” Compensation Administration Productivity Tools

To be considered complete, all written assignments must include proper citations within the body of the paper when relevant, as well as a Reference section. Failure to cite outside sources is plagiarism and will be treated as such! You must also include a title page. Do not include pictures or graphics. All documents must be in Word format and placed in the Dropbox by the assignment deadline. Quoted material in this assignment should be <5%.

Assignment Description/Scenario

Consider yourself to be the Human Resource Systems Manager for a Global Corporation with about 15000 employees across various countries. Your company has 10000 of those 15000 employees in the U.S. You have been approached by the Corporate Compensation Manager asking your help to find specific Compensation Administration productivity tools for the US operations only.

The Compensation Department regularly must do some data intensive tasks such as:

Participating and analyzing specific salary surveys to compare your company’s compensation data with those of similar companies in similar or related industries. The compensation analysts must go through an annual exercise of benchmarking jobs and then inputting your company’s data into external salary surveying systems. After that the Compensation Analysts will engage in analyzing and comparing benchmarked survey data to internal data in the effort to update salary ranges for a Salary Ranges based Compensation System or do market pricing for a Market Based Compensation System.

Also, the compensation department must work with line HR managers and HR Reps. during the annual salary planning and budgeting process working in conjunction with the Finance Department.

The Assignment

Your job as the Human Resource Systems Manager is to search the web, do library research and find appropriate tools that can interface with your current HRIS system.

Your task is to research various tools available in the market and write a 5-page minimum paper summarizing for the Compensation Manager what appropriate standalone tools are available in the Market which the Compensation Manager might be able to adopt in their companies.

The Compensation Manager wants to automate these tasks which are now done by Compensation Analysts by hand. So, the Compensation manager wants your help in finding automated Compensation Administration Tools.

Tools such as :

1)         Salary Survey Analyzer to automate the entire Salary Surveying process,

2)         Salary Range Developer to automate the number crunching steps in updating Salary Ranges and Merit Matrices

3)         Salary Forecasting and Budgeting Tool to automate this other annual number crunching process.



The best way to go about writing this paper would be to find who the major Compensation Consulting companies are and then search their websites of what they offer by way of these tools.


Radford Associates.

Ultimate software :


You will also find material here:



Compensation Productivity Tools

The “Right” Compensation Administration Productivity Tools

To be considered complete, all written assignments must include proper citations within the body of the paper when relevant, as well as a Reference section. Failure to cite outside sources is plagiarism and will be treated as such! You must also include a title page. Do not include pictures or graphics. All documents must be in Word format and placed in the Dropbox by the assignment deadline. Quoted material in this assignment should be <5%.

Assignment Description/Scenario

Consider yourself to be the Human Resource Systems Manager for a Global Corporation with about 15000 employees across various countries. Your company has 10000 of those 15000 employees in the U.S. You have been approached by the Corporate Compensation Manager asking your help to find specific Compensation Administration productivity tools for the US operations only.

The Compensation Department regularly must do some data intensive tasks such as:

Participating and analyzing specific salary surveys to compare your company’s compensation data with those of similar companies in similar or related industries. The compensation analysts must go through an annual exercise of benchmarking jobs and then inputting your company’s data into external salary surveying systems. After that the Compensation Analysts will engage in analyzing and comparing benchmarked survey data to internal data in the effort to update salary ranges for a Salary Ranges based Compensation System or do market pricing for a Market Based Compensation System.

Also, the compensation department must work with line HR managers and HR Reps. during the annual salary planning and budgeting process working in conjunction with the Finance Department.

The Assignment

Your job as the Human Resource Systems Manager is to search the web, do library research and find appropriate tools that can interface with your current HRIS system.

Your task is to research various tools available in the market and write a 5-page minimum paper summarizing for the Compensation Manager what appropriate standalone tools are available in the Market which the Compensation Manager might be able to adopt in their companies.

The Compensation Manager wants to automate these tasks which are now done by Compensation Analysts by hand. So, the Compensation manager wants your help in finding automated Compensation Administration Tools.

Tools such as :

1)         Salary Survey Analyzer to automate the entire Salary Surveying process,

2)         Salary Range Developer to automate the number crunching steps in updating Salary Ranges and Merit Matrices

3)         Salary Forecasting and Budgeting Tool to automate this other annual number crunching process.



The best way to go about writing this paper would be to find who the major Compensation Consulting companies are and then search their websites of what they offer by way of these tools.


Radford Associates.

Ultimate software :


You will also find material here:


Automation Gives Variable Compensation a Boost (Links to an external site.)
 reviews a case study of a company that has automated its financial system (payroll) to link business objectives to performance and to pay. It reviews how other compensation dynamics can be automated for easier strategic planning, as well as employee pay .

  Online Benefits Offer Sound Advice (Links to an external site.) reviews how an online benefits program can significantly reduce HRM department expenses. It provides examples of reducing costs through employee self-service and employer management of benefits expenses.

  Use Software to Plan Compensation (Links to an external site.) reviews information on the usage of technology in companies to help in planning and tracking compensation plans. It reviews a survey of 500 HRM professionals who saw a difference in managing compensation through technology (3 pages).

  Employers Fancy HRM Technology (Links to an external site.) reviews the 21st century workplace and how HRM must focus on technological upgrades and changes in order to remain competitive. It reviews how the industry is changing and how companies are falling in line.

  HRMS Flexibility Unlocks Secret to Success (Links to an external site.) provides review of how a company is using a combination of HRIS vendor software and outsourcing to gain full advantage of technology for benefits administration.

Automation Gives Variable Compensation a Boost (Links to an external site.) reviews a case study of a company that has automated its financial system (payroll) to link business objectives to performance and to pay. It reviews how other compensation dynamics can be automated for easier strategic planning, as well as employee pay .

  Online Benefits Offer Sound Advice (Links to an external site.) reviews how an online benefits program can significantly reduce HRM department expenses. It provides examples of reducing costs through employee self-service and employer management of benefits expenses.

  Use Software to Plan Compensation (Links to an external site.) reviews information on the usage of technology in companies to help in planning and tracking compensation plans. It reviews a survey of 500 HRM professionals who saw a difference in managing compensation through technology (3 pages).

  Employers Fancy HRM Technology (Links to an external site.) reviews the 21st century workplace and how HRM must focus on technological upgrades and changes in order to remain competitive. It reviews how the industry is changing and how companies are falling in line.

  HRMS Flexibility Unlocks Secret to Success (Links to an external site.) provides review of how a company is using a combination of HRIS vendor software and outsourcing to gain full advantage of technology for benefits administration.

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x ray tube and effect of change the target angles by Gian 4 prgram

x ray tube and effect of change the target angles by Gian 4 prgram

{radiation engineering } Hi dear writer can you please write about the meaning and defination of xray in one page then 3 pages about who product xray and definition of every part of xray tube {ways and graphic } of every part to product Xray until targets then photons after that which is xray .then 4 pages about study How changing the angle of target will increase more photons {xrays] by using Gian 4 and use more graphic her too you can copy the structure from those articals

It is bad enough that the principles that govern competition law under articles 101 and 102 TFEU are far too imprecise.


‘It is bad enough that the principles that govern competition law under articles 101 and 102 TFEU are far too imprecise. Worse still, these principles have been developed in ways that are capable of prohibiting activities that are not genuinely anti-competitive or that otherwise pursue entirely legitimate objectives.’ Critically discuss this statement with reference to relevant case law, legislation and Commission notices.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Term Paper – Each student will complete a term paper by the due date in the semester schedule over a classical composer. This is a written report of 4-5 pages in length (typed with 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced, with top and bottom margins of 1 inch and side margins no larger than 1.25 inches). The final paper will not be accepted without approval of the outline! The paper must also include a bibliography of sources used (which does not count toward the length requirement) AND internal citations (using MLA format) that indicate which source was used and where. For information on MLA citation and how to cite internally, consult the mla guide provided in the welcome module in Canvas. Please note: a bibliography alone is not enough documentation for a college level term paper. Thoughts within the paper taken from other sources, even if reworded, must be cited using internal citations. If you do not internally cite your sources it is considered plagiarism, as you are not giving the author credit for their intellectual property. A simple title will suffice, no need for class name. After which you should proceed with the content of your paper. NOTE: IF IT IS NOT AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT, IT MUST BE CITED! The report should include the following: When and where the composer was born, lived, and died Major influences in his or her artistic life Major compositions or texts written Other elements you deem important to the composer’s life and compositional output. Emphasis in your paper should be on the historical and musical impact of your chosen composer. Avoid theoretical analyses of the works of the composer, as that is far beyond the scope of this particular class. Biographical materials are available in both the Richland Community College LRC and the Decatur Public Library. You may also find recordings of each composer’s music at the public library. A good resource for beginning research is the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, which may be found in the reference section of the LRC or the reference department at DPL. AT LEAST four sources should be used in writing the paper, with only two coming from the internet (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source!). The other sources must either be a book or an article from a scholarly journal.

what must be considered when planning personal communication as classroom assessment

1. According to the text, what must be considered when planning personal communication as classroom assessment? 2. How do you keep track of student learning and understanding when using personal communication assessment? 3. Do you think this type of assessment is appropriates to children with special needs? How so? 4. Choose one of the following: Watch video 2 and write down questioning strategies that the teacher used. Watch video 4 and write down discussion strategies that the teacher used.  1. According to the text, what must be considered when planning personal communication as classroom assessment? 2. How do you keep track of student learning and understanding when using personal communication assessment? 3. Do you think this type of assessment is appropriates to children with special needs? How so? 4. Choose one of the following: Watch video 2 and write down questioning strategies that the teacher used. Watch video 4 and write down discussion strategies that the teacher used. Use the following book: Chappuis, J.; Stiggins, R.; Chappuis, S., & Arter, J. (2012). Classroom assessment for student learning: Doing it right – using it well. (Second Edition). New York: Pearson. Chapter 8.. Also use at least 2 citations from this book in each question…So all together min 8 citations..Please write page and book next to each citation.

Understanding of the historic and contemporary reasons for inequalities in the New Zealand labour market

Write a presentation content – Understanding of the historic and contemporary reasons for inequalities in the New Zealand labour market. Description * How and why are people’s occupational choices constrained and facilitated? And how does social group membership influence these opportunities & constraints? * utilise concepts of Ideology and Power * examples from the New Zealand context

KKK during Roaring 20’s

What we see now is that the 20’s have quite a few different themes going on. There is a massive resurgence of national pride and with that some very disturbing aspects of American Society are emboldened. The 20’s are often romanticized in parties with themes of the Great Gatsby and such but there is much more to it than that. You have prohibition, the KKK making huge statements, anti-immigration and several other issues that often get overlooked by this decade of fun as many would remember it. Pick one topic of the decade and discuss it. It can be either a pleasant one that has to do with the arts (music, books, etc.) or one of the less pleasant issues. Discuss the KKK its impact and why it is discussed in most spheres of discussion when the “Roaring 20’s” come up.

Leadership Profile of Steve Jobs

Leadership Profile of Steve Jobs

Leadership Profile Paper Purpose/Goals: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of key course material Critique and evaluate the leadership style of a public figure Evaluate and reflect on your individual leadership style Synthesize research and theories of leadership What you will do: MUST USE 2 REFERENCES FROM THIS TEXTBOOK: Leadership: A communication perspective (7th edition) by Johnson and Hackman. This paper will be an in-depth evaluation of a public leader. Therefore, you are going to want to find information on a leader (you get to define that term in this case) by reading newspaper articles, websites, accounts of others, biographies, etc. In a 5 – 8 page paper (double-spaced, Times 12 point font, 1″ margins) develop a profile of that leader. In doing so, you will also connect course concepts and theories to your explanation and then connect those to your understanding of your own leadership style. You should cite the textbook and at least 2 other peer-reviewed scholarly research articles Instructions Start your paper with an introduction that describes your paper and previews the main sections of the paper. In the first 2 pages, provide background information on the leader you selected. Here are some things that you might want to include (this is not an exhaustive list, so if there is something else that you want to include, please do…you also do not need to include all of this: Background on early life – birthplace, birthdate, parents, childhood, etc (include any stories, if you have them) Growing up – what do you know about how this person grew up? Are there any anecdote that might give us insight into their development? Education – did they have any formal education? If so, what do you know about their formal education? Professional Experience – what was their career trajectory (or other professional experience).

If they are a political or religious figure, how did they become prominent? Quotes or memorable ideas and concepts form them. Notable leadership idea – what do you think the person’s legacy is? After you have given us a pretty clear biography of the person, I would like you to spend some time (a couple of pages) identifying key course ideas and concepts and connecting them to what you know about the person. Here are some larger ideas and concepts you may want to include (again, not an exhaustive list): Symbolic nature of leadership How communication functions with leadership Storytelling Styles of leadership Task and Interpersonal leadership Follower/Leader dynamics Trait, Situational, Functional, and Skills approaches Relational ledership Leader-Member Exchange Transformational and Charismatic Leadership Power Conflict and Negotiation Credibility and Compliance Gaining How this person leads groups, teams, or organizations Perspectives on Public Leadership How they approach diversity and ethics Servant Leadership How they have dealt with crises. Again, you can focus on any these concepts (or other) I would like you really paint a picture of what you think this person’s leadership profile looks like. Be descriptive and build an argument using the text and research articles that you have found on these topics (or others). In the next part of your paper (about 2 pages or so), I would like you to profile yourself. What type of leader are you? How does your leadership skill and ability connect to the profile that you just built for this public leader (compare and contrast yourself to them). Finally, I would like you to end with a conclusion (about 2 paragraphs or so). In the first part of the conclusion, I would like you to describe why you think leadership is important for groups, teams, organizations, and the public. The last paragraph should conclude your paper. 1. Include a cover page in APA format 2. Next, the body of your paper (minimum of 5 pages, maximum of 8 pages)



1) Review the Thompson text and apply your knowledge of strategy/policy and your Christian worldview. 2) Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for a Bible verse(s) that would guide you in answering the Ethical/Social Issues question you have chosen. 3) In a minimum of 4 pages, discuss this Bible verse and your Christian worldview as they relate to your chosen Ethical/Social Issues questions. NOTE: To earn better than a minimum grade (B) in grad school, you must go beyond the minimum and it must be considered excellent work. Format for this assignment is as follows: a. First section: Discuss the answers to your Ethical/Social Issues question (from a strategy/policy perspective). b. Second section: State your Bible verse and then discuss the verse(s). To properly address this section, it will require biblical research to put your verse(s) into context for the next section. c. Third paragraph: Discuss/analyze the importance of the Bible verse in addressing your chosen question from a Christian worldview perspective.

What is anti-semitism Why is an understanding of Anti-semitism important

Description Introduction: (500 words max but i have already written 200 words) Anti-semitism is the form of ideological oppression that targets Jews as a religious or racial group; it has persisted in many forms for over two thousand years. My Personal Interest Project will endeavour to formulate an understanding of what Anti-semitism is, investigate the individual and collective root causes of Anti-semitism that have influenced the prevalence of the prejudicial behaviour throughout time and the successfulness of intervention methods that are being taken to counteract the discrimination faced by the Jewish communities in Australia. I will be using secondary research to analyse what individual and societal attitudes, values and beliefs towards Jews influence trends in Anti-Semitic incidents in Australia. My interest in Anti-semitism stemmed from my interactions with the Jewish community where I witnessed and experienced various forms of Anti-semitism both through technologies in the media and in person. This lead me to question why these prejudicial beliefs and behaviours against Jews still exist in the 21st Century; an age where racism and discrimination against groups and minorities is highly frowned upon and illegal. actions are being taken to mitigate Anti-semitism’s prevalence in Australia. I was drawn to finding out how prevalent antisemitism was in Australia on a micro, meso and macro level and what measures were being taken to prevent these prejudicial beliefs. CENTRAL MATERIAL (2500-3000 WORDS) chapter 1,2 and 3 Chapter 1:

What is anti-semitism Why is an understanding of Anti-semitism important?