Harry Potter Religious Perspective essay

Argumentative essay Over the past week or so, we have been closely examining the Harry Potter series from two opposing religious contexts: those in favor of Harry as a Christian figure, and those who view the Harry Potter series as inherently anti-Christian. For this assignment, you will select one of three potential prompts, each of which will require you to consider Harry Potter from a religious angle distinct from those that we will be looking at in class, and compose an argumentative essay supported by research. In order to complete this task successfully, you will need to take a firm position on this issue and make this position explicit in your paper, using examples from both the series and scholarship in order to support your thesis. The prompt options are as follows: Option One: Harry Potter and the Canon of Saints Essay. In Harry Potter and the Legends of Saints, Hennequin draws connections between Harry, Neville, and the legend of St. George. Conduct some research on other saints in the Catholic Canon, and make an argument on how characters in the series embody the traits and/or echo the stories of other patron saints. Support your argument with at least 3 secondary scholarly sources and 1 primary source. Option Two: Non-Christian Perspectives Essay. Conduct research on a world religion other than Christianity and this religion’s views on the Harry Potter series. Develop your own argument relating the two. If you cannot find any material specifically stating the religion’s views of Harry Potter, then make your own educated guess based on the scholarly research you have found on your selected religion. Support your argument with at least 3 secondary sources and 1 primary source. Option Three: Contributing to the Conversation Essay. For this option, you will be engaging directly with existing perspectives we have looked at for the series. This argument could be expanding upon one of the bodies of argument we’ve looked at, challenging/refuting existing arguments, or developing your own religious perspective on the series. Support your argument with at least 3 secondary sources and 1 primary source. Each of these prompts encourages you to develop a more specific, focused argument, begin conducting your own academic research, and support your own position through a combination of both secondary (scholarly) and primary (Harry Potter) sources while engaging in the act of digital composition. In this way, this paper, regardless of which prompt you select, will help you to continue to develop your argumentative writing skills and prepare you for the final research paper. The different prompt options allow you to think of this topic from a new angle and explore your own interests while reinforcing important writing skills and concepts. Additional Requirements

The future of Networked Hospitality

Airbnb: The future of Networked Hospitality

Paper details Please read and evaluate the attached business paper on Airbnb: The future of Networked Hospitality 1. What are the market forces that are driving this disruption in the hospitality industry? 2. How can a hotel leverage on the disruptive forces to evolve or innovate their business model? 3. Prepare a Executive summary to highlight your observation.

Diversity and culture

Diversity and culture

Instructions Valuing diversity in the workplace is essential to creating an inclusive culture of caring. For this assignment, please choose from one of the following scenarios and appropriately apply each of the five key attributes (communication, flexibility, integrity, ethical behavior, critical thinking skills) describing how you as the professional would handle the situation. Scenario 1: A social worker calls on a Hispanic client who does not speak any English. The social worker is refused entrance to the home because she is Caucasian even though the social worker speaks fluent Spanish. Scenario 2: A female Muslim patient refuses care from you, a qualified male nurse. She refuses to explain to you why she is requesting a different caregiver.

Act 2 “One Tin Solider Rides Away” of This American’s Life podcast episode Mob Mentality

 Act 2 “One Tin Solider Rides Away” of This American’s Life podcast episode Mob Mentality (episode 158)


Paper details:

1.Begin the paper with a brief analysis of the cultural dimensions of your own 7th grade class to provide a basis for comparison of what was happening in the class discussed in “One Tin Soldier Rides Away”. Please note, that even if you were homeschooled, your 7th grade class would still have its own unique culture and corresponding cultural dimensions to be discussed. 2.Next, identify, and describe in detail, the cultural dimensions the students from the podcast attempted to establish in their school. Provide supporting evidence from the podcast that demonstrates the presence of each cultural dimension. 3.Then, explain the impact that each cultural dimension had on the group as a whole, either in its successful totalitarian regime or its ultimate dissolution. Note: There are three sets of cultural dimensions included in the text, you’ll be choosing one cultural dimension from each set, for a total of three cultural dimensions for this section of the paper. 4.The students had established such a strong group identity that they stormed the principal’s office without even knowing what they were protesting. Chapter 6 introduces the concepts of symbolic convergence and fantasy, and the role each plays in shaping a shared group identity. Analyze the seventh grade students’ group and explain, with supporting evidence, how they used each of these in constructing such a tightly bonded group.

Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of comNorthrop Grumman Company, and identify two (2) key factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success (i.e. competition, economy, weather, technology).


According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. Please choose ONE of the following companies to research for this assignment or you may choose to write about the company you currently work for. Northrop Grumman

Please write a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you:

1. Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of your company, and identify two (2) key factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success (i.e. competition, economy, weather, technology).

2. Suggest 2-3 ways in which the primary stakeholders (i.e. employees, consumers, suppliers, stockholder) can influence the organization’s profitability. 3. Specify one (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with your company. 4. Submit a reference page with at least three (3) quality references that you have used for this presentation / paper. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources

IT Capabilities and Organizational Performance: Role of IT Benefits and IT Challenges

Please find attached the Research Proposal, adopted Questionnaire, and dissertation outline. Collect Data from Managers and IT experts of at least 170 Pakistani Manufacturing SMEs and 170 Southwest China (Sichuan Province) Manufacturing SMEs.(Please send me the collected data in CSV format). Analyze the data and interpret the data. Please write the research paper according to the attached “Dissertation Outline”. Please attached every graph and Table. Please focus more on the analysis and interpretation as this paper will be part of my thesis.

Analysis of Nintendo

You need to write:1. Use Porter’s five forces to analyze Nintendo(the threat of new entrants is moderate, the bargaining power of suppliers is high, the buyer’s bargaining power is limited, the threat of substitutes is high, existing competitors have high competitiveness). 2. Use international strategy to analyze Nintendo. (about 300-350 words) (Nintendo’s main competitors are Microsoft and Sony.)(Probably needs 5 references in APA format)

Life Span Interview

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper in which you provide a narrative analysis of the Life Span Interview you completed. The paper should: Provide a chronological history of the individual’s major life experiences. Identify specific biological, psychological and sociological influences that shaped the individual’s experience. Analyze the individual’s experiences by applying theory and concepts learned throughout both HBSE courses. Provide your reflection of the experience, both in interviewing the individual and analyzing their narrative. Explain what you learned and how you will apply this to future social work practice. Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Throughout the HSBE I and II courses, you have explored the biological, psychological, and sociological aspects of different phases of the human life span. You have explored life-span development theories that help to explain human behavior. You also have considered how the social environment influences individuals and their behavior. Gathering facts about a client’s life span through the interview process is an important social work skill. This week, you practice this skill by interviewing an older adult using the questions in the Life Span Interview document available in this week’s resources. For this week’s Assignment you transform your interview notes into a narrative—that is, a life story—of the older adult ­you interviewed. You interweave within this narrative an analysis of the life story by applying person and the environment concepts to your understanding and interpretation of that story. Learning Resources Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. Required Readings Dybicz, P. (2012). The hero(ine) on a journey: A postmodern conceptual framework for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 267–283. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Villadsen, K. (2008). ‘Polyphonic’ welfare: Luhmann’s systems theory applied to modern social work. International Journal of Social Welfare, 17(1), 65–73. Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases. Document: Life Span Interview (PDF) You will use this document for your Life Span Interview Assignment. Optional Resources Use the link below to access the MSW home page, which provides resources for your social work program.

Evaluate how the president uses informal powers

What has the White House done to increase the president’s power over the years? How have these informal powers affected what the President has done (using recent presidents for examples would be useful)? How have these powers been used/abused by the Presidents in your opinion and why? Are there things our President would not have been able to accomplish if not for informal powers (again, recent examples would be useful)? Have we allowed the President to become too powerful? Please also feel free to evaluate and review the recent transition of power between President Obama and President Trump. Many examples of informal powers have occurred during this time – evaluate them closely and from a neutral perspective (this isn’t your chance to give me a political rant).



Paper details FINAL ASSESSMENT – Hypothetical Situations Planning a funeral of a crime victim is can be difficult, to say the least for family members. May crime victims families can’t afford to pay for their loved one’s funeral, therefore the search for assistance. Funeral assistance for victims of crimes can derive from Go-fund accounts, State of Florida Crime Victim funds and some church will provide services for free. The requirements funeral plan can include, choose funeral homes, make arrangements with a funeral home, select merchandise, select viewing service, and selecting final a resting place or deposition. Make-up final assessments will be given only under “extenuating” and “documented” circumstances.