Botticelli Birth of Venus Annotation

In this assignment, you are being asked to analyze the iconography (aka content) of a famous painting NOT its style/technique/form. Specifically, you will read carefully the texts that inspired a famous Botticelli Venus painting and compare the texts to the painting. Please select either Botticelli’s Birth of Venus or the Primavera, and annotate the painting using the textual sources provided. Use the following texts to annotate *precisely* what the painting and the textual source have in common, and what is missing (what is not found in the texts provided). Your summary paragraph this time should consider the extent to which the artist follows the text, and how he might have used creative license to depart from it. THE TEXTS ARE ATTACHED BELOW. Note: Both paintings, especially the Primavera, have multiple textual sources in both classical (Latin and Greek) and vernacular (Italian). Please focus on the figures for which I provided texts: Cupid (Primavera), the Graces (Primavera), Flora (Primavera/Birth of Venus), and Venus (Birth of Venus). This assignment is designed to train you in close looking and close reading this time. Be as precise and detailed as possible, especially concerning any deviations from the text. **each annotation should be its own paragraph. Make sure to make them detailed, but concise. **ALSO, follow the instructions related to the summary paragraph detailed above.

Literate Environment Plan

Literate Environment Plan

You have finally landed a long awaited interview for a reading specialist/literacy coach position. One of the interview questions presents a scenario asking you how you would coach a new classroom teacher on creating a literate environment. In a 1,000-1,250-word analysis and utilizing the elements of the assessment plan which you developed, create a Literate Environment plan, citing 3-5 best practices. Your plan should include, but not limited to: Two assessments that would positively contribute to the literacy environment in your classroom, as well as a rationale for using those assessments. Two possible classroom arrangements where the design of the physical environment optimizes students’ use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction. Supportive social environments that are low risk and include choice, motivation, and scaffolded support to optimize students’ opportunities for learning to read and write. Suggestions for effective routines that support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another, discussions, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and learners’ attention.). Use of multiple literacies. Grouping practices that utilize a variety of classroom configurations (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) to differentiate instruction and promote literacy. Conclude your paper by addressing how you would model and coach the classroom teacher. You may include elements from assignments previously used in this class within your plan.

Analyses ofViktor Frankl use of two dictions(formal and informal language)

Analyze how Viktor Frankl uses two different levels of diction in the following passage as he explains the technique of paradoxical intention.(refer to the two levels of diction as either formal English or informal English).Quote the text to support your analysis in which you explain how frankl uses varing levels of vocabulary, including jargon- a category of formal English to make his point. “logotherapy base its technique called ‘parodical intention’ on the twofold fear brings about that which one is afraid of, and the hyper-intention makes possible what one wishes….In this approache the phobic patient is invited to attend ,even if only for a moment, precisely that which he fears. Let me recall a case .A young physician consulted me because of his fear of perspiring.Whenever he expected an outbreak of perspiration, this anticipatory anxiety was enough to precipitate excessive sweating . In order to cut this circle formation, I advised the patient, in the event that sweating should occur, to revolve deliberately to show how much he could sweat. A week later he returned to report that whenever he met anyone who triggered his anticipatory anxiety, he said to himself, ‘I only sweat a quart before , but now I’m going to pour out at least ten quarts! The result was that after suffering from his phobia for four years, he was able , after a single free himself permanently of it within one week” “Logotherapy in a nutshell” 124

Time restricted Eating diet


probably need 3-4 references to provide sufficient evidence to discuss your topic in detail. The references used should mostly be original research articles with only occasional use of review articles and no use of websites or blogs. You should describe the type of studies reviewed and include commentary on the strengths and weaknesses of the studies.nformation from the studies reviewed should then be synthesised to provide a clear summary of the topic and some practical recommendations that can be used to improve health and/or fitness. Suggestions for future research should also be provide.The article should be between 1200 – 1500 words and should be written in a style that provides useful information for the general public rather than a style more suited to the scientific community. Only use headings if there is a clear need to differentiate sections of the article.

Communication skills training program

Based on the topic of communication skills training program, please conduct a literature review to support a communication skills training program. References may not include websites, blogs, newspapers, magazines, books, textbooks, or conference proceedings. Remember, a literature review is a review of the current literature on a particular topic. The goal is not to solve a problem, so there should not be a research question. References must be scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals, published within the past 5 years.

St Augustine’s argument about the existence of evil

-Agree and defend St Augustine’s argument about the existence of evil -Minimum 4 sources other than the book -use at least 2 other philosophers to prove your argument -6 pages minimum -work cited required Project Breakdown: The project for this class will be a paper in which you will argue for or against a philosophical position. You will need to pick a specific philosophical position from a specific philosopher and use other philosophical points of view to either argue for it (meaning you are attempting to prove its accuracy), or against it (meaning you are attempting to prove that it is not accurate).


Prompt: choose a type of music that you find intriguing (the quizzes are full of clips for you to listen to) and situate it within the history of music, including not only formal elements but also social elements. If you choose relatively early music, is it religious or secular? (If the latter, what position did secular music have in society?) If you choose something contemporary (rock, country, rap, ambient, dub, etc.) you should discuss this as part of an implied musical “conversation” between artists about what this art should be. Submit a performance, along with a 1000 word + essay on the work’s importance to thehistory of music/theater, as always with commentary on its humanistic aspects. Mozart and the musical tradition he came out of and what was unique about him, what he wrote and what he did with his music (and his music’s impact on subsequent generations). you can also include material on the social aspects of his musical production (e.g. sponsorship by/dependence on royal courts), and how that compares with how others made a living doing music in the past.

Compare and contrast the ways in which attitudes and opinions differ between the United States and another country as related to agricultural production and genetically modified foods.

“Where you live, the people you associate with, and various social and political characteristics help shape our opinions on a variety of challenging issues that we face every day. As Americans, we face challenges of a changing climate (and associated natural disasters), environmental concerns (like the 2010 BP oil spill), food standards (like the use of antibiotics in cattle) for example. People from around the world are also dealing with these same issues, often from a very different perspective (did you know that many food preservatives commonly used in the United States are banned in Europe?). As a result, we can start to see the impact of culture and geography on how we think about and deal with these challenging issues.” Compare and contrast the ways in which attitudes and opinions differ between the United States and another country (writer’s choice) as related to agricultural production and genetically modified foods. Report will be descriptive and factual in nature, with clarity of organization and expression as well as a demonstration of an understanding of the area and topic. 7 pages in length (not including Works Cited page,) typed, double-spaced, and should also include: a clear title and topic statement, an introduction, body (with supporting citations,) and summary and/or conclusion, and a works cited page (at least 4 different credible sources, no Wikipedia.)

Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention –Barack Obama August 28 2008

Instructions: Identify the topic of the speech and include relevant background information. Introduce the speaker’s name, the occasion of the speech, the location of the speech, the intention of the speech and the audience. At the end of the introduction, include a thesis statement that states your opinion of the speech’s effectiveness at fulfilling the topic and meeting its intention. Be sure to state the overarching reason that led you to this opinion. Expand upon information about the speaker in a paragraph. Mention how the speaker establishes his credibility within the speech. Discuss how the speaker shows his connection to speech’s subject matter and establishes a relationship to the audience. Discuss the content of the speech. Mention the use of any repetition or themes. If the speech fits into a certain genre, mention how its structure reflects similar speeches. Write a paragraph about the structure of the speech. Discuss whether the beginning, middle and the end of the speech are recognizable and how. Mention the style, sentence structure or similarities in paragraph structure. Analyze whether the form and content complement each other in a paragraph. Construct a paragraph about the tone of the speech. Consider the word choice within the speech and how it affects the message. Also, consider vocabulary and use of figurative language. Reinforce your thesis statement about the speech’s effectiveness or success. In other words, clarify whether you believe the speech’s content is successful at conveying its message. Mention the speech’s shortcomings and highlights. Your conclusion should reinforce the main ideas from your introduction, but it should not repeat or summarize them.

These are your options. Please choose one: 1. Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention –Barack Obama August 28, 2008 2. Remarks on the War on Terror- George W. Bush March 19, 2008 3.Address of Affirmative Action- Bill Clinton July 19 1995 4.Address to the Nation on the Invasion of Iraq-George H Bush January 16, 1991 5.Address on the Situation at the University of Mississippi John F Kennedy September 30 1962 SPEECH LINK:

The Budgeting Process


You have been hired as a managerial accountant by Mr. Smith of Wilson-West Manufacturing, a start-up company that produces several different product lines. He would like you to set up the cost accounting system for the cabinet division. Listed below are your new job requirements and at least 1 task for each. Compile a document or 1200-1500 words with the following requirements: Types of costs Explain what types of costs you plan on using to distinguish the different types of cabinets that will be produced. Examples should include direct costs items, indirect costs items, as well as variable costing. What are at least 5 types of expenses that are associated with manufacturing the cabinets? Cost accounting methods Explain how product costing is used for a cabinet division. Give 2 examples of how you will use product costing. Which costing method will you use for the cabinet division: Activity-based costing (ABC), job order costing, or process costing? Validate your answer with 2–3 reasons for and 2–3 reasons against the other types of costing.